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(Resolvido)Pedido Comando Attr

Ir para solução Resolvido por ViitinG,

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Preciso dos comandos de /attr group 1,2,3,4,5,6 que nao estar pegando ja procurei na pasta do ot e não ta la nem fala /promote pega alquem ae pode mim ajudar com isso

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Tente adicionar isso em :


<talkaction log="yes" words="/attr" access="5" event="function" value="thingProporties"/>

OBS : não esquece de colocar na tag dos comandos do GOD.

Editado por phodarks (veja o histórico de edições)
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O tópico foi movido para a área correta, preste mais atenção da próxima vez!

Leia as regras do fórum:

Este tópico foi movido:

De: "OTServScriptingGeral"

Para: "OTServSuporte OTServSuporte de Scripts"

"A alma permanece em suas criações" V89E5aN.png

(Não dou suporte por mensagem privada.)

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Bom Não Pego >> fala isso quando coloco /attr group ,1,2,3,4,5,6 << todos ja tentei


18:19 Following action was invalid: security failure - you can set only lower group than your own!


o que poderar ser

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local itemFuncs =
["attackspeed"] = setItemAttackSpeed,
["name"] = setItemName,
["plural"] = setItemPluralName,
["attack"] = setItemAttack,
["extraattack"] = setItemExtraAttack,
["defense"] = setItemDefense,
["armor"] = setItemArmor,
["extradefense"] = setItemExtraDefense,
["hitchance"] = setItemHitChance,
["range"] = setItemShootRange,
["actionid"] = doSetItemActionId,
["action"] = doSetItemActionId,
["aid"] = doSetItemActionId,
["description"] = doSetItemSpecialDescription,
["desc"] = doSetItemSpecialDescription,
["protection"] = doSetItemProtection,
["charges"] = doChangeTypeItem,
["count"] = doChangeTypeItem
[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"][size=3]local creatureFuncs =
["health"] = doCreatureAddHealth,
["maxhealth"]= setCreatureMaxHealth,
["mana"] = doCreatureAddMana,
["maxmana"] = setCreatureMaxMana,
["speed"] = doChangeSpeed,
["droploot"] = doCreatureSetDropLoot,
["cannotmove"] = doCreatureSetNoMove,
["skull"] = doCreatureSetSkullType,
["redskull"] = doPlayerSetRedSkullTicks
[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"][size=3]local playerFuncs =
["fyi"] = doPlayerPopupFYI,
["tutorial"] = doPlayerSendTutorial,
["guildrank"] = doPlayerSetGuildRank,
["guildnick"] = doPlayerSetGuildNick,
["group"] = doPlayerSetGroupId,
["vocation"] = doPlayerSetVocation,
["promotion"] = setPlayerPromotionLevel,
["stamina"] = doPlayerAddStamina,
["town"] = doPlayerSetTown,
["balance"] = doPlayerDepositMoney

[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"][size=3]function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
if(param == "") then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.")
return TRUE
[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"][size=3]local pos = {x=getCreaturePosition(cid).x, y=getCreaturePosition(cid).y, z=getCreaturePosition(cid).z, stackpos=1}
if getCreatureLookDirection(cid) == SOUTH then
pos = {x=getCreaturePosition(cid).x, y=getCreaturePosition(cid).y+1, z=getCreaturePosition(cid).z, stackpos=255}
elseif getCreatureLookDirection(cid) == NORTH then
pos = {x=getCreaturePosition(cid).x, y=getCreaturePosition(cid).y-1, z=getCreaturePosition(cid).z, stackpos=255}
elseif getCreatureLookDirection(cid) == EAST then
pos = {x=getCreaturePosition(cid).x+1, y=getCreaturePosition(cid).y, z=getCreaturePosition(cid).z, stackpos=255}
elseif getCreatureLookDirection(cid) == WEST then
pos = {x=getCreaturePosition(cid).x-1, y=getCreaturePosition(cid).y, z=getCreaturePosition(cid).z, stackpos=255}
[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"][size=3]local t = string.explode(param, ",")[/size][/color][/font]

[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"][size=3]local getThing = getThingFromPos(pos)[/size][/color][/font]
[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"][size=3]if itemFuncs[t[1]] then
if getThing.itemid > 0 then
if itemFuncs[t[1]](getThing.uid, t[2]) then
doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)
return TRUE
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Sorry, you can not add attribute to this item.")
return TRUE
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Item not found.")
return TRUE
elseif creatureFuncs[t[1]] then
if isCreature(getThing.uid) then
if creatureFuncs[t[1]](getThing.uid, t[2]) then
doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)
return TRUE
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Sorry, you can not add attribute to this creature.")
return TRUE
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Creature not found.")
return TRUE
elseif playerFuncs[t[1]] then
if isPlayer(getThing.uid) then
if playerFuncs[t[1]](getThing.uid, t[2]) then
doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)
return TRUE
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Sorry, you can not add attribute to this player.")
return TRUE
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Player not found.")
return TRUE
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Unknow attribute.")
return TRUE
return TRUE


<talkaction log="yes" words="/attr" access="5" event="function" value="attr.lua"/>
Editado por phodarks (veja o histórico de edições)
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