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CreatureScript%2525252525252FGlobalEvent%2525252525252FMoveMent 2.0 Database Cleaner - Inactive Players + The Players Child Data (skills, items, et

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Nome: 2.0 Database Cleaner

Testado: TFS 0.4_DEV

Creditos: BeniS e darkhaos (Otland)

O Sistema em Si, Deleta players inativos da Database que nao logao mais de tantos dias e seus skills.

OBS: O Sistema nao remove os Samples do GESIOR e nem o account manager.

Exemplo de configuraçao:

local childAttributeTables = {

  players = {

   [1] = {table = "`player_viplist`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [2] = {table = "`player_storage`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [3] = {table = "`player_spells`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [4] = {table = "`player_skills`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [5] = {table = "`player_namelocks`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [6] = {table = "`player_items`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [7] = {table = "`player_depotitems`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [8] = {table = "`houses`", idField = "`owner`"},

   [9] = {table = "`house_auctions`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [10] = {table = "`players`", idField = "`id`"} -- Keep this as the last item in the array

   --Note: `houses` and `bans` are in the DB triggers for TFS so don't worry about them.

   --Also I did not want to put killers, or deaths on here because that is historic data,

   --do so at your ouwn risk.


  accounts = {

   [1] = {table = "`accounts`", idField = "`id`"},

   [2] = {table = "`account_viplist`", idField = "`account_id`"}



Exemplo do Log File:

[26 April 2011 13:25:41 ] >> [DBCLEANUP] 3 inactive players and 2 empty accounts have been deleted from the database.

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_viplist` table

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_storage` table

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_spells` table

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_skills` table

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_namelocks` table

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_items` table

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_depotitems` table

[!] --> Dropped: 3 from `players` table

[!] --> Dropped: 2 from `accounts` table

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `account_viplist` table

[26 April 2011 13:26:40 ] >> [DBCLEANUP] 73 inactive players and 36 empty accounts have been deleted from the database.

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_viplist` table

[!] --> Dropped: 38 from `player_storage` table

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_spells` table

[!] --> Dropped: 7 from `player_skills` table

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_namelocks` table

[!] --> Dropped: 8 from `player_items` table

[!] --> Dropped: 1 from `player_depotitems` table

[!] --> Dropped: 73 from `players` table

[!] --> Dropped: 36 from `accounts` table

[!] --> Dropped: 2 from `account_viplist` table

[26 April 2011 13:55:22 ] >> [DBCLEANUP] 1143 inactive players and 784 empty accounts have been deleted from the database.

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_viplist` table

[!] --> Dropped: 860 from `player_storage` table

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_spells` table

[!] --> Dropped: 991 from `player_skills` table

[!] --> Dropped: 0 from `player_namelocks` table

[!] --> Dropped: 389 from `player_items` table

[!] --> Dropped: 627 from `player_depotitems` table

[!] --> Dropped: 1143 from `players` table

[!] --> Dropped: 784 from `accounts` table

[!] --> Dropped: 153 from `account_viplist` table

Vamos a Istalaçao do Script: adicione a seguinte linha em data/globalevents/globalevents.xml:

<globalevent name="dbcleaner" type="startup" event="script" value="dbcleaner.lua"/>

Agora crie um arquivo chamado dbcleaner.lua dentro da pasta data/globalevents/scripts e introduza o seguinte script:


----- [[> Automated Database Cleanup 1.1 Structure //By Cybermaster <]] ------|

-------------- [[> System 2.0 Revamped by Teh Maverick <3 <]] ----------------|

------------- [[>  Removal of empty accounts by darkaos  <]] ---------------|

--------------- [[> Function getDBPlayersCount() by Elf <]] ------------------|



--- ~!READ THIS!~ ------------------------------------------------------------|

--- Be sure to back up your database and test this on your server first, -----|

--- I(Teh Maverick) cannot guarantee it will work the same for every core. ---|

--- It is very easy to test, with the log file and values that are printed ---|



function countRowsWhereInTable(table, field, condition)

	local result = db.getResult("SELECT COUNT(" .. field .. ") as count FROM " .. table .. " WHERE " .. field .. " = '" .. condition .. "';")

	local tmp = result:getDataInt("count")


	return tmp


function getDBPlayersCount()

	local result = db.getResult("SELECT COUNT(id) as count FROM `players`;")

	local tmp = result:getDataInt("count")


	return tmp


function getDBAccountsCount()

	local result = db.getResult("SELECT COUNT(id) as count FROM `accounts`;")

	local tmp = result:getDataInt("count")


	return tmp


function onStartup()

local DB_BEFORE = {players = getDBPlayersCount(), accounts = getDBAccountsCount()}

local result,result1, ii, numPlayersToDelete, numAccountsDeleted, tmp = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

local pid, aid = {}, {}

local dropCount = {players={},accounts={}}

local config = {

  deleteAccountWithNoPlayers = true,

  cleanChildTables = true,

  printResult = true,

  saveResultToFile = true,

  logFileName = 'db_cleanup.txt'


	--In each table, players with below specified level, and days of inactivity will be deleted from db on server startup

local cleanup = {

  [1] = {level = 11, time = 5 * 24 * 60 * 60},

  [2] = {level = 20, time = 15 * 24 * 60 * 60},

  [3] = {level = 50, time = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60},

  [4] = {level = 100, time = 60 * 24 * 60 * 60},

  [5] = {level = 130, time = 90 * 24 * 60 * 60}


local childAttributeTables = {

  players = {

   [1] = {table = "`player_viplist`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [2] = {table = "`player_storage`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [3] = {table = "`player_spells`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [4] = {table = "`player_skills`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [5] = {table = "`player_namelocks`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [6] = {table = "`player_items`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [7] = {table = "`player_depotitems`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [8] = {table = "`houses`", idField = "`owner`"},

   [9] = {table = "`house_auctions`", idField = "`player_id`"},

   [10] = {table = "`players`", idField = "`id`"} -- Keep this as the last item in the array

   --Note: `houses` and `bans` are in the DB triggers for TFS so don't worry about them.

   --Also I did not want to put killers, or deaths on here because that is historic data,

   --do so at your own risk.


  accounts = {

   [1] = {table = "`accounts`", idField = "`id`"},

   [2] = {table = "`account_viplist`", idField = "`account_id`"}



--Clean up all the players and player data

for i = 1, #cleanup do

  result = db.getResult("SELECT `id`,`name`,`account_id` FROM `players` WHERE `level` < ".. cleanup[i].level .." AND `name` NOT IN('Account Manager', 'Sorcerer Sample', 'Druid Sample', 'Paladin Sample', 'Knight Sample', 'Rook Sample') AND `group_id` < 2 AND `lastlogin` < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ".. cleanup[i].time ..";")

  if(result:getID() ~= -1) then

   ii = 1


	pid[ii] = result:getDataInt("id") -- list the players id into an array

	aid[ii] = result:getDataInt("account_id") -- list the account id of each player being removed into an array

	ii = ii + 1

   until not(result:next())



  numPlayersToDelete = ii - 1

  --Drop players and their child table attribute data such as skills, items, etc.

  for j = 1, numPlayersToDelete do

   if(config.cleanChildTables) then

	for k = 1, #childAttributeTables.players do

 	if childAttributeTables.players[k].table == "houses" then

  	house = getHouseByPlayerGUID(pid[j])

  	if house ~= 0 or house ~= nil then





  	dropCount.players[k] = ((dropCount.players[k] or 0) + countRowsWhereInTable(childAttributeTables.players[k].table, childAttributeTables.players[k].idField, pid[j]))

  	db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM " .. childAttributeTables.players[k].table .. " WHERE " .. childAttributeTables.players[k].idField .. " = '" .. pid[j] .. "';")




	db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `players` WHERE `id` = '" .. pid[j] .. "';")




--Drop all the accounts that have 0 players linked to them (at the moment its only checking from the list of players removed)

if config.deleteAccountWithNoPlayers then

  --This part was scripted by Darkhaos, modified/fixed by Teh Maverick --[[

  for acc = 1, #aid do

   result1 = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = '" .. aid[acc] .. "';")

   if result1:getID() ~= -1 then -- check to make sure the account exists


	for i = 1, #childAttributeTables.accounts do

 	--Make sure there are no other players on the account

 	result1 = db.getResult("SELECT COUNT(id) as count FROM `players` WHERE `account_id` = '" .. aid[acc] .. "';")

 	tmp = result1:getDataInt("count")

 	if(tmp <= 0) then

  	--Remove accounts

  	dropCount.accounts[i] = ((dropCount.accounts[i] or 0) + countRowsWhereInTable(childAttributeTables.accounts[i].table, childAttributeTables.accounts[i].idField, aid[acc]))

  	db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM " .. childAttributeTables.accounts[i].table .. " WHERE " .. childAttributeTables.accounts[i].idField .. " = '" .. aid[acc] .. "';")







--Print and Save results (configurable)

local DB_NOW = {players = DB_BEFORE.players - getDBPlayersCount(), accounts = DB_BEFORE.accounts - getDBAccountsCount()}

if DB_NOW.players > 0 or DB_NOW.accounts > 0 then

  local text = ">> [DBCLEANUP] " .. DB_NOW.players .. " inactive players" .. (config.deleteAccountWithNoPlayers and " and " .. DB_NOW.accounts .. " empty accounts" or "") .. " have been deleted from the database."

  --Write to console

  if config.printResult then



   if config.cleanChildTables then

	--Write player info

	for i = 1,#dropCount.players do

 	print("[!] --> Dropped: " .. dropCount.players[i] .. " from " .. childAttributeTables.players[i].table .. " table")


	--Write account info

	if config.deleteAccountWithNoPlayers then

 	for i = 1,#dropCount.accounts do

  	print("[!] --> Dropped: " .. dropCount.accounts[i] .. " from " .. childAttributeTables.accounts[i].table .. " table")






  --Write to file

  if config.saveResultToFile then

   local file ="data/logs/"..config.logFileName, "a")

   file:write("[" .."%d %B %Y %X ", os.time()) .. "] " .. text .. "\n")

   if config.cleanChildTables then

	--Write player info

	for i = 1, #dropCount.players do

 	file:write("[!] --> Dropped: " .. dropCount.players[i] .. " from " .. childAttributeTables.players[i].table .. " table\n")


	--Write account info

	if config.deleteAccountWithNoPlayers then

 	for i = 1, #dropCount.accounts do

  	file:write("[!] --> Dropped: " .. dropCount.accounts[i] .. " from " .. childAttributeTables.accounts[i].table .. " table\n")








return true



Bem é isso, Espero que ajude a todos.

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  • 4 months later...

Não só os samples. mais também group 2+

NOT IN('Account Manager', 'Sorcerer Sample', 'Druid Sample', 'Paladin Sample', 'Knight Sample', 'Rook Sample') AND `group_id` < 2

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  • Sub-Admin

esse é bom se caso que vc usa outro tipo de servidor é só muda lá aonde vc quer que ele não delete, tipo Druid sample pra caso for pokemon Pokemon Trainer algo assim vlw muito bom recomendo sem bug algum!



Eu sou um entusiasta da programação apaixonado por ajudar a comunidade open source a crescer. Sempre em busca de novos desafios e oportunidades para contribuir com meu código.  #OpenSource #Programação #Contribuição


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  • 6 months later...

desculpa reviver o topico, mais funciona em SQL  ou só funciona em mysql ?


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