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Sobre aleixoto

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581 visualizações
  1. sux.. simple php code... any have with player winers?? or any conection to db??? more simple this code
  2. jajajajaja Gesior aac use HTML AND PHP LENGUAJE MAN USE THIS LENGUAJE Xd
  3. multi client its reasson for banned??
  4. ok entendi! trainers=no rl y los trainers offline? estaria bien publicar los sources para compilar en linux
  5. only can login with protocol 10.90 not work to login with 10.91 or higher only 90 i downloadd of github becouse its more updated.. 2 month and 1first post its edited 5 month ago why on github is 10.90 and here you title project 10.91????????
  6. and mounts and outfits shop??
  7. not work for me.. http error 500..not respond i need create database??? please upload tables
  8. shop.lua not included... not work shop system... and only can login with protocol 10.90 not work to login with 10.91 or higher only 90
  9. im using ubuntu and when i download and use a tfs ghitub master.. mor erros xml npc etc on tfs.. and its compiled...
  10. using gesior 2012 tfs 1.2 i put all and not work.. database created php layout all. page helpdesk load fine with images but no interaction with submit button when start new ticket atendimiento. and admin panel of help desk is empty.. only havea header with same at>>>> empty admin panel Atendimento Admin --------
  11. Error occured! Error ID: CRITICAL ERROR More info: Cannot load page admin, file does not exist. File: C:\UniServer\www\system/load.compat.php Line: 20 File: C:\UniServer\www/index.php Line: 33 i can enter on cpanel but delete character dosent work on my gesior aac 2012 tfs 1.2
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