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Sobre Darkhaos

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  1. I see this server has a lot of features, but it doesn't have Game Store. I can add the Game Store system if you provide the sources.
  2. But glooth spear is added since 10.55 i think. You can already use this item but it just have the shoot effect of a spear.
  3. Sorry for post on english, but i don't speak br. I added the distance effect "glooth spear". You can add it following this: Go to const.h After (I added the comma): CONST_ANI_ENVENOMEDARROW = 51, Paste: //52 is empty CONST_ANI_GLOOTHSPEAR = 53, Go to luascript.cpp and register the enum registerEnum(CONST_ANI_GLOOTHSPEAR) Go to tools.cpp After (I added the comma): {"envenomedarrow", CONST_ANI_ENVENOMEDARROW}, Paste: { "gloothspear", CONST_ANI_GLOOTHSPEAR } Now change the distanceffect for glooth spear in items.xml: <item id="23522" article="a" name="glooth sp
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