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os banqueiros do meu ot estão com um bug que quando os players falam isso

hi > change platinum > crystal > 9999999999999999 > yes

o char deles tomam debug e eles aparecem com a bp cheia de kk's.

como eu posso resolver isso sem deletar os npcs?

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OT 8.6 E A DISTRO TEM ESSE NAME AKE Global Server 100% Full 8.60 n sei se era isso que vc precisa

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não era bem isso, queria saber se era TFS, crystal etc... Mas saca so, provavelmente é tfs, e rola um bug monstro nesse lance de sistema bancário do servidor. acho melhor tu tirar esse sistema, desabilitar o banco do servidor, não é uma coisa que faça tanta falta... vou procurar alternativas, qq coisa posto aqui...

edit: não testei esse sistema, mas achei pelo google, nem sei se posso postar link de outro forum de ot, mas lá vai: da um confere, ve se te agrada e faz os testes, é um sistema de banco via talkaction, nao olhei a fundo, mas testa ai pra ver se eh bom.
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se eu ajudei da um rep ae biggrin.png e visita meu ot biggrin.png

Editado por Comedinha (veja o histórico de edições)
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mtu bom mas como eu desabilito o sistema bancario do meu ot? de forma que não exclua os npcs

e esse sistema bancario q vc postou os players depositam e sacam dinheiro com comandos como !rank e talz?

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pelo o que eu vi sim, vc precisa editar no config.lua desabilitar o banksystem, sendo assim, nao teria motivo para ter os npcs, seria melhor removê-los, os comandos desse sistema, pelo o que eu vi sao !balance (saldo), !deposit e !withdraw (sacar), mas nao testei...

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  • 2 years later...

Cara Vai na sua Pasta data/npc/script/bank.lua

abra esse arquivo e com CTRL+F procure por "change platinum"

Em seguida troque por uma palavra que ninguem vai saber exemplo "SHAUHSUASHUASH"

Entao o Bug esta resolvido.

A esse mapa tem um bug em vega também  Viu!

la dentro da casinha tem uma softboots solta!

add skype!



abraço! CLIQUE EM GOSTEI se ajudou ^^

Editado por luquinhas166 (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • 2 years later...
Em 2012-7-12 ás 18:28, Cassero disse:

os banqueiros do meu ot estão com um bug que quando os players falam isso

hi > change platinum > crystal > 9999999999999999 > yes

o char deles tomam debug e eles aparecem com a bp cheia de kk's.

como eu posso resolver isso sem deletar os npcs?

vai este script


local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()

local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)



local Topic, count, transfer = {}, {}, {}


function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end

function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end

function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end

function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end


local function getCount(s)

    local b, e = s:find('%d+')

    return b and e and math.min(4294967295, tonumber(s:sub(b, e))) or -1



local function findPlayer(name)

    local q = db.getResult('SELECT name FROM players WHERE name=' .. db.escapeString(name) .. ' LIMIT 1'), nil

    if q:getID() == -1 then



    local r = q:getDataString('name')


    return r



function greet(cid)

    Topic[cid], count[cid], transfer[cid] = nil, nil, nil

    return true



function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)

    if not npcHandler:isFocused(cid) then

        return false

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'balance') then

        npcHandler:say('Your account balance is ' .. getPlayerBalance(cid) .. ' gold.', cid)

        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'deposit') and msgcontains(msg, 'all') then

        if getPlayerMoney(cid) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('You don\'t have any gold with you.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            count[cid] = getPlayerMoney(cid)

            npcHandler:say('Would you really like to deposit ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 2


    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'deposit') then

        if getCount(msg) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('You are joking, aren\'t you??', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil

        elseif getCount(msg) ~= -1 then

            if getPlayerMoney(cid) >= getCount(msg) then

                count[cid] = getCount(msg)

                npcHandler:say('Would you really like to deposit ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold?', cid)

                Topic[cid] = 2


                npcHandler:say('You do not have enough gold.', cid)

                Topic[cid] = nil


        elseif getPlayerMoney(cid) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('You don\'t have any gold with you.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            npcHandler:say('Please tell me how much gold it is you would like to deposit.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 1


    elseif Topic[cid] == 1 then

        if getCount(msg) == -1 then

            npcHandler:say('Please tell me how much gold it is you would like to deposit.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 1

        elseif getPlayerMoney(cid) >= getCount(msg) then

            count[cid] = getCount(msg)

            npcHandler:say('Would you really like to deposit ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 2


            npcHandler:say('You do not have enough gold.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and Topic[cid] == 2 then

        if doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, count[cid]) then

            doPlayerSetBalance(cid, getPlayerBalance(cid) + count[cid])

            npcHandler:say('Alright, we have added the amount of ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to your balance. You can withdraw your money anytime you want to.', cid)


            npcHandler:say('I am inconsolable, but it seems you have lost your gold. I hope you get it back.', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'no') and Topic[cid] == 2 then

        npcHandler:say('As you wish. Is there something else I can do for you?', cid)

        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'withdraw') then

        if getCount(msg) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('Sure, you want nothing you get nothing!', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil

        elseif getCount(msg) ~= -1 then

            if getPlayerBalance(cid) >= getCount(msg) then

                count[cid] = getCount(msg)

                npcHandler:say('Are you sure you wish to withdraw ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold from your bank account?', cid)

                Topic[cid] = 4


                npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)

                Topic[cid] = nil


        elseif getPlayerBalance(cid) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('You don\'t have any money on your bank account.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            npcHandler:say('Please tell me how much gold you would like to withdraw.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 3


    elseif Topic[cid] == 3 then

        if getCount(msg) == -1 then

            npcHandler:say('Please tell me how much gold you would like to withdraw.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 3

        elseif getPlayerBalance(cid) >= getCount(msg) then

            count[cid] = getCount(msg)

            npcHandler:say('Are you sure you wish to withdraw ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold from your bank account?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 4


            npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and Topic[cid] == 4 then

        if getPlayerBalance(cid) >= count[cid] then

            doPlayerAddMoney(cid, count[cid])

            doPlayerSetBalance(cid, getPlayerBalance(cid) - count[cid])

            npcHandler:say('Here you are, ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold. Please let me know if there is something else I can do for you.', cid)


            npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'no') and Topic[cid] == 4 then

        npcHandler:say('The customer is king! Come back anytime you want to if you wish to withdraw your money.', cid)

        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'transfer') then

        if getCount(msg) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('Please think about it. Okay?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil

        elseif getCount(msg) ~= -1 then

            count[cid] = getCount(msg)

            if getPlayerBalance(cid) >= count[cid] then

                npcHandler:say('Who would you like to transfer ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to?', cid)

                Topic[cid] = 6


                npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)

                Topic[cid] = nil



            npcHandler:say('Please tell me the amount of gold you would like to transfer.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 5


    elseif Topic[cid] == 5 then

        if getCount(msg) == -1 then

            npcHandler:say('Please tell me the amount of gold you would like to transfer.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 5


            count[cid] = getCount(msg)

            if getPlayerBalance(cid) >= count[cid] then

                npcHandler:say('Who would you like to transfer ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to?', cid)

                Topic[cid] = 6


                npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)

                Topic[cid] = nil



    elseif Topic[cid] == 6 then

        local v = getPlayerByName(msg)

        if getPlayerBalance(cid) >= count[cid] then

            if v then

                transfer[cid] = msg

                npcHandler:say('Would you really like to transfer ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to ' .. getPlayerName(v) .. '?', cid)

                Topic[cid] = 7

            elseif findPlayer(msg):lower() == msg:lower() then

                transfer[cid] = msg

                npcHandler:say('Would you really like to transfer ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to ' .. findPlayer(msg) .. '?', cid)

                Topic[cid] = 7


                npcHandler:say('This player does not exist.', cid)

                Topic[cid] = nil



            npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


    elseif Topic[cid] == 7 and msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then

        if getPlayerBalance(cid) >= count[cid] then

            local v = getPlayerByName(transfer[cid])

            if v then

                doPlayerSetBalance(cid, getPlayerBalance(cid) - count[cid])

                doPlayerSetBalance(v, getPlayerBalance(v) + count[cid])

                npcHandler:say('Very well. You have transferred ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to ' .. getPlayerName(v) .. '.', cid)

            elseif findPlayer(transfer[cid]):lower() == transfer[cid]:lower() then

                doPlayerSetBalance(cid, getPlayerBalance(cid) - count[cid])

                db.executeQuery('UPDATE players SET balance=balance+' .. count[cid] .. ' WHERE name=' .. db.escapeString(transfer[cid]) .. ' LIMIT 1')

                npcHandler:say('Very well. You have transferred ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to ' .. findPlayer(transfer[cid]) .. '.', cid)


                npcHandler:say('This player does not exist.', cid)



            npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif Topic[cid] == 7 and msgcontains(msg, 'no') then

        npcHandler:say('Alright, is there something else I can do for you?', cid)

        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'change gold') then

        npcHandler:say('How many platinum coins would you like to get?', cid)

        Topic[cid] = 8

    elseif Topic[cid] == 8 then

        if getCount(msg) < 1 then

            npcHandler:say('Hmm, can I help you with something else?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            count[cid] = math.min(500, getCount(msg))

            npcHandler:say('So you would like me to change ' .. count[cid] * 100 .. ' of your gold coins into ' .. count[cid] .. ' platinum coins?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 9


    elseif Topic[cid] == 9 then

        if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then

            if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 2148, count[cid] * 100) then

                npcHandler:say('Here you are.', cid)

                doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2152, count[cid])


                npcHandler:say('Sorry, you do not have enough gold coins.', cid)



            npcHandler:say('Well, can I help you with something else?', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'change platinum') then

        npcHandler:say('Would you like to change your platinum coins into gold or crystal?', cid)

        Topic[cid] = 10

    elseif Topic[cid] == 10 then

        if msgcontains(msg, 'gold') then

            npcHandler:say('How many platinum coins would you like to change into gold?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 11

        elseif msgcontains(msg, 'crystal') then

            npcHandler:say('How many crystal coins would you like to get?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 13


            npcHandler:say('Well, can I help you with something else?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


    elseif Topic[cid] == 11 then

        if getCount(msg) < 1 then

            npcHandler:say('Hmm, can I help you with something else?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            count[cid] = math.min(500, getCount(msg))

            npcHandler:say('So you would like me to change ' .. count[cid] .. ' of your platinum coins into ' .. count[cid] * 100 .. ' gold coins for you?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 12


    elseif Topic[cid] == 12 then

        if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then

            if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 2152, count[cid]) then

                npcHandler:say('Here you are.', cid)

                doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2148, count[cid] * 100)


                npcHandler:say('Sorry, you do not have enough platinum coins.', cid)



            npcHandler:say('Well, can I help you with something else?', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif Topic[cid] == 13 then

        if getCount(msg) < 1 then

            npcHandler:say('Hmm, can I help you with something else?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            count[cid] = math.min(500, getCount(msg))

            npcHandler:say('So you would like me to change ' .. count[cid] * 100 .. ' of your platinum coins into ' .. count[cid] .. ' crystal coins for you?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 14


    elseif Topic[cid] == 14 then

        if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then

            if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 2152, count[cid] * 100) then

                npcHandler:say('Here you are.', cid)

                doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2160, count[cid])


                npcHandler:say('Sorry, you do not have enough platinum coins.', cid)



            npcHandler:say('Well, can I help you with something else?', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'change crystal') then

        npcHandler:say('How many crystal coins would you like to change into platinum?', cid)

        Topic[cid] = 15

    elseif Topic[cid] == 15 then

        if getCount(msg) == -1 or getCount(msg) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('Hmm, can I help you with something else?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            count[cid] = math.min(500, getCount(msg))

            npcHandler:say('So you would like me to change ' .. count[cid] .. ' of your crystal coins into ' .. count[cid] * 100 .. ' platinum coins for you?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 16


    elseif Topic[cid] == 16 then

        if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then

            if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 2160, count[cid]) then

                npcHandler:say('Here you are.', cid)

                doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2152, count[cid] * 100)


                npcHandler:say('Sorry, you do not have enough crystal coins.', cid)



            npcHandler:say('Well, can I help you with something else?', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'change') then

        npcHandler:say('There are three different coin types in Tibia: 100 gold coins equal 1 platinum coin, 100 platinum coins equal 1 crystal coin. So if you\'d like to change 100 gold into 1 platinum, simply say \'{change gold}\' and then \'1 platinum\'.', cid)

        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'bank') then

        npcHandler:say('We can change money for you. You can also access your bank account.', cid)

        Topic[cid] = nil


    return true



npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_GREET, greet)

npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)


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1 minuto atrás, ismaeljuniorrp disse:


vai este script


local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()

local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)



local Topic, count, transfer = {}, {}, {}


function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end

function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end

function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end

function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end


local function getCount(s)

    local b, e = s:find('%d+')

    return b and e and math.min(4294967295, tonumber(s:sub(b, e))) or -1



local function findPlayer(name)

    local q = db.getResult('SELECT name FROM players WHERE name=' .. db.escapeString(name) .. ' LIMIT 1'), nil

    if q:getID() == -1 then



    local r = q:getDataString('name')


    return r



function greet(cid)

    Topic[cid], count[cid], transfer[cid] = nil, nil, nil

    return true



function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)

    if not npcHandler:isFocused(cid) then

        return false

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'balance') then

        npcHandler:say('Your account balance is ' .. getPlayerBalance(cid) .. ' gold.', cid)

        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'deposit') and msgcontains(msg, 'all') then

        if getPlayerMoney(cid) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('You don\'t have any gold with you.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            count[cid] = getPlayerMoney(cid)

            npcHandler:say('Would you really like to deposit ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 2


    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'deposit') then

        if getCount(msg) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('You are joking, aren\'t you??', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil

        elseif getCount(msg) ~= -1 then

            if getPlayerMoney(cid) >= getCount(msg) then

                count[cid] = getCount(msg)

                npcHandler:say('Would you really like to deposit ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold?', cid)

                Topic[cid] = 2


                npcHandler:say('You do not have enough gold.', cid)

                Topic[cid] = nil


        elseif getPlayerMoney(cid) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('You don\'t have any gold with you.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            npcHandler:say('Please tell me how much gold it is you would like to deposit.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 1


    elseif Topic[cid] == 1 then

        if getCount(msg) == -1 then

            npcHandler:say('Please tell me how much gold it is you would like to deposit.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 1

        elseif getPlayerMoney(cid) >= getCount(msg) then

            count[cid] = getCount(msg)

            npcHandler:say('Would you really like to deposit ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 2


            npcHandler:say('You do not have enough gold.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and Topic[cid] == 2 then

        if doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, count[cid]) then

            doPlayerSetBalance(cid, getPlayerBalance(cid) + count[cid])

            npcHandler:say('Alright, we have added the amount of ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to your balance. You can withdraw your money anytime you want to.', cid)


            npcHandler:say('I am inconsolable, but it seems you have lost your gold. I hope you get it back.', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'no') and Topic[cid] == 2 then

        npcHandler:say('As you wish. Is there something else I can do for you?', cid)

        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'withdraw') then

        if getCount(msg) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('Sure, you want nothing you get nothing!', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil

        elseif getCount(msg) ~= -1 then

            if getPlayerBalance(cid) >= getCount(msg) then

                count[cid] = getCount(msg)

                npcHandler:say('Are you sure you wish to withdraw ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold from your bank account?', cid)

                Topic[cid] = 4


                npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)

                Topic[cid] = nil


        elseif getPlayerBalance(cid) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('You don\'t have any money on your bank account.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            npcHandler:say('Please tell me how much gold you would like to withdraw.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 3


    elseif Topic[cid] == 3 then

        if getCount(msg) == -1 then

            npcHandler:say('Please tell me how much gold you would like to withdraw.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 3

        elseif getPlayerBalance(cid) >= getCount(msg) then

            count[cid] = getCount(msg)

            npcHandler:say('Are you sure you wish to withdraw ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold from your bank account?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 4


            npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and Topic[cid] == 4 then

        if getPlayerBalance(cid) >= count[cid] then

            doPlayerAddMoney(cid, count[cid])

            doPlayerSetBalance(cid, getPlayerBalance(cid) - count[cid])

            npcHandler:say('Here you are, ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold. Please let me know if there is something else I can do for you.', cid)


            npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'no') and Topic[cid] == 4 then

        npcHandler:say('The customer is king! Come back anytime you want to if you wish to withdraw your money.', cid)

        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'transfer') then

        if getCount(msg) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('Please think about it. Okay?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil

        elseif getCount(msg) ~= -1 then

            count[cid] = getCount(msg)

            if getPlayerBalance(cid) >= count[cid] then

                npcHandler:say('Who would you like to transfer ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to?', cid)

                Topic[cid] = 6


                npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)

                Topic[cid] = nil



            npcHandler:say('Please tell me the amount of gold you would like to transfer.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 5


    elseif Topic[cid] == 5 then

        if getCount(msg) == -1 then

            npcHandler:say('Please tell me the amount of gold you would like to transfer.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 5


            count[cid] = getCount(msg)

            if getPlayerBalance(cid) >= count[cid] then

                npcHandler:say('Who would you like to transfer ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to?', cid)

                Topic[cid] = 6


                npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)

                Topic[cid] = nil



    elseif Topic[cid] == 6 then

        local v = getPlayerByName(msg)

        if getPlayerBalance(cid) >= count[cid] then

            if v then

                transfer[cid] = msg

                npcHandler:say('Would you really like to transfer ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to ' .. getPlayerName(v) .. '?', cid)

                Topic[cid] = 7

            elseif findPlayer(msg):lower() == msg:lower() then

                transfer[cid] = msg

                npcHandler:say('Would you really like to transfer ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to ' .. findPlayer(msg) .. '?', cid)

                Topic[cid] = 7


                npcHandler:say('This player does not exist.', cid)

                Topic[cid] = nil



            npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


    elseif Topic[cid] == 7 and msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then

        if getPlayerBalance(cid) >= count[cid] then

            local v = getPlayerByName(transfer[cid])

            if v then

                doPlayerSetBalance(cid, getPlayerBalance(cid) - count[cid])

                doPlayerSetBalance(v, getPlayerBalance(v) + count[cid])

                npcHandler:say('Very well. You have transferred ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to ' .. getPlayerName(v) .. '.', cid)

            elseif findPlayer(transfer[cid]):lower() == transfer[cid]:lower() then

                doPlayerSetBalance(cid, getPlayerBalance(cid) - count[cid])

                db.executeQuery('UPDATE players SET balance=balance+' .. count[cid] .. ' WHERE name=' .. db.escapeString(transfer[cid]) .. ' LIMIT 1')

                npcHandler:say('Very well. You have transferred ' .. count[cid] .. ' gold to ' .. findPlayer(transfer[cid]) .. '.', cid)


                npcHandler:say('This player does not exist.', cid)



            npcHandler:say('There is not enough gold on your account.', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif Topic[cid] == 7 and msgcontains(msg, 'no') then

        npcHandler:say('Alright, is there something else I can do for you?', cid)

        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'change gold') then

        npcHandler:say('How many platinum coins would you like to get?', cid)

        Topic[cid] = 8

    elseif Topic[cid] == 8 then

        if getCount(msg) < 1 then

            npcHandler:say('Hmm, can I help you with something else?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            count[cid] = math.min(500, getCount(msg))

            npcHandler:say('So you would like me to change ' .. count[cid] * 100 .. ' of your gold coins into ' .. count[cid] .. ' platinum coins?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 9


    elseif Topic[cid] == 9 then

        if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then

            if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 2148, count[cid] * 100) then

                npcHandler:say('Here you are.', cid)

                doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2152, count[cid])


                npcHandler:say('Sorry, you do not have enough gold coins.', cid)



            npcHandler:say('Well, can I help you with something else?', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'change platinum') then

        npcHandler:say('Would you like to change your platinum coins into gold or crystal?', cid)

        Topic[cid] = 10

    elseif Topic[cid] == 10 then

        if msgcontains(msg, 'gold') then

            npcHandler:say('How many platinum coins would you like to change into gold?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 11

        elseif msgcontains(msg, 'crystal') then

            npcHandler:say('How many crystal coins would you like to get?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 13


            npcHandler:say('Well, can I help you with something else?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


    elseif Topic[cid] == 11 then

        if getCount(msg) < 1 then

            npcHandler:say('Hmm, can I help you with something else?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            count[cid] = math.min(500, getCount(msg))

            npcHandler:say('So you would like me to change ' .. count[cid] .. ' of your platinum coins into ' .. count[cid] * 100 .. ' gold coins for you?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 12


    elseif Topic[cid] == 12 then

        if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then

            if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 2152, count[cid]) then

                npcHandler:say('Here you are.', cid)

                doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2148, count[cid] * 100)


                npcHandler:say('Sorry, you do not have enough platinum coins.', cid)



            npcHandler:say('Well, can I help you with something else?', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif Topic[cid] == 13 then

        if getCount(msg) < 1 then

            npcHandler:say('Hmm, can I help you with something else?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            count[cid] = math.min(500, getCount(msg))

            npcHandler:say('So you would like me to change ' .. count[cid] * 100 .. ' of your platinum coins into ' .. count[cid] .. ' crystal coins for you?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 14


    elseif Topic[cid] == 14 then

        if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then

            if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 2152, count[cid] * 100) then

                npcHandler:say('Here you are.', cid)

                doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2160, count[cid])


                npcHandler:say('Sorry, you do not have enough platinum coins.', cid)



            npcHandler:say('Well, can I help you with something else?', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'change crystal') then

        npcHandler:say('How many crystal coins would you like to change into platinum?', cid)

        Topic[cid] = 15

    elseif Topic[cid] == 15 then

        if getCount(msg) == -1 or getCount(msg) == 0 then

            npcHandler:say('Hmm, can I help you with something else?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = nil


            count[cid] = math.min(500, getCount(msg))

            npcHandler:say('So you would like me to change ' .. count[cid] .. ' of your crystal coins into ' .. count[cid] * 100 .. ' platinum coins for you?', cid)

            Topic[cid] = 16


    elseif Topic[cid] == 16 then

        if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then

            if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 2160, count[cid]) then

                npcHandler:say('Here you are.', cid)

                doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2152, count[cid] * 100)


                npcHandler:say('Sorry, you do not have enough crystal coins.', cid)



            npcHandler:say('Well, can I help you with something else?', cid)


        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'change') then

        npcHandler:say('There are three different coin types in Tibia: 100 gold coins equal 1 platinum coin, 100 platinum coins equal 1 crystal coin. So if you\'d like to change 100 gold into 1 platinum, simply say \'{change gold}\' and then \'1 platinum\'.', cid)

        Topic[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'bank') then

        npcHandler:say('We can change money for you. You can also access your bank account.', cid)

        Topic[cid] = nil


    return true



npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_GREET, greet)

npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)







Só por curiosidade mesmo, você viu que a duvida do cara foi em "Postado Julho 12, 2012" ? KAKAKKAKAKAKAKAKAK





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5 minutos atrás, Zzyzx disse:




Só por curiosidade mesmo, você viu que a duvida do cara foi em "Postado Julho 12, 2012" ? KAKAKKAKAKAKAKAKAK

puts nem vi kkkkkkk esse script trabalha 100% pensei que iria ajudar, agora vou ser notificado.. nem reparei que coisa!

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  • 1 year later...
Em 27/05/2017 em 11:20, ismaeljuniorrp disse:

puts nem vi kkkkkkk esse script trabalha 100% pensei que iria ajudar, agora vou ser notificado.. nem reparei que coisa!

Reviver é viver HGAHAH

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