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Respostas em Status postados por Vodkart

  1. Fala ae vodkart , gostaria de saber se você tem algum sistema que ajude a impedir a clonagem de items num servidor de tibia, algo que desse uma id na db ou algo do tipo , pesquisei bastante e não achei por aqui.. 

  2. Boa tarde amigo, fiz uma edição em seu mod de task, porem ele não contabiliza os monstros , eu poderia lhe passar e você me mostrar oque tem de errado ???


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 
    <mod name="Simple Task" version="4.0" author="Vodkart" contact="" enabled="yes"> 
    <config name="task_func"><![CDATA[
    task_sys = {
    	[1] = {name = "Escorpiao", start = 176201, monsters_list = {"Escorpiao","escorpiao"}, level = 10, count = 10, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 2000, money = 2000},
    	[2] = {name = "Dragao Vermelho", start = 176202, monsters_list = {"Dragao Vermelho"}, level = 20, count = 20, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 2500, money = 3000},
    	[3] = {name = "Dragao Alpha", start = 176203, monsters_list = {"Dragao Alpha"}, level = 30, count = 30, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 3000, money = 3000},
    	[4] = {name = "Dragao de Gelo", start = 176204, monsters_list = {"Dragao de Gelo"}, level = 40, count = 40, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 10000, money = 5000},
    	[5] = {name = "Demonio", start = 176205, monsters_list = {"Demonio"}, level = 50, count = 50, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 10000, money = 5000},
    	[6] = {name = "Super Demonio", start = 176206, monsters_list = {"Super Demonio"}, level = 60, count = 120, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 10000, money = 5000},
    	[7] = {name = "Lucifer", start = 176207, monsters_list = {"Lucifer"}, level = 70, count = 70, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 12000, money = 7000},
    	[8] = {name = "Rowena", start = 176208, monsters_list = {"Rowena"}, level = 80, count = 80, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 8000, money = 8000},
    	[9] = {name = "Mumia", start = 176209, monsters_list = {"Mumia"}, level = 90, count = 90, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 12000, money = 8200},
    	[10] = {name = "Morte", start = 176210, monsters_list = {"Morte"}, level = 100, count = 100, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 0, money = 0},
    	[11] = {name = "Cefeiro", start = 176211, monsters_list = {"Cefeiro"}, level = 110, count = 110, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 8000, money = 8500},
    	[12] = {name = "Ghoul Alpha", start = 176212, monsters_list = {"Ghoul Alpha"}, level = 120, count = 120, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 9000, money = 9000},
    	[13] = {name = "Banshee Alpha" ,start = 176213, monsters_list = {"Banshee Alpha"}, level = 130, count = 130, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 20000, money = 15000},
    	[14] = {name = "Abaddon" ,start = 176214, monsters_list = {"Abaddon"}, level = 140, count = 140, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 25000, money = 11000},
    	[15] = {name = "Lobisomem" ,start = 176215, monsters_list = {"Lobisomem"}, level = 150, count = 150, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 20000, money = 32000},
    	[16] = {name = "Cao do Inferno" ,start = 176216, monsters_list = {"Cao do Inferno"}, level = 160, count = 160, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 22000, money = 15000},
    	[17] = {name = "Alma demoniaca" ,start = 176217, monsters_list = {"Alma demoniaca"}, level = 170, count = 170, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 25000, money = 18000},
    	[18] = {name = "Alma Angelical" ,start = 176218, monsters_list = {"Alma Angelical"}, level = 180, count = 180, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 28000, money = 26000},
    	[19] = {name = "Fantasma" ,start = 176219, monsters_list = {"Fantasma"}, level = 190, count = 190, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 30000, money = 35000},
    	[20] = {name = "Djinn Supremo" ,start = 176220, monsters_list = {"Djinn Supremo"}, level = 200, count = 200, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 28000, money = 26000},
    	[21] = {name = "Banshee Master" ,start = 176221, monsters_list = {"Banshee Master"}, level = 95, count = 210, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 30000, money = 35000},
    	[22] = {name = "Demonzin" ,start = 176222, monsters_list = {"Demonzin"}, level = 100, count = 220, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 40000, money = 40000},
    	[23] = {name = "Meleca" ,start = 176223, monsters_list = {"Meleca"}, level = 103, count = 230, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 50000, money = 45000},
    	[24] = {name = "Espantalho" ,start = 176224, monsters_list = {"Espantalho"}, level = 107, count = 240, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 30000, money = 35000},
    	[25] = {name = "CM" ,start = 176225, monsters_list = {"CM"}, level = 110, count = 250, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 66600, money = 66000},
    	[26] = {name = "Nadador" ,start = 176226, monsters_list = {"Nadador"}, level = 110, count = 260, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 70600, money = 66000},
    	[27] = {name = "Esquilo" ,start = 176227, monsters_list = {"Esquilo"}, level = 110, count = 270, points = 1, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[28] = {name = "Super Troll" ,start = 176228, monsters_list = {"Super Troll"}, level = 110, count = 280, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 74600, money = 66000},
    	[29] = {name = "Master Troll" ,start = 176229, monsters_list = {"Master Troll"}, level = 110, count = 290, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 76600, money = 66000},
    	[30] = {name = "Barata Diabolica" ,start = 176230, monsters_list = {"Barata Diabolica"}, level = 110, count = 300, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 78600, money = 66000},
    	[31] = {name = "Cuspe Divino" ,start = 176231, monsters_list = {"Cuspe Divino"}, level = 110, count = 310, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 80600, money = 66000},
    	[32] = {name = "Husk Alpha" ,start = 176232, monsters_list = {"Husk Alpha"}, level = 110, count = 320, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 82600, money = 66000},
    	[33] = {name = "Super Yeti" ,start = 176233, monsters_list = {"Super Yeti"}, level = 110, count = 330, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 84600, money = 66000},
    	[34] = {name = "Vampiro" ,start = 176234, monsters_list = {"Vampiro"}, level = 110, count = 340, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 86600, money = 66000},
    	[35] = {name = "Abobora Demoniaca" ,start = 176235, monsters_list = {"Abobora Demoniaca"}, level = 110, count = 350, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 88600, money = 66000},
    	[36] = {name = "ADM YAGO BLIND" ,start = 176236, monsters_list = {"ADM YAGO BLIND"}, level = 110, count = 360, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 90600, money = 66000},
    	[37] = {name = "Bola de Merda" ,start = 176237, monsters_list = {"Bola de Merda"}, level = 110, count = 370, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 92600, money = 66000},
    	[38] = {name = "Arvore Demoniaca" ,start = 176238, monsters_list = {"Arvore Demoniaca"}, level = 110, count = 380, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[39] = {name = "Gremilin" ,start = 176239, monsters_list = {"Gremilin"}, level = 110, count = 390, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[40] = {name = "Cao infernal" ,start = 176240, monsters_list = {"Cao infernal"}, level = 110, count = 400, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[41] = {name = "Formigao" ,start = 176241, monsters_list = {"Formigao"}, level = 110, count = 410, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[42] = {name = "Super Aranha" ,start = 176242, monsters_list = {"Super Aranha"}, level = 110, count = 420, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[43] = {name = "Baratinha Chifruda" ,start = 176243, monsters_list = {"Baratinha Chifruda"}, level = 110, count = 430, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[44] = {name = "Mosquitos" ,start = 176244, monsters_list = {"Mosquitos"}, level = 110, count = 440, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[45] = {name = "Oktus" ,start = 176245, monsters_list = {"Oktus"}, level = 110, count = 450, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[46] = {name = "Farktus" ,start = 176246, monsters_list = {"Farktus"}, level = 110, count = 460, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[47] = {name = "Kyronth" ,start = 176247, monsters_list = {"Kyronth"}, level = 110, count = 470, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[48] = {name = "Morkus" ,start = 176248, monsters_list = {"Morkus"}, level = 110, count = 480, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[49] = {name = "Exorgum" ,start = 176249, monsters_list = {"Exorgum"}, level = 110, count = 490, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[50] = {name = "Olyoptus" ,start = 176250, monsters_list = {"Olyoptus"}, level = 110, count = 500, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[51] = {name = "Oceraktus" ,start = 176251, monsters_list = {"Oceraktus"}, level = 110, count = 510, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[52] = {name = "Stykos" ,start = 176252, monsters_list = {"Stykos"}, level = 110, count = 520, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[53] = {name = "Lacoste Negro" ,start = 176253, monsters_list = {"Lacoste Negro"}, level = 110, count = 530, points = 4, items = {{6527,1}}, reward = {}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[54] = {name = "Tiranius" ,start = 176254, monsters_list = {"Tiranius"}, level = 110, count = 540, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[55] = {name = "Gordon" ,start = 176255, monsters_list = {"Gordon"}, level = 110, count = 550, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[56] = {name = "Mantus" ,start = 176256, monsters_list = {"Mantus"}, level = 110, count = 560, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[57] = {name = "Orcnith" ,start = 176257, monsters_list = {"Orcnith"}, level = 110, count = 570, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[58] = {name = "Dark Fly" ,start = 176258, monsters_list = {"Dark Fly"}, level = 110, count = 580, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[59] = {name = "Fhorates" ,start = 176259, monsters_list = {"Fhorates"}, level = 110, count = 590, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[60] = {name = "Dark Plant" ,start = 176260, monsters_list = {"Dark Plant"}, level = 110, count = 600, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[61] = {name = "Barreira Cortante" ,start = 176261, monsters_list = {"Barreira Cortante"}, level = 110, count = 610, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[62] = {name = "Dark Torturer Kollys" ,start = 176262, monsters_list = {"Dark Torturer Kollys"}, level = 110, count = 620, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[63] = {name = "Demon Kollys" ,start = 176263, monsters_list = {"Demon Kollys"}, level = 110, count = 630, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[64] = {name = "Destroyer Kollys" ,start = 176264, monsters_list = {"Destroyer Kollys"}, level = 110, count = 640, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[65] = {name = "Juggernaut Kollys" ,start = 176265, monsters_list = {"Juggernaut Kollys"}, level = 110, count = 650, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[66] = {name = "Nightmare Kollys" ,start = 176266, monsters_list = {"Nightmare Kollys"}, level = 110, count = 660, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[67] = {name = "Dwarf Guard" ,start = 176267, monsters_list = {"Dwarf Guard"}, level = 110, count = 670, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[68] = {name = "Energia Viva" ,start = 176268, monsters_list = {"Energia Viva"}, level = 110, count = 680, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[69] = {name = "Ghost Sentinel" ,start = 176269, monsters_list = {"Ghost Sentinel"}, level = 110, count = 690, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[70] = {name = "Gargola" ,start = 176270, monsters_list = {"Gargola"}, level = 110, count = 700, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[71] = {name = "Esqueleto" ,start = 176271, monsters_list = {"Esqueleto"}, level = 110, count = 710, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[72] = {name = "Lobo" ,start = 176272, monsters_list = {"Lobo"}, level = 110, count = 720, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[73] = {name = "Perverso" ,start = 176273, monsters_list = {"Perverso"}, level = 110, count = 730, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[74] = {name = "Hydroponica" ,start = 176274, monsters_list = {"Hydroponica"}, level = 110, count = 780, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[75] = {name = "Verdao" ,start = 176275, monsters_list = {"Verdao"}, level = 110, count = 790, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[76] = {name = "Aranha de Crystal" ,start = 176276, monsters_list = {"Aranha de Crystal"}, level = 110, count = 800, points = 4, items = {{6527,1}}, reward = {}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[77] = {name = "Furya" ,start = 176277, monsters_list = {"Furya"}, level = 110, count = 810, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[78] = {name = "Espirito do Fogo" ,start = 176278, monsters_list = {"Espirito do Fogo"}, level = 110, count = 820, points = 4, items = {{6527,1}}, reward = {}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[79] = {name = "Olhudo" ,start = 176279, monsters_list = {"Olhudo"}, level = 110, count = 830, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[80] = {name = "Jureg" ,start = 176280, monsters_list = {"Jureg"}, level = 110, count = 840, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[81] = {name = "Macaca Xita" ,start = 176281, monsters_list = {"Macaca Xita"}, level = 110, count = 850, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[82] = {name = "Macumbeiro" ,start = 176282, monsters_list = {"Macumbeiro"}, level = 110, count = 860, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[83] = {name = "Acogueiro" ,start = 176283, monsters_list = {"Acogueiro"}, level = 110, count = 870, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[84] = {name = "Horus" ,start = 176284, monsters_list = {"Horus"}, level = 110, count = 880, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[85] = {name = "Lechies" ,start = 176285, monsters_list = {"Lechies"}, level = 110, count = 890, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[86] = {name = "Mao Magica" ,start = 176286, monsters_list = {"Mao Magica"}, level = 110, count = 900, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[87] = {name = "Assassin" ,start = 176287, monsters_list = {"Assassin"}, level = 110, count = 910, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[88] = {name = "Dragao Esqueleto" ,start = 176288, monsters_list = {"Dragao Esqueleto"}, level = 110, count = 920, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[89] = {name = "Alien" ,start = 176289, monsters_list = {"Alien"}, level = 110, count = 930, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[90] = {name = "The Ant Queen" ,start = 176290, monsters_list = {"The Ant Queen"}, level = 110, count = 940, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[91] = {name = "Guardiao Da Terra" ,start = 176291, monsters_list = {"Guardiao Da Terra"}, level = 110, count = 950, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[92] = {name = "Kharic" ,start = 176292, monsters_list = {"Kharic"}, level = 110, count = 960, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[93] = {name = "Fire Hunt" ,start = 176293, monsters_list = {"Fire Hunt"}, level = 110, count = 970, points = 10, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[94] = {name = "Condenado" ,start = 176294, monsters_list = {"Condenado"}, level = 110, count = 980, points = 10, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    	[95] = {name = "pirates" ,start = 176295, monsters_list = {"Cachaceiro Pirata","Capitao","Gordinho Pirata","Magrelo Pirata"}, level = 110, count = 990, points = 4, items = {}, reward = {{6527,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 66000},
    daily_task = {
    	[1] = {name = "Moonlight Sentinel" ,monsters_list = {"Moonlight Sentinel"}, count = 10, points = 0, reward = {{5952,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 1000000},
    	[2] = {name = "Ancient Scarab Bossing" ,monsters_list = {"Ancient Scarab Bossing"}, count = 10, points = 1, reward = {{5952,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 1000000},
    	[3] = {name = "Undead Gladiator" ,monsters_list = {"Undead Gladiator"}, count = 10, points = 2, reward = {{5952,1}}, exp = 72600, money = 1000000}
    task_sys_storages = {176601, 176602, 176603, 176604, 176605, 176606, 176607, 176608} -- task, points, count, daily task, daily count, daily time , daily start, contador
    function getTaskMission(cid)
    	return getPlayerStorageValue(cid,task_sys_storages[1]) < 0 and 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid,task_sys_storages[1])
    function getDailyTaskMission(cid)
    	return getPlayerStorageValue(cid,task_sys_storages[4]) < 0 and 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid,task_sys_storages[4])
    function getTaskPoints(cid)
    	return getPlayerStorageValue(cid,task_sys_storages[2]) < 0 and 0 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid,task_sys_storages[2])
    function doRandomDailyTask(cid)
    	local t = {
    		[{6,49}] = {1,3},
    		[{50,79}] = {4,6},
    		[{80,129}] = {7,9},
    		[{130,math.huge}] = {10,12}
    	for a , b in pairs(t) do
    		if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= a[1] and getPlayerLevel(cid) <= a[2] then
    			return math.random(b[1], b[2])
    	return 0
    function GetRankTask(cid)
    	local ranks = {
    		[{1, 20}] = "Huntsman", 
    		[{21, 50}] = "Ranger",
    		[{51, 100}] = "Big Game Hunter",
    		[{101, 200}] = "Trophy Hunter",		
    		[{201, math.huge}] = "Elite Hunter"
    	for v , r in pairs(ranks) do
    		if getTaskPoints(cid) >= v[1] and getTaskPoints(cid) <= v[2] then
    			return r
    	return 0
    function getItemsFromList(items)
    	local str = ''
    	if table.maxn(items) > 0 then
    		for i = 1, table.maxn(items) do
    			str = str .. items[i][2] .. ' ' .. getItemNameById(items[i][1])
    			if i ~= table.maxn(items) then str = str .. ', ' 
    	return str
    function doRemoveItemsFromList(cid,items)
    	local count = 0
    	if table.maxn(items) > 0 then
    		for i = 1, table.maxn(items) do
    			if getPlayerItemCount(cid,items[i][1]) >= items[i][2] then
    			count = count + 1 end 
    	if count == table.maxn(items) then
    		for i = 1, table.maxn(items) do doPlayerRemoveItem(cid,items[i][1],items[i][2]) end
    		return false 
    	return true 
    function getMonsterFromList(monster)
    	local str = ''
    	if #monster > 0 then
    		for i = 1, #monster do
    			str = str .. monster[i]
    			if i ~= #monster then str = str .. ', ' end
    	return str
    function GiveRewardsTask(cid, items)
    	local backpack = doPlayerAddItem(cid, 1999, 1) -- backpackID
    	for _, i_i in ipairs(items) do
    		local item, amount = i_i[1],i_i[2]
    		if isItemStackable(item) or amount == 1 then
    			doAddContainerItem(backpack, item, amount)
    			for i = 1, amount do
    				doAddContainerItem(backpack, item, 1)
    function isSummon(cid)
    	if(not isCreature(cid)) then
    		return false
    	return getCreatureMaster(cid) ~= cid
    <event type="login" name="TaskLogin" event="script"><![CDATA[
    function onLogin(cid)
    	registerCreatureEvent(cid, "KillTask")
    	registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TaskLook")
    	return true
    <talkaction words="/task;!task" event="buffer"><![CDATA[
    param,task,daily = param:lower(), getTaskMission(cid), getDailyTaskMission(cid)
    if isInArray({"counter","contador"},param) then
    	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[8], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[8]) <= 0 and 1 or 0)
    	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"[Task System] O contador foi "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[8]) <= 0 and "ativado" or "desativado")..".") return true
    elseif isInArray({"daily","diaria"},param) then
    	if not daily_task[daily] or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[7]) <= 0 then
    		doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Desculpe, Mas você não está em nenhuma Daily Task.") return true
    	elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[6]) - os.time() <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[5]) < daily_task[daily].count then
    		doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Desculpe, Mas Você não terminou a Daily Task a tempo! Por favor volte ao npc e comece uma nova Daily Task!") return true
    	return doShowTextDialog(cid, 8983, "[->] CURRENT DAILY TASK INFO [<-]\n\nNome: "..daily_task[daily].name.."\nProgresso: ["..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[5]) < 0 and 0 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[5])).."/"..daily_task[daily].count.."]\nPrazo para entrega: ""%d %B %Y %X ", getPlayerStorageValue(cid,task_sys_storages[6])).."\nMonstros para caçar: "..getMonsterFromList(daily_task[daily].monsters_list).."\n\n[->] CURRENT TASK REWARDS [<-]\n\nMoney: "..(daily_task[daily].money > 0 and daily_task[daily].money or 0).."\nExperiencia: "..(daily_task[daily].exp > 0 and daily_task[daily].exp or 0).."\nTask Points: "..daily_task[daily].points.."\nItems: "..(#daily_task[daily].reward > 0 and getItemsFromList(daily_task[daily].reward) or "Nenhum item de recompensa")..".")
    if not task_sys[task] or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys[task].start) <= 0 then
    	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "você não está em nenhuma task.") return true
    return doShowTextDialog(cid, 8983, "-> CURRENT TASK ["..getTaskMission(cid).."/"..#task_sys.."] <-\n\nTask Name: "..task_sys[task].name.."\nTask Level: "..task_sys[task].level.."\nTask Progress: ["..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[3]) < 0 and 0 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[3])).."/"..task_sys[task].count.."]\nMonster To Hunt: "..getMonsterFromList(task_sys[task].monsters_list)..".\nItens Para Entrega: "..(#task_sys[task].items > 0 and getItemsFromList(task_sys[task].items) or "Nenhum")..".\n\n[->] CURRENT TASK REWARDS [<-]\n\nReward Money: "..(task_sys[task].money > 0 and task_sys[task].money or 0).."\nReward Experiencia: "..(task_sys[task].exp > 0 and task_sys[task].exp or 0).."\nReward Points: "..task_sys[task].points.."\nRedward Items: "..(#task_sys[task].reward > 0 and getItemsFromList(task_sys[task].reward) or "Nenhum item de recompensa")..".")
    <event type="look" name="TaskLook" event="script"><![CDATA[
    function onLook(cid, thing, position, lookDistance)
    	if isPlayer(thing.uid) and getTaskPoints(thing.uid) > 0 then
    		doPlayerSetSpecialDescription(thing.uid, "\n"..(getPlayerSex(thing.uid) == 0 and "She" or "He").. " is a "..GetRankTask(thing.uid))
    	return true
    <event type="kill" name="KillTask" event="script"><![CDATA[
    function onKill(cid, target)
    	if isPlayer(cid) and isMonster(target) and not isSummon(target) then
    		local t,daily = task_sys[getTaskMission(cid)], daily_task[getDailyTaskMission(cid)]
    		if t and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, t.start) > 0 and isInArray(t.monsters_list, getCreatureName(target):lower()) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[3]) < t.count then
    			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[3], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[3]) < 0 and 1 or (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[3])+1))
    			if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[8]) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[3]) < t.count then
    				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Task System] defeated Total [" .. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[3]) .. "/" .. t.count .. "] da Task do " .. .. ".")
    			if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[3]) >= t.count then
    				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Task System] Parabéns! Você terminou a Task do "", volte ao npc parece receber sua recompensa.")
    		if daily and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[7]) > 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[6]) - os.time() >= 0 and isInArray(daily.monsters_list, getCreatureName(target):lower()) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[5]) < daily.count then
    			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[5], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[5]) < 0 and 1 or (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[5])+1))
    			if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[8]) <= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[5]) < daily.count then
    				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"[Daily Task System] defeated Total [" .. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[5]) .. "/" .. daily.count .. "] da Task do " .. .. ".")
    			if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, task_sys_storages[5]) >= daily.count then
    				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Daily Task System] Parabéns! Você terminou a Task do "", volte ao npc parece receber sua recompensa.")
    	return true


  3. dae wolf, estou montando um ot rpg ai eh o seguinte como vc e foda em scripts vou bolar um desafio bem legal pra vc.... tipo assim quero q um monstro por exemplo uma tarantula sumone spiders, porem essas spiders quando mortas deem xp.... e se caso isso n for possivel, bolar uma task que de recompensar ao matar essa spider e que n tenha fim por exemplo uma task que eh de matar uma spider a recompensa eh 20 de xp e 10 de gold, so que a task seja infinita

    nunca acabe assim toda vez que matar uma spider ganhara recompensa.... vou ficar esperando heim... kkkk conto com vc!

  4. O mano, poderia editar essa script para min por favor, eu queria que podes-se mudar a posição de tal effect, é por por que quando adiciono outro effect diferente buga, fica aparecendo do lado do player, será que teria como por para configurar os effect ? onde cada vai aparecer, por favor min ajuda :D



    local effects = {
    [4] = 106,
    [5] = 85,
    [6] = 106,
    [8] = 87,

    [13] = 84,
    [14] = 84,
    [15] = 89,
    [16] = 244,
    [473] = 115,

    [21] = 85,
    [22] = 106,
    [23] = 106,

    [28] = 84,
    [29] = 84,
    [30] = 89,
    [31] = 244,
    [474] = 41,

    [34] = 109,

    [39] = 104,
    [41] = 88,
    [43] = 88,
    [44] = 104,

    [49] = 87,

    [51] = 84,
    [52] = 93,
    [54] = 87,
    [55] = 90,
    [56] = 96,

    [60] = 106,

    [68] = 84,
    [69] = 89,
    [70] = 90,

    [75] = 85,

    [79] = 85,
    [80] = 84,
    [81] = 89,
    [82] = 90,
    [490] = 244,

    [88] = 107,
    [89] = 104,
    [90] = 104,
    [91] = 106,
    [92] = 104,
    [93] = 89,
    [94] = 71,

    [102] = 84,
    [103] = 84,
    [104] = 84,
    [105] = 84,
    [106] = 84,
    [107] = 84,
    [108] = 84,
    [109] = 89,
    [110] = 113,

    --_MAJIN BOO_--
    [118] = 109,
    [119] = 92,
    [120] = 92,
    [121] = 105,
    [122] = 92,
    [123] = 92,
    [124] = 91,
    [125] = 91,
    [126] = 101,
    [475] = 89,

    [131] = 85,

    [135] = 98,
    [136] = 84,
    [137] = 84,
    [138] = 89,
    [139] = 244,

    [144] = 87,

    [146] = 87,
    [147] = 93,
    [149] = 87,
    [150] = 86,
    [151] = 90,

    [156] = 84,

    [157] = 84,
    [158] = 84,
    [159] = 84,
    [160] = 84,
    [161] = 96,
    [162] = 89,
    [163] = 90,

    [169] = 106,
    [170] = 85,

    [174] = 85,
    [175] = 85,
    [176] = 90,
    [177] = 84,

    --_CHIBI TRUNKS_--
    [183] = 106,
    [184] = 85,

    [188] = 85,
    [189] = 85,
    [190] = 90,
    [191] = 84,

    [198] = 86,
    [199] = 86,
    [200] = 86,
    [201] = 87,
    [202] = 89,
    [203] = 86,
    [204] = 85,
    [493] = 90,
    [205] = 96,

    [215] = 88,
    [216] = 102,
    [217] = 240,

    [219] = 84,
    [220] = 87,
    [221] = 84,
    [222] = 84,

    [223] = 84,
    [224] = 84,
    [227] = 96,
    [228] = 89,
    [229] = 96,

    [235] = 85,

    [237] = 109,
    [238] = 106,
    [239] = 85,
    [240] = 84,
    [241] = 84,
    [242] = 89,
    [243] = 90,

    [250] = 107,
    [252] = 107,
    [253] = 84,
    [254] = 89,
    [255] = 89,

    [260] = 87,

    [261] = 107,
    [262] = 106,
    [263] = 106,
    [264] = 84,
    [265] = 84,
    [266] = 89,
    [267] = 90,

    [272] = 86,

    [273] = 91,
    [274] = 86,
    [276] = 86,
    [277] = 86,
    [278] = 86,
    [279] = 90,

    [285] = 106,
    [286] = 106,
    [287] = 106,
    [288] = 106,
    [289] = 87,
    [290] = 87,
    [291] = 41,

    [297] = 84,
    [298] = 84,
    [299] = 110,
    [300] = 84,
    [301] = 84,
    [302] = 86,
    [303] = 90,
    [491] = 89,

    [307] = 107,
    [308] = 107,

    [310] = 107,
    [312] = 85,
    [313] = 84,
    [314] = 108,
    [315] = 108,

    [322] = 109,
    [325] = 84,
    [326] = 87,
    [327] = 98,

    [332] = 85,

    [333] = 106,
    [334] = 106,
    [335] = 106,
    [336] = 85,
    [337] = 84,
    [338] = 89,
    [339] = 90,

    [344] = 106,

    [346] = 88,
    [347] = 95,
    [348] = 106,
    [349] = 97,
    [350] = 98,
    [351] = 96,

    [355] = 106,
    [356] = 87,

    [358] = 94,
    [360] = 106,
    [361] = 84,
    [362] = 89,
    [363] = 90,

    [368] = 87,

    [371] = 106,
    [372] = 87,
    [373] = 84,
    [374] = 87,
    [375] = 89,

    [380] = 89,

    [381] = 89,
    [382] = 87,
    [383] = 85,
    [384] = 89,
    [385] = 90,
    [386] = 84,
    [387] = 84,

    [390] = 106,
    [392] = 85,

    [393] = 106,
    [394] = 106,
    [395] = 85,
    [396] = 85,
    [397] = 84,
    [398] = 89,
    [399] = 244,

    [404] = 84,

    [405] = 96,
    [406] = 96,
    [409] = 87,
    [410] = 87,
    [411] = 84,
    [412] = 90,
    [476] = 89,

    [423] = 89,
    [424] = 85,

    --_KING VEGETA_--
    [429] = 85,

    [432] = 85,
    [434] = 89,
    [435] = 84,
    [436] = 84,

    [440] = 106,
    [441] = 85,

    [445] = 106,
    [446] = 244,
    [447] = 84,
    [448] = 115,

    [451] = 106,
    [452] = 106,
    [453] = 98,

    [455] = 85,
    [456] = 85,
    [457] = 106,
    [458] = 88,
    [459] = 96,
    [460] = 96,
    [477] = 90,

    [466] = 84,
    [467] = 84,
    [468] = 84,
    [469] = 84,
    [470] = 105,
    [471] = 96,
    [472] = 86,
    [492] = 89,

    [480] = 106,
    [481] = 106,
    [482] = 89,
    [483] = 106,
    [545] = 105,
    [557] = 114,
    [486] = 97,
    [487] = 244,
    [488] = 98,
    [489] = 96,
    [569] = 102,
    [581] = 101,
    [593] = 99,
    [606] = 90,
    [607] = 90,
    [633] = 90,
    [608] = 90,
    [633] = 102,
    [645] = 90,
    [657] = 90,
    [669] = 41,
    [670] = 90,
    [671] = 90,
    [673] = 115,
    [699] = 104,
    [712] = 90,
    [713] = 90,
    [711] = 90,
    [687] = 115,
    [674] = 116,
    [675] = 108,
    [672] = 90,
    [726] = 90,
    [738] = 90,
    [750] = 113,
    [751] = 90,
    [752] = 90,
    [754] = 24,
    [753] = 100,
    [766] = 90,
    [767] = 115,
    [768] = 115,
    [769] = 115,
    [770] = 115,
    [806] = 98,
    [794] = 102,
    [782] = 93,
    [818] = 105,
    [830] = 105,
    [842] = 104,
    [847] = 90,
    [849] = 90,
    [850] = 90,
    [848] = 90,
    [851] = 98,
    [852] = 104,
    [854] = 98,
    [855] = 101,
    [856] = 108,
    [853] = 100,
    [868] = 107,
    [880] = 98,
    [846] = 90,
    [881] = 90,
    [882] = 90,
    [883] = 90,
    [884] = 90,
    [885] = 90,
    [886] = 90,
    [887] = 90,
    [888] = 90,
    [889] = 90,
    [890] = 90,
    [891] = 90,
    [892] = 90,
    [893] = 90,
    [894] = 90,
    [895] = 90,
    [896] = 90,
    [897] = 90,
    [898] = 90,
    [899] = 41,
    [900] = 41,
    [913] = 90,
    [914] = 41,
    [915] = 41,
    [916] = 41,
    [917] = 41,

    --_Goku God_--
    [521] = 24

    function onThink(interval)
        for _, pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
            local effect = effects[getPlayerVocation(pid)]
            if(effect) then
                doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePos(pid), effect)

        return true


  5. OLa Vodkat.
    Possa ser que vc n responda. Mas nao custa nada tentar.

    Teria como vc me disponibilizar um script de reflete que seja por item ?

  6. Mano, por favor poderia min ajuda em uma script ? eu queria que as vocations do meu servidor começa-se com as Oufit que eu quer esse, cada vocation, será que poderia min ajuda ? por favor

  7. Mano, por favor poderia min ajuda em uma script ? eu queria que as vocations do meu servidor começa-se com as Oufit que eu quer esse, cada vocation, será que poderia min ajuda ? por favor

  8. Mano, por favor poderia min ajuda em uma script ? eu queria que as vocations do meu servidor começa-se com as Oufit que eu quer esse, cada vocation, será que poderia min ajuda ? por favor

  9. Man, tu tem o servidor do Nto server não ? que poderia mim passar por favor KK

  10. ola instalei o battlefield event v 1  ta dando esse erro Event on Startup not found me ajuda pfv

  11. fala irmão preciso de sua ajuda urgente para concertar um script do meu ot, eu mudei o tfs e este não esta funcionando


    1. Vodkart


      ele não está achando o script e esse think não existe mais kkkk qual seu tfs agr?

    2. (Veja3 outras resppostas para esta atualização de status)

  12. fala irmão preciso de sua ajuda urgente para concertar um script do meu ot, eu mudei o tfs e este não esta funcionando


  13. Alguem que saiba como arrumar???

    Error - mysql_store_result] Query: SELECT `id`, `name`, `password`, `secret`, `type`, `premdays`, `lastday` FROM `accounts` WHERE `name` = '3868606'
    Message: Unknown column 'secret' in 'field list'Error - mysql_store_result] Query: SELECT `id`, `name`, `password`, `secret`, `type`, `premdays`, `lastday` FROM `accounts` WHERE `name` = '3868606'
    Message: Unknown column 'secret' in 'field list'

  14. Ola Vodkart Boa tarde..

    sabe seu Script Simple Task? 



    if isInArray({"task","tasks","missao","mission"}, msg) then

    npcHandler:say("Me diga o nome do monstro que você deseja

    fazer a task!", cid)

    O Nome do Bixo -


    if not tonumber(contagem) then npcHandler:say('Desculpe, mas você já terminou a task do



    Eu preciso que voce criasse algum script que conseguisse ler/acessar a task pelos nome dos bixos que ta no !task  , entende? como se fosse dentro desse script e lesse no Simple task no mods

     teria como me ajudar, grato.

  15. Ola Vodkart Boa tarde..

    sabe seu Script Simple Task? 



    if isInArray({"task","tasks","missao","mission"}, msg) then

    npcHandler:say("Me diga o nome do monstro que você deseja

    fazer a task!", cid)

    O Nome do Bixo -


    if not tonumber(contagem) then npcHandler:say('Desculpe, mas você já terminou a task do



    Eu preciso que voce criasse algum script que conseguisse ler/acessar a task pelos nome dos bixos que ta no !task  , entende? como se fosse dentro desse script e lesse no Simple task no mods

     teria como me ajudar, grato.

  16. to usando seu sistema de task mais toda ves q adiciono novo mostro ou troco os que ja tem da erro pode me ajudar ?

  17. RT @MarceloDeda: A voz que devolveu voz e vez ao povo brasileiro não calará. Voltará mais forte e sempre autêntica. #ForçaLula #ForçaLula .

  18. Sua prima é uma delicia

  19. Nunca tranze ou transe sem camisinha, por que você vai ter uma filho!

  20. Hoje acordei de pau mole, será que estou ficando broxa??

  21. U.U whats alguem ? Chama pv

  22. Acho que ja ta mais que na hora deu parar de si importa com pessoas que nao faz questao de ter eu ao lado !

  23. Se a sua vida for a melhor coisa que já te aconteceu, acredite, você tem mais sorte do que pode imaginar.

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