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Tudo que Smashden postou

  1. Hello, i have encrypted tibia.spr and tibia.dat, can some one try to decrypt it? Tibia.dat Tibia.spr
  2. Eu sei como mudar o limite por hex em 8.60 / 10.60 / 10.90 mas não sei em 10.98: /
  3. Hello, I have problem with unpacking Dragon Ball OTS client, can someone unpack it special for me or put it on the forum? Client from official site:
  4. Hello, can someone help me in add onThink to CreatureScript.cpp/h? I'm tried to copy from TFS 0.4 but I can't do this because I'm amatour in C++ That's look my .cpp and .h: creatureevent.cpp creatureevent.h I usage Devland 0.97b.
  5. I need this spell, no matter what functions I use I do not know that this function causes the server to crash.
  6. local function doPushCreature(target, cid) if target > 0 then local position = getThingPos(cid) local fromPosition = getThingPos(target) local x = ((fromPosition.x - position.x) < 0 and -1 or ((fromPosition.x - position.x) == 0 and 0 or 1)) local y = ((fromPosition.y - position.y) < 0 and -1 or ((fromPosition.y - position.y) == 0 and 0 or 1)) local toPosition = {x = fromPosition.x + x, y = fromPosition.y + y, z = fromPosition.z} if queryTileAddThing(target, toPosition) == 1 and getTileInfo(toPosition).house == false then doTeleportThing(target, toPosition) end en
  7. Hmm, I will try add parameter to the doTeleportThing maybe it will work doTeleportThing working as should, in C++ I have automatic usage true. The problem is with this: local x = ((fromPosition.x - position.x) < 0 and -1 or ((fromPosition.x - position.x) == 0 and 0 or 1)) local y = ((fromPosition.y - position.y) < 0 and -1 or ((fromPosition.y - position.y) == 0 and 0 or 1)) local toPosition = {x = fromPosition.x + x, y = fromPosition.y + y, z = fromPosition.z}
  8. I have TeleportThing(uid,newpos) but this dont want work with this spell :/ Look at my luascript.cpp:
  9. Server crash and no errors in console. I change getThingPosition to getCreaturePosition and I have again crash server.
  10. When i use doMoveCreature(target, getDirectionTo(getCreaturePosition(target), toPosition)) I have crash when CONST_ME_POFF "wave" attack monster :/ Maybe I have broken this functions: doTileQueryAdd(from TFS 0.4) or getThingPosition(from TFS 0.4) :/
  11. Hmm, I think problem is with this doTeleportThing(target, toPosition, true) because my function is little different doTeleportThing(target, toPosition) Instead use doTeleportThing can I use this function? doMoveCreature(cid, direction)
  12. Hello xWhiteWolf, I have CALLBACK_PARAM_TARGETCREATURE because I use this in oders spells. Maybe this CALLBACK_PARAM_TARGETCREATURE is different in TFS 0.3.6/0.4 than in my server. I try moving CALLBACK_PARAM_TARGETCREATURE from the upper protocol and see if it works, If no a create topic
  13. Hello, thanks for scripts. I have problem with it(Empurrar) :/ I use Devland 0.97b and I have this error: Lua Script Error: [Spell Interface] in callback: data/spells/scripts/Inferno.lua:onTargetCreature (Unknown scriptfile) attempt to index a boolean value How to fix this error?
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