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Sobre Alanray

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    Allan Kardek
  • Data de Nascimento 05/05/1993

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  1. Agora está dando esse erro root@alan-S3420GP:~/otserv/build# ./tfs The Forgotten Server - Version 1.0 Compiled with: GNU C++ version 4.9.1 Compiled on Feb 9 2015 17:53:09 for arch x64 A server developed by Mark Samman Visit our forum for updates, support, and resources: >> Loading config >> Establishing database connection... MySQL 5.5.41 >> Running database manager [Error - DatabaseManager::updateDatabase - Version: 18] cannot open data/migrations/18.lua: No such file or directory > Optimizing table account_ban_history...
  2. APOS AO INICIAR DÁ ISSO MAS A VOCATION XML ESTÁ LA alan@alan-S3420GP:~/otserv/build$ ./tfs The Forgotten Server - Version 1.0 Compiled with: GNU C++ version 4.9.1 Compiled on Feb 9 2015 17:53:09 for arch x64 A server developed by Mark Samman Visit our forum for updates, support, and resources: >> Loading config >> Establishing database connection... MySQL 5.5.41 >> Running database manager [Error - DatabaseManager::updateDatabase - Version: 18] cannot open data/migrations/18.lua: No such file or directory > Optimizing table account_ban
  3. Consseguir passar mudei a tfs olha oque dá agora A server developed by Mark Samman Visit our forum for updates, support, and resources: >> Loading config >> Establishing database connection... MySQL 5.5.41 >> Running database manager [Error - DatabaseManager::updateDatabase - Version: -1] cannot open data/migrations/-1.lua: No such file or directory >> Loading vocations [Error - Vocations::loadFromXml] Failed to load data/XML/vocations.xml: File was not found > ERROR: Unable to load vocations! >> No services running. The serve
  4. Como assim? o Otserv e esse voce postou ele nao fucionar no linux 14.10 ubuntu?
  5. Boa tarde galera ando tentando compliar meu serve na linux mas da esse erro quando termina a 100% [100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/tfs.dir/src/wildcardtree.cpp.o Linking CXX executable tfs /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/tfs.dir/src/scheduler.cpp.o: referência indefinida ao símbolo 'pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.2.5' /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status CMakeFiles/tfs.dir/build.make:1914: recipe for target 'tfs' failed make[2]: *** [tfs] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:60: recipe for target 'CMakeFi
  6. Segue esse tutorial nao tem erro
  7. Boa noite amigo o Ideal e no O.S Linux 14.10 Segue esse tutorial Seja bem vindo.!
  8. Qual tipo de linux por que na verdade queria deixar online na empresa.
  9. Boa noite. Galera Hoje to aqui pra tirar uma duvida queria muito colocar no uma vps mais escolhi comprar uma maquina = uma da vps com uma internet da gvt de 120 mega. queria criar um servidor 10.53 tem como ou nao? se sim favor me explicar por que o executável fecha sozinho. OBS: Eu consigo fazeer tudo colocar online, entrar no server, criar o site mas nao fica online por muito tempo pois o executável fecha com um erro do appcrash Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Intel® Core i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
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