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  1. Hey Yiu have mistake in actions Look on line number: 286 And change this "744;" on "744" Good luck
  2. Hey You must find other database and make compatibile with NTO Hard. The easiest way is : 1 Find and download DATABASE for tibia 8.6 and put her into a folder with server. 2 turn on the server and step by step eliminates errors. 3 Make ACC how to make ACC with database s3db i dont know but if You find database on format SQL this should be easy.
  3. I have problem when server start loading actions.. IT turns off ?? You or someone can help
  4. Hi Someone can sand correct database beacuse i dont see original database from the owner ?? please..
  5. Hello everyone How i can make/ where i can find this files: msvcp140.dll vcruntime140.dll msvcr100.dll msvcr100.dll Please help me ?
  6. Someone can refresh links?? I download files but they have error, i don't have theforgottenserver icon.. Someone can help me?? Pliss..
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