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Tudo que Casagrande1991 postou

  1. AAC installation is disabled. To enable it make file install.php in main AAC directory and put there your IP. Alguém pode me ajudar com este erro ao instalar o site, por favor?
  2. Aí aparece isso: Error occured! Error ID: Cannot save ItemsList. Player ID not set.More info: File: C:\Users\Eduardo\Downloads\UniServerZ\www\classes/itemslist.php Line: 67File: C:\Users\Eduardo\Downloads\UniServerZ\www\classes/player.php Line: 87File: C:\Users\Eduardo\Downloads\UniServerZ\www\pages/accountmanagement.php Line: 1929File: C:\Users\Eduardo\Downloads\UniServerZ\www\system/ Line: 7File: C:\Users\Eduardo\Downloads\UniServerZ\www/index.php Line: 37
  3. Ao criar o char no site deparo-me com o seguinte erro: "The Following Errors Have Occurred: Wrong characters configuration. Try again or contact with admin. ADMIN: Edit file config/config.php and set valid characters to copy names. Character to copy doesn't exist." Alguém poderia me ajudar, por gentileza? Agradeço desde já.
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