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  1. Hello im not sure if this is an issue, or I did a mistake, I take the sources and complied it in linux , always OK, I take the data folder of your post, and changed map, I don't touch any like global, compat, etc.. The Issue is very rare, it only affects to Knight and Elite Knight it looks like they don't have damage, , with magic sword and skills 110, to a montser or a train you don't make a hit more high as 180, but then if you make "exori" you hit correctly like 300-400 Thanks for all the work it works very good!
  2. On The same ubuntu that i have a TFS 1.0 working, its a vps.
  3. In Windows all works okay, buy when i complied it in linux, the NPC'S sells are for free (it says you don't have capacity) and give the items for free, same with the quests it says )you have found , buy you don't have enought room, buy you can take the item the times what you want. PD: no errors in terminal
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