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-- The Forgotten Server Config

    -- Account manager
    accountManager = true
    namelockManager = true
    newPlayerChooseVoc = false
    newPlayerSpawnPosX = 1054
    newPlayerSpawnPosY = 1054
    newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 7
    newPlayerTownId = 1
    newPlayerLevel = 40
    newPlayerMagicLevel = 0
    generateAccountNumber = false

lightInterval = 7500
lightChange = 1
startupTime = 351
startupLight = 100

limitPokeballs = 6        -- deprecated
happyDropTime = 12        -- a cada "happyDropTime" segundos o pokemon vai perder HAPPINESS
minHappinessEffectDelay = 25    -- a cada min de "happinessEffectDelay" segundos o pokemon vai mostrar a felicidade
maxHappinessEffectDelay = 40    -- a cada min de "happinessEffectDelay" segundos o pokemon vai mostrar a felicidade
PokemonStageVeryHappy = 215    -- com quanto de happy o poke precisa pra estar muito feliz
PokemonStageHappy = 160        -- ... pra estar feliz
PokemonStageOK = 110        -- ... pra estar normal
PokemonStageSad = 50        -- ... pra estar triste
PokemonStageMad = 0        -- ... pra estar bravo
maximumHunger = 120        -- maior fome possivel
stateHunger = 100        -- 19estagio que precisa estar pra ficar com fome
increaseHunger = 7        -- a cada X segundos (xml do monstro) aumenta o hunger em "increaseHunger"
decreaseHappy = 1        -- HAPPINESS que o pokemon vai perder a cada "happyDropTime"
decreaseHungryHappy = 4        -- 3HAPPINESS a mais que o pokemon vai perder se estiver com fome
useTeleportWithFly = false
dropHappyDuringBattles = true    -- HAPPINESS vai cair enquanto estiver batalhando ? true / false

allowBlockSpawn = false

redSkullLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
blackSkullLength = 45 * 24 * 60 * 60
dailyFragsToRedSkull = 3
weeklyFragsToRedSkull = 5
monthlyFragsToRedSkull = 10
dailyFragsToBlackSkull = dailyFragsToRedSkull
weeklyFragsToBlackSkull = weeklyFragsToRedSkull
monthlyFragsToBlackSkull = monthlyFragsToRedSkull
dailyFragsToBanishment = dailyFragsToRedSkull
weeklyFragsToBanishment = weeklyFragsToRedSkull
monthlyFragsToBanishment = monthlyFragsToRedSkull
blackSkulledDeathHealth = 40
blackSkulledDeathMana = 0
useBlackSkull = true
useFragHandler = true
advancedFragList = false

notationsToBan = 3
warningsToFinalBan = 4
warningsToDeletion = 5
banLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
killsBanLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
finalBanLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
ipBanishmentLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60
broadcastBanishments = true
maxViolationCommentSize = 200
violationNameReportActionType = 2
autoBanishUnknownBytes = false

worldType = "pvp"
protectionLevel = 1000
pvpTileIgnoreLevelAndVocationProtection = true
pzLocked = 18 * 1000
huntingDuration = 60 * 1000
criticalHitChance = 7
criticalHitMultiplier = 1
displayCriticalHitNotify = false
removeWeaponAmmunition = true
removeWeaponCharges = true
removeRuneCharges = true
whiteSkullTime = 15 * 60 * 1000
noDamageToSameLookfeet = false
showHealingDamage = false
showHealingDamageForMonsters = false
fieldOwnershipDuration = 5 * 1000
stopAttackingAtExit = false
oldConditionAccuracy = false
loginProtectionPeriod = 10 * 1000
deathLostPercent = 1
stairhopDelay = 0 * 1000
pushCreatureDelay = 1 * 1000
deathContainerId = 0
gainExperienceColor = 215
addManaSpentInPvPZone = true
squareColor = 0
allowFightback = true

worldId = 0
ip = ""
bindOnlyConfiguredIpAddress = false
loginPort = 7171
gamePort = 7172
adminPort = 7171
statusPort = 7171
loginTries = 10
retryTimeout = 5 * 1000
loginTimeout = 60 * 1000
maxPlayers = 100    -- codificado e limitado para 7
motd = "Bem vindo Ao Servidor Pokevicio"
displayOnOrOffAtCharlist = false
onePlayerOnlinePerAccount = false
allowClones = true
serverName = "Poke Vicio"
loginMessage = "Bem Vindoo"
statusTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000
replaceKickOnLogin = true
forceSlowConnectionsToDisconnect = false
loginOnlyWithLoginServer = false
premiumPlayerSkipWaitList = true

sqlType = "sqlite"
sqlHost = "localhost"
sqlPort = 3306
sqlUser = "root"
sqlPass = "96630034"
sqlDatabase = "forgottenserver"
sqlFile = "forgottenserver.s3db"
sqlKeepAlive = 0
mysqlReadTimeout = 10
mysqlWriteTimeout = 10
encryptionType = "plain"

deathListEnabled = true
deathListRequiredTime = 1 * 60 * 1000
deathAssistCount = 19
maxDeathRecords = 10

ingameGuildManagement = true
levelToFormGuild = 40
premiumDaysToFormGuild = 0
guildNameMinLength = 2
guildNameMaxLength = 25

highscoreDisplayPlayers = 15
updateHighscoresAfterMinutes = 60

buyableAndSellableHouses = true
houseNeedPremium = false
bedsRequirePremium = false
levelToBuyHouse = 1
housesPerAccount = 1
houseRentAsPrice = false
housePriceAsRent = false
housePriceEachSquare = 2975
houseRentPeriod = "never"
houseCleanOld = 0
guildHalls = false

timeBetweenActions = 500
timeBetweenExActions = 500
hotkeyAimbotEnabled = true

mapName = "mastermap"
mapAuthor = "Jean"
randomizeTiles = true
storeTrash = false
cleanProtectedZones = true
mailboxDisabledTowns = "1"

defaultPriority = "high"
niceLevel = 5
coresUsed = "-1"

optimizeDatabaseAtStartup = true
removePremiumOnInit = true
confirmOutdatedVersion = false

formulaLevel = 5.0
formulaMagic = 1.0
bufferMutedOnSpellFailure = false
spellNameInsteadOfWords = false
emoteSpells = false

allowChangeOutfit = true
allowChangeColors = true
allowChangeAddons = true
disableOutfitsForPrivilegedPlayers = false
addonsOnlyPremium = false

dataDirectory = "data/"
bankSystem = true
displaySkillLevelOnAdvance = true
promptExceptionTracerErrorBox = true
separateViplistPerCharacter = false
maximumDoorLevel = 500
maxMessageBuffer = 4

saveGlobalStorage = false
useHouseDataStorage = false
storePlayerDirection = false

checkCorpseOwner = true
monsterLootMessage = 3
monsterLootMessageType = 22

ghostModeInvisibleEffect = true
ghostModeSpellEffects = true

idleWarningTime = 14 * 60 * 1000
idleKickTime = 15 * 60 * 1000
expireReportsAfterReads = 1
playerQueryDeepness = 2
maxItemsPerPZTile = 0
maxItemsPerHouseTile = 0

freePremium = false
premiumForPromotion = false

blessingOnlyPremium = true
blessingReductionBase = 30
blessingReductionDecreament = 5
eachBlessReduction = 8

experienceStages = true
rateExperience = 999
rateExperienceFromPlayers = 999
rateSkill = 1
rateMagic = 1.0
rateLoot = 1
rateSpawn = 1

rateMonsterHealth = 1.0
rateMonsterMana = 1.0
rateMonsterAttack = 1.0
rateMonsterDefense = 1.0

minLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer = 0.9
maxLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer = 1.1

rateStaminaLoss = 1
rateStaminaGain = 3
rateStaminaThresholdGain = 12
staminaRatingLimitTop = 41 * 60
staminaRatingLimitBottom = 14 * 60
rateStaminaAboveNormal = 1.0
rateStaminaUnderNormal = 1.0
staminaThresholdOnlyPremium = true

experienceShareRadiusX = 30
experienceShareRadiusY = 30
experienceShareRadiusZ = 1
experienceShareLevelDifference = 200 * 200
extraPartyExperienceLimit = 20
extraPartyExperiencePercent = 20
experienceShareActivity = 2 * 60 * 1000

globalSaveEnabled = false
globalSaveHour = 8
shutdownAtGlobalSave = true
cleanMapAtGlobalSave = false

deSpawnRange = 2
deSpawnRadius = 25

maxPlayerSummons = 1
teleportAllSummons = true
teleportPlayerSummons = true

ownerName = "Pokemon Vicio By:[GOD]Jean"
ownerEmail = ""
url = ""
location = "Brazil"
displayGamemastersWithOnlineCommand = false

adminLogsEnabled = false
displayPlayersLogging = true
prefixChannelLogs = ""
runFile = ""
outLogName = ""
errorLogName = ""
truncateLogsOnStartup = false

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@TbT Lukinhas, dar "UP" para subir tópicos é proibido, o TibiaKing tem uma opção que sobe o tópico sem precisar do comentário! Leia as regras:


2.7 - Dar "UP" para subir tópicos:
É totalmente proibido comentar "UP" para subir tópicos, caso você tenha a intenção você pode utilizar nosso recurso de subir tópicos e ele automaticamente irá te colocar um tempo de espera de 24 horas para realizar a função novamente. Caso o membro realize tal ato isso pode ser interpretado como flood.


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Qual a base? o config.lua tá configurado pra abrir com site, se quiser usar em sqlite (sem site) só usar esse ai:


-- The Forgotten Server Config
    -- Account manager
    accountManager = true
    namelockManager = true
    newPlayerChooseVoc = false
    newPlayerSpawnPosX = 1054
    newPlayerSpawnPosY = 1054
    newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 7
    newPlayerTownId = 1
    newPlayerLevel = 40
    newPlayerMagicLevel = 0
    generateAccountNumber = false

    lightInterval = 7500
        -- a cada "lightInterval" ms vai passar 1 minuto
    lightChange = 1
        -- quanto de light ira alterar durante passagem de dia/noite
    startupTime = 351
        -- quantas horas serão ao ligar o server (360 = 6:00 a.m, 1080 = 6:00 p.m, varia de 0 a 1440)
    startupLight = 40
        -- quanto de light vai estar ao ligar o server

    limitPokeballs = 6        -- deprecated
    happyDropTime = 12        -- a cada "happyDropTime" segundos o pokemon vai perder HAPPINESS
    minHappinessEffectDelay = 25    -- a cada min de "happinessEffectDelay" segundos o pokemon vai mostrar a felicidade
    maxHappinessEffectDelay = 40    -- a cada min de "happinessEffectDelay" segundos o pokemon vai mostrar a felicidade
    PokemonStageVeryHappy = 215    -- com quanto de happy o poke precisa pra estar muito feliz
    PokemonStageHappy = 160        -- ... pra estar feliz
    PokemonStageOK = 110        -- ... pra estar normal
    PokemonStageSad = 50        -- ... pra estar triste
    PokemonStageMad = 0        -- ... pra estar bravo
    maximumHunger = 120        -- maior fome possivel
    stateHunger = 100        -- 19estagio que precisa estar pra ficar com fome
    increaseHunger = 7        -- a cada X segundos (xml do monstro) aumenta o hunger em "increaseHunger"
    decreaseHappy = 1        -- HAPPINESS que o pokemon vai perder a cada "happyDropTime"
    decreaseHungryHappy = 4        -- 3HAPPINESS a mais que o pokemon vai perder se estiver com fome
    useTeleportWithFly = false
    dropHappyDuringBattles = true    -- HAPPINESS vai cair enquanto estiver batalhando ? true / false

    allowBlockSpawn = false
    rateGymSpellInterval = 0.68

    -- Unjustified kills
    -- NOTE: *Banishment and *BlackSkull variables are >summed up<
    -- (dailyFragsToRedSkull + dailyFragsToBanishment) with their
    -- *RedSkull equivalents.
    -- Auto banishing works only if useBlackSkull set to negative.
    -- advancedFragList is not advised if you use huge frags
    -- requirements.
    redSkullLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
    blackSkullLength = 45 * 24 * 60 * 60
    dailyFragsToRedSkull = 3
    weeklyFragsToRedSkull = 5
    monthlyFragsToRedSkull = 10
    dailyFragsToBlackSkull = dailyFragsToRedSkull
    weeklyFragsToBlackSkull = weeklyFragsToRedSkull
    monthlyFragsToBlackSkull = monthlyFragsToRedSkull
    dailyFragsToBanishment = dailyFragsToRedSkull
    weeklyFragsToBanishment = weeklyFragsToRedSkull
    monthlyFragsToBanishment = monthlyFragsToRedSkull
    blackSkulledDeathHealth = 40
    blackSkulledDeathMana = 0
    useBlackSkull = true
    useFragHandler = true
    advancedFragList = false

    -- Banishments
    -- violationNameReportActionType 1 = just a report, 2 = name lock, 3 = player banishment
    -- killsBanLength works only if useBlackSkull option is disabled.
    notationsToBan = 3
    warningsToFinalBan = 4
    warningsToDeletion = 5
    banLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
    killsBanLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
    finalBanLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
    ipBanishmentLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60
    broadcastBanishments = true
    maxViolationCommentSize = 200
    violationNameReportActionType = 2
    autoBanishUnknownBytes = false

    -- Battle
    -- NOTE: showHealingDamageForMonsters inheritates from showHealingDamage.
    -- loginProtectionPeriod is the famous Tibia anti-magebomb system.
    -- deathLostPercent set to nil enables manual mode.
    worldType = "pvp"
    protectionLevel = 1000
    pvpTileIgnoreLevelAndVocationProtection = true
    pzLocked = 18 * 1000
    huntingDuration = 60 * 1000
    criticalHitChance = 7
    criticalHitMultiplier = 1
    displayCriticalHitNotify = false
    removeWeaponAmmunition = true
    removeWeaponCharges = true
    removeRuneCharges = true
    whiteSkullTime = 15 * 60 * 1000
    noDamageToSameLookfeet = false
    showHealingDamage = false
    showHealingDamageForMonsters = false
    fieldOwnershipDuration = 5 * 1000
    stopAttackingAtExit = false
    oldConditionAccuracy = false
    loginProtectionPeriod = 10 * 1000
    deathLostPercent = 1
    stairhopDelay = 0 * 1000
    pushCreatureDelay = 1 * 1000
    deathContainerId = 0
    gainExperienceColor = 215
    addManaSpentInPvPZone = true
    squareColor = 0
    allowFightback = true

    -- Connection config
    worldId = 0
    ip = ""
    bindOnlyConfiguredIpAddress = false
    loginPort = 7171
    gamePort = 7172
    adminPort = 7171
    statusPort = 7171
    loginTries = 10
    retryTimeout = 5 * 1000
    loginTimeout = 60 * 1000
    maxPlayers = 50    -- codificado e limitado para 7
    motd = "Welcome to pokemon dash!"
    displayOnOrOffAtCharlist = false
    onePlayerOnlinePerAccount = false
    allowClones = true
    serverName = "Pokemon Dash"
    loginMessage = "Welcome to pokemon dash server!"
    statusTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000
    replaceKickOnLogin = true
    forceSlowConnectionsToDisconnect = false
    loginOnlyWithLoginServer = false
    premiumPlayerSkipWaitList = true

    -- Database
    -- NOTE: sqlFile is used only by sqlite database, and sqlKeepAlive by mysql database.
    -- To disable sqlKeepAlive such as mysqlReadTimeout use 0 value.
    sqlType = "sqlite"
    sqlHost = "localhost"
    sqlPort = 3306
    sqlUser = "root"
    sqlPass = ""
    sqlDatabase = "theforgottenserver"
    sqlFile = "forgottenserver.s3db"
    sqlKeepAlive = 0
    mysqlReadTimeout = 10
    mysqlWriteTimeout = 10
    encryptionType = "plain"

    -- Deathlist
    deathListEnabled = true
    deathListRequiredTime = 1 * 60 * 1000
    deathAssistCount = 19
    maxDeathRecords = 10

    -- Guilds
    ingameGuildManagement = true
    levelToFormGuild = 40
    premiumDaysToFormGuild = 0
    guildNameMinLength = 2
    guildNameMaxLength = 25

    -- Highscores
    highscoreDisplayPlayers = 15
    updateHighscoresAfterMinutes = 60

    -- Houses
    buyableAndSellableHouses = true
    houseNeedPremium = true
    bedsRequirePremium = true
    levelToBuyHouse = 1
    housesPerAccount = 0
    houseRentAsPrice = false
    housePriceAsRent = false
    housePriceEachSquare = 2975
    houseRentPeriod = "never"
    houseCleanOld = 0
    guildHalls = false

    -- Item usage
    timeBetweenActions = 500
    timeBetweenExActions = 500
    hotkeyAimbotEnabled = true

    -- Map
    -- NOTE: storeTrash costs more memory, but will perform alot faster cleaning.
    mapName = "mastermap"
    mapAuthor = "brun123"
    randomizeTiles = true
    storeTrash = false
    cleanProtectedZones = true
    mailboxDisabledTowns = "1"

    -- Process
    -- NOTE: defaultPriority works only on Windows and niceLevel on *nix
    -- coresUsed are seperated by comma cores ids used by server process,
    -- default is -1, so it stays untouched (automaticaly assigned by OS).
    defaultPriority = "high"
    niceLevel = 5
    coresUsed = "-1"

    -- Startup
    optimizeDatabaseAtStartup = true
    removePremiumOnInit = true
    confirmOutdatedVersion = false

    -- Spells
    formulaLevel = 5.0
    formulaMagic = 1.0
    bufferMutedOnSpellFailure = false
    spellNameInsteadOfWords = false
    emoteSpells = false

    -- Outfits
    allowChangeOutfit = true
    allowChangeColors = true
    allowChangeAddons = true
    disableOutfitsForPrivilegedPlayers = false
    addonsOnlyPremium = false

    -- Miscellaneous
    -- NOTE: promptExceptionTracerErrorBox works only with precompiled support feature,
    -- called "exception tracer" (__EXCEPTION_TRACER__ flag).
    dataDirectory = "data/"
    bankSystem = true
    displaySkillLevelOnAdvance = false
    promptExceptionTracerErrorBox = true
    separateViplistPerCharacter = false
    maximumDoorLevel = 500
    maxMessageBuffer = 4

    -- Saving-related
    -- useHouseDataStorage usage may be found at README.
    saveGlobalStorage = false
    useHouseDataStorage = false
    storePlayerDirection = false

    -- Loot
    -- monsterLootMessage 0 to disable, 1 - only party, 2 - only player, 3 - party or player (like Tibia's)
    checkCorpseOwner = true
    monsterLootMessage = 3
    monsterLootMessageType = 22

    -- Ghost mode
    ghostModeInvisibleEffect = false
    ghostModeSpellEffects = false

    -- Limits
    idleWarningTime = 14 * 60 * 1000
    idleKickTime = 15 * 60 * 1000
    expireReportsAfterReads = 1
    playerQueryDeepness = 2
    maxItemsPerPZTile = 0
    maxItemsPerHouseTile = 0

    -- Premium-related
    freePremium = false
    premiumForPromotion = true

    -- Blessings
    -- NOTE: blessingReduction* regards items/containers loss.
    -- eachBlessReduction is how much each bless reduces the experience/magic/skills loss.
    blessingOnlyPremium = true
    blessingReductionBase = 30
    blessingReductionDecreament = 5
    eachBlessReduction = 8

    -- Rates
    -- NOTE: experienceStages configuration is located in data/XML/stages.xml.
    -- rateExperienceFromPlayers 0 to disable.
    experienceStages = false
    rateExperience = 0
    rateExperienceFromPlayers = 0
    rateSkill = 1
    rateMagic = 1.0
    rateLoot = 1
    rateSpawn = 1

    -- Monster rates
    rateMonsterHealth = 1.0
    rateMonsterMana = 1.0
    rateMonsterAttack = 1.0
    rateMonsterDefense = 1.0

    -- Experience from players
    -- NOTE: min~Threshold* set to 0 will disable the minimum threshold:
    -- player will gain experience from every lower leveled player.
    -- max~Threshold* set to 0 will disable the maximum threshold:
    -- player will gain experience from every higher leveled player.
    minLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer = 0.9
    maxLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer = 1.1

    -- Stamina
    -- NOTE: Stamina is stored in miliseconds, so seconds are multiplied by 1000.
    -- rateStaminaHits multiplies every hit done a creature, which are later
    -- multiplied by player attack speed.
    -- rateStaminaGain is divider of every logged out second, eg:
    -- 60000 / 3 = 20000 milliseconds, what gives 20 stamina seconds for 1 minute being logged off.
    -- rateStaminaThresholdGain is divider for the premium stamina.
    -- staminaRatingLimit* is in minutes.
    rateStaminaLoss = 1
    rateStaminaGain = 3
    rateStaminaThresholdGain = 12
    staminaRatingLimitTop = 41 * 60
    staminaRatingLimitBottom = 14 * 60
    rateStaminaAboveNormal = 1.0
    rateStaminaUnderNormal = 1.0
    staminaThresholdOnlyPremium = true

    -- Party
    -- NOTE: experienceShareLevelDifference is float number.
    -- experienceShareLevelDifference is highestLevel * value
    experienceShareRadiusX = 30
    experienceShareRadiusY = 30
    experienceShareRadiusZ = 1
    experienceShareLevelDifference = 200 * 200
    extraPartyExperienceLimit = 20
    extraPartyExperiencePercent = 20
    experienceShareActivity = 2 * 60 * 1000

    -- Global save
    -- NOTE: globalSaveHour means like 03:00, not that it will save every 3 hours,
    -- if you want such a system please check out data/globalevents/globalevents.xml.
    globalSaveEnabled = false
    globalSaveHour = 8
    shutdownAtGlobalSave = true
    cleanMapAtGlobalSave = false

    -- Spawns
    deSpawnRange = 2
    deSpawnRadius = 25

    -- Summons
    maxPlayerSummons = 1
    teleportAllSummons = true
    teleportPlayerSummons = true

    -- Status
    ownerName = "Pokemon Dash Online [Advanced]"
    ownerEmail = ""
    url = ""
    location = "Brazil"
    displayGamemastersWithOnlineCommand = false

    -- Logs
    -- NOTE: This kind of logging does not work in GUI version.
    -- For such, please compile the software with __GUI_LOGS__ flag.
    adminLogsEnabled = false
    displayPlayersLogging = true
    prefixChannelLogs = ""
    runFile = ""
    outLogName = ""
    errorLogName = ""
    truncateLogsOnStartup = false


verifique se na pasta do servidor tem um arquivo chamado forgottenserver com o formato .s3db

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      alguém me da uma luz por favor kkk
    • Por Ryzek
      Uso tfs 0.4 trunk3884 bem simples.
      Queria acrescentar magic effects para 255 pois o meu só vai até 69. Encontrei um tópico que falava sobre porém parece ter sido removido, não consigo acessar!
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