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Reborn Stystem Reset system Help me please

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Hi has anyone can script on "Reborb System" "reset system" 
He needs a script that I give because I have taken rebirth Dmg hp and mp 
and who could see how much is done. 
If someone has let me write to church or something 
Unless someone can do the trick to write this script 
if wrong forum please move it to the appropriate
By ErroR
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Speak English ;D iam from Poland :P

Good Sorry that I did something wrong; d 
but does anyone have something like this?
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Man, already existing this script type, you need just edit that your want.



But, i don't see necessity of edit, this npc already as nice.


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Only if he adds that how you look player clicks on it will be seen how many resets have? 
and that adds% to dmg? 
I'm weak in scripting
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Yep, show resets on look.

But, dont have % damage or similar thing, maybe xWhiteWolf can add this for you.


Or, i think that can make this with StatsChange, with condition check resets on cid, and formula damage to target.


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Good written his church may write off or give advice

And could someone write a script on the command upon driving the 712,717 level is part of the command, eg. (! Next) and relog character and you can level up to 903k?

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