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Sobre megazx
- Data de Nascimento 01/01/1993
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hello i use a script for critical dmg and working fine but when i step on fire with a character with critical skill i get this err [1:29:18.213] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [1:29:18.214] data/creaturescripts/scripts/critical.lua:onStatsChange [1:29:18.214] Description: [1:29:18.214] (luaGetCreatureStorage) Creature not found im using tfs 0.4 @Dwarfer this is the script local lvlcrit = 48913 local multiplier = 2 local effect = 61 function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, stat, combat, value) if(attacker == nil or isMonster(attacker)) then ret
(Resolvido)top fragger effect on player
megazx respondeu ao tópico de megazx em Suporte Tibia OTServer (Resolvidos)
@Dwarfer top guild err [0:45:49.727] data/creaturescripts/scripts/topguild.lua:18: attempt to perform a rithmetic on local 'time' (a nil value) [0:45:49.727] stack traceback: [0:45:49.727] data/creaturescripts/scripts/topguild.lua:18: in function 'SendE ffect' @Dwarfer great support here working fine thanks to Dwarfer Solved -
(Resolvido)top fragger effect on player
megazx respondeu ao tópico de megazx em Suporte Tibia OTServer (Resolvidos)
@Dwarfer this what happened when i logged in [0:45:49.724] Pally has logged in. [0:45:49.726] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [0:45:49.726] data/creaturescripts/scripts/topfrag.lua:onLogin [0:45:49.727] Description: [0:45:49.727] data/creaturescripts/scripts/topguild.lua:18: attempt to perform a rithmetic on local 'time' (a nil value) [0:45:49.727] stack traceback: [0:45:49.727] data/creaturescripts/scripts/topguild.lua:18: in function 'SendE ffect' [0:45:49.728] data/creaturescripts/scripts/topfrag.lua:12: in function <data/c reaturescripts/scripts/topfrag.lua:7> [0:4 -
(Resolvido)top fragger effect on player
megazx respondeu ao tópico de megazx em Suporte Tibia OTServer (Resolvidos)
same error here too @Dwarfer [2:29:29.883] Santa Slayer has logged in. [2:29:29.885] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [2:29:29.885] data/creaturescripts/scripts/toplvlmag.lua:onLogin [2:29:29.886] Description: [2:29:29.887] (luaGetPlayerNameByGUID) Player not found and i have this script for top level can you make it work for magic lvl and it have storage and on advance so its better and thanks again for making time to help me . local config = { time = 10, --time in seconds message = { text = "TOP LEVEL", -- Dont use more tha -
(Resolvido)top fragger effect on player
megazx respondeu ao tópico de megazx em Suporte Tibia OTServer (Resolvidos)
not working and i registered it and every thing no err in console if you just make every script alone not all in 1 script maybe it work thank you @Dwarfer -
(Resolvido)top fragger effect on player
megazx respondeu ao tópico de megazx em Suporte Tibia OTServer (Resolvidos)
thanks @Dwarfer working fine can you make another script for top magic level and top guild please i think its all about data base Query if its ok thanks in advance -
TopLevel Effect
megazx respondeu ao tópico de Bruno Minervino em GlobalEvents, CreatureScripts & Weapons
@Bruno Minervino Can you Please Make it work as top fragger or top guild . -
(Resolvido)top fragger effect on player
megazx postou um tópico em Suporte Tibia OTServer (Resolvidos)
can any one make a script that send a animated text on the player with top frags
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