MyAAC MyAac Itens e Outfits 12.85/12.86 + Client 12.86 Atualizado + TUTORIAL DE INSTALAÇÃO COMPLETO!
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Por elitehox
boa tarde a todos,
Estou tentando instalar o plugin gesior shop for Myaac. quando tento acessar gifts.php retorno erro 500 http.
Alguém pode me ajudar? este é o log de erros do Apache ...
[php7:error] [pid 24148] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'ordering' in 'order clause' in /var/www/html/system/libs/pot/OTS_Base_DB.php:86\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/system/libs/pot/OTS_Base_DB.php(86): PDO->query()\n#1 /var/www/html/system/libs/pot/OTS_DB_PDOQuery.php(13): OTS_Base_DB->doQuery()\n#2 /var/www/html/plugins/gesior-shop-system/libs/shop-system.php(137): OTS_Base_DB->query()\n#3 /var/www/html/system/pages/gifts.php(199): GesiorShop::getOffers()\n#4 /var/www/html/index.php(362): require('/var/www/html/s...')\n#5 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/html/system/libs/pot/OTS_Base_DB.php on line 86
Por Underewar
I just edited the tibiacom template.
Full customizable.
I have an organized repo for this 'My-AAC last version', I will release I just need to fix something's
Just check the template live version.
How Install
Rename your tibiacom folder and paste the downloaded one.
Picture News - Boosted Boss works well in this picture the boosted boss of the day was not in image folder.
thetibiaking/ttk-my-aac at layout-changes (
Por Brum
Olá Tibiano, hj vim postar aqui minha duvida sobre como fazer funcionar o sistema de compra de addons pelo site my acc
- Tenho o sistema instalado exemplo a baixo
-tenho a função
- Mas não funciona
Alguem consegue me ajudar a fazer isso funcionar? sou iniciante mas aprendo rápido
TFS 1.2
Por Underewar
I just edited the tibiacom template.
Full customizable.
I have an organized repo for this 'My-AAC last version', I will release I just need to fix something's
Just check the template live version.
How Install
Rename your tibiacom folder and paste the downloaded one.
Picture News
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