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  1. Does anyone have this 100% efficient engine? Because firing the one that appears ahead pops up a login error. Skoczekk has logged in. Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface] data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/login.lua:onLogin data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/login.lua:134: attempt to call method 'getRewardList' (a nil value) stack traceback: [C]: in function 'getRewardList' data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/login.lua:134: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/login.lua:73> Skoczekk has logged out.
  2. Skoczekk has logged in. Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface] data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/login.lua:onLogin data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/login.lua:134: attempt to call method 'getRewardList' (a nil value) stack traceback: [C]: in function 'getRewardList' data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/login.lua:134: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/login.lua:73> Skoczekk has logged out.
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