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Normal [Pedido] Ajuda com Script de Look Player !!

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Seguinte Galera tenho 2 Scripts de Look Player

O Primeiro é Fica Assim quando da Look no Player!


You see Teste (Level 8). He is a elder druid. He is Leader of the Malucos (Zicao).
Ele Matou: [2] Jogadores.
Ele Morreu: [1] Jogadores

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Aqui está o Script

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E Tenho Este Script de Rank Militar em Mods

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Queria Juntar os Dois, Tipo na hora de dar look mostrar o level,guild,frags,dead e rank militar



You see Teste (Level 8). He is a elder druid. He is Leader of the Malucos (Zicao).
Ele Matou: [2] Jogadores.
Ele Morreu: [1] Jogadores

Rank Militar:Private First Class

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Alguem que entenda de Scripts,.... Poderia fazer para min ?

Ficaria muito Grato Mesmo e me Ajudaria Muuuuuitooo!


Editado por DigoleraZica
Erro de Escrita =s (veja o histórico de edições)
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function getDeathsAndKills(cid, type) -- by vodka
local query,d = db.getResult("SELECT `player_id` FROM "..(tostring(type) == "kill" and "`player_killers`" or "`player_deaths`").." WHERE `player_id` = "..getPlayerGUID(cid)),0
if (query:getID() ~= -1) then 
d = d+1
until not query:next()
return d 
if isPlayer(thing.uid) then
doPlayerSetSpecialDescription(thing.uid, "\n"..(getPlayerSex(thing.uid) == 0 and "Ela" or "Ele").." Matou: ["..getDeathsAndKills(thing.uid, "kill").."] Jogadores.\n"..(getPlayerSex(thing.uid) == 0 and "Ela" or "Ele").." Morreu: ["..getDeathsAndKills(thing.uid, "death").."] Jogadores")

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
    <mod name = "Military Ranks" version = "1.0" author = "Teckman" enabled = "yes">
        <config name = "ranks"><![CDATA[
            titles = {
                [5] = "Private First Class",
                [10] = "Specialist",
                [15] = "Corporal",
                [20] = "Sergeant",
                [25] = "Staff Sergeant",
                [30] = "Sergeant First Class",
                [35] = "Master Sergeant",
                [40] = "First Sergeant",
                [45] = "Sergeant Major",
                [50] = "Command Sergeant Major",
                [55] = "Sergeant Major of the Army",
                [60] = "Second Lieutenant",
                [65] = "First Lieutenant",
                [70] = "Captain",
                [75] = "Major",
                [80] = "Lieutenant Colonel",
                [90] = "Colonel",
                [100] = "Brigadier General",
                [110] = "Major General",
                [120] = "Lieutenant General",
                [140] = "General",
                [170] = "General of the Army"
            fragsStorage = 600
	function getDeathsAndKills(cid, type) -- by vodka
		local query,d = db.getResult("SELECT `player_id` FROM "..(tostring(type) == "kill" and "`player_killers`" or "`player_deaths`").." WHERE `player_id` = "..getPlayerGUID(cid)),0
			if (query:getID() ~= -1) then 
					d = d+1
				until not query:next()
			return d 
        <event type = "look" name = "ranksLook" event = "script"><![CDATA[
            function onLook(cid, thing, position, lookDistance)
                if(isPlayer(thing.uid)) then
                    local rank = {rank = "Private", frags = 0}
                    for k, v in pairs(titles) do
                        if(math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(thing.uid, fragsStorage)) > k - 1) then
                            if(k - 1 > rank.frags) then
                                rank.rank, rank.frags = v, k - 1
                    doPlayerSetSpecialDescription(thing.uid, "\n"..(getPlayerSex(thing.uid) == 0 and "Ela" or "Ele").." Matou: ["..getDeathsAndKills(thing.uid, "kill").."] Jogadores.\n"..(getPlayerSex(thing.uid) == 0 and "Ela" or "Ele").." Morreu: ["..getDeathsAndKills(thing.uid, "death").."] Vezes.\n Military rank: " .. rank.rank)
                return true
        <event type = "kill" name = "ranksKill" event = "script"><![CDATA[
            function onKill(cid, target)
                if(isPlayer(target)) then
                    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, fragsStorage, math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, fragsStorage) + 1))
                    if(titles[getPlayerStorageValue(cid, fragsStorage)]) then
                        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You advanced to military rank: " .. titles[getPlayerStorageValue(cid, fragsStorage)] .. ". Congratulations " .. titles[getPlayerStorageValue(cid, fragsStorage)] .. "!")
                return true
        <event type = "login" name = "ranksLogin" event = "script"><![CDATA[
            function onLogin(cid)
                registerCreatureEvent(cid, "ranksKill")
                registerCreatureEvent(cid, "ranksLook")
                return true



[*Ninguém será digno do sucesso se não usar suas derrotas para conquistá-lo.*]




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@Vodkart Apareceu este erro na minha otx 8.6 ao abrir ela


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entrei no jogo e dei look apareceu isso na otx \/

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Editado por DigoleraZica (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • 1 year later...

Vou ver se tento atualizar esse script do vodkart, mas meus conhecimentos são bem básicos.

Caso consiga postarei aqui/na seção correta.

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