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(Resolvido)Erro ao compilar 0.3.6pl1 -

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Estou tentando compilar 0.3.6pl1 , porem ocorre este erro no momento.


Compilador: Default compiler

Building Makefile: "C:\Users\Meu\Downloads\SOURCES\dev-cpp\"
Executando make...
mingw32-make -f "C:\Users\Meu\Downloads\SOURCES\dev-cpp\" all
g++.exe -c ../game.cpp -o obj//game.o -I"C:/Users/Meu/Desktop/Sever Project/Stian's Repack Dev-Cpp 0.2, 64bit/include" -D__USE_MYSQL__ -D__USE_SQLITE__ -D__ENABLE_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC__ -fexpensive-optimizations -O1

../game.cpp: In constructor 'Game::Game()':
../game.cpp:75: error: 'GAMESTATE_NORMAL' was not declared in this scope

../game.cpp:76: error: 'WORLDTYPE_OPEN' was not declared in this scope

../game.cpp: In member function 'void Game::start(ServiceManager*)':
../game.cpp:114: error: 'GLOBALSAVE_M' is not a member of 'ConfigManager'

../game.cpp:115: error: 'GLOBALSAVE_M' is not a member of 'ConfigManager'
../game.cpp:122: error: 'GLOBALSAVE_M' is not a member of 'ConfigManager'
../game.cpp: In member function 'void Game::setGameState(GameState_t)':
../game.cpp:185: error: 'GAMESTATE_SHUTDOWN' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:193: error: 'GAMESTATE_INIT' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:204: error: 'INIT_PREMIUM_UPDATE' is not a member of 'ConfigManager'
../game.cpp:213: error: 'GAMESTATE_SHUTDOWN' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:215: error: 'GLOBALEVENT_SHUTDOWN' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:219: error: 'class Player' has no member named 'kick'

../game.cpp:232: error: 'GAMESTATE_CLOSED' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:239: error: 'class Player' has no member named 'kick'
../game.cpp:250: error: 'GAMESTATE_NORMAL' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:251: error: 'GAMESTATE_MAINTAIN' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:252: error: 'GAMESTATE_STARTUP' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:253: error: 'GAMESTATE_CLOSING' was not declared in this scope

../game.cpp: In member function 'void Game::saveGameState(bool)':
../game.cpp:264: error: 'GAMESTATE_NORMAL' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:265: error: 'GAMESTATE_MAINTAIN' was not declared in this scope

../game.cpp:280: error: 'GAMESTATE_MAINTAIN' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:281: error: 'GAMESTATE_NORMAL' was not declared in this scope

../game.cpp: At global scope:
../game.cpp:299: error: no 'void Game::cleanMapEx(uint32_t&)' member function declared in class 'Game'

../game.cpp:451: error: prototype for 'void Game::cleanMap()' does not match any in class 'Game'
../game.h:557: error: candidate is: void Game::cleanMap(uint32_t&)

../game.cpp:537: error: no 'bool Game::isSwimmingPool(Item*, const Tile*, bool) const' member function declared in class 'Game'

../game.cpp: In member function 'Thing* Game::internalGetThing(Player*, const Position&, int32_t, uint32_t, stackposType_t)':
../game.cpp:582: error: 'class Item' has no member named 'isMovable'

../game.cpp: In member function 'bool Game::removeCreature(Creature*, bool)':
../game.cpp:998: error: no matching function for call to 'Creature::updateTileCache(Tile*&)'

../creature.h:520: note: candidates are: void Creature::updateTileCache(const Tile*, int32_t, int32_t)
../creature.h:521: note: void Creature::updateTileCache(const Tile*, const Position&)

../game.cpp: In member function 'bool Game::playerMoveThing(uint32_t, const Position&, uint16_t, int16_t, const Position&, uint8_t)':
../game.cpp:1047: error: no matching function for call to 'Game::playerMoveCreature(uint32_t&, uint32_t, Position, Position, bool)'
../game.h:450: note: candidates are: bool Game::playerMoveCreature(uint32_t, uint32_t, const Position&, const Position&)

../game.cpp: At global scope:
../game.cpp:1054: error: prototype for 'bool Game::playerMoveCreature(uint32_t, uint32_t, const Position&, const Position&, bool)' does not match any in class 'Game'
../game.h:450: error: candidate is: bool Game::playerMoveCreature(uint32_t, uint32_t, const Position&, const Position&)
../game.cpp:1270: error: prototype for 'ReturnValue Game::internalMoveCreature(Creature*, Creature*, Cylinder*, Cylinder*, uint32_t, bool)' does not match any in class 'Game'
../game.h:345: error: candidates are: ReturnValue Game::internalMoveCreature(Creature*, Creature*, Cylinder*, Cylinder*, uint32_t)
../game.cpp:1224: error: ReturnValue Game::internalMoveCreature(Creature*, Direction, uint32_t)

../game.cpp: In member function 'bool Game::playerMoveItem(uint32_t, const Position&, uint16_t, int16_t, const Position&, uint8_t)':
../game.cpp:1360: error: 'RET_NOTMOVABLE' was not declared in this scope

../game.cpp: In member function 'ReturnValue Game::internalAddItem(Creature*, Cylinder*, Item*, int32_t, uint32_t, bool)':
../game.cpp:1632: error: no matching function for call to 'Game::internalAddItem(Creature*&, Cylinder*&, Item*&, int32_t&, uint32_t&, bool&, uint32_t&)'

../game.cpp:1628: note: candidates are: ReturnValue Game::internalAddItem(Creature*, Cylinder*, Item*, int32_t, uint32_t, bool)
../game.cpp: At global scope:

../game.cpp:1635: error: prototype for 'ReturnValue Game::internalAddItem(Creature*, Cylinder*, Item*, int32_t, uint32_t, bool, uint32_t&)' does not match any in class 'Game'

../game.cpp:1628: error: candidate is: ReturnValue Game::internalAddItem(Creature*, Cylinder*, Item*, int32_t, uint32_t, bool)

../game.cpp:1642: error: prototype for 'ReturnValue Game::internalAddItem(Creature*, Cylinder*, Item*, int32_t, uint32_t, bool, uint32_t&, Item**)' does not match any in class 'Game'
../game.cpp:1628: error: candidate is: ReturnValue Game::internalAddItem(Creature*, Cylinder*, Item*, int32_t, uint32_t, bool)
../game.cpp: In member function 'ReturnValue Game::internalRemoveItem(Creature*, Item*, int32_t, bool, uint32_t)':
../game.cpp:1728: error: 'FLAG_IGNORENOTMOVABLE' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp: At global scope:
../game.cpp:1755: error: prototype for 'ReturnValue Game::internalPlayerAddItem(Creature*, Player*, Item*, bool, slots_t)' does not match any in class 'Game'
../game.h:354: error: candidate is: ReturnValue Game::internalPlayerAddItem(Creature*, Player*, Item*, bool)

../game.cpp:1926: error: prototype for 'uint64_t Game::getMoney(const Cylinder*)' does not match any in class 'Game'

../game.h:383: error: candidate is: uint32_t Game::getMoney(const Cylinder*)
../game.cpp:1965: error: prototype for 'bool Game::removeMoney(Cylinder*, int64_t, uint32_t)' does not match any in class 'Game'

../game.h:392: error: candidate is: bool Game::removeMoney(Cylinder*, int32_t, uint32_t)
../game.cpp:2041: error: prototype for 'void Game::addMoney(Cylinder*, int64_t, uint32_t)' does not match any in class 'Game'
../game.h:400: error: candidate is: void Game::addMoney(Cylinder*, int32_t, uint32_t)

../game.cpp:2187: error: prototype for 'ReturnValue Game::internalTeleport(Thing*, const Position&, bool, uint32_t, bool)' does not match any in class 'Game'
../game.h:418: error: candidate is: ReturnValue Game::internalTeleport(Thing*, const Position&, bool, uint32_t)

../game.cpp: In member function 'bool Game::playerUseItemEx(uint32_t, const Position&, int16_t, uint16_t, const Position&, int16_t, uint16_t, bool)':
../game.cpp:2493: error: 'class Item' has no member named 'isUsable'

../game.cpp: In member function 'bool Game::playerUseItem(uint32_t, const Position&, int16_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, bool)':
../game.cpp:2585: error: 'class Item' has no member named 'isUsable'

../game.cpp: In member function 'bool Game::playerRequestTrade(uint32_t, const Position&, int16_t, uint32_t, uint16_t)':
../game.cpp:2981: error: 'TRADE_LIMIT' is not a member of 'ConfigManager'

../game.cpp: In member function 'bool Game::playerTurn(uint32_t, Direction)':
../game.cpp:3687: error: no matching function for call to 'Game::internalTeleport(Player*&, Position&, bool, cylinderflags_t, bool)'

../game.h:418: note: candidates are: ReturnValue Game::internalTeleport(Thing*, const Position&, bool, uint32_t)

../game.cpp: At global scope:
../game.cpp:4104: error: no 'bool Game::steerCreature(Creature*, const Position&)' member function declared in class 'Game'

../game.cpp: In member function 'void Game::updateCreatureWalk(uint32_t)':
../game.cpp:4144: error: 'class Creature' has no member named 'goToFollowCreature'

../game.cpp: At global scope:
../game.cpp:4354: error: 'Color_t' has not been declared

../game.cpp:4353: error: prototype for 'bool Game::combatChangeHealth(CombatType_t, Creature*, Creature*, int32_t, MagicEffect_t, int, bool)' does not match any in class 'Game'
../game.h:574: error: candidate is: bool Game::combatChangeHealth(CombatType_t, Creature*, Creature*, int32_t, MagicEffect_t, TextColor_t, bool)
../game.cpp: In member function 'bool Game::combatChangeMana(Creature*, Creature*, int32_t)':
../game.cpp:4595: error: 'COLOR_DARKPURPLE' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:4632: error: 'COLOR_BLUE' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp: At global scope:
../game.cpp:4655: error: no 'void Game::addCreatureSquare(const Creature*, uint8_t)' member function declared in class 'Game'
../game.cpp:4661: error: no 'void Game::addCreatureSquare(const SpectatorVec&, const Creature*, uint8_t)' member function declared in class 'Game'

../game.cpp:4936: error: no 'void Game::updateCreatureShield(Creature*)' member function declared in class 'Game'

../game.cpp:4949: error: no 'void Game::updateCreatureEmblem(Creature*)' member function declared in class 'Game'
../game.cpp:4962: error: no 'void Game::updateCreatureImpassable(Creature*)' member function declared in class 'Game'

../game.cpp:5046: error: prototype for 'bool Game::playerLeaveParty(uint32_t, bool)' does not match any in class 'Game'
../game.h:510: error: candidate is: bool Game::playerLeaveParty(uint32_t)

../game.cpp: In member function 'void Game::kickPlayer(uint32_t, bool)':
../game.cpp:5435: error: 'class Player' has no member named 'kick'

../game.cpp: At global scope:
../game.cpp:5502: error: prototype for 'std::string Game::getSearchString(const Position&, const Position&, bool, bool)' does not match any in class 'Game'

../game.h:542: error: candidate is: std::string Game::getSearchString(Position, Position, bool, bool)

../game.cpp: In member function 'int32_t Game::getMotdId()':
../game.cpp:5935: error: 'class _Database' has no member named 'query'

../game.cpp: In member function 'void Game::checkPlayersRecord(Player*)':
../game.cpp:5966: error: 'GLOBALEVENT_RECORD' was not declared in this scope

../game.cpp: In member function 'bool Game::reloadInfo(ReloadInfo_t, uint32_t)':
../game.cpp:6087: error: 'ScriptManager' has not been declared

../game.cpp:6221: error: 'ScriptManager' has not been declared

../game.cpp: In member function 'void Game::prepareGlobalSave()':
../game.cpp:6249: error: 'GAMESTATE_CLOSING' was not declared in this scope

../game.cpp: In member function 'void Game::globalSave()':
../game.cpp:6275: error: 'GAMESTATE_CLOSING' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:6278: error: 'GLOBALEVENT_GLOBALSAVE' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:6282: error: 'GAMESTATE_SHUTDOWN' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:6287: error: 'GAMESTATE_CLOSED' was not declared in this scope
../game.cpp:6290: error: no matching function for call to 'Game::cleanMap()'
../game.h:557: note: candidates are: void Game::cleanMap(uint32_t&)
../game.cpp:6297: error: 'INIT_PREMIUM_UPDATE' is not a member of 'ConfigManager'
../game.cpp:6309: error: 'GAMESTATE_NORMAL' was not declared in this scope

mingw32-make: *** [obj//game.o] Error 1

Execução terminada


O que devo fazer, pretendo criar 1 servidor derivado em cima dessa versão, se aconselharem outra melhor me avisem, Obrigado desde já.

Editado por Ryukiimaru (veja o histórico de edições)
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Recomendo procurar outro servidor com sources, porque ai oque não falta é erro  ;D vou dar uma procurada aqui pra ver se encontro

Ando devagar, porque já tive pressa. E levo esse sorriso, porque já chorei demais...


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Recomendo procurar outro servidor com sources, porque ai oque não falta é erro  ;D vou dar uma procurada aqui pra ver se encontro

Entaum, eu dei uma olhada mas não sei ao certo , qual o melhor, e o 0..3.6pl1, foi o que me recomendaram, e foi bem dificil achar '-' ,

procurei o pl2, porem sem sucesso, e esse que encontrei as Sources da esse erro :( .

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