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Addondoll e Moundoll tfs 1.2

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Boa Tarde,




Alguem tem a script de addondoll e mountdoll para tfs 1.2 porque a que eu tinha do tfs 1.0 não funciona =/







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local config = {

    ['citizen'] = { male = 128, female = 136 },
    ['hunter'] = { male = 129, female = 137 },
    ['mage'] = { male = 130, female = 141 },
    ['knight'] = { male = 131, female = 139 },
    ['noble'] = { male = 132, female = 140 },
    ['summoner'] = { male = 133, female = 138 },
    ['warrior'] = { male = 134, female = 142 },
    ['barbarian'] = { male = 147, female = 143 },
    ['druid'] = { male = 148, female = 144 },
    ['wizard'] = { male = 149, female = 145 },
    ['oriental'] = { male = 150, female = 146 },
    ['pirate'] = { male = 151, female = 155 },
    ['assassin'] = { male = 152, female = 156 },
    ['beggar'] = { male = 153, female = 157 },
    ['shaman'] = { male = 154, female = 158 },
    ['norseman'] = { male = 251, female = 252 },
    ['nightmare'] = { male = 268, female = 269 },
    ['jester'] = { male = 273, female = 270 },
    ['brotherhood'] = { male = 278, female = 279 },
    ['demonhunter'] = { male = 289, female = 288 },
    ['yalaharian'] = { male = 325, female = 324 },
    ['wedding'] = { male = 328, female = 329 },
    ['warmaster'] = { male = 335, female = 336 },
    ['wayfarer'] = { male = 367, female = 366 },
    ['afflicted'] = { male = 430, female = 431 },
    ['elementalist'] = { male = 432, female = 433 },
    ['deepling'] = { male = 463, female = 464 },
    ['insectoid'] = { male = 465, female = 466 },
    ['entrepreneur'] = { male = 472, female = 471 },
    ['crystal warlord'] = { male = 512, female = 513 },
    ['soil guardian'] = { male = 516, female = 514 },
    ['demon'] = { male = 541, female = 542 },
    ['cave explorer'] = { male = 574, female = 575 },
    ['dream warden'] = { male = 577, female = 578 },
    ['glooth engineer'] = { male =610, female =618 },
    ['jersey'] = { male = 619, female = 620 },
    ['champion'] = { male =633 , female = 632 },
    ['conjurer'] = { male = 634, female = 578 },
    ['beastmaster'] = { male = 637, female =636  },
    ['chaos acolyte'] = { male = 664, female = 665 },
    ['death herald'] = { male = 667, female = 578 },
    ['ranger'] = { male = 684, female = 683 },
    ['ceremonial grab'] = { male = 695, female = 694 },
    ['puppeteer'] = { male = 697, female = 696 },
    ['spirt caller'] = { male = 699, female = 698 },

function onSay(cid, words, param)
    local targetOutfit = config[param:lower()]
    if not targetOutfit then
        return false

    local player = Player(cid)
    if player:getSex() == 0 then
        if param == 'mage' then
            targetOutfit.female, targetOutfit.male = 138, 133
        elseif param == 'summoner' then
            targetOutfit.female, targetOutfit.male = 141, 130

    if player:hasOutfit(player:getSex() == 0 and targetOutfit.female or targetOutfit.male, 3) then
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'You have already obtained the ' .. param .. ' addons.')
        return false

    if not player:removeItem(8982, 1) then
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'You need an addon doll.')
        return false

    player:addOutfitAddon(targetOutfit.female, 3)
    player:addOutfitAddon(targetOutfit.male, 3)
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'You have received the ' .. param .. ' addons!')
    return false
function onSay(cid, words, param)
    local mounts = {
        ["widow"] = {id = 1},
        ["bird"] = {id = 2},
        ["bear"] = {id = 3},
        ["sheep"] = {id = 4},
        ["panther"] = {id = 5},
        ["draptor"] = {id = 6},
        ["titanica"] = {id = 7},
        ["lizzard"] = {id = 8},
        ["blazebringer"] = {id = 9},
        ["rapidboar"] = {id = 10},
        ["stampor"] = {id = 11},
        ["undeadcavebear"] = {id = 12},
        ["donkey"] = {id = 13},
        ["slug"] = {id = 14},
        ["uniwheel"] = {id = 15},
        ["crystalwolf"] = {id = 16},
        ["panda"] = {id = 19},
        ["dromedary"] = {id = 20},
        ["kingscorpion"] = {id = 21}
    local p = Player(cid)
    if(p:getItemCount(9019) > 0) then
        local t = mounts[string.lower(param)]
        if(param ~= "" and t) then
            if(t and not p:hasMount( then
                p:removeItem(9019, 1)
                p:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Sua mount foi adicionada!")
                p:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Voce ja tem esta mount.")
            p:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Digite novamente, algo está errado!")
        p:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Voce não tem um mount doll!")
return true

Edite os addons/mounts que voce queira..

discord.pngDiscord: vankk #7765

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Muitos vêm seus muitos dias de glória, mas poucos vêm seus muitos dias de luta.

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