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God Mega

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Sobre God Mega

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  1. Hello I'm trying to add this to my server, only problem is I don't have Data>Scripts So where can I add that last talkaction?
  2. Guys I wanted to know if anyone had the map Deserto like the ot mega-war? if you do please link me 8.6 ot, need it bad, and don't want to make it from scratch even though I can lol, so if anyone has it thanks and will recieve my +Rep thx guys Nose si aigan visto pero abrio un server llamado mega-war, y tiene un mapa que se llama Deserto, esta bien chido y a norte derecha esta la torre de ferumbras, si algien tiene ese mapa me lo pueden pasar? se lo agradeceria mucho, gracias Idk se Aigan visto, mas abriu um servidor chamado mega- war, e tem um mapa chamado Deserto , chido bem e dire
  3. +REP for the mega-war ot thx man Edit-This wasn't the map I was looking for
  4. Guys I wanted to know if anyone had the map Deserto like the ot mega-war? if you do please link me 8.6 ot, need it bad, and don't want to make it from scratch even though I can lol, so if anyone has it thanks and will recieve my +Rep thx guys
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