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bom dia,


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Eu tinha um sistema de Vip no Ot, com o Reset o sistema foi excluído, só que agora o Who Is Online não funciona mais. O que uma coisa tem em relação a outra? Antes aparecia a Bandeira Vip na frente do nome do jogador, já tentei excluir algumas linhas referentes a isso e não consegui, pois não sei exatamente o que excluir. Alguém pode me ajudar?


Segue o script:




$orderby = 'name';
    if($_REQUEST['order']== 'level')
        $orderby = 'level';
    elseif($_REQUEST['order'] == 'vocation')
        $orderby = 'vocation';
$players_online_data = $SQL->query('SELECT ' . $SQL->tableName('accounts') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('flag') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('accounts') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('vipdays') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('vocation') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('level') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('skull') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('looktype') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('lookaddons') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('lookhead') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('lookbody') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('looklegs') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('lookfeet') . ' FROM ' . $SQL->tableName('accounts') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('players_online') . ' WHERE ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $SQL->tableName('players_online') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('player_id') . ' AND ' . $SQL->tableName('accounts') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('account_id') . ' ORDER BY ' . $SQL->fieldName($orderby))->fetchAll();
$number_of_players_online = 0;
$vocations_online_count = array(0,0,0,0,0); // change it if you got more then 5 vocations
$players_rows = '';
foreach($players_online_data as $player)
    $vocations_online_count[$player['vocation']] += 1;
    $bgcolor = (($number_of_players_online++ % 2 == 1) ?  $config['site']['darkborder'] : $config['site']['lightborder']);
    $skull = '';
    if ($player['skull'] == 4)
        $skull = "<img style='border: 0;' src='./images/skulls/redskull.gif'/>";
    else if ($player['skull'] == 5)
        $skull = "<img style='border: 0;' src='./images/skulls/blackskull.gif'/>";
    $vip = '';
    if ($player['vipdays'] > 0)
        $vip = "<img style='border: 0;' src='./images/vip.gif'/>";

    $players_rows .= '<TR BGCOLOR='.$bgcolor.'><TD WIDTH=5%><img src="' . $config['site']['outfit_images_url'] . '?id=' . $player['looktype'] . '&addons=' . $player['lookaddons'] . '&head=' . $player['lookhead'] . '&body=' . $player['lookbody'] . '&legs=' . $player['looklegs'] . '&feet=' . $player['lookfeet'] . '" alt="" /></td><TD WIDTH=65%><A HREF="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($player['name']).'"><img src="' . $config['site']['flag_images_url'] . $player['flag'] . $config['site']['flag_images_extension'] . '" title="Country: ' . $player['flag'] . '" alt="' . $player['flag'] . '" /> '.htmlspecialchars($player['name']).$vip.'</A></TD><TD WIDTH=10%>'.$player['level'].'</TD><TD WIDTH=20%>'.htmlspecialchars($vocation_name[$player['vocation']]).'</TD></TR>';
if($config['site']['private-servlist.com_server_id'] > 0)
    $main_content.= '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=4 CELLSPACING=1 WIDTH=100%><TR BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><TD WIDTH=10% CLASS=white><center><B>Players Online Chart</B></TD></TR></TABLE>';
if($number_of_players_online == 0)
    //server status - server empty
    $main_content .= '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=100%><TR BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><TD CLASS=white><B>Server Status</B></TD></TR><TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'><TD><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=1><TR><TD>Currently no one is playing on <b>'.htmlspecialchars($config['server']['serverName']).'</b>.</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><BR>';

    $main_content .= '
    <div style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</div>';

    //list of players
    $main_content .= '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=100%><TR BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><TD CLASS="white"><b>Outfit</b></TD><TD><A HREF="?subtopic=whoisonline&order=name" CLASS=white>Name</A></TD><TD><A HREF="?subtopic=whoisonline&order=level" CLASS=white>Level</A></TD><TD><A HREF="?subtopic=whoisonline&order=vocation" CLASS=white>Vocation</TD></TR>'.$players_rows.'</TABLE>';
    //search bar
    $main_content .= '<BR><FORM ACTION="?subtopic=characters" METHOD=post>  <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4><TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Search Character</B></TD></TR><TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'"><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1><TR><TD>Name:</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="name" VALUE="" SIZE="29" MAXLENGTH="29"></TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="image" NAME="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM>';


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