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Por yezzin
💖Versão 8.60 com OLD e OTC
💖Task system;
💖Saga system;
💖 Outfit/skin system;
💖Raridade system;
💖Elo/Kage system;
💖buff/Aura system;
💖 Market system;
💖 Autoloot system;
💖 Mapa 100% proprio e novinho;
💖Diversas quest de todos os niveis;
💖 Vocaçao do dia;
💖Cast System;
💖Shop no Game
💖Mercado Negro;
💖Upgrade Set;
💖Refinamento de Armas e Shields;
💖Evento(castle,Guild castle, eventos, task, bonus, sorteios!
VOA !!
Por Heyron
Elysia OT (Global Full 8.60) IP: elysiaot-global.servegame.com ✔︎ Login pelo Account Manager 1/1, não temos site. ✔︎ Login zerado é Cast System. XP (Rates): Stages = Sim Experience = 50.0 Skill = 15.0 Magic = 5.0 Loot = 1.0 Spawn = 1.0 Protection Level: 30 ✔︎ Sem itens VIP. ✔︎ Premiação ao upar nível 20, 50 e 80. ✔︎ Itens iniciais por vocação. ✔︎ Free Bless até o level 50. ✔︎ Danos de spells balanceados. ✔︎ Sem fast attack ou ataque rápido (padrão 2seg). ✔︎ Sem itens infinitos, exceto munição de Paladin. Jogue agora! IP: elysiaot-global.servegame.com Versão: 8.60 -
Por elitehox
boa tarde a todos,
Estou tentando instalar o plugin gesior shop for Myaac. quando tento acessar gifts.php retorno erro 500 http.
Alguém pode me ajudar? este é o log de erros do Apache ...
[php7:error] [pid 24148] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'ordering' in 'order clause' in /var/www/html/system/libs/pot/OTS_Base_DB.php:86\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/system/libs/pot/OTS_Base_DB.php(86): PDO->query()\n#1 /var/www/html/system/libs/pot/OTS_DB_PDOQuery.php(13): OTS_Base_DB->doQuery()\n#2 /var/www/html/plugins/gesior-shop-system/libs/shop-system.php(137): OTS_Base_DB->query()\n#3 /var/www/html/system/pages/gifts.php(199): GesiorShop::getOffers()\n#4 /var/www/html/index.php(362): require('/var/www/html/s...')\n#5 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/html/system/libs/pot/OTS_Base_DB.php on line 86
Por matiasz123
[OTCLIENT SHOWOFF] Questlog Actualizado
Updated quest log, showing quest details:
Npc name Npc level Npc outfit Mission status Description Amount of reward experience Number of reward points Enemies you must kill Items to collect
When you click on the follow button, an alternative map opens that shows you the next objective of the mission and at what coordinates:
If you want the system write a comment with your discord
Por Mutio
PokeDash by Pota TFS 1.2
Dialogue module by Gengo (Reworked)
Hello everyone, would anyone be able to help me improve this dialogue system?
When I have a lot of text, it expands, and there's a write effect. I made this primarily for myself, but you can also benefit from it.
The problem is that if there's a lot of text, the window doesn't layout as I intended, specifically regarding the buttons. They get cut off, and I'd like the window to adjust its size based on the amount of text and buttons. For example, if there are 3 buttons, the window should not cut them off but should expand, adding a few pixels at the bottom to display the buttons correctly.
Additionally, I've implemented a feature in the code to display items in the center if they are required for quests or anything an NPC might ask from the player. I'd like to make sure this feature also adapts correctly to the window size.
Perhaps there is an expert in the OTC module who could guide me or correct and remove unnecessary code that I've written and is not needed. I must admit that I'm not a very skilled developer in OTC, but I managed to accomplish something. If someone can help me, I can share this dialogue system. (Modified version of Gengo)
local npcWindowDialog local buttonHolder local lblTitle local outfitBox local panelMsg local scrollPanel local lblMessage local LabelText local itemBox local buttondialog local fadeOutEvent = nil local initialHeight = 200 function init() connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = offline }) connect(LocalPlayer, { onPositionChange = onCreaturePositionChange }) ProtocolGame.registerExtendedOpcode(80, function(protocol, opcode, buffer) print("Received extended opcode data: " .. buffer) local data = json.decode(buffer) if (data.action == "close") then offline() elseif (data.action == "create") then NpcDialog(data.data) end end) npcWindowDialog = g_ui.displayUI('npcdialog') buttonHolder = npcWindowDialog:getChildById('buttonHolder') lblTitle = npcWindowDialog:getChildById('lblTitle') scrollPanel = npcWindowDialog:getChildById('scrollPanel') panelMsg = npcWindowDialog:getChildById('panelMsg') outfitBox = npcWindowDialog:getChildById('outfitBox') itemBox = npcWindowDialog:getChildById('itemBox') buttondialog = npcWindowDialog:getChildById('buttondialog') lblMessage = g_ui.createWidget('LabelText', panelMsg) end function terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = offline }) disconnect(Creature, { onPositionChange = onCreaturePositionChange }) ProtocolGame.unregisterExtendedOpcode(80) removeEvent(npcWindowDialog.fadeEvent) npcWindowDialog:destroy() end function clearItemBox() itemBox:destroyChildren() end function offline() clearItemBox() buttondialog:destroyChildren() npcWindowDialog:hide() npcWindowDialog:setHeight(initialHeight) if fadeOutEvent then removeEvent(fadeOutEvent) end end function onCreaturePositionChange(creature, newPos, oldPos) if creature:isLocalPlayer() then clearItemBox() npcWindowDialog:setHeight(initialHeight) npcWindowDialog:hide() end end function openDialog() npcWindowDialog:raise() npcWindowDialog:show() npcWindowDialog:setOpacity(0) npcWindowDialog:setHeight(initialHeight) g_effects.fadeIn(npcWindowDialog, 150) if fadeOutEvent then removeEvent(fadeOutEvent) end fadeOutEvent = scheduleEvent(function() g_effects.fadeOut(npcWindowDialog, 150) end, 30000) end function writeTextEffect(lblMessage, text, delay, callback) lblMessage:clearText() local textSize = #text local initialHeight = npcWindowDialog:getHeight() for i = 1, textSize do scheduleEvent(function() lblMessage:setText(lblMessage:getText() .. text:sub(i, i)) local newHeight = initialHeight + lblMessage:getTextSize().height npcWindowDialog:setHeight(newHeight) end, delay * i) end end function NpcDialog(value) clearItemBox() local Npc = g_map.getCreatureById(value.npcId) lblTitle:setText(Npc:getName()) outfitBox:setOutfit(Npc:getOutfit()) lblMessage:clearText() writeTextEffect(lblMessage, tr(value.message), 15) scrollPanel:setVisible(lblMessage:getTextSize().height > panelMsg.limitText) local textLength = string.len(value.message) local windowHeight = textLength * 10 if value.items ~= nil then local itemHeight = 10 windowHeight = windowHeight + (#value.items * itemHeight) end local maxHeight = 800 if windowHeight > maxHeight then windowHeight = maxHeight end npcWindowDialog:setHeight(windowHeight) if value.items ~= nil then for _, itemId in ipairs(value.items) do local item = g_ui.createWidget('Item', itemBox) item:setItemId(itemId) end end buttondialog:destroyChildren() if value.options ~= '' then local option = value.options:split('&') for i = 1, #option do local button = g_ui.createWidget('OptionButton', buttondialog) button:setText(tr(option[i])) button:setWidth(500) button:setHeight(150) button:setVisible(false) button.onClick = function() g_game.talkChannel(MessageModes.NpcTo, 0, option[i]) npcWindowDialog:setHeight(initialHeight) button:setVisible(false) end end buttondialog:setHeight(#option > 25 and 88 or 25) scheduleEvent(function() for i, child in ipairs(buttondialog:getChildren()) do child:setVisible(true) g_effects.fadeIn(child, 500) end end, (#value.message * 8) + 500) end openDialog() end
LabelText < Label padding-bottom: 5 font: sans-bold-16px color: #e8c05e text-wrap: true text-auto-resize: true OptionButton < UIButton image-source: /images/ui/buttondialog image-repeated: true text-offset: 0 1 change-cursor-image: true cursor: pointer $pressed: image-color: #dfdfdf44 $disabled: image-color: #dfdfdf55 change-cursor-image: false UIWindow id: npcWindowDialog size: 690 381 visible: false focusable: false image-source: window image-repeated: false anchors.centerIn: parent @onEscape: modules.game_npcdialog.offline() Label id: lblTitle font: sans-bold-16px anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: parent.left !text: tr('Title') margin: 18 0 5 25 color: #e8c05e text-auto-resize: true UICreature id: outfitBox size: 58 58 anchors.top: prev.bottom anchors.left: parent.left margin: 20 0 5 34 VerticalScrollBar id: scrollPanel height: 65 anchors.top: panelMsg.top anchors.left: panelMsg.right anchors.bottom: panelMsg.bottom pixels-scroll: true step: 14 margin-left: 5 visible: false ScrollablePanel id: panelMsg size: 0 60 anchors.top: lblTitle.bottom anchors.left: outfitBox.right anchors.right: parent.right margin: 8 30 10 25 vertical-scrollbar: scrollPanel layout: verticalBox &limitText: 80 UIItem id: itemBox size: 50 50 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.top: panelMsg.bottom layout: type: horizontalBox cell-size: 50 50 cell-spacing: 12 num-columns: 10 fit-children: true UIScrollArea id: buttondialog anchors.top: itemBox.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right margin: 15 10 25 10 layout: type: grid cell-size: 500 42 flow: true fit-children: true