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Normal [Ajuda] Talkaction /clean não limpa pz

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function onSay(player, words, param)
	if not player:getGroup():getAccess() then
		return true

	if player:getAccountType() < ACCOUNT_TYPE_GOD then
		return false

	local itemCount = cleanMap()
	if itemCount > 0 then
		player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "Cleaned " .. itemCount .. " item" .. (itemCount > 1 and "s" or "") .. " from the map.")
	return false

O titulo do topico ja diz tudo, vocês podem conferir meu script de /clean

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Isso tem que alterar nas sources em map.cpp


uint32_t Map::clean()
   uint64_t start = OTSYS_TIME();
   uint32_t count = 0, tiles = 0;
   if (g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_NORMAL) {
   for (int32_t z = 0; z < (int32_t)MAP_MAX_LAYERS; z++) {
     for (uint32_t y = 1; y <= mapHeight; y++) {
       for (uint32_t x = 1; x <= mapWidth; x++) {
         Tile* tile = getTile(x, y, z);
         if (!tile || tile->hasFlag(TILESTATE_HOUSE) || !tile->getItemList()) {
         TileItemVector* itemList = tile->getItemList();
         ItemVector::iterator it = itemList->begin(), end = itemList->end();
         while (it != end) {
           if ((*it)->isCleanable()) {
             g_game.internalRemoveItem(*it, -1);
             it = itemList->begin();
             end = itemList->end();
           } else {
   if (g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_MAINTAIN) {
   std::cout << "> CLEAN: Removed " << count << " item" << (count != 1 ? "s" : "")
    << " from " << tiles << " tile" << (tiles != 1 ? "s" : "") << " in "
    << (OTSYS_TIME() - start) / (1000.) << " seconds." << std::endl;
   return count;



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7 horas atrás, PsyMcKenzie disse:

Isso tem que alterar nas sources em map.cpp


uint32_t Map::clean()
   uint64_t start = OTSYS_TIME();
   uint32_t count = 0, tiles = 0;
   if (g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_NORMAL) {
   for (int32_t z = 0; z < (int32_t)MAP_MAX_LAYERS; z++) {
     for (uint32_t y = 1; y <= mapHeight; y++) {
       for (uint32_t x = 1; x <= mapWidth; x++) {
         Tile* tile = getTile(x, y, z);
         if (!tile || tile->hasFlag(TILESTATE_HOUSE) || !tile->getItemList()) {
         TileItemVector* itemList = tile->getItemList();
         ItemVector::iterator it = itemList->begin(), end = itemList->end();
         while (it != end) {
           if ((*it)->isCleanable()) {
             g_game.internalRemoveItem(*it, -1);
             it = itemList->begin();
             end = itemList->end();
           } else {
   if (g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_MAINTAIN) {
   std::cout << "> CLEAN: Removed " << count << " item" << (count != 1 ? "s" : "")
    << " from " << tiles << " tile" << (tiles != 1 ? "s" : "") << " in "
    << (OTSYS_TIME() - start) / (1000.) << " seconds." << std::endl;
   return count;




eu fiz isso mas dava erro na hora compilar, existe algum outro jeito?

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