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Por Maniaco
Salve TibiaKing!!! TFS 0.4 . 8.60
Estou implementando o Sistema do @WooX de Cave Exlusiva
Porem estou com um problema seguindo o tutorial completo dele acabo tendo um retorno de erro na Distro! E ja que o mesmo nao entra no forum deis de 14/01! Venho solicitar ajuda de vocês!
Caso alguem tenha o Discord Dele Favor me Passe
Vamos lá!
Script :
Print Rme:
Lembrando que nao esta funcionando em geral, Acrédito que eu tenha pulado algo ou deixado passar despercebido!
Espero que alguem consiga me ajudar vlw!
Por cesarfilho55
no meu ot o attack e o msm q quando eu ataco 1 bixo
eu ranko 10k no bixo ,ai eu tb ranko 10k no player quando eu ataco ele
se alguem souber como arrumar .
Por zPerseu
Eae Galera do TK Blz?
Peço ajuda a alguém meu server alem de tar dando erro em spell todas as vocaçoes do meu server estao com spell(jutsu) de vocaçoes vou mostrar nos prints e vou monstrar spell.xml
Descupe pela imagem de fundo hushsu
Vou explicar +
esse 458 nao tem no meu server uma voc que possui esse id
as vocs 458 do spell.xml
<instant name="Zetsu follow" words="zetsufollowcode" lvl="40" mana="1400" aggressive="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="summons/zetsuteste.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Kisame Protect" words="kisameprotectcode" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" lvl="150" mana="1000" exhaustion="1000" script="summons/kisameprotect.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<vocation id="227"/>
<instant name="Kisame agua" words="kisameaguacode" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/kisameagua.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<vocation id="227"/>
<instant name="Kisame dragon" words="kisamedragoncode" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/kisamedragon.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<vocation id="227"/>
<instant name="Fogofogo" words="firefire" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/fogofogo.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Venenodark" words="veneno dark" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/venenodark.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="SuitonBomba" words="suitonbomba" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/suitonbomba.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<vocation id="227"/>
<instant name="Deidara Um" words="passaroum" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/passaro.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Deidara Dois" words="passarodois" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/passarodois.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Pain Missel" words="misselpain" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/missel.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Hyuton" words="hyuton" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/hyuton.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Dragon Blast" words="dragaodelama" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/dragaodelama.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Dragon Fire" words="dragaodefogo" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/dragaodefogo.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Great Ball" words="boladerocha" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/boladerocha.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Mordida" words="mordidarocha" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/mordida.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="God Kill" words="god kill" allowfaruse="1" lvl="9965" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="50000" script="summons/godkill.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
tem +
<instant name="Hidan" words="hidanatki" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/hidan.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Suitonagua" words="suitonatkagua" allowfaruse="1" lvl="65" mana="120" needtarget="1" prem="0" exhaustion="3000" blocktype="all" enabled="0" script="summons/suitonagua.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<vocation id="227"/>
<instant name="Tsuuga Kiba" words="tsuugakibacode" lvl="70" needtarget="1" range="5" mana="3600" aggressive="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="summons/tsuuga.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Temarivento" words="temariventocode" lvl="70" needtarget="1" range="5" mana="3600" aggressive="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="summons/temarivento.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Dual Tsuuga Kiba" words="dual tsuugakibacode" lvl="85" needtarget="1" range="5" mana="4200" aggressive="1" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="summons/dualtsuuga.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Wrath of Nature" words="exevo gran mas teradois" lvl="55" mana="770" prem="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="summons/wrath of nature.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Wrath of Naturetres" words="exevo gran mas teratres" lvl="55" mana="770" prem="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="summons/wrath of naturetres.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Kakashi Raikiri" words="kakashiraikiricode" lvl="55" mana="770" prem="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="summons/kakashiraikiri.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Anko Cobras" words="ankocobrascode" lvl="55" mana="770" prem="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="summons/ankocobras.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Garra Follow" words="garra follow" lvl="40" mana="1400" aggressive="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="naruto/garra.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Suna No Yoroicode" words="suna no yoroicode" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" lvl="50" mana="1000" exhaustion="1000" event="script" value="gaara/sunanoyoroi.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Suna Prision no Jutsu" words="suna prision" lvl="45" mana="4500" prem="0" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="2000" groups="3,2000" icon="127" needlearn="0" event="script" value="gaara/trap.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
<instant name="Suna no Yoroi" words="suna no yoroi" aggressive="0" lvl="130" mana="4000" needtarget="1" range="5" exhaustion="1000" event="script" value="gaara/protecao.lua">
<vocation id="458"/>
Por O.J
Olá este e meu primeiro post no Tibia King e eu vim fazer um pedido eu queria saber como fazer um item que eu quero aparecer na bag do player quando ele matar tal monstro por exemplo: eu vo fazer um evento de páscoa quando e eu quero que quando os players matarem um demon ganhem um present, se vocês puderem me ajudar agradecerei muito.
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