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Sobre FaNtA91

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1031 visualizações
  1. Am still in learning mod so don't blame me
  2. FaNtA91

    Need Help

    Not working why ? c.FollowMode = Follow.FollowDistance c.AttackMode = Attack.FullAttack c.AttackMode = Attack.Balance c.AttackMode = Attack.FullDefense
  3. Hello how to set Distance between player and monster? i know something with DistanceTo can any one help me ? TibiaApi
  4. Version 1.0 Tibia Version 8.60 Developer FaNtA The BOT INTEND TO LEAVE WITH ALL THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS: healing Rune maker Mana Training Cave bot Alarms Smile treiner Auto-Fishing Reconnect Eat food anti kick Among other functions Screenshots: Only speak english if any one want to help with the project add my msn [email protected]
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