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Tudo que ArkSeyonet postou

  1. Is there a reason why you don't include the sources? I'm curious. And are you planning to add support for the "Tibia Store" button? Or waiting for it to be part of tfs? I know you are just focused on completing the data pack and get it closer to being 100% Global Tibia, but do you plan on also having as many Global Tibia features as you can? Last question, I fixed two quests in your Data Pack in the Children of Revolution quest and Ape City quest. Would you like for those fixes to be suggested in your github as well?
  2. If anyone would like to share the 10.93 sources, items.otb, or even RME 10.93 then I would love to switch to this datapack, and see what I can find to fix. I've been mostly fixing the rl map project quests.
  3. I have same problem. I have decrypted/encrypted the password and tried several passwords. I changed account type to 5. I also created a new account as well, and after selecting character it says account or password is wrong. Edit: I managed to fix it by reinstalling the website, and reuploading the .sql file provided on the original page. But now it is just saying Failed to establish connection to game server. Retrying in XXX Edit 2: Also fixed this problem by changing the IP Changer address to local ip instead of Hopefully this will help others. Be sure to m
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