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Tudo que costantino2 postou

  1. Se busca mapper venezolano para diseñar la base de un servidor de Sword art Online
  2. Hi, is not specified as such but this is a project that I have been working on for some time and I accept all kinds of help, so I show everything I have so far in this section, although I also have a recruitment post, but does not call much to say the attention since I have not found interested xD
  3. Ex. the Legend Of Aincrad TFS 1.0. servidor base: Forgotten-master tfs 1.0. Boa tarde, eu vejo se alguém poderia me ajudar, pelo menos, com a base de um sistema que pensou que, ao criar uma conta, você pode escolher seu idioma, a partir daí o servidor pega no banco de dados o idioma selecionado e a resposta npc na sua língua designada. Essa é uma das maneiras que eu pensei que poderiam ser criadas, o que eu não saberia é como fazer o npc pegar os dados para que ele use automaticamente o idioma e como o script npc será redundante para que ele tenha os diferentes idi
  4. Eu acho que posso ajudá-lo com isso, não é complicado como tal Escreva-me para discordar para ver o que podemos fazer com isso: KatrezVing#4340
  5. Hello, good to everyone!Could someone help me edit my otc's interface? I am developing a Sword art online server and I was studying a bit about the OTC but for lack of knowledge in lua I wait to see if someone could help me.Something like that:kirito = PLAYER NAME.18500/18500 = PLAYER HEALTH POINTS.LV: 96 = PLAYER LEVEL This is my Health Bar after several editing attempts, I know, horrible
  6. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a team for my project LegendOfAincrad is based on the official first season of Sword Art Online, but this project is not new, we have been working on it for months and little by little we are moving forward, there are a link of what we're talking about:Sword Art Online - LegendOfAincrad¿What do we need now?- we're looking for some stuff to keep working, we need:* Mappers* Scripter* SpritersWe don't need anything else, so, if you want to apply to any job, you can contact me via PM.Greetings!
  7. A coisa é que o martelo não possui nenhum script nas actions, tudo é direto. Ok, você tem discórdia para uma melhor comunicação? xd Vou enviar minha discórdia em privado apenas no caso. muito obrigado antecipadamente e boa noite
  8. Eu escrevi uma mensagem para ele não fazer tanto spam, obrigado antecipadamente e desculpe pelo inconveniente Oi! Desculpe-me? O storage deve adicioná-lo à actions, criatureScript ou lib? É um sistema personalizado eo programador que o projetou não deixa explicações muito claras da parte técnica.
  9. Hello! Can someone help me with an npc that you have to pay "X" amount of money to give you permission to be able to perform the BlackSmith.I would not know if blocking the use of the hammer id = "xxxx" would be an option or as, but if someone can help me I would greatly appreciate it, likewise thank you in advance.
  10. Server Specs- Server version: 10.41.-TFS: 1.0Main features- Protection Zone in Towns. (Only Idea...)- If you dont eat your player can die! (Only Idea...)- Capacity Effects player speed, quick revive (In progress...)- Upgrade your items with specials objects. (In progress...)-blacksmith System (Completed)- Special potions, Antidotes, Speed Flask, support Potions... (In progress...)- Tame your favorite pet to help us in your adventure. (In progress...)- Extract pearls, gems, iron pieces and other valuable with minery. (In progress...)- Market system, Specialized npc's, and renting mounts. (Only
  11. Good day, I was wondering if someone could help me, I understand that it is through the tfs but I am not sure. I am creating a server of Sword Art Online and I want that when the players and monsters die instead of leaving the corpse the effect appears and the items remain on the floor or pass directly to the player who killed him. I'm working at 10.41 and I hope you can help me, thanks in advance and sorry for the inconvenience. I will leave a sample of the effect when a monster dies, excuse my English since it is not my main language. Video example.
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