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CreatureScript%25252FGlobalEvent%25252FMoveMent Frag Recompensa: Troféu? Coração? Ambos? Você escolhe!

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Eaii Galerinha, hj estou trazendo pra vcs um script bem antigo mais atualizado pelo J.Dre

Este script permite que você ative ou desative, troféus ou coração como recompensa.

Espero que você aprecie a conveniência dentro deste script.


Testado em The Forgotten Server 0.3.7 (aka. 0.4)


Level: 8 - 99 bct3m.gif

Level: 100 - 199 hsolg0.gif
Level: 200 - ??? ih0ept.gif
Ou o coração opcional!219coc1.gif


s0vh51.png wjyz4p.png



registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Frag Reward")


<event type="death" name="Frag Reward" event="script" value="frag_reward.lua"/>


local config = {
useTrophy = "yes", -- "yes" or "no"
useHeart = "yes", -- "yes" or "no"
killers = 1 -- only the actual killer gets rewarded.

local BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD = 10129, 10128, 10127

function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
local reward = 0

if(config.useTrophy) then
config.useTrophy = getBooleanFromString(config.useTrophy)
if(config.useHeart) then
config.useHeart = getBooleanFromString(config.useHeart)

local worldType = getConfigValue("worldType")
if(worldType == "open") then
for i = 1, config.killers do
if(isPlayer(cid) and isPlayer(deathList)) then
if(getPlayerIp(cid) ~= getPlayerIp(deathList)) then

local var = {
KILLER_NAME = getCreatureName(deathList),
TARGET_NAME = getCreatureName(cid),
KILLER_LEVEL = getPlayerLevel(deathList),
TARGET_LEVEL = getPlayerLevel(cid)

if(var.TARGET_LEVEL > 8 and var.TARGET_LEVEL < 100) then 
reward = BRONZE
elseif(var.TARGET_LEVEL > 99 and var.TARGET_LEVEL < 200) then
reward = SILVER
elseif(var.TARGET_LEVEL > 199) then
reward = GOLD

local trophy, heart = 0, 0
if(config.useHeart) then
heart = doAddContainerItem(corpse.uid, 5943, 1)

if(config.useTrophy) then
trophy = doPlayerAddItem(deathList, reward, 1)

local killers = ""
for i = 1, math.min(getConfigInfo('deathAssistCount') + 1, #deathList) do
killers = killers .. (i == 1 and "" or ", ") .. (isMonster(deathList) and "a " or "") .. getCreatureName(deathList)

if(config.useHeart) then
doItemSetAttribute(heart, "name", "Heart of " .. var.TARGET_NAME)
doItemSetAttribute(heart, "description", "It was taken from " .. var.TARGET_NAME .. "'s body. " .. (getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 and "She" or "He") .. " was killed at level " .. var.TARGET_LEVEL .. " by " .. var.KILLER_NAME .. ". " .. (getCreatureSkullType(cid) <= SKULL_GREEN and "(Unjustified)" or "(Justified)"))

if(config.useTrophy) then
doItemSetAttribute(trophy, "description", "It was awarded to " .. var.KILLER_NAME .. " for killing " .. var.TARGET_NAME .. ". " .. (getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 and "She" or "He") .. " was killed at level " .. var.TARGET_LEVEL .. " by " .. var.KILLER_NAME .. " who was level " .. var.KILLER_LEVEL .. " at the time. " .. (getCreatureSkullType(cid) <= SKULL_GREEN and "(Unjustified)" or "(Justified)"))

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED)
return true

J.Dre 100% script

AndreyLost 100% Topico

Não Custa Nada Reputa+















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Show de bola cara,mas acho que ficaria melhor ainda se tivesse um comando in-game que ativasse/desativasse esse sistema,porque tem gente que não gosta de ficar enchendo a backpack de itens.Tópico organizado e belo conteúdo,obrigado por trazer para o TK ! ;)

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nao Funcionou no meu Server. e eu tava querendo tanto um script desse :/

TibiaKing Team- KingTópicos

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