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Salve programadores!!!

Da uma ajudinha? tenho o script de loteria:

-- Lottery System By Jeff

local config = {

    lottery_hour = "1 Hours", -- Tempo ate a proxima loteria (Esse tempo vai aparecer somente como broadcast message)

    rewards_id = {2160, 9810, 9822, 9819, 2173, 9693}, -- ID dos Itens Sorteados na Loteria

    crystal_counts = 100, -- Usado somente se a rewards_id for crystal coin (ID: 2160).

    website = "no" -- Only if you have php scripts and table `lottery` in your database!


function onThink(interval, lastExecution)

        if(getWorldCreatures(0) == 0)then

                return true


    local list = {}

    for i, tid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do

                list[i] = tid


        local winner = list[math.random(1, #list)]

        local random_item = config.rewards_id[math.random(1, #config.rewards_id)]

        if(random_item == 2160) then

                doPlayerAddItem(winner, random_item, config.crystal_counts)

                doBroadcastMessage("[LOTTERY SYSTEM] Winner: " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. ", Reward: " .. config.crystal_counts .. " " .. getItemNameById(random_item) .. "s! Congratulations! (Proxima Loteria em " .. config.lottery_hour .. ")")


                doBroadcastMessage("[LOTTERY SYSTEM] Ganhador: " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. ", Item: " .. getItemNameById(random_item) .. "! Parabens! (Proxima Loteria em " .. config.lottery_hour .. ") Premios que podem cair: 1kk, Rusty Armor, Rusty Helmet, Rusty Boots ou Addon Doll. Fique online! Quem sabe vc pode ser o proximo ganhador?")

                doPlayerAddItem(winner, random_item, 1)


        if( == "yes") then

                db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `lottery` (`name`, `item`) VALUES ('".. getCreatureName(winner) .."', '".. getItemNameById(random_item) .."');")


        return true


Queria que entregasse o item apenas para player que estiver com Cast On

talvez mudando de getPlayersOnline pra getPlayersCast 

Alguem pode dar um salve ae? VLW!!!

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Você quer que a loteria funcione apenas para quem está assistindo TV?

Não dou suporte via PM, crie um tópico caso tenha dúvidas.

Isso previne que outras pessoas com a mesma dúvida criem tópicos desnecessários.

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Quero que sorteie alguem com Cast Aberto para entregar o premio...


50 players online.


5 players com cast aberto... Loteria sorteia um destes 5 e entrega um premio!

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Cast aberto seria com a tv ligada para outras pessoas assistirem?

Não dou suporte via PM, crie um tópico caso tenha dúvidas.

Isso previne que outras pessoas com a mesma dúvida criem tópicos desnecessários.

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eh, no caso, ngm quer ficar com cast aberto, sendo que isso é uma propaganda para o server... Entao os cara que ficar com cast aberto tem recompensa


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-- Lottery System By Jeff

local config = {
lottery_hour = "1 Hours", -- Tempo ate a proxima loteria (Esse tempo vai aparecer somente como broadcast message)
rewards_id = {2160, 9810, 9822, 9819, 2173, 9693}, -- ID dos Itens Sorteados na Loteria
crystal_counts = 100, -- Usado somente se a rewards_id for crystal coin (ID: 2160).
website = "no" -- Only if you have php scripts and table `lottery` in your database!
storage = 165132, -- storage do cast system do seu servidor.

function onThink(interval, lastExecution)
	if getPlayerStorageValue (cid, == 1 then
		if(getWorldCreatures(0) == 0)then
			return true
		local list = {}

		for i, tid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
			list[i] = tid

		local winner = list[math.random(1, #list)]
		local random_item = config.rewards_id[math.random(1, #config.rewards_id)]

		if(random_item == 2160) then
			doPlayerAddItem(winner, random_item, config.crystal_counts)
			doBroadcastMessage("[LOTTERY SYSTEM] Winner: " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. ", Reward: " .. config.crystal_counts .. " " .. getItemNameById(random_item) .. "s! Congratulations! (Proxima Loteria em " .. config.lottery_hour .. ")")
			doBroadcastMessage("[LOTTERY SYSTEM] Ganhador: " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. ", Item: " .. getItemNameById(random_item) .. "! Parabens! (Proxima Loteria em " .. config.lottery_hour .. ") Premios que podem cair: 1kk, Rusty Armor, Rusty Helmet, Rusty Boots ou Addon Doll. Fique online! Quem sabe vc pode ser o proximo ganhador?")
			doPlayerAddItem(winner, random_item, 1)

		if( == "yes") then
			db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `lottery` (`name`, `item`) VALUES ('".. getCreatureName(winner) .."', '".. getItemNameById(random_item) .."');")
return true


Não dou suporte via PM, crie um tópico caso tenha dúvidas.

Isso previne que outras pessoas com a mesma dúvida criem tópicos desnecessários.

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Eu coloquei um número aleatório, você deve substituir pelo storage do cast system do seu servidor.

Não dou suporte via PM, crie um tópico caso tenha dúvidas.

Isso previne que outras pessoas com a mesma dúvida criem tópicos desnecessários.

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No script do cast...

Procura na pasta data, algo como tvSys.

Não dou suporte via PM, crie um tópico caso tenha dúvidas.

Isso previne que outras pessoas com a mesma dúvida criem tópicos desnecessários.

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function onSay(cid, words, param, channelId)
	local t, data = string.explode(param, " ", 1), getPlayerSpectators(cid)
	if(isInArray({'off', 'no', 'disable'}, t[1])) then
		data.mutes = {}
		data.broadcast = false
		doPlayerSetSpectators(cid, data)

		db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `broadcasting` = 0, `viewers` = 0 WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid))
		doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You have disabled your live stream.")
	elseif(isInArray({'on', 'yes', 'enable'}, t[1])) then
		data.broadcast = true
		doPlayerSetSpectators(cid, data)

		db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `broadcasting` = 1 WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid))
		doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You have enabled your live stream.")
	elseif(isInArray({'show', 'count', 'see'}, t[1])) then
		if(data.broadcast) then
			local count = table.maxn(data.names)
			if(count > 0) then
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You are currently watched by " .. count .. " people.")
				local str = ""
				for _, name in ipairs(data.names) do
					str = str .. (str:len() > 0 and ", " or "") .. name

				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, str .. ".")
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "None is watching your stream right now.")
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You are not streaming right now.")
	elseif(isInArray({'kick', 'remove'}, t[1])) then
		if(data.broadcast) then
			if(t[2]) then
				if(t[2] ~= "all") then
					local found = false
					for _, name in ipairs(data.names) do
						if(t[2]:lower() == name:lower()) then
							found = true

					if(found) then
						table.insert(data.kick, t[2])
						doPlayerSetSpectators(cid, data)
						doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spectator " .. t[2] .. " has been kicked.")
						doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spectator " .. t[2] .. " not found. Say '!cast kick Spectatorname' - Example: '!cast kick Spectator [9999]'")
					data.kick = data.names
					doPlayerSetSpectators(cid, data)
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You need to type a name.")
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You are not streaming right now.")
	elseif(isInArray({'ban', 'block'}, t[1])) then
		if(data.broadcast) then
			if(t[2]) then
				local found = false
				for _, name in ipairs(data.names) do
					if(t[2]:lower() == name:lower()) then
						found = true

				if(found) then
					table.insert(data.bans, t[2])
					doPlayerSetSpectators(cid, data)
					doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spectator " .. t[2] .. " has been banned.")
					doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spectator " .. t[2] .. " not found. Say '!cast ban Spectatorname' - Example: '!cast ban Spectator [9999]' (ban or unban)")
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You need to type a name.")
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You are not streaming right now.")
	elseif(isInArray({'unban', 'unblock'}, t[1])) then
		if(data.broadcast) then
			if(t[2]) then
				local found, i = 0, 1
				for _, name in ipairs(data.bans) do
					if(t[2]:lower() == name:lower()) then
						found = i

					i = i + 1

				if(found > 0) then
					table.remove(data.bans, found)
					doPlayerSetSpectators(cid, data)
					doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spectator " .. t[2] .. " has been unbanned.")
					doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spectator " .. t[2] .. " not found. Say '!cast unban Spectatorname' - Example: '!cast unban Spectator [9999]' (unban or ban)")
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You need to type a name.")
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You are not streaming right now.")
	elseif(isInArray({'bans', 'banlist'}, t[1])) then
		if(table.maxn(data.bans)) then
			local str = ""
			for _, name in ipairs(data.bans) do
				str = str .. (str:len() > 0 and ", " or "") .. name

			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Currently banned spectators: " .. str .. ".")
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your ban list is empty.")
	elseif(isInArray({'mute', 'squelch'}, t[1])) then
		if(data.broadcast) then
			if(t[2]) then
				local found = false
				for _, name in ipairs(data.names) do
					if(t[2]:lower() == name:lower()) then
						found = true

				if(found) then
					table.insert(data.mutes, t[2])
					doPlayerSetSpectators(cid, data)
					doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spectator " .. t[2] .. " has been muted.")
					doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spectator " .. t[2] .. " not found.")
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You need to type a name.")
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You are not streaming right now.")
	elseif(isInArray({'unmute', 'unsquelch'}, t[1])) then
		if(data.broadcast) then
			if(t[2]) then
				local found, i = 0, 1
				for _, name in ipairs(data.mutes) do
					if(t[2]:lower() == name:lower()) then
						found = i

					i = i + 1

				if(found > 0) then
					table.remove(data.mutes, found)
					doPlayerSetSpectators(cid, data)
					doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spectator " .. t[2] .. " has been unmuted.")
					doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spectator " .. t[2] .. " not found.")
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You need to type a name.")
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You are not streaming right now.")
	elseif(isInArray({'mutes', 'mutelist'}, t[1])) then
		if(table.maxn(data.mutes)) then
			local str = ""
			for _, name in ipairs(data.mutes) do
				str = str .. (str:len() > 0 and ", " or "") .. name

			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Currently muted spectators: " .. str .. ".")
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your mute list is empty.")
	elseif(isInArray({'auth', 'protect', 'protection', 'protected'}, t[1])) then
		if(isInArray({'off', 'no', 'disable'}, t[2])) then
			data.auth = false
			doPlayerSetSpectators(cid, data)
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your chat is now unprotected, all spectators can chat without authentication.")
		elseif(isInArray({'on', 'yes', 'enable'}, t[2])) then
			data.auth = true
			doPlayerSetSpectators(cid, data)
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your chat is now protected, all spectators have to authenticate before they can talk.")
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your chat is currently " .. (data.auth and "protected" or "unprotected") .. " from guests.")
	elseif(isInArray({'password', 'guard'}, t[1])) then
		if(t[2]) then
			if(isInArray({'off', 'no', 'disable'}, t[2])) then
				if(data.password:len() ~= 0) then
					db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `broadcasting` = `broadcasting` - 2 WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid))

				data.password = ""
				doPlayerSetSpectators(cid, data)
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You have removed password for your stream.")
				if(data.password:len() ~= 0) then
					db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `broadcasting` = `broadcasting` + 2 WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid))

				data.password = string.trim(t[2])
				doPlayerSetSpectators(cid, data)
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You have set new password for your stream.")
		elseif(data.password ~= "") then
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your stream is currently protected with password: " .. data.password .. ".")
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your stream is currently not protected.")
	elseif(isInArray({'status', 'info'}, t[1])) then
		doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Your stream is currently " .. (data.broadcast and "enabled" or "disabled") .. ".")
		doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, "Available commands:\n\n/live on - enables the stream\n/live off - disables the stream\n/live password {password} - sets a password on the stream\n/live password off - disables the password protection\n/live auth on - enables requirement of authentication on chat\n/live auth off - disables requirement of authentication on chat\n/live kick {name} - kick a spectator from your stream\n/live ban {name} - locks spectator IP from joining your stream\n/live unban {name} - removes banishment lock\n/live bans - shows banished spectators list\n/live mute {name} - mutes selected spectator from chat\n/live unmute {name} - removes mute\n/live mutes - shows muted spectators list\n/live show - displays the amount and nicknames of current spectators\n/live status - displays stream status")

	return true

Esse eh o talkaction...

Creaturescript Livelogout

function onLogout(cid, forceLogout)
        db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `broadcasting` = 0, `viewers` = 0 WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " LIMIT 1")
        return true

Nao consegui encontrar nenhum storage

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Seu sistema de TV é por database, tente assim:

-- Lottery System By Jeff

local config = {
lottery_hour = "1 Hours", -- Tempo ate a proxima loteria (Esse tempo vai aparecer somente como broadcast message)
rewards_id = {2160, 9810, 9822, 9819, 2173, 9693}, -- ID dos Itens Sorteados na Loteria
crystal_counts = 100, -- Usado somente se a rewards_id for crystal coin (ID: 2160).
website = "no", -- Only if you have php scripts and table `lottery` in your database!
storage = 165132, -- storage do cast system do seu servidor.

function onThink(interval, lastExecution)
	local casting = db.executeQuery("SELECT `broadcasting` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " ..getPlayerGUID(cid))
	if casting == 1 then
		if(getWorldCreatures(0) == 0)then
			return true
		local list = {}

		for i, tid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
			list[i] = tid

		local winner = list[math.random(1, #list)]
		local random_item = config.rewards_id[math.random(1, #config.rewards_id)]

		if(random_item == 2160) then
			doPlayerAddItem(winner, random_item, config.crystal_counts)
			doBroadcastMessage("[LOTTERY SYSTEM] Winner: " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. ", Reward: " .. config.crystal_counts .. " " .. getItemNameById(random_item) .. "s! Congratulations! (Proxima Loteria em " .. config.lottery_hour .. ")")
			doBroadcastMessage("[LOTTERY SYSTEM] Ganhador: " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. ", Item: " .. getItemNameById(random_item) .. "! Parabens! (Proxima Loteria em " .. config.lottery_hour .. ") Premios que podem cair: 1kk, Rusty Armor, Rusty Helmet, Rusty Boots ou Addon Doll. Fique online! Quem sabe vc pode ser o proximo ganhador?")
			doPlayerAddItem(winner, random_item, 1)

		if( == "yes") then
			db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `lottery` (`name`, `item`) VALUES ('".. getCreatureName(winner) .."', '".. getItemNameById(random_item) .."');")
return true


Editado por Talesigorvr (veja o histórico de edições)

Não dou suporte via PM, crie um tópico caso tenha dúvidas.

Isso previne que outras pessoas com a mesma dúvida criem tópicos desnecessários.

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[Error - GlobalEvent Interface]
data/globalevents/scripts/lottery.lua:12: attempt to concatenate a boolean value
stack traceback:
        data/globalevents/scripts/lottery.lua:12: in function <data/globalevents/scripts/lottery.lua:11>
[Error - GlobalEvents::think] Couldn't execute event: Lottery

Corrigi um erro na linha 6 e 7 que era a virgula... Mandar a virgula da 7 pra 6 ae fecho, mas na hr de executar o system da este erro...

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-- Lottery System By Jeff

local config = {
	lottery_hour = "1 Hours", -- Tempo ate a proxima loteria (Esse tempo vai aparecer somente como broadcast message)
	rewards_id = {2160, 9810, 9822, 9819, 2173, 9693}, -- ID dos Itens Sorteados na Loteria
	crystal_counts = 100, -- Usado somente se a rewards_id for crystal coin (ID: 2160).
	website = "no" -- Only if you have php scripts and table `lottery` in your database!

function onThink(interval, lastExecution)
	if(getWorldCreatures(0) == 0)then
		return true
	local list = {}
	for i, tid in ipairs(getCastsOnline()) do
		list[i] = tid
	local winner = list[math.random(1, #list)]
	local random_item = config.rewards_id[math.random(1, #config.rewards_id)]
	if(random_item == 2160) then
		doPlayerAddItem(winner, random_item, config.crystal_counts)
		doBroadcastMessage("[LOTTERY SYSTEM] Winner: " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. ", Reward: " .. config.crystal_counts .. " " .. getItemNameById(random_item) .. "s! Congratulations! (Proxima Loteria em " .. config.lottery_hour .. ")")
		doBroadcastMessage("[LOTTERY SYSTEM] Ganhador: " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. ", Item: " .. getItemNameById(random_item) .. "! Parabens! (Proxima Loteria em " .. config.lottery_hour .. ") Premios que podem cair: 1kk, Rusty Armor, Rusty Helmet, Rusty Boots ou Addon Doll. Fique online! Quem sabe vc pode ser o proximo ganhador?")
		doPlayerAddItem(winner, random_item, 1)
	if( == "yes") then
		db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `lottery` (`name`, `item`) VALUES ('".. getCreatureName(winner) .."', '".. getItemNameById(random_item) .."');")
	return true


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Editei o comentário com a correção, tente novamente.

Editado por Talesigorvr (veja o histórico de edições)

Não dou suporte via PM, crie um tópico caso tenha dúvidas.

Isso previne que outras pessoas com a mesma dúvida criem tópicos desnecessários.

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30 minutos atrás, Talesigorvr disse:

Seu sistema de TV é por database, tente assim:


-- Lottery System By Jeff

local config = {
lottery_hour = "1 Hours", -- Tempo ate a proxima loteria (Esse tempo vai aparecer somente como broadcast message)
rewards_id = {2160, 9810, 9822, 9819, 2173, 9693}, -- ID dos Itens Sorteados na Loteria
crystal_counts = 100, -- Usado somente se a rewards_id for crystal coin (ID: 2160).
website = "no", -- Only if you have php scripts and table `lottery` in your database!
storage = 165132, -- storage do cast system do seu servidor.

function onThink(interval, lastExecution)
	local casting = db.executeQuery("SELECT `broadcasting` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = '" ..getPlayerGUID(cid).."');")
	if casting == 1 then
		if(getWorldCreatures(0) == 0)then
			return true
		local list = {}

		for i, tid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
			list[i] = tid

		local winner = list[math.random(1, #list)]
		local random_item = config.rewards_id[math.random(1, #config.rewards_id)]

		if(random_item == 2160) then
			doPlayerAddItem(winner, random_item, config.crystal_counts)
			doBroadcastMessage("[LOTTERY SYSTEM] Winner: " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. ", Reward: " .. config.crystal_counts .. " " .. getItemNameById(random_item) .. "s! Congratulations! (Proxima Loteria em " .. config.lottery_hour .. ")")
			doBroadcastMessage("[LOTTERY SYSTEM] Ganhador: " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. ", Item: " .. getItemNameById(random_item) .. "! Parabens! (Proxima Loteria em " .. config.lottery_hour .. ") Premios que podem cair: 1kk, Rusty Armor, Rusty Helmet, Rusty Boots ou Addon Doll. Fique online! Quem sabe vc pode ser o proximo ganhador?")
			doPlayerAddItem(winner, random_item, 1)

		if( == "yes") then
			db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `lottery` (`name`, `item`) VALUES ('".. getCreatureName(winner) .."', '".. getItemNameById(random_item) .."');")
return true


[Error - GlobalEvent Interface]
(internalGetPlayerInfo) Player not found when requesting player info #18

[Error - GlobalEvent Interface]
data/globalevents/scripts/lottery.lua:12: attempt to concatenate a boolean value
stack traceback:
        data/globalevents/scripts/lottery.lua:12: in function <data/globalevents/scripts/lottery.lua:11>
[Error - GlobalEvents::think] Couldn't execute event: Lottery



10 minutos atrás, MaTTch disse:

-- Lottery System By Jeff

local config = {
	lottery_hour = "1 Hours", -- Tempo ate a proxima loteria (Esse tempo vai aparecer somente como broadcast message)
	rewards_id = {2160, 9810, 9822, 9819, 2173, 9693}, -- ID dos Itens Sorteados na Loteria
	crystal_counts = 100, -- Usado somente se a rewards_id for crystal coin (ID: 2160).
	website = "no" -- Only if you have php scripts and table `lottery` in your database!

function onThink(interval, lastExecution)
	if(getWorldCreatures(0) == 0)then
		return true
	local list = {}
	for i, tid in ipairs(getCastsOnline()) do
		list[i] = tid
	local winner = list[math.random(1, #list)]
	local random_item = config.rewards_id[math.random(1, #config.rewards_id)]
	if(random_item == 2160) then
		doPlayerAddItem(winner, random_item, config.crystal_counts)
		doBroadcastMessage("[LOTTERY SYSTEM] Winner: " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. ", Reward: " .. config.crystal_counts .. " " .. getItemNameById(random_item) .. "s! Congratulations! (Proxima Loteria em " .. config.lottery_hour .. ")")
		doBroadcastMessage("[LOTTERY SYSTEM] Ganhador: " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. ", Item: " .. getItemNameById(random_item) .. "! Parabens! (Proxima Loteria em " .. config.lottery_hour .. ") Premios que podem cair: 1kk, Rusty Armor, Rusty Helmet, Rusty Boots ou Addon Doll. Fique online! Quem sabe vc pode ser o proximo ganhador?")
		doPlayerAddItem(winner, random_item, 1)
	if( == "yes") then
		db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `lottery` (`name`, `item`) VALUES ('".. getCreatureName(winner) .."', '".. getItemNameById(random_item) .."');")
	return true


[Error - GlobalEvent Interface]
data/globalevents/scripts/lottery.lua:16: attempt to call global 'getCastsOnline' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        data/globalevents/scripts/lottery.lua:16: in function <data/globalevents/scripts/lottery.lua:10>
[Error - GlobalEvents::think] Couldn't execute event: Lottery

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