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Normal [ADD ML TFS 1.3] Skill Points Help!

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Olá pessoal, estou usando um sistema de skill points bem simples, ta tudo certinho, adicionando corretamente todos os dados, porém Magic Level, ele da apenas uma quantidade pequena, quando multipliquei o valor por 22 ele deu o ML inteiro, ai fui testar em kina e deu 21 ml's kkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Segue a parte do código onde creio que deve ser modificado

elseif (p2[2] == "magic") then	
							player:addManaSpent(math.ceil((Vocation(getPlayerVocation(cid)):getRequiredManaSpent(player:getBaseMagicLevel() + 1) - player:getManaSpent()) / configManager.getNumber(configKeys.RATE_MAGIC)))
                            ---Player receives message on Skill Advance

Abaixo o código completo (é claro apenas a parte do talkaction que já está incluído as ações onde está o problema)

local SkillPoints = {
    [1] = 1,
    [2] = 1,
    [3] = 1,
    [4] = 1,
    [5] = 1,
    [6] = 1,
    [7] = 1,
    [8] = 1,
	[9] = 1,
	[10] = 1,
	[11] = 1,
	[12] = 1,	
function onSay(cid, words, param)
    local player = Player(cid)
        local vocation = Player(cid)
		local voc = getPlayerVocation(cid)
            if not (SkillPoints[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) then
                return false
        local param = param:lower()
            local p2 = param:split(",")
        if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) < 0) then
            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574, 0)
            local skillids = {
                ["shielding"] = 5,
                ["sword"] = 2,
                ["axe"] = 3,
                ["club"] = 1,
                ["fist"] = 0,
                ["distance"] = 4
            local attributes = {
                ["health"] = {np = 5, vl = 5, skn = "Hit Points"},
                ["mana"] = {np = 5, vl = 5, skn = "Mana Points"},
                ["magic"] = {np = 6, vl = 1	, skn = "Magic Percentual"},
                ["shielding"] = {np = 20, vl = 1, skn = "Shielding Skill"},
                ["sword"] = {np = 20, vl = 1, skn = "Sword Skill"},
                ["axe"] = {np = 20, vl = 1, skn = "Axe Skill"},
                ["club"] = {np = 20, vl = 1, skn = "Club Skill"},
                ["fist"] = {np = 10, vl = 1, skn = "Fist Skill"},
                ["distance"] = {np = 20, vl = 1, skn = "Distance Skill"},
        if (param == "check") then
            doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, " <> <> <> <>  <>  <> Attribute Points  <> <> <> <>  <>  <> \n\nPoints Available: ".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) .."\nPoints Per Level: ".. SkillPoints[getPlayerVocation(cid)])
                elseif (p2[1] and p2[1] == "add") and (attributes[p2[2]]) and (tonumber(p2[3])) then
                    local creature = Creature(cid)
                        local    cpos = creature:getPosition()
                            if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) < tonumber(p2[3]) * attributes[p2[2]].np) then
                                    doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "you need more attribute points go hunt!")
                                return cpos:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF)
                        if (p2[2] == "health") then
                            player:setMaxHealth(player:getMaxHealth() + attributes[p2[2]].vl * tonumber(p2[3]))
                                player:addHealth(attributes[p2[2]].vl * tonumber(p2[3]))
                            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have been rewarded with ".. tonumber(p2[3]) * attributes[p2[2]].vl .. "Hit Points")
                        elseif (p2[2] == "mana") then
                            player:setMaxMana(player:getMaxMana() + attributes[p2[2]].vl * tonumber(p2[3]))
                                player:addMana(attributes[p2[2]].vl * tonumber(p2[3]))
                            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have been rewarded with ".. tonumber(p2[3]) * attributes[p2[2]].vl .. "Mana Points")
                        elseif (p2[2] == "magic") then	
							player:addManaSpent(math.ceil((Vocation(getPlayerVocation(cid)):getRequiredManaSpent(player:getBaseMagicLevel() + 1) - player:getManaSpent()) / configManager.getNumber(configKeys.RATE_MAGIC)))
                            ---Player receives message on Skill Advance
                        elseif(skillids[p2[2]]) then
                            for a = 1, tonumber(p2[3]) do
                            player:addSkillTries(skillids[p2[2]], player:getVocation():getRequiredSkillTries(skillids[p2[2]], player:getSkillLevel(skillids[p2[2]]) + 1 * 1) - player:getSkillTries(skillids[p2[2]]))
                        --Player receives message on Level Advance
            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) - tonumber(p2[3]) * attributes[p2[2]].np)
        local msgx = ""
        for i, v in pairs(attributes) do
            local add = ( > 1) and "" or ""
                msgx = msgx .. string.upper(i:sub(1,1)) .. i:sub(2, #i) .. " - ".. .. " points".. add .. " -> " .. v.vl .. " ".. v.skn .. "\n"
            doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, " <> <> <> <>  <>  <> Attribute Points <>  <>  <> <> <> <> \n\n Attribute Points are used to customize your character\n\nThe added points can not be recovered \n\n".. msgx .. "\nExample of Use: ".. words .." add,health, 1\n\nPoints available: ".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574))
    return true


REP+ Pra quem me ajudar! obrigado desde já

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Hãm, verifique seu  vocations.xml a parte (manamultiplier)


Tenta substituir pra:

elseif p2[2] == "magic" then
     for m = 1, tonumber(p2[3]) do
         doPlayerAddSpentMana(cid, (getPlayerRequiredMana(cid, getPlayerMagLevel(cid, true) + 1) - getPlayerSpentMana(cid)), false)


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Obrigado @Mirkaan


Resolvi da seguinte maneira, deixei que mages e pallys conseguissem +1 ml e kinas um percentual na média do 50% pra mais ml baixo e pra menos ml alto


elseif (p2[2] == "magic") then	
						if getPlayerVocation(cid) == 4 or  getPlayerVocation(cid) == 11 or getPlayerVocation(cid) == 12 or getPlayerVocation(cid) == 9 or getPlayerVocation(cid) == 10 or getPlayerVocation(cid) == 3 then	
							--doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Only avaible for mages!")
							player:addManaSpent(math.ceil((Vocation(getPlayerVocation(cid)):getRequiredManaSpent(player:getBaseMagicLevel() + 1*2) - player:getManaSpent()) / configManager.getNumber(configKeys.RATE_MAGIC)))
							player:addManaSpent(player:getVocation():getRequiredManaSpent(player:getBaseMagicLevel() + 1) - player:getManaSpent())
							--player:addSkillTries(skillId, player:getVocation():getRequiredSkillTries(skillId, player:getSkillLevel(skillId) + 1) - player:getSkillTries(skillId))


Obrigado de qlqr maneira!



@Mirkkan manja algo de mining system pra tfs 1.x +? to com 1.3 e nenhum q acho funciona, tem um que consegui pra 1.2 que parece perfeito, adicionei no action id do axe mas nao da bug, porém tb n funciona... kkkk



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