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Normal getSpecialAttribute on all items

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Is it possible to consult the special attributes in all the items?
Depot, Players, Houses, Tiles Etc.


I want to transform items with a certain attribute.


If Allitems(itemid):getSpecialAttribute <= 12345 then

to place it in a globalevent

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51 minutos atrás, luanluciano93 disse:


Please describe your question better ... what kind of attribute? 

What do you intend to do?


functions: setSpecialAttribute and getSpecialAttribute()


i put SpecialAttrubute with:

local new_item = player:addItem(itemId, 1)            
new_item:setSpecialAttribute("timerOnExp", os.time()+60*60)


and call with:

item:getSpecialAttribute("timerOnExp") this return valor "os.time()+60*60"



need call all items in globalevents:


If Allitems:getSpecialAttribute("timerOnExp") <= os.time() then

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Sorry for the delay ... I'd like to know the purpose of your script, so I could help you better ... 



• To do this sort of fetch you I think you want, you would need to use sql commands in table 'player_items': 

  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `pid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `sid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `itemtype` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `count` smallint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `attributes` blob NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  KEY `sid` (`sid`)


• I'll assume that you want to turn the item over after your time runs out ... this exists in items.xml, an example is soft boots, keys: durations e decayTo. ... 

	<item id="2640" article="a" name="pair of soft boots (faster regeneration)">
		<attribute key="weight" value="800" />
		<attribute key="slotType" value="feet" />
		<attribute key="decayTo" value="10021" />
		<attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="6132" />
		<attribute key="duration" value="14400" />
		<attribute key="healthGain" value="1" />
		<attribute key="healthTicks" value="2000" />
		<attribute key="manaGain" value="2" />
		<attribute key="manaTicks" value="1000" />
		<attribute key="showduration" value="1" />
		<attribute key="showattributes" value="1" />


• Or you can also have the server do this automatically by putting a duration and a decayTo on the item you create ... use these functions and keys

	item:setAttribute(key, value)


I hope I have helped. Hugs!

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1 hora atrás, luanluciano93 disse:


Sorry for the delay ... I'd like to know the purpose of your script, so I could help you better ... 



• To do this sort of fetch you I think you want, you would need to use sql commands in table 'player_items': 

  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `pid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `sid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `itemtype` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `count` smallint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `attributes` blob NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  KEY `sid` (`sid`)


• I'll assume that you want to turn the item over after your time runs out ... this exists in items.xml, an example is soft boots, keys: durations e decayTo. ... 

	<item id="2640" article="a" name="pair of soft boots (faster regeneration)">
		<attribute key="weight" value="800" />
		<attribute key="slotType" value="feet" />
		<attribute key="decayTo" value="10021" />
		<attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="6132" />
		<attribute key="duration" value="14400" />
		<attribute key="healthGain" value="1" />
		<attribute key="healthTicks" value="2000" />
		<attribute key="manaGain" value="2" />
		<attribute key="manaTicks" value="1000" />
		<attribute key="showduration" value="1" />
		<attribute key="showattributes" value="1" />


• Or you can also have the server do this automatically by putting a duration and a decayTo on the item you create ... use these functions and keys

	item:setAttribute(key, value)


I hope I have helped. Hugs!


if I know those functions, the problem that the decay stops when the character logout, or when they put it in the depot, then I'm trying to make a system where certain items expire in a certain time.


as in tibia rl

11:53 You see a temple teleport scroll that will expire in 7 days.
It weighs 1.20 oz.


If you do not use the item in 7 days, it disappears.

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Maybe if you use it like this ... 

item:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DATE, X)
And then search by sql command: 
table player_depotitems:
	SELECT `player_id`,`pid`,`sid`,CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) FROM `player_depotitems` WHERE CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) LIKE '%data%'

table player_items:
	SELECT `player_id`,`pid`,`sid`,CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) FROM `player_items` WHERE CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) LIKE '%data%'


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5 horas atrás, luanluciano93 disse:


Maybe if you use it like this ... 

item:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DATE, X)

And then search by sql command: 

table player_depotitems:
	SELECT `player_id`,`pid`,`sid`,CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) FROM `player_depotitems` WHERE CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) LIKE '%data%'

table player_items:
	SELECT `player_id`,`pid`,`sid`,CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) FROM `player_items` WHERE CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) LIKE '%data%'



I do not have much experience with MySQL.

How could I use it in global event, to find atribute

item:setSpecialAttribute("timerOnExp", os.time()+60*60)


how declare delete items, if os.time() > getSpecialAttribute("timerOnExp") ?


I plan to implement it in a globalevent.xml

Editado por BennyDz (veja o histórico de edições)
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First of all, you need to know how is your attribute stored. Try executing the MySQL command that luanluciano posted. For example:

SELECT `player_id`,`pid`,`sid`,CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) FROM `player_items` WHERE CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) LIKE '%timerOnExp%'

After that, you'll get the results and know how the attribute is stored, then you need to figure out how to retrieve the data. If you're not able to do it yourself, post the results so we can try to help you with that.

                                                                     Ajudei? De nada \o/                                            Att Rusherzin

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7 horas atrás, Rusherzin disse:

First of all, you need to know how is your attribute stored. Try executing the MySQL command that luanluciano posted. For example:

SELECT `player_id`,`pid`,`sid`,CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) FROM `player_items` WHERE CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) LIKE '%timerOnExp%'

After that, you'll get the results and know how the attribute is stored, then you need to figure out how to retrieve the data. If you're not able to do it yourself, post the results so we can try to help you with that.


my results:


I would appreciate your' help, since I do not know how to finish it


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I'm not sure if it's going to work because I did not test the code.
Anyway, I think you can do something like this:

local TItoDelete = db.storeQuery("SELECT `player_id`,`pid`,`sid`,CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) AS `attr` FROM `player_items` WHERE CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) LIKE '%timerOnExp%'")

    if TItoDelete then -- if the MySQL result is not empty
            local attrstring = result.getString(TItoDelete, "attr") -- get the attribute
            local attrnumber = tonumber(string.sub(attrstring, -12, string.len(attrstring)-2)) -- here I try to get only the number (I'm not sure if it will work)
            if (os.time() >= attrnumber) then
		local playerid = result.getNumber(TItoDelete, "player_id")
		local pid      = result.getNumber(TItoDelete, "pid")
                local sid      = result.getNumber(TItoDelete, "sid")
            	db.storeQuery("DELETE FROM `player_items` WHERE `player_id`="..playerid.." AND `pid` = "" AND `sid` ="..sid) -- deletes item
        until not

By the way, this one is just an example that should work for `player_items`.

                                                                     Ajudei? De nada \o/                                            Att Rusherzin

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7 minutos atrás, Rusherzin disse:

I'm not sure if it's going to work because I did not test the code.
Anyway, I think you can do something like this:

local TItoDelete = db.storeQuery("SELECT `player_id`,`pid`,`sid`,CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) AS `attr` FROM `player_items` WHERE CONVERT(`attributes` USING latin1 ) LIKE '%timerOnExp%'")

    if TItoDelete then -- if the MySQL result is not empty
            local attrstring = result.getString(TItoDelete, "attr") -- get the attribute
            local attrnumber = tonumber(string.sub(attrstring, -12, string.len(attrstring)-2)) -- here I try to get only the number (I'm not sure if it will work)
            if (os.time() >= attrnumber) then
		local playerid = result.getNumber(TItoDelete, "player_id")
		local pid      = result.getNumber(TItoDelete, "pid")
                local sid      = result.getNumber(TItoDelete, "sid")
            	db.storeQuery("DELETE FROM `player_items` WHERE `player_id`="..playerid.." AND `pid` = "" AND `sid` ="..sid) -- deletes item
        until not

By the way, this one is just an example that should work for `player_items`.


:7: bad argument #1 to 'len' <string expected, got boolean)

Line 7:

            local attrnumber = tonumber(string.sub(attrstring, -12, string.len(attrstring)-2)) -- here I try to get only the number (I'm not sure if it will work)



Can not this be adapted to do what I'm looking for?

Anti-Dupe - Delete all items with duplicated serial from your database.

tablesToCheck = {"player_items", "player_depotitems", "tile_items", {"player_items", {"player_depotitems", "tile_items"}}, {"player_depotitems", "tile_items"}}
function onStartup()
    local text, final = "", ""
    local filex = "data/logs/duplicated.txt"
    local f =, "a+")
    local count = 0
    for i = 1, table.maxn(tablesToCheck) do
        if type(tablesToCheck[i]) == "string" then
            local query = db.getResult("SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM " .. tablesToCheck[i] .. " WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) FROM " .. tablesToCheck[i] .. " WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)")
            if query:getID() ~= -1 then
                while(true) do
                    local delete = db.executeQuery("delete from " .. tablesToCheck[i] .. " where SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) = " .. db.escapeString(query:getDataString("track")) .. " and player_id = " .. query:getDataInt("player_id") .. ";")
                    text = "[!] -> Deleting items with duplicated serial from '" .. tablesToCheck[i] .. "': [Player: " .. getPlayerNameByGUID(query:getDataInt("player_id")) .. ", Item: " .. query:getDataInt("itemtype") .. ", Count: " .. query:getDataInt("count") .. ", Serial: " .. query:getDataString("track") .."]... " .. (delete and "Success!" or "Failed!")
                    count = (delete and count + 1 or count)
                    final = final .. (final ~= "" and "\n" or "") .. text
                    if not query:next() then break end
            if type(tablesToCheck[i][2]) == "string" then
                local query = db.getResult("SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM " .. tablesToCheck[i][1] .. " WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) FROM " .. tablesToCheck[i][2] .. " WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 0)")
                if query:getID() ~= -1 then
                    while(true) do
                        local query_ = db.getResult("SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM " .. tablesToCheck[i][2] .. " WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) FROM " .. tablesToCheck[i][1] .. " WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 0)")
                        local delete = db.executeQuery("delete from " .. tablesToCheck[i][1] .. " where SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) = " .. db.escapeString(query:getDataString("track")) .. ";")
                        count = (delete and count + 1 or count)
                        local delete2 = db.executeQuery("delete from " .. tablesToCheck[i][2] .. " where SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) = " .. db.escapeString(query:getDataString("track")) .. ";")
                        count = (delete2 and count + 1 or count)
                        text = "[!] -> Deleting item with duplicated serial from '" .. tablesToCheck[i][1] .. "' [Player: " .. getPlayerNameByGUID(query:getDataInt("player_id")) .. ", Item: " .. query:getDataInt("itemtype") .. ", Count: " .. query:getDataInt("count") .. ", Serial: " .. query:getDataString("track") .."]... " .. (delete and "Success!" or "Failed!") ..
                        "\n[!] -> Deleting item with duplicated serial from '" .. tablesToCheck[i][2] .. "' [Player: " .. getPlayerNameByGUID(query_:getDataInt("player_id")) .. ", Item: " .. query_:getDataInt("itemtype") .. ", Count: " .. query_:getDataInt("count") .. ", Serial: " .. query_:getDataString("track") .."]... " .. (delete and "Success!" or "Failed!")
                        final = final .. (final ~= "" and "\n" or "") .. text
                        if not query:next() then break end
                for j = 1, #tablesToCheck[i][2] do
                    local query = db.getResult("SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM " .. tablesToCheck[i][1] .. " WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) FROM " .. tablesToCheck[i][2][j] .. " WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 0)")
                    if query:getID() ~= -1 then
                        while(true) do
                            local query_ = db.getResult("SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM " .. tablesToCheck[i][2][j] .. " WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) FROM " .. tablesToCheck[i][1] .. " WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 0)")
                            local delete = db.executeQuery("delete from " .. tablesToCheck[i][1] .. " where SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) = " .. db.escapeString(query:getDataString("track")) .. ";")
                            count = (delete and count + 1 or count)
                            local delete2 = db.executeQuery("delete from " .. tablesToCheck[i][2][j] .. " where SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) = " .. db.escapeString(query:getDataString("track")) .. ";")
                            count = (delete2 and count + 1 or count)
                            text = "[!] -> Deleting item with duplicated serial from '" .. tablesToCheck[i][1] .. "' [Player: " .. getPlayerNameByGUID(query:getDataInt("player_id")) .. ", Item: " .. query:getDataInt("itemtype") .. ", Count: " .. query:getDataInt("count") .. ", Serial: " .. query:getDataString("track") .."]... " .. (delete and "Success!" or "Failed!") ..
                            "\n[!] -> Deleting item with duplicated serial from '" .. tablesToCheck[i][2][j] .. "' [Player: " .. getPlayerNameByGUID(query_:getDataInt("player_id")) .. ", Item: " .. query_:getDataInt("itemtype") .. ", Count: " .. query_:getDataInt("count") .. ", Serial: " .. query_:getDataString("track") .."]... " .. (delete and "Success!" or "Failed!")
                            final = final .. (final ~= "" and "\n" or "") .. text
                            if not query:next() then break end
    if f ~= nil then
        f:write("[" .."%d %B %Y %X ", os.time()) .. "] >> [Anti-Dupe] " .. count .. " duplicated items have been deleted from the database.\n" .. (final == "" and "[!] -> No duplicated item was found in the database" or final) .. "\n\n")
        print("[!] -> [Anti-Dupe] Cannot save info to file!")
    return true


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I'm sorry, but I don't know why it's returning a bool instead of a string.

                                                                     Ajudei? De nada \o/                                            Att Rusherzin

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