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Danihcv venceu a última vez em Abril 4 2015

Danihcv teve o conteúdo mais curtido!

1 Seguidor

Sobre Danihcv

  • Rank
    Love do daniel
  • Data de Nascimento 02/17/1998

Informação de Perfil

  • Localização
    26° 37′ 45" N, 70° 53′ 1" W
  • Eu sou
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  • OTServ favorito
    Global Hospice
  • Interesses
    Aprender cada vez mais e ajudar na medida do possível.

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  1. Oii, vi umas publicaçoes antigas suas como:  [TUTORIAL] Resolvendo qualquer erro na data base

    E queria sua ajuda com dois erros que estou tendo:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DatabaseException'
    Message: Notice: AutoSetup has attempted to create missing tables for you. Please create MySQL tables manually from "database.sql" if you are still getting this message.
    Online help: More Info
    File: sql.php on line: 150
    Script was terminated because something unexpected happened. You can report this, if you think it's a bug.


    e principalmente esse:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DatabaseQueryException'
    Message: Error #1048:Column 'ip' cannot be null
    SQL query: INSERT INTO `nicaw_account_logs` (id, ip, account_id, date, action) VALUES(1, INET_ATON('::1'), 2, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), 'Created')
    File: sql.php on line: 94
    Script was terminated because something unexpected happened. You can report this, if you think it's a bug.


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