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Sobre Casagrande1991

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  1. AAC installation is disabled. To enable it make file install.php in main AAC directory and put there your IP. Alguém pode me ajudar com este erro ao instalar o site, por favor?
  2. Aí aparece isso: Error occured! Error ID: Cannot save ItemsList. Player ID not set.More info: File: C:\Users\Eduardo\Downloads\UniServerZ\www\classes/itemslist.php Line: 67File: C:\Users\Eduardo\Downloads\UniServerZ\www\classes/player.php Line: 87File: C:\Users\Eduardo\Downloads\UniServerZ\www\pages/accountmanagement.php Line: 1929File: C:\Users\Eduardo\Downloads\UniServerZ\www\system/ Line: 7File: C:\Users\Eduardo\Downloads\UniServerZ\www/index.php Line: 37
  3. Ao criar o char no site deparo-me com o seguinte erro: "The Following Errors Have Occurred: Wrong characters configuration. Try again or contact with admin. ADMIN: Edit file config/config.php and set valid characters to copy names. Character to copy doesn't exist." Alguém poderia me ajudar, por gentileza? Agradeço desde já.
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