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(Resolvido)Skill Rates 1.3

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Otx 1.3  8.6


SkillsTable = {
  [0] = { --[[ SKILL_FIST ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [1] = { --[[ SKILL_CLUB ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [2] = { --[[ SKILL_SWORD ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [3] = { --[[ SKILL_AXE ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [4] = { --[[ SKILL_DISTANCE ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [5] = { --[[ SKILL_SHIELD ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [6] = { --[[ SKILL_FISHING ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [7] = { --[[ SKILL_MAGLEVEL ]]
    stage = {
      [{0, 50}] = 10,
      [{51, 70}] = 8,
      [{71, 80}] = 7,
      [{81, 90}] = 6,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 2
    rate = configKeys.RATE_MAGIC

function getSkillsRate(level, skill)
  local skillRange = SkillsTable[skill]
  if next(skillRange.stage) then
    for sLevel, multiplier in pairs(skillRange.stage) do
      if level >= sLevel[1] and level <= sLevel[2] then
        return multiplier
  return 1

function Player:onGainSkillTries(skill, tries)
	if APPLY_SKILL_MULTIPLIER == false then
    return tries
  local skills = SkillsTable[skill]
  if next(skills) and skills.rate then
    local rate = configManager.getNumber(skills.rate)
    if rate > 0 then
      return tries * rate
      return tries * getSkillsRate(self:getEffectiveSkillLevel(skill), skill)

Erro ocorre somente quando usa magia .


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SkillsTable = {
  [0] = { --[[ SKILL_FIST ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [1] = { --[[ SKILL_CLUB ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [2] = { --[[ SKILL_SWORD ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [3] = { --[[ SKILL_AXE ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [4] = { --[[ SKILL_DISTANCE ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [5] = { --[[ SKILL_SHIELD ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [6] = { --[[ SKILL_FISHING ]]
    stage = {
      [{10, 30}] = 50,
      [{31, 50}] = 30,
      [{51, 70}] = 20,
      [{71, 90}] = 10,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 3
    rate = configKeys.RATE_SKILL
  [7] = { --[[ SKILL_MAGLEVEL ]]
    stage = {
      [{0, 50}] = 10,
      [{51, 70}] = 8,
      [{71, 80}] = 7,
      [{81, 90}] = 6,
      [{91, 110}] = 5,
      [{111, 300}] = 2
    rate = configKeys.RATE_MAGIC

function getSkillsRate(level, skill)
  local skillRange = SkillsTable[skill]
  if skillRange then
    for sLevel, multiplier in pairs(skillRange.stage) do
      if level >= sLevel[1] and level <= sLevel[2] then
        return multiplier
  return 1

function Player:onGainSkillTries(skill, tries)
	if APPLY_SKILL_MULTIPLIER == false then
    return tries
  local skills = SkillsTable[skill]
  if next(skills) and skills.rate then
    local rate = configManager.getNumber(skills.rate)
    if rate > 0 then
      return tries * rate
      return tries * getSkillsRate(skill == SKILL_MAGLEVEL and self:getMagicLevel() or self:getEffectiveSkillLevel(skill), skill)




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