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  1. tibia client bug i make store.xml and pput <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <store> <category name="Others" icons="Music_Box.png" description="Buy items direct for your character."> <offer name="Music Box" price="40" icons="Music_Box.png" description="It may have some charming effects when played to certain creatures, but disappears in the process." message="Thank you for your purchase!" script="items.lua" /> </category> </store> and i go open cliente - go storecoin and crash client can help me ?
  2. jajaj comienzo a sacarle provecho al Windows 8.1 jajajaja la App de #netflix es un éxito jajajajaja #osiann

  3. Get up to 50GB of free space @MediaFire for all your photos, videos, docs, and music.

  4. [23:23:39.305] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [23:23:39.305] local slotPos = {CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE, CONST_SLOT_FEET, CONST_SLOT_RING} [23:23:39.305] [23:23:39.305] function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value) [23:23:39.305] local reflectPercent = 0 [23:23:39.305] local dmg = value [23:23:39.305] local playerPos = getCreaturePosition(cid) [23:23:39.305] local attackerPos = getCreaturePosition(attacker) [23:23:39.305] for i = 1, #slotPos do [23:23:39.305] if getPlayerSlotItem(cid, slotPos).uid > 1 then [23:23:39.305] if getItemRefle
  5. Acabo de reportar un accidente en Ruta 202 / Betania - Cristo de Sabanilla, con el GPS social @waze_es

  6. Conduciendo hacia Los Guido. hora estimada de arribo: 4:39 PM con el GPS social @waze_es

  7. Registrando el lugar (@ osiann games)

  8. Pablo has extra Watering Cans after harvesting their Orchard. Come and get what your trees are CRAVING! #farmville

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