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Pedro. venceu a última vez em Outubro 16 2024

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Sobre Pedro.

  • Rank
    const Profile => Yinz;
  • Data de Nascimento 10/10/1994

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  1. Im attempting to oppen alunia just for fun and host it as im new to it , wish me luck :*

    1. Pedro.


      good luck, any questions or help, just let me know.

    2. sfasf


      I like the server , btu im very noob at it , and begining to learn , so far i cant find npc priest responsible for promotion

      I also dont know how to check for custom items that are on server My acc maker got no "Shop" Unless You have the original site maybe ? 

      And some of the houses got items in them lol image.thumb.png.6b7677b93df347154b62f64a5b6cf8cc.png

    3. Pedro.


      you can take the items from the house by entering it and giving the following commands.
      first / owner YOUR NICK and then / owner
      that she will stay nobody and the items will disappear.
      2nd the items of the SHOP, if they are called donate, is in the description of the post
      3rd to promote is automatic, however it has 1 npc on the 2nd floor of the temple if I am not mistaken it adds, or you can add, in the folder it is the King.


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