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Sobre Lndot

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  1. No mapa todos os depots estão certos, com os nomes da cidade e tals
  2. Galera, to com um problema no meu server que o 7º poke a ser capturado com 6 pokes na bag não vai pro depot, captura mas não fica no depot erro na distro: [17/11/2018 15:58:02] [Error - Action Interface] [17/11/2018 15:58:02] In a timer event called from: [17/11/2018 15:58:02] datapack/actions/scripts/catch.lua:onUse [17/11/2018 15:58:02] Description: [17/11/2018 15:58:02] (luaDoItemSetAttribute) Item not found catch system.lua : local topquest = 1 function doBrokesCount(cid, str, ball) --alterado v1.9 \/ if not isCreature(cid)
  3. Oi, queria um script que transforma o poke em outro poke temporariamente, por exemplo, o Groudon em Primal Groudon e que ficasse uns 3 min
  4. Olá, Queria saber se tem como colocar algum move no Ditto, tentei colocar mas não deu, falava q da conflito na move1.lua, se puder me ajudem pfv Move1.lua: local msgs = {"use ", ""} function doAlertReady(cid, id, movename, n, cd) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local myball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) if myball.itemid > 0 and getItemAttribute(myball.uid, cd) == "cd:""" then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, getPokeballName(myball.uid).." - "..movename.." (m"..n..") is ready!") return tr
  5. bom glr eu tava adicionando o system de mega evolution por move e deu esse erro aq [31/07/2018 18:40:11] [Error - MoveEvents Interface] [31/07/2018 18:40:11] data/lib/cooldown bar.lua [31/07/2018 18:40:11] Description: [31/07/2018 18:40:11] (luaGetCreatureName) Creature not found script da mega evo function getNewMoveTable(table, n) if table == nil then return false end local moves = {table.move1, table.move2, table.move3, table.move4, table.move5, table.move6, table.move7, table.move8, table.move9, table.move10, table.move11, t
  6. Tá dando esse erro aq alguem ajuda pls [31/07/2018 13:39:50] [Warning - LuaScriptInterface::initState] Cannot load data/lib/ [31/07/2018 13:39:52] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] data/lib/configuration.lua:4742: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 55) near 'rides' rides: rides = { ["Girafarig"] = {1362, 800}, -- girafarig ["Tauros"] = {128, 580}, -- tauros ["Tauros"] = {128, 580}, -- tauros ["Ninetales"] = {129, 800}, -- kyuubi ["Rapidash"] = {130, 800}, -- rapid ["Ponyta"] = {131, 410}, -- ponyta ["Rhyhorn"] = {132, 400}, -- rhyhorn ["Arcanine
  7. [26/07/2018 14:54:02] [Error - TalkAction Interface] [26/07/2018 14:54:02] data/talkactions/scripts/createitemall.lua:onSay [26/07/2018 14:54:02] Description: [26/07/2018 14:54:02] data/lib/050-function.lua:227: attempt to index a boolean value [26/07/2018 14:54:02] stack traceback: [26/07/2018 14:54:02] data/lib/050-function.lua:227: in function 'getItemNameById' [26/07/2018 14:54:02] data/talkactions/scripts/createitemall.lua:36: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/createitemall.lua:1> deu esse erro agr
  8. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <talkactions> <talkaction access="6" words="/fala" event="script" value="talk.lua"/> <talkaction words="!buyboost" event="script" value="buyboost.lua"/> <talkaction words="/double" access="6" hide="yes" event="script" value="double.lua"/> <talkaction words="/clan" event="script" value="clan.lua"/> <talkaction words="!irbag" hide="yes" event="script" value="bag.lua"/> <!-- <talkaction words="/sorteio" access="6" hide="yes" event="script" value="sortear.lua"/> --> <talkaction words=
  9. Como assim mano? n entendo mto de script, sou GOD no sv
  10. Base: Poke illusion Criei um item e adicionei, mas quando dou /i dá esse seguinte erro [26/07/2018 13:18:27] [Error - TalkAction Interface] [26/07/2018 13:18:27] data/talkactions/scripts/createitem.lua:onSay [26/07/2018 13:18:27] Description: [26/07/2018 13:18:27] (luaDoPlayerAddItemEx) Item not found createitem.lua : function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == '') then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.") return true end local t = str
  11. Oi,esse é meu primeiro post aqui então se estiver no lugar errado move ai adm pls. Eu estou criando um poketibia,ele fica on e eu consigo entrar mas meus amigos não,pra eles aparecem Connection Failed (error 10061) como resolver? Minha config -- Account manager accountManager = true namelockManager = true newPlayerChooseVoc = false newPlayerSpawnPosX = 51 newPlayerSpawnPosY = 74 newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 7 newPlayerTownId = 1 newPlayerLevel = 1 newPlayerMagicLevel = 0 generateAccountNumber = false
  12. Não use as armas,Use a mente!

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