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Dmy Recaida

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Atualizações de Status postados por Dmy Recaida

  1. amigo quando eu tento compilar o 0.4 da esses erros aqui. obs: eu baixei o seu dev ;\



    Documents\DEV\3777\3777-master\src\tools.cpp `MD5_CTX' was not declared in this scope 

    33 \Documents\DEV\3777\3777-master\src\tools.cpp expected `;' before "c" 

    34 Documents\DEV\3777\3777-master\src\tools.cpp `MD5_Init' was not declared in this scope 

    35 Documents\DEV\3777\3777-master\src\tools.cpp `MD5_Update' was not declared in this scope 

    37 \Documents\DEV\3777\3777-master\src\tools.cpp `MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH' was not declared in this scope 

    38 \Documents\DEV\3777\3777-master\src\tools.cpp `MD5_Final' was not declared in this scope 

    39 Documents\DEV\3777\3777-master\src\tools.cpp `output' was not declared in this scope 




    help-me plx ;\

    1. Fir3element
    2. Dmy Recaida

      Dmy Recaida

      obg amigo, resolveu u.u

      que erro é esse ?


      [11:5:50.629] The Forgotten Server 0.4

      [11:5:50.629] >> Loading config (config.lua)
      [11:5:50.676] >> Opening logs
      [11:5:51.099] > Using SHA1 encryption
      [11:5:51.099] >> Loading RSA key
      [11:5:51.099] >> Starting SQL connection

      [11:5:51.177] > WARNING: max_allowed_packet might be set too low for binary map
      [11:5:51.177] Use the following query to raise max_allow_packet: SET GLOBAL max_
      allowed_packet = 16776192;
      [11:5:51.177] >> Running Database Manager
      [11:6:01.947] > Optimizing table: account_viplist... [success]



      agora deu mais erros




      [11:20:15.586] The Forgotten Server 0.4

      [11:20:15.586] >> Loading config (config.lua)
      [11:20:15.602] >> Opening logs
      [11:20:16.070] > Using SHA1 encryption
      [11:20:16.070] >> Loading RSA key
      [11:20:16.070] >> Starting SQL connection

      [11:20:16.148] > WARNING: max_allowed_packet might be set too low for binary map
      [11:20:16.148] Use the following query to raise max_allow_packet: SET GLOBAL max
      _allowed_packet = 16776192;
      [11:20:16.148] >> Running Database Manager
      [11:20:26.764] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `TRIGGER_NAME` FROM `information_schem
      a`.`triggers` WHERE `TRIGGER_SCHEMA` = 'dbo' AND `TRIGGER_NAME` = 'ondelete_acco
      unts'; - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013)
      [11:20:26.764] > Trigger: ondelete_accounts does not exist, creating it...
      [11:20:26.764] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.652] mysql_real_query(): CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_accounts` BEFORE DEL
      ETE ON `accounts` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` NOT IN(1, 2
      ) AND `value` = OLD.`id`; END; - MYSQL ERROR: This version of MySQL doesn't yet
      support 'multiple triggers with the same action time and event for one table' (1
      [11:20:28.652] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.652] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.652] > Trigger: oncreate_guilds does not exist, creating it...
      [11:20:28.652] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.652] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.652] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.669] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.672] > Trigger: ondelete_guilds does not exist, creating it...
      [11:20:28.675] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.677] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.680] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.681] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.681] > Trigger: oncreate_players does not exist, creating it...
      [11:20:28.681] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.681] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.681] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.681] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.696] > Trigger: ondelete_players does not exist, creating it...
      [11:20:28.696] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.696] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.696] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.696] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.696] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.712] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.712] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.712] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.712] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.712] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.712] MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...
      [11:20:28.727] Failed connecting to database - MYSQL ERROR: This handle is alrea
      dy connected. Use a separate handle for each connection. (2058)
      [11:20:28.727] > No tables were optimized.


      sabe o q é ?

    3. Fir3element


      o warning n é nd, agr o resto não sei

      pegou sua database da onde?

  2. Amigo, aquele seu script de retorno automatico do pagseguro pra gesior sera que funciona em modern acc também ?

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