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Por Kiman174
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Step into a world where passion meets innovation—welcome to Grimhaven MMORPG! Born from a heartfelt passion project, Grimhaven has evolved into an extraordinary realm where every pixel on our meticulously crafted Real Map tells a story. Leveraging the classic legacy of version 8.6 and elevated by inventive custom content, our server transcends traditional gameplay, inviting you into a living, breathing adventure at every turn.
Explore sprawling landscapes, battle formidable foes, and uncover hidden lore as you journey through environments that blend classic mechanics with innovative systems. Every corner of Grimhaven pulses with life and mystery, inviting you to forge alliances, challenge epic quests, and redefine what you thought possible in an open Tibia server. With each update, our dedicated team pushes the envelope, ensuring that every raid, dungeon, and social encounter feels fresh and electrifying.
Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or new to the realm, Grimhaven offers a thrilling escape into a world where the spirit of discovery and the thrill of combat come together in perfect harmony. Embrace the extraordinary—your adventure begins now in Grimhaven MMORPG!
What Makes Grimhaven Stand Out?
With over thousands of hours of development and 4000+ commits, Grimhaven stands out with its unique blend of classic and innovative MMORPG features. Built on an authentic Real Map with 8.6 mechanics and expanded with carefully designed custom content, the experience is unmatched. The server offers rates starting from 12x, stunning HD visuals, and intricately scripted quests that immerse you in a dynamic narrative. From challenging custom raid bosses to a refined item system inspired by classic action RPGs, every element is thoughtfully crafted to deliver an engaging and ever-evolving adventure, all backed by a dedicated team ensuring a top-tier gaming experience.
Custom Zones :
Explore meticulously designed zones that promise unique challenges and unparalleled rewards.
Unique Randomly Generated Dungeons :
As if that's not enough, brace yourselves for our unique dungeons. Each one is randomly generated, ensuring that no adventure is ever the same. The thrill of exploring the unknown awaits you in every twist and turn.
Scripted and Mechanically Challenging Quests:
Immerse yourself in intricately designed quests that push your strategic prowess and combat skills, all brought to life by the remarkable creativity of our quest designer and mapper.
Mighty Bosses:
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Ancient and Mythic Monsters:
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Magical Attributes & Crafting:
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This glimpse barely scratches the surface—there's a TON more content that would overwhelm this thread! To dive even deeper, visit our official wiki at Grimhaven Wiki (https://wiki.grimhaven.net) and create your account today at Latestnews - Grimhaven (https://www.grimhaven.net/) .
Gear up for an unforgettable adventure starting April 18th 19:00 CEST.
Dive into a realm of epic rewards, heart-pounding quests, and intense PVP battles where you'll test your skills against others.
Join a vibrant community of adventurers, embrace the thrill of discovery, and answer the call to glory on the battlefield!
Por Bagon
Bom, hoje venho trazer á vocês um sistema de Pet System DIFERENCIADO de alguns presentes no fórum. Este sistema tem diversos comandos diferenciados, como:
!pet nomedopet este comando irá sumonar o pet.
!remove irá remover o pet.
!fale eu sou lindo o pet falará "eu sou lindo"
!conversar o pet irá conversar com vc.
Então sem mais delongas vamos ao script.
OBS: SCRIPT TESTADO SOMENTE EM TFS 0.4/0.3, e este script foi feito com a intenção de ser vendido no site do ot ou em poderá usar como quest usando o item selecionado como premio. fique ao seu critério.
Primeiro vá até a pasta talkaction/script e crie um arquivo chamado petsystem.lua, depois coloque o seguinte script:
Agora em talkactions/talkactions.xml adicione a seguinte tag:
<talkaction words="!pet;!remove;!fale;!conversar" event="script" value="petsystem.lua" />
As partes em Negrito, são os pets. Você pode alterar ou criar monstros para fazer eles como pets. (Recomendo criar um monstro para que seja somente pet.)
Exemplo: ["dog"]= {stor=78552},
Lembrando que é necessário mudar esta parte no script do monstro colocado a cima.
<flag attackable="1" /> para :
<flag attackable="0" />
agora vá em action/script e crie um arquivo chamado pet com o seguinte script:
e vá em action.xml e adiciona a seguinte tag:
<action itemid="10063" script="pet.lua"/> Explicação: Na tag da action o itemid é o item que deverá ser usado para ganhar a storage 78552, e assim podera sumonar o monstro com esta storage.
EXEMPLO: em action altere as storage que estão em vermelho, como mostra abaixo
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 78552) < 1 then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 78552, 1)
aonde tem 78552 altere para 78553 que no caso é a storage do cyclops escolhido lá no script da talkaction
e assim susecivelmente.
Por Gandh
boa galera , gostaria de pedir uma ajuda, atualmente estou mechendo com poketibia e faltou algumas sprites de paredes relacionadas a poketibia no meu server, entao adicionei as sprites no OB, e Item editor, e passei o items para o RME , para ser usado no mapa, e aparece tudo correto no RME, porem quando salvo e entro ingame, no local aonde coloquei essas paredes/Portas etc, o local fica todo bugado, e me crasha de vez em qndo, poderiam me ajudar? deixarei algumas imgs..
Itens no RME que coloquei.
Quando salvo e entro ingame , dá isso:
primeiro quadrado vermelho => Onde coloquei a wall (Ela ficou invisivel) e buga o mapa.
Segundo quadrado => Consequencia de ter a wall naquele local , pq no RME tá consertadinho a ground .. (bug)
Por Kimoszin
Oque é o Rent System?
É um sistema feito para os jogadores poderem alugar alguns itens por uma quantia e por um certo tempo.
Hmmm, legal... mas para que esse sistema seria util?
Bom, para o jogador antes de comprar algum item vip, por exemplo. Ele poderia testar para ver seus hits.
Ok, Mas como ele funciona?
O sistema vai entregar para o player um item, depois do tempo configuravel ele irá remover, não importa onde esteja, ele vai remover.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mod name="Rent System" version="1.0" author="Kimoszin" contact="tibiaking.com" enabled="yes"> <config name="rent_config"><![CDATA[ messages = { sucess = MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, fail = MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, } warningStorage = 45768 items = { ["knight armor"] = {id=2476, time=1, price=3000, premium=true, cap=false}, ["demon legs"] = {id=2495, time=3, price=3000, premium=true, cap=true}, ["blue legs"] = {id=7730, time=2, price=3000, premium=true, cap=true}, ["demon shield"] = {id=2520, time=1, price=3000, premium=true, cap=true}, } function doWarningItemWasRemoved(cid) if (getCreatureStorage(cid, warningStorage) > -1) then local item = items[getItemNameById(getCreatureStorage(cid, warningStorage))] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.sucess, "Ok, "..item.time..(item.time > 1 and " minutes" or " minute").." has passed, the rent of "..getItemNameById(item.id).." ended.") doCreatureSetStorage(cid, warningStorage, -1) end end ]]></config> <talkaction words="!rent" event="buffer"><![CDATA[ domodlib('rent_config') local item, itemuid = items[param:lower()], math.random(1000, 65535) if (param == "") then return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.fail, "Sorry, you need to inform parameters.") end if (param == "list") then local str = "~* Rent System by Kimoszin *~\n\n" for name, iten in pairs(items) do str = str..string.sub(name, 0, 1):upper()..string.sub(name, 2):lower().." - "..iten.price.."gps \n" end str = str .."\n WWW.TIBIAKING.COM" return doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, str) end if not(item) then return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.fail, "Sorry, but it is not possible to rent this item.") end if (item.premium and not(isPremium(cid))) then return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.fail, "You need a premium account.") end if (item.cap and not(getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= getItemWeightById(item.id, 1, 1))) then return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.fail, "You don't have capacity.") end if not(doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, item.price)) then return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.fail, "Sorry, you do not have any money.") end doItemSetAttribute(doPlayerAddItem(cid, item.id, 1), "uid", itemuid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.sucess, "You rented a "..getItemNameById(item.id).." for "..item.time.. (item.time > 1 and " minutes" or " minute")..".") doCreatureSetStorage(cid, warningStorage, item.id) local player_id = getPlayerGUID(cid) addEvent(function() local player = getPlayerByGUID(player_id) if not(isPlayer(player)) then db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `player_items` WHERE `player_items`.`player_id` = "..player_id.." AND `itemtype` = "..item.id..";") else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.sucess, "Ok, "..item.time..(item.time > 1 and " minutes" or " minute").." has passed, the rent of "..getItemNameById(item.id).." ended.") doCreatureSetStorage(cid, warningStorage, -1) doRemoveItem(itemuid, 1) end end, item.time * 60 * 1000) ]]></talkaction> <creatureevent name="rentLogin" type="login" event="buffer"><![CDATA[ domodlib('rent_config') doWarningItemWasRemoved(cid) ]]></creatureevent> </mod>
♣ Comandos:
!rent itemname: vai alugar o item !rent list: vai mostrar a lista dos item que são alugaveis. ♣ Variaveis
id: id do item que vai ser alugado time: tempo do item que vai ser alugado price: preço do item que vai ser alugado premium: vai verificar se o player é premium cap: vai verificar se o player tem capacidade para alugar o item -
Por Cat
Testado em: TFS 1.0 (10.31)
Funciona em: TFS 1.0 e TFS 0.4
Descrição: Você leva uma determinada espada até o npc, fala com ele, ele vai pegar essa espada e ficar com ela por um certo tempo (3min), claro, você irá pagar uma quantia. Ao retornar, sua espada estará melhorada (no caso dos ids utilizados o npc irá trocar o item). Se houver algum bug, reporte que arrumaremos.
Créditos: Jamison, Daniel.
---------- • ----------
22:21 Daniel [250]: hi
22:21 Blacksmith Elf: Hello Daniel! I'm a Blacksmith Elf, I can transform your item!
22:21 Daniel [250]: transform
22:21 Blacksmith Elf: From time to time fate smiles upon those who take great risks and have strong dreams! If you have money, we can try to transform your umbral swords, axes, clubs, bows, crossbows or spellbooks.
22:21 Daniel [250]: club
22:21 Blacksmith Elf: One handed or two handed?
22:21 Daniel [250]: one handed
22:21 Blacksmith Elf: Do you want to spend your money to transform your crude umbral mace, yes or no?
22:21 Daniel [250]: yes
22:21 Blacksmith Elf: Great! Alright, I need a while to finish this club for you. Come ask me later. 22:22 Daniel [250]: hi
22:22 Blacksmith Elf: Hello Daniel! I'm a Blacksmith Elf, I can transform your item!
22:22 Daniel [250]: transform
22:22 Blacksmith Elf: Have you left anything here to transform ?
22:22 Daniel [250]: yes
22:22 Blacksmith Elf: You must wait until : 22:24:49. 22:25 Daniel [250]: hi
22:25 Blacksmith Elf: Hello Daniel! I'm a Blacksmith Elf, I can transform your item!
22:25 Daniel [250]: transform
22:25 Blacksmith Elf: Have you left anything here to transform ?
22:25 Daniel [250]: yes
22:25 Blacksmith Elf: Here you have it.
---------- • ----------
---------- • ----------
data/npc/Blacksmith Elf.lua
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