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(Resolvido)Como retirar canal NPCs do computador

Ir para solução Resolvido por Wakon,

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Olá estou usando esse script ele está normal só que queria retirar a opção do canal NPCs que aparece quando clico no computador



function onJoinChannel(cid, channelId, users, isTv)
if channelId == 10 then
return false
if channelId == 11 then
doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, getHighscoreString(8))
return false
if channelId == 12 then
doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, getHighscoreString(6))
return false
if channelId >= 13 and channelId <= 18 then
  doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), (channelId-12).." Poke"..(channelId > 13 and "s" or ""), COLOR_BURN)
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52481, (channelId-12))
  if isInParty(cid) then
          local party = getPartyMembers(cid)
          if #party >= 2 then
             for i = 1, #party do
               if getPlayerStorageValue(party[i], 52481) <= -1 then               --alterado v2.6 duel system
                  setPlayerStorageValue(party[i], 52481, (channelId-12))
       elseif not isInParty(cid) then
          for _, sid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
              if getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 52482) == getCreatureName(cid) then
                 if getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 52481) == -1 then
                    setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 52481, (channelId-12))
  addEvent(doSendAnimatedText, 1000, getThingPos(cid), "BATTLE", COLOR_ELECTRIC) 
       doPlayerSetVocation(cid, 1)  
       return false   
if channelId >= 100 and channelId <= 10000 then
local owner =  getPlayerByGUID(getChannelOwner(channelId))
if isChannelTv(channelId) then
if isCreature(owner) then
if owner ~= cid then
doPlayerWatchOther(cid, owner)
local plural = #users == 1 and "" or "s"
doPlayerSendChannelMessage(owner, "TV Channel", getCreatureName(cid)..' is now watching your channel (currently '..#users..' player'..plural..' watching this channel).', 15, channelId)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99284, 1)
elseif owner == cid then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99284, 2)
return true
return true
function onLeaveChannel(cid, channelId, users)
if channelId >= 100 and channelId <= 10000 then
local owner =  getPlayerByGUID(getChannelOwner(channelId))
if isChannelTv(channelId) then
if owner ~= cid and getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 814 then
local plural = #users == 2 and "" or "s"
doPlayerSendChannelMessage(owner, "TV Channel", getCreatureName(cid)..' is not watching your channel anymore (currently '..#users - (1)..' player'..plural..' watching this channel).', 15, channelId)
elseif owner == cid then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99284, -1)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "CAM OFF", 180)
for stops = 1, #users do
if users[stops] ~= owner then
elseif owner == cid then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99284, -1)
return true
return true
function onMove(cid, fromPosition, toPosition)
-- Código não é mais necessário, feito em c++
-- Code deprecated, made in c++
--if not canWalkOnPos(toPosition, false, false, false, true, false) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 then
-- doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, false)
-- doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, not possible.")
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99284) <= 0 then return true end
local speed = getCreatureSpeed(cid)
local a = getWatchingPlayersFromPos(cid, fromPosition)
for b = 1, #a do
if getCreatureSpeed(a[b]) ~= speed then
doChangeSpeed(a[b], - getCreatureSpeed(a[b]))
doChangeSpeed(a[b], speed)
doTeleportThing(a[b], toPosition, true)
return true
local permited = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s",
"t", "u", "v", "x", "w", ",", "'", '"',
"y", "z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", ".", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "&", "*", "(", ")",
"-", "_", "+", "/", ";", ":", "?", "^", "~", "{", "[", "}", "]", ">", "<", "£", "¢", "¬"}
function onTextEdit(cid, item, newText)
if item.itemid == 12330 then
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99284) >= 1 then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are already on air!")
return false
local channelName = getCreatureName(cid).."'s TV Channel"
if string.len(newText) <= 0 then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your channel is going to be shown as \""..getCreatureName(cid).."'s TV Channel\".")
elseif string.len(newText) > 25 then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your channel name can't have more than 25 characters.")
return false
channelName = newText
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99284, 1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99285, "")
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99285, channelName)
doPlayerCreatePrivateChannel(cid, channelName)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "ON AIR!", COLOR_GRASS)
return false
return true



e pode mim ajudar a tirar os membros da staff do TOP level? do GroupID 4 até 6? 

Editado por TopllDanStar (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • Solução

Sobre tirar o canal de NPCs, vá em "Data/XML" abra o channels.xml e procure pelo canal de NPCs.

Terá a vocation ID no canal tipo:

<vocation id="3"/>

Coloque ela na vocação do Pokémon Trainer, provavelmente 1.

Caso seu servidor tenha nova vocação, tipo "Trainer Elite", você pode adicionar uma linha abaixo para definir ela também.


<vocation id="1"/>
<vocation id="2"/>
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  Em 14/05/2015 em 19:49, Wakon disse:


Sobre tirar o canal de NPCs, vá em "Data/XML" abra o channels.xml e procure pelo canal de NPCs.

Terá a vocation ID no canal tipo:

<vocation id="3"/>

Coloque ela na vocação do Pokémon Trainer, provavelmente 1.

Caso seu servidor tenha nova vocação, tipo "Trainer Elite", você pode adicionar uma linha abaixo para definir ela também.


<vocation id="1"/>
<vocation id="2"/>
Mostrar mais  


Mais eu só queria que o canal npcs saisse daquela janelinha que abre depois que eu clico no computador e não do server


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- README:
0 - dynamic, reserved for guilds
1 - always acts as Party channel, only "name" tag available
3 - always acts as Rule Violations channel
9 - acts as Help channel- clientsided message
65535 - DO NOT CHANGE THE ID- only "name", "enabled", "active" and "logged" tags available
<channel id="1" name="Party">
<vocation id="1"/>
<channel id="2" name="Staff" access="3">
<vocation id="1"/>
<channel id="3" name="Rule Violations" logged="yes">
<vocation id="1"/>
<channel id="4" name="Counselor" access="1">
<vocation id="1"/>
<channel id="5" name="Game-Chat" level="1">
<vocation id="1"/>
<channel id="6" name="Trade" level="1" muted="120" conditionId="2" conditionMessage="Espere dois minutos.">
<vocation id="1"/>
<channel id="7" name="Trade-Rookgaard" level="2" muted="120" conditionId="3" conditionMessage="Espere dois minutos.">
<vocation id="0"/>
<channel id="8" name="RL-Chat" level="2">
<vocation id="1"/>
<channel id="9" name="Help" logged="yes" level="1" muted="120" conditionId="2" conditionMessage="Espere dois minutos.">
<vocation id="1"/>
<channel id="10" name="Mostrar estatisticas dos Pokemons ">
<vocation id="3"/>
<channel id="11" name="Mostrar o TOP level">
<vocation id="3"/>
<channel id="12" name="Mostrar o TOP pesca">
<vocation id="3"/>
<channel id="13" name="1 poke">
<vocation id="8"/>
<channel id="14" name="2 pokes">
<vocation id="8"/>
<channel id="15" name="3 pokes">
<vocation id="8"/>
<channel id="16" name="4 pokes">
<vocation id="8"/>
<channel id="17" name="5 pokes">
<vocation id="8"/>
<channel id="18" name="6 pokes">
<vocation id="8"/>
<channel id="10001" name="001-Bulbasaur">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10002" name="002-Ivysaur">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10003" name="003-Venusaur">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10004" name="004-Charmander">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10005" name="005-Charmeleon">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10006" name="006-Charizard">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10007" name="007-Squirtle">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10008" name="008-Wartortle">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10009" name="009-Blastoise">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10010" name="010-Caterpie">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10011" name="011-Metapod">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10012" name="012-Butterfree">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10013" name="013-Weedle">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10014" name="014-Kakuna">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10015" name="015-Beedrill">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10016" name="016-Pidgey">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10017" name="017-Pidgeotto">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10018" name="018-Pidgeot">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10019" name="019-Rattata">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10020" name="020-Raticate">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10021" name="021-Spearow">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10022" name="022-Fearow">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10023" name="023-Ekans">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10024" name="024-Arbok">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10025" name="025-Pikachu">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10026" name="026-Raichu">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10027" name="027-Sandshrew">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10028" name="028-Sandslash">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10029" name="029-Nidoran Female">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10030" name="030-Nidorina">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10031" name="031-Nidoqueen">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10032" name="032-Nidoran Male">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10033" name="033-Nidorino">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10034" name="034-Nidoking">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10035" name="035-Clefairy">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10036" name="036-Clefable">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10037" name="037-Vulpix">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10038" name="038-Ninetales">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10039" name="039-Jigglypuff">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10040" name="040-Wigglytuff">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10041" name="041-Zubat">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10042" name="042-Golbat">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10043" name="043-Oddish">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10044" name="044-Gloom">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10045" name="045-Vileplume">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10046" name="046-Paras">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10047" name="047-Parasect">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10048" name="048-Venonat">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10049" name="049-Venomoth">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10050" name="050-Diglett">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10051" name="051-Dugtrio">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10052" name="052-Meowth">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10053" name="053-Persian">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10054" name="054-Psyduck">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10055" name="055-Golduck">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10056" name="056-Mankey">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10057" name="057-Primeape">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10058" name="058-Growlithe">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10059" name="059-Arcanine">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10060" name="060-Poliwag">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10061" name="061-Poliwhirl">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10062" name="062-Poliwrath">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10063" name="063-Abra">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10064" name="064-Kadabra">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10065" name="065-Alakazam">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10066" name="066-Machop">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10067" name="067-Machoke">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10068" name="068-Machamp">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10069" name="069-Bellsprout">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10070" name="070-Weepinbell">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10071" name="071-Victreebel">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10072" name="072-Tentacool">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10073" name="073-Tentacruel">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10074" name="074-Geodude">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10075" name="075-Graveler">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10076" name="076-Golem">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10077" name="077-Ponyta">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10078" name="078-Rapidash">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10079" name="079-Slowpoke">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10080" name="080-Slowbro">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10081" name="081-Magnemite">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10082" name="082-Magneton">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10083" name="083-Farfetch'd">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10084" name="084-Doduo">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10085" name="085-Dodrio">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10086" name="086-Seel">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10087" name="087-Dewgong">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10088" name="088-Grimer">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10089" name="089-Muk">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10090" name="090-Shellder">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10091" name="091-Cloyster">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10092" name="092-Gastly">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10093" name="093-Haunter">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10094" name="094-Gengar">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10095" name="095-Onix">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10096" name="096-Drowzee">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10097" name="097-Hypno">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10098" name="098-Krabby">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10099" name="099-Kingler">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10100" name="100-Voltorb">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10101" name="101-Electrode">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10102" name="102-Exeggcute">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10103" name="103-Exeggutor">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10104" name="104-Cubone">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10105" name="105-Marowak">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10106" name="106-Hitmonlee">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10107" name="107-Hitmonchan">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10108" name="108-Lickitung">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10109" name="109-Koffing">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10110" name="110-Weezing">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10111" name="111-Rhyhorn">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10112" name="112-Rhydon">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10113" name="113-Chansey">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10114" name="114-Tangela">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10115" name="115-Kangaskhan">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10116" name="116-Horsea">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10117" name="117-Seadra">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10118" name="118-Goldeen">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10119" name="119-Seaking">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10120" name="120-Staryu">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10121" name="121-Starmie">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10122" name="122-Mr. Mime">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10123" name="123-Scyther">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10124" name="124-Jynx">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10125" name="125-Electabuzz">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10126" name="126-Magmar">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10127" name="127-Pinsir">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10128" name="128-Tauros">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10129" name="129-Magikarp">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10130" name="130-Gyarados">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10131" name="131-Lapras">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10132" name="132-Ditto">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10133" name="133-Eevee">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10134" name="134-Vaporeon">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10135" name="135-Jolteon">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10136" name="136-Flareon">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10137" name="137-Porygon">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10138" name="138-Omanyte">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10139" name="139-Omastar">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10140" name="140-Kabuto">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10141" name="141-Kabutops">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10142" name="142-Aerodactyl">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10143" name="143-Snorlax">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10144" name="144-Articuno">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10145" name="145-Zapdos">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10146" name="146-Moltres">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10147" name="147-Dratini">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10148" name="148-Dragonair">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10149" name="149-Dragonite">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10150" name="150-Mewtwo">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10151" name="151-Mew">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10152" name="152-Chikorita">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10153" name="153-Bayleef">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10154" name="154-Meganium">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10155" name="155-Cyndaquil">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10156" name="156-Quilava">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10157" name="157-Typhlosion">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10158" name="158-Totodile">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10159" name="159-Croconaw">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10160" name="160-Feraligatr">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10161" name="161-Sentret">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10162" name="162-Furret">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10163" name="163-Hoothoot">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10164" name="164-Noctowl">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10165" name="165-Ledyba">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10166" name="166-Ledian">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10167" name="167-Spinarak">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10168" name="168-Ariados">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10169" name="169-Crobat">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10170" name="170-Chinchou">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10171" name="171-Lanturn">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10172" name="172-Pichu">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10173" name="173-Cleffa">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10174" name="174-Iglybuff">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10175" name="175-Togepi">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10176" name="176-Togetic">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10177" name="177-Natu">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10178" name="178-Xatu">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10179" name="179-Mareep">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10180" name="180-Flaaffy">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10181" name="181-Ampharos">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10182" name="182-Bellossom">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10183" name="183-Marill">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10184" name="184-Azumarill">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10185" name="185-Sudowoodo">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10186" name="186-Politoed">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10187" name="187-Hoppip">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10188" name="188-Skiploom">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10189" name="189-Jumpluff">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10190" name="190-Aipom">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10191" name="191-Sunkern">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10192" name="192-Sunflora">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10193" name="193-Yanma">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10194" name="194-Wooper">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10195" name="195-Quagsire">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10196" name="196-Espeon">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10197" name="197-Umbreon">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10198" name="198-Murkrow">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10199" name="199-Slowking">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10200" name="200-Misdreavus">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10201" name="201-Unown">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10202" name="202-Wobbuffet">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10203" name="203-Girafarig">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10204" name="204-Pineco">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10205" name="205-Forretress">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10206" name="206-Dunsparce">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10207" name="207-Gligar">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10208" name="208-Steelix">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10209" name="209-Snubbull">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10210" name="210-Granbull">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10211" name="211-Qwilfish">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10212" name="212-Scizor">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10213" name="213-Shuckle">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10214" name="214-Heracross">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10215" name="215-Sneasel">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10216" name="216-Teddiursa">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10217" name="217-Ursaring">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10218" name="218-Slugma">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10219" name="219-Magcargo">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10220" name="220-Swinub">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10221" name="221-Piloswine">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10222" name="222-Corsola">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10223" name="223-Remoraid">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10224" name="224-Octillery">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10225" name="225-Delibird">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10226" name="226-Mantine">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10227" name="227-Skarmory">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10228" name="228-Houndour">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10229" name="229-Houndoom">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10230" name="230-Kingdra">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10231" name="231-Phanpy">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10232" name="232-Donphan">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10233" name="233-Porygon2">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10234" name="234-Stantler">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10235" name="235-Smeargle">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10236" name="236-Tyrogue">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10237" name="237-Hitmontop">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10238" name="238-Smoochum">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10239" name="239-Elekid">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10240" name="240-Magby">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10241" name="241-Miltank">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10242" name="242-Blissey">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10243" name="243-Raikou">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10244" name="244-Entei">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10245" name="245-Suicune">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10246" name="246-Larvitar">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10247" name="247-Pupitar">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10248" name="248-Tyranitar">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10249" name="249-Lugia">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10250" name="250-Ho-oh">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="10251" name="251-Celebi">
<vocation id="9"/>
<channel id="65535" name="Private Chat Channel"/>

e no mesmo arquivo não achei o canal NPCs

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Poste o script do seu rank que fica em data/talkactions/scripts.

para fazer essa edição que você pediu: "e pode mim ajudar a tirar os membros da staff do TOP level? do GroupID 4 até 6?"

Ando devagar, porque já tive pressa. E levo esse sorriso, porque já chorei demais...


Minhas Sprites:

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Mega Metagross

Mega Abomasnow

Pack de Shinys

[Posso atualizá-lo com novos shinys a qualquer momento]


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  Em 14/05/2015 em 20:21, Vinicius Xxgamexx disse:

Poste o script do seu rank que fica em data/talkactions/scripts.

para fazer essa edição que você pediu: "e pode mim ajudar a tirar os membros da staff do TOP level? do GroupID 4 até 6?"

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Não tem nenhuma script  -.-

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Procure o arquivo com o nome rank.lua  -.-... ou em data/talkactions abra talkactions.xml

ctrl+f e procure por !rank nessa linha mostrara um arquivo com o nome ALGUMNOME.lua

procure esse arquivo em data/talkactions/scripts e me envie o código.

Observação: ALGUMNOME é um exemplo (o nome do arquivo) .lua é o formato basta procurar pelo "algumnome"

Ando devagar, porque já tive pressa. E levo esse sorriso, porque já chorei demais...


Minhas Sprites:

  Mostrar conteúdo oculto

Mega Metagross

Mega Abomasnow

Pack de Shinys

[Posso atualizá-lo com novos shinys a qualquer momento]


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[Completo] Criando e adicionando um novo Pokémon

[Actions] Criando quest no RME

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  Em 14/05/2015 em 20:37, Vinicius Xxgamexx disse:

Procure o arquivo com o nome rank.lua  -.-... ou em data/talkactions abra talkactions.xml

ctrl+f e procure por !rank nessa linha mostrara um arquivo com o nome ALGUMNOME.lua

procure esse arquivo em data/talkactions/scripts e me envie o código.

Observação: ALGUMNOME é um exemplo (o nome do arquivo) .lua é o formato basta procurar pelo "algumnome"

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Não tem nenhum script, esse rank mostra depois que a pessoa clica no computador

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Então esse não é o script correto do computador agora isso já não é comigo...

Procure a id do computador em data/actions   actions.xml e verifique se é o script correto...

Ando devagar, porque já tive pressa. E levo esse sorriso, porque já chorei demais...


Minhas Sprites:

  Mostrar conteúdo oculto

Mega Metagross

Mega Abomasnow

Pack de Shinys

[Posso atualizá-lo com novos shinys a qualquer momento]


  Mostrar conteúdo oculto

[Completo] Criando e adicionando um novo Pokémon

[Actions] Criando quest no RME

Editores Lua/Xml/Sync Entre outros:

Editores Win/Mac/Linux

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  Em 14/05/2015 em 20:50, Vinicius Xxgamexx disse:

Então esse não é o script correto do computador agora isso já não é comigo...

Procure a id do computador em data/actions   actions.xml e verifique se é o script correto...

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esse script ai

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
doPlayerSetVocation(cid, 3)
return true


junto com aquele que deixei lá em cima



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Amigo, espere 24 horas para dar outro UP, leia as regras:

2.7 - Dar "UP" para subir tópicos:
Não é proibido da "UP" em seus tópicos para ele subir na listagem, porém você só poderá usar deste beneficio dentro de um período de 24h, ou seja, se você deu "UP" agora só poderá dar novamente daqui 24h, caso ao contrário seu tópico será fechado. Lembre-se que isto é um exceção da regra do double post, tanto é que você só poderá usar deste beneficio de 48 em 48 horas.
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  Em 15/05/2015 em 09:27, Wakon disse:

Amigo, espere 24 horas para dar outro UP, leia as regras:

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Desculpa, já foi resolvido ;D

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