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(Resolvido)Ajuda como colocar mais itens para vender no NPC

Ir para solução Resolvido por Danihcv,

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eu queria por alguns itens para vender no dark hodo mas n consegui eu fui la na pasta dos npc e fui no dark hodo vi q ele tinha os itens pra vender na pasta runes.lua au fui la e pus isso no final dela

shopModule:addSellableItem({'fire sword', 'sword'}, 2392, 50000,  'fire sword')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fire axe', 'axe'}, 2432, 50000,  'fire axe')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fire club', 'club'}, 8927, 50000,  'fire club')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon helmet', 'helmet'}, 2493, 50000,  'demon helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon armor', 'armor'}, 2494, 50000,  'demon armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon legs', 'legs'}, 2495, 50000,  'demon legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon shield', 'shield'}, 2520, 50000,  'demon shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'regen boots', 'boots'}, 2640, 50000,  'regen boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'Free Staff', 'staff'}, 2184, 50000,  'Free Staff')
entrei no servidor e n mudou nada alguem poderia me dizer oq esta errado ?
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Colocou isso no final do script? Com ctz n ia dar certo. Vc tem que colocar isso entre as outras vendas. Poste seu script do dark hodo que eu conserto.

Te ajudei?? REP + e ficamos quites... <a' alt=';D'>




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O tópico foi movido para a área correta, preste mais atenção da próxima vez!
Leia as regras do fórum:

Este tópico foi movido:
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Para: "OTServSuporte OTServSuporte de Scripts"


O título do tópico for alterado de : "NPC" para "Ajuda como colocar mais itens para vender no NPC".
Preste mais atenção da proxima vez.

Leia as regras do fórum :

2.3 - Use títulos e ícones adequados:
Ao criar um novo tópico no fórum, dê a ele um título que esteja relacionado ao
conteúdo do tópico. Títulos como "Ajudaaa!" ou "Entrem aqui!" só pioram as
coisas: ninguém vai saber do que se trata, e menos pessoas irão entrar para olhar
o que você postou.

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Colocou isso no final do script? Com ctz n ia dar certo. Vc tem que colocar isso entre as outras vendas. Poste seu script do dark hodo que eu conserto.

local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}
function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end
local shopModule = ShopModule:new()
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'spellbook'}, 2175, 150, 'spellbook')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'magic lightwand'}, 2163, 400, 'magic lightwand')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'small health'}, 8704, 20, 1, 'small health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'health potion'}, 7618, 45, 1, 'health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'mana potion'}, 7620, 50, 1, 'mana potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'strong health'}, 7588, 100, 1, 'strong health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'strong mana'}, 7589, 80, 1, 'strong mana potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great health'}, 7591, 190, 1, 'great health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great mana'}, 7590, 120, 1, 'great mana potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great spirit'}, 8472, 190, 1, 'great spirit potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'ultimate health'}, 8473, 310, 1, 'ultimate health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'antidote potion'}, 8474, 50, 1, 'antidote potion')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'normal potion flask', 'normal flask'}, 7636, 5, 'empty small potion flask')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'strong potion flask', 'strong flask'}, 7634, 10, 'empty strong potion flask')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'great potion flask', 'great flask'}, 7635, 15, 'empty great potion flask')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'blank rune'}, 2260, 10, 1, 'blank rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'instense healing'}, 2265, 95, 1, 'intense healing rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'ultimate healing'}, 2273, 175, 1, 'ultimate healing rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'magic wall'}, 2293, 350, 3, 'magic wall rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wild growth'}, 2269, 350, 2, 'wild growth rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'destroy field'}, 2261, 45, 5, 'destroy field rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'light magic missile'}, 2287, 40, 10, 'light magic missile rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'heavy magic missile'}, 2311, 120, 5, 'heavy magic missile rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great fireball'}, 2304, 180, 3, 'great fireball rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'explosion'}, 2313, 250, 3, 'explosion rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'sudden death'}, 2268, 350, 3, 'sudden death rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'paralyze'}, 2278, 700, 2, 'paralyze rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'animate dead'}, 2316, 375, 1, 'animate dead rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'convince creature'}, 2290, 80, 1, 'convince creature rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'chameleon'}, 2291, 210, 1, 'chameleon rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'desintegrate'}, 2310, 80,  3, 'desintegreate rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp sd'}, 2003, 2268, 7020, 50, 'backpack of sudden deaths')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp uh'}, 2002, 2268, 7021, 50, 'backpack of ultimate healing')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp hp'}, 2000, 7618, 900, 1, 'backpack of health potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp mp'}, 2001, 7620, 1000, 1, 'backpack of mana potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp shp'}, 2000, 7588, 2000, 1, 'backpack of strong health potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp smp'}, 2001, 7589, 1600, 1, 'backpack of strong mana potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp ghp'}, 2000, 7591, 3800, 1, 'backpack of great health potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp gmp'}, 2001, 7590, 2400, 1, 'backpack of great mana potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp gsp'}, 1999, 8472, 3800, 1, 'backpack of great spirit potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp uhp'}, 2000, 8473, 6200, 1, 'backpack of ultimate health potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of vortex', 'vortex'}, 2190, 500, 'wand of vortex')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of dragonbreath', 'dragonbreath'}, 2191, 1000, 'wand of dragonbreath')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of decay', 'decay'}, 2188, 5000, 'wand of decay')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of draconia', 'draconia'}, 8921, 7500, 'wand of draconia')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of cosmic energy', 'cosmic energy'}, 2189, 10000, 'wand of cosmic energy')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of inferno', 'inferno'}, 2187, 15000, 'wand of inferno')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of starstorm', 'starstorm'}, 8920, 18000, 'wand of starstorm')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of voodoo', 'voodoo'}, 8922, 22000, 'wand of voodoo')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'snakebite rod', 'snakebite'}, 2182, 500, 'snakebite rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'moonlight rod', 'moonlight'}, 2186, 1000, 'moonlight rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'necrotic rod', 'necrotic'}, 2185, 5000, 'necrotic rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'northwind rod', 'northwind'}, 8911, 7500, 'northwind rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'terra rod', 'terra'}, 2181, 10000, 'terra rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'hailstorm rod', 'hailstorm'}, 2183, 15000, 'hailstorm rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'springsprout rod', 'springsprout'}, 8912, 18000, 'springsprout rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'underworld rod', 'underworld'}, 8910, 22000,  'underworld rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of vortex', 'vortex'}, 2190, 500, 'wand of vortex')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of dragonbreath', 'dragonbreath'}, 2191, 1000, 'wand of dragonbreath')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of decay', 'decay'}, 2188, 5000, 'wand of decay')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of draconia', 'draconia'}, 8921, 7500, 'wand of draconia')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of cosmic energy', 'cosmic energy'}, 2189, 10000, 'wand of cosmic energy')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of inferno', 'inferno'}, 2187, 15000, 'wand of inferno')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of starstorm', 'starstorm'}, 8920, 18000, 'wand of starstorm')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of voodoo', 'voodoo'}, 8922, 22000, 'wand of voodoo')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'snakebite rod', 'snakebite'}, 2182, 500, 'snakebite rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'moonlight rod', 'moonlight'}, 2186, 1000, 'moonlight rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'necrotic rod', 'necrotic'}, 2185, 5000, 'necrotic rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'northwind rod', 'northwind'}, 8911, 7500, 'northwind rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'terra rod', 'terra'}, 2181, 10000, 'terra rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'hailstorm rod', 'hailstorm'}, 2183, 15000, 'hailstorm rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'springsprout rod', 'springsprout'}, 8912, 18000, 'springsprout rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'underworld rod', 'underworld'}, 8910, 22000,  'underworld rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fire sword', 'sword'}, 2392, 50000,  'fire sword')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fire axe', 'axe'}, 2432, 50000,  'fire axe')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fire club', 'club'}, 8927, 50000,  'fire club')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon helmet', 'helmet'}, 2493, 50000,  'demon helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon armor', 'armor'}, 2494, 50000,  'demon armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon legs', 'legs'}, 2495, 50000,  'demon legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon shield', 'shield'}, 2520, 50000,  'demon shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'regen boots', 'boots'}, 2640, 50000,  'regen boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'Free Staff', 'staff'}, 2184, 50000,  'Free Staff')
function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
return false
local items = {[1] = 2190, [2] = 2182, [5] = 2190, [6] = 2182}
if(msgcontains(msg, 'first rod') or msgcontains(msg, 'first wand')) then
if(isSorcerer(cid) or isDruid(cid)) then
if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 30002) == -1) then
selfSay('So you ask me for a {' .. getItemNameById(items[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) .. '} to begin your advanture?', cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 1
selfSay('What? I have already gave you one {' .. getItemNameById(items[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) .. '}!', cid)
selfSay('Sorry, you aren\'t a druid either a sorcerer.', cid)
elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'yes')) then
if(talkState[talkUser] == 1) then
doPlayerAddItem(cid, items[getPlayerVocation(cid)], 1)
selfSay('Here you are young adept, take care yourself.', cid)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 30002, 1)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'no') and isInArray({1}, talkState[talkUser]) == TRUE) then
selfSay('Ok then.', cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
return true
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)
esse aie o meu script do dark hodo
Editado por Rikikajimo (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • Solução

Pera, vc qr que o player possa comprar os itens, ou o player possa vender nesse npc?
Por eu tinha entendido que vc qria que o npc vendesse os itens. Mas no script vc colocou pro npc comprar os itens do player.


@Edit: Não testei o script do jeito que vc colocou, ja testei com umas minimas modificações que eu fiz e pegou direitinho (pro player vender itens pro npc):

local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}
function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end
local shopModule = ShopModule:new()
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'spellbook'}, 2175, 150, 'spellbook')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'magic lightwand'}, 2163, 400, 'magic lightwand')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'small health'}, 8704, 20, 1, 'small health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'health potion'}, 7618, 45, 1, 'health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'mana potion'}, 7620, 50, 1, 'mana potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'strong health'}, 7588, 100, 1, 'strong health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'strong mana'}, 7589, 80, 1, 'strong mana potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great health'}, 7591, 190, 1, 'great health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great mana'}, 7590, 120, 1, 'great mana potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great spirit'}, 8472, 190, 1, 'great spirit potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'ultimate health'}, 8473, 310, 1, 'ultimate health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'antidote potion'}, 8474, 50, 1, 'antidote potion')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'normal potion flask', 'normal flask'}, 7636, 5, 'empty small potion flask')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'strong potion flask', 'strong flask'}, 7634, 10, 'empty strong potion flask')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'great potion flask', 'great flask'}, 7635, 15, 'empty great potion flask')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'blank rune'}, 2260, 10, 1, 'blank rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'instense healing'}, 2265, 95, 1, 'intense healing rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'ultimate healing'}, 2273, 175, 1, 'ultimate healing rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'magic wall'}, 2293, 350, 3, 'magic wall rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wild growth'}, 2269, 350, 2, 'wild growth rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'destroy field'}, 2261, 45, 5, 'destroy field rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'light magic missile'}, 2287, 40, 10, 'light magic missile rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'heavy magic missile'}, 2311, 120, 5, 'heavy magic missile rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great fireball'}, 2304, 180, 3, 'great fireball rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'explosion'}, 2313, 250, 3, 'explosion rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'sudden death'}, 2268, 350, 3, 'sudden death rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'paralyze'}, 2278, 700, 2, 'paralyze rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'animate dead'}, 2316, 375, 1, 'animate dead rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'convince creature'}, 2290, 80, 1, 'convince creature rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'chameleon'}, 2291, 210, 1, 'chameleon rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'desintegrate'}, 2310, 80,  3, 'desintegreate rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp sd'}, 2003, 2268, 7020, 50, 'backpack of sudden deaths')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp uh'}, 2002, 2268, 7021, 50, 'backpack of ultimate healing')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp hp'}, 2000, 7618, 900, 1, 'backpack of health potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp mp'}, 2001, 7620, 1000, 1, 'backpack of mana potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp shp'}, 2000, 7588, 2000, 1, 'backpack of strong health potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp smp'}, 2001, 7589, 1600, 1, 'backpack of strong mana potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp ghp'}, 2000, 7591, 3800, 1, 'backpack of great health potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp gmp'}, 2001, 7590, 2400, 1, 'backpack of great mana potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp gsp'}, 1999, 8472, 3800, 1, 'backpack of great spirit potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp uhp'}, 2000, 8473, 6200, 1, 'backpack of ultimate health potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of vortex', 'vortex'}, 2190, 500, 'wand of vortex')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of dragonbreath', 'dragonbreath'}, 2191, 1000, 'wand of dragonbreath')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of decay', 'decay'}, 2188, 5000, 'wand of decay')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of draconia', 'draconia'}, 8921, 7500, 'wand of draconia')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of cosmic energy', 'cosmic energy'}, 2189, 10000, 'wand of cosmic energy')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of inferno', 'inferno'}, 2187, 15000, 'wand of inferno')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of starstorm', 'starstorm'}, 8920, 18000, 'wand of starstorm')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of voodoo', 'voodoo'}, 8922, 22000, 'wand of voodoo')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'snakebite rod', 'snakebite'}, 2182, 500, 'snakebite rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'moonlight rod', 'moonlight'}, 2186, 1000, 'moonlight rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'necrotic rod', 'necrotic'}, 2185, 5000, 'necrotic rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'northwind rod', 'northwind'}, 8911, 7500, 'northwind rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'terra rod', 'terra'}, 2181, 10000, 'terra rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'hailstorm rod', 'hailstorm'}, 2183, 15000, 'hailstorm rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'springsprout rod', 'springsprout'}, 8912, 18000, 'springsprout rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'underworld rod', 'underworld'}, 8910, 22000,  'underworld rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of vortex', 'vortex'}, 2190, 500, 'wand of vortex')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of dragonbreath', 'dragonbreath'}, 2191, 1000, 'wand of dragonbreath')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of decay', 'decay'}, 2188, 5000, 'wand of decay')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of draconia', 'draconia'}, 8921, 7500, 'wand of draconia')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of cosmic energy', 'cosmic energy'}, 2189, 10000, 'wand of cosmic energy')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of inferno', 'inferno'}, 2187, 15000, 'wand of inferno')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of starstorm', 'starstorm'}, 8920, 18000, 'wand of starstorm')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of voodoo', 'voodoo'}, 8922, 22000, 'wand of voodoo')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'snakebite rod', 'snakebite'}, 2182, 500, 'snakebite rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'moonlight rod', 'moonlight'}, 2186, 1000, 'moonlight rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'necrotic rod', 'necrotic'}, 2185, 5000, 'necrotic rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'northwind rod', 'northwind'}, 8911, 7500, 'northwind rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'terra rod', 'terra'}, 2181, 10000, 'terra rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'hailstorm rod', 'hailstorm'}, 2183, 15000, 'hailstorm rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'springsprout rod', 'springsprout'}, 8912, 18000, 'springsprout rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'underworld rod', 'underworld'}, 8910, 22000,  'underworld rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fire sword', 'fire sword'}, 2392, 50000,  'fire sword')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fire axe', 'fire axe'}, 2432, 50000,  'fire axe')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fire club', 'fire club'}, 8927, 50000,  'fire club')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon helmet', 'demon helmet'}, 2493, 50000,  'demon helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon armor', 'demon armor'}, 2494, 50000,  'demon armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon legs', 'demon legs'}, 2495, 50000,  'demon legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon shield', 'demon shield'}, 2520, 50000,  'demon shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'regen boots', 'regen boots'}, 2640, 50000,  'regen boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'Free Staff', 'free staff'}, 2184, 50000,  'Free Staff')
function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
return false
local items = {[1] = 2190, [2] = 2182, [5] = 2190, [6] = 2182}
if(msgcontains(msg, 'first rod') or msgcontains(msg, 'first wand')) then
if(isSorcerer(cid) or isDruid(cid)) then
if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 30002) == -1) then
selfSay('So you ask me for a {' .. getItemNameById(items[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) .. '} to begin your advanture?', cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 1
selfSay('What? I have already gave you one {' .. getItemNameById(items[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) .. '}!', cid)
selfSay('Sorry, you aren\'t a druid either a sorcerer.', cid)
elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'yes')) then
if(talkState[talkUser] == 1) then
doPlayerAddItem(cid, items[getPlayerVocation(cid)], 1)
selfSay('Here you are young adept, take care yourself.', cid)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 30002, 1)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'no') and isInArray({1}, talkState[talkUser]) == TRUE) then
selfSay('Ok then.', cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
return true
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)

Editado por danihcv (veja o histórico de edições)

Te ajudei?? REP + e ficamos quites... <a' alt=';D'>




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Pera, vc qr que o player possa comprar os itens, ou o player possa vender nesse npc?

Por eu tinha entendido que vc qria que o npc vendesse os itens. Mas no script vc colocou pro npc comprar os itens do player.


@Edit: Não testei o script do jeito que vc colocou, ja testei com umas minimas modificações que eu fiz e pegou direitinho (pro player vender itens pro npc):

local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}
function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end
local shopModule = ShopModule:new()
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'spellbook'}, 2175, 150, 'spellbook')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'magic lightwand'}, 2163, 400, 'magic lightwand')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'small health'}, 8704, 20, 1, 'small health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'health potion'}, 7618, 45, 1, 'health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'mana potion'}, 7620, 50, 1, 'mana potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'strong health'}, 7588, 100, 1, 'strong health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'strong mana'}, 7589, 80, 1, 'strong mana potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great health'}, 7591, 190, 1, 'great health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great mana'}, 7590, 120, 1, 'great mana potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great spirit'}, 8472, 190, 1, 'great spirit potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'ultimate health'}, 8473, 310, 1, 'ultimate health potion')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'antidote potion'}, 8474, 50, 1, 'antidote potion')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'normal potion flask', 'normal flask'}, 7636, 5, 'empty small potion flask')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'strong potion flask', 'strong flask'}, 7634, 10, 'empty strong potion flask')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'great potion flask', 'great flask'}, 7635, 15, 'empty great potion flask')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'blank rune'}, 2260, 10, 1, 'blank rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'instense healing'}, 2265, 95, 1, 'intense healing rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'ultimate healing'}, 2273, 175, 1, 'ultimate healing rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'magic wall'}, 2293, 350, 3, 'magic wall rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wild growth'}, 2269, 350, 2, 'wild growth rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'destroy field'}, 2261, 45, 5, 'destroy field rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'light magic missile'}, 2287, 40, 10, 'light magic missile rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'heavy magic missile'}, 2311, 120, 5, 'heavy magic missile rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great fireball'}, 2304, 180, 3, 'great fireball rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'explosion'}, 2313, 250, 3, 'explosion rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'sudden death'}, 2268, 350, 3, 'sudden death rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'paralyze'}, 2278, 700, 2, 'paralyze rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'animate dead'}, 2316, 375, 1, 'animate dead rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'convince creature'}, 2290, 80, 1, 'convince creature rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'chameleon'}, 2291, 210, 1, 'chameleon rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'desintegrate'}, 2310, 80,  3, 'desintegreate rune')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp sd'}, 2003, 2268, 7020, 50, 'backpack of sudden deaths')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp uh'}, 2002, 2268, 7021, 50, 'backpack of ultimate healing')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp hp'}, 2000, 7618, 900, 1, 'backpack of health potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp mp'}, 2001, 7620, 1000, 1, 'backpack of mana potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp shp'}, 2000, 7588, 2000, 1, 'backpack of strong health potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp smp'}, 2001, 7589, 1600, 1, 'backpack of strong mana potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp ghp'}, 2000, 7591, 3800, 1, 'backpack of great health potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp gmp'}, 2001, 7590, 2400, 1, 'backpack of great mana potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp gsp'}, 1999, 8472, 3800, 1, 'backpack of great spirit potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp uhp'}, 2000, 8473, 6200, 1, 'backpack of ultimate health potions')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of vortex', 'vortex'}, 2190, 500, 'wand of vortex')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of dragonbreath', 'dragonbreath'}, 2191, 1000, 'wand of dragonbreath')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of decay', 'decay'}, 2188, 5000, 'wand of decay')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of draconia', 'draconia'}, 8921, 7500, 'wand of draconia')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of cosmic energy', 'cosmic energy'}, 2189, 10000, 'wand of cosmic energy')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of inferno', 'inferno'}, 2187, 15000, 'wand of inferno')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of starstorm', 'starstorm'}, 8920, 18000, 'wand of starstorm')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of voodoo', 'voodoo'}, 8922, 22000, 'wand of voodoo')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'snakebite rod', 'snakebite'}, 2182, 500, 'snakebite rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'moonlight rod', 'moonlight'}, 2186, 1000, 'moonlight rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'necrotic rod', 'necrotic'}, 2185, 5000, 'necrotic rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'northwind rod', 'northwind'}, 8911, 7500, 'northwind rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'terra rod', 'terra'}, 2181, 10000, 'terra rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'hailstorm rod', 'hailstorm'}, 2183, 15000, 'hailstorm rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'springsprout rod', 'springsprout'}, 8912, 18000, 'springsprout rod')
shopModule:addBuyableItem({'underworld rod', 'underworld'}, 8910, 22000,  'underworld rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of vortex', 'vortex'}, 2190, 500, 'wand of vortex')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of dragonbreath', 'dragonbreath'}, 2191, 1000, 'wand of dragonbreath')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of decay', 'decay'}, 2188, 5000, 'wand of decay')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of draconia', 'draconia'}, 8921, 7500, 'wand of draconia')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of cosmic energy', 'cosmic energy'}, 2189, 10000, 'wand of cosmic energy')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of inferno', 'inferno'}, 2187, 15000, 'wand of inferno')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of starstorm', 'starstorm'}, 8920, 18000, 'wand of starstorm')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of voodoo', 'voodoo'}, 8922, 22000, 'wand of voodoo')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'snakebite rod', 'snakebite'}, 2182, 500, 'snakebite rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'moonlight rod', 'moonlight'}, 2186, 1000, 'moonlight rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'necrotic rod', 'necrotic'}, 2185, 5000, 'necrotic rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'northwind rod', 'northwind'}, 8911, 7500, 'northwind rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'terra rod', 'terra'}, 2181, 10000, 'terra rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'hailstorm rod', 'hailstorm'}, 2183, 15000, 'hailstorm rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'springsprout rod', 'springsprout'}, 8912, 18000, 'springsprout rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'underworld rod', 'underworld'}, 8910, 22000,  'underworld rod')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fire sword', 'fire sword'}, 2392, 50000,  'fire sword')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fire axe', 'fire axe'}, 2432, 50000,  'fire axe')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fire club', 'fire club'}, 8927, 50000,  'fire club')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon helmet', 'demon helmet'}, 2493, 50000,  'demon helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon armor', 'demon armor'}, 2494, 50000,  'demon armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon legs', 'demon legs'}, 2495, 50000,  'demon legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon shield', 'demon shield'}, 2520, 50000,  'demon shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'regen boots', 'regen boots'}, 2640, 50000,  'regen boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'Free Staff', 'free staff'}, 2184, 50000,  'Free Staff')
function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
return false
local items = {[1] = 2190, [2] = 2182, [5] = 2190, [6] = 2182}
if(msgcontains(msg, 'first rod') or msgcontains(msg, 'first wand')) then
if(isSorcerer(cid) or isDruid(cid)) then
if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 30002) == -1) then
selfSay('So you ask me for a {' .. getItemNameById(items[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) .. '} to begin your advanture?', cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 1
selfSay('What? I have already gave you one {' .. getItemNameById(items[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) .. '}!', cid)
selfSay('Sorry, you aren\'t a druid either a sorcerer.', cid)
elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'yes')) then
if(talkState[talkUser] == 1) then
doPlayerAddItem(cid, items[getPlayerVocation(cid)], 1)
selfSay('Here you are young adept, take care yourself.', cid)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 30002, 1)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'no') and isInArray({1}, talkState[talkUser]) == TRUE) then
selfSay('Ok then.', cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
return true
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)

eu queria q o player pudesse comprar e n vender por isso ficou errado agr entendi vlw


Editado por Rikikajimo (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • 6 years later...
Em 25/12/2014 em 15:07, Danihcv disse:

Pera, vc qr que o player possa comprar os itens, ou o player possa vender nesse npc?
Por eu tinha entendido que vc qria que o npc vendesse os itens. Mas no script vc colocou pro npc comprar os itens do player.


@Edit: Não testei o script do jeito que vc colocou, ja testei com umas minimas modificações que eu fiz e pegou direitinho (pro player vender itens pro npc):



Conteúdo Oculto


gostaria de saber se tem como adicionar um npc no map sem o RME editor, ou colocar os itens de imbue para vender no rashid ou algo assim tfs1.4 eu uso meu rameres nao esta carregando chega a 99% e fica nao respondendo

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