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Black Frost21

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  1. You do realize that Yoda account can always be more than 6 right? I use this database for the project as well, I also fixed many bugs and improved. If you want contact me privately but it seems to me that everything should work normally. My discord: monarchacieni
  2. Olá, preciso de um script que funcione, ou seja, temos 2 cidades e um destino, ou seja Lar Página inicial1 TC Se entrarmos no teletransporte em Home e formos para TC, voltamos para Home, não para Home1, e o mesmo com home2, se entrarmos em Home2 no teletransporte e formos para TC, voltamos para Home2 TFS 1.2
  3. If anyone wants a server with this engine, there is The errors we have found so far are: Fishing system disabled Incomplete map (no spawns/npcs) Missing map
  4. servidor tfs 1.4.2 Eu gostaria de pedir algo na forma de creatorscript/source explicação: sistema de história/saga sobre o que seria o sistema? o sistema consistiria no fato de que ao, por exemplo, falar com um NPC ou matar um monstro (que ataca apenas o jogador que tem uma determinada missão da história), o monstro pode atacar o jogador / o jogador pode atacar o monstro / falar para o NPC. e um roteiro para Talkaction que mostraria qual missão de história temos. Se você não souber de algo ou puder entrar em contato comigo para discordar, ficarei muito feliz e grato Meu Di
  5. @LeoTKIf you need character sprites for Naruto, write to me on PM
  6. I didn't know people would be so interested in it. I can tell you a little bit about him. There is a mass of deficiencies and errors in the server and in dat and spr. It can be fixed, but to anyone. He wanted to make a playable base you would have to delete everything and upload from scratch. An example is a trade center that is bugged. Deficiencies in items and bugs in them. I do not know where the author got it but it is certainly not the last version of the client and server Or rather, just the beginning of the client and the middle of the server, which does not change the fact that
  7. Have you taken all these steps? If so, try changing the map, maybe the server is using too much CPU or disk memory to boot. Reply of a user of tk forum Utilizava Ubuntu 14.04 64 Bits. Atualizava as libs necessárias para compilar, executava os mesmos comandos de uma TFS 0.4 tem tutoriais aqui no Tibia King mesmo, não tem segredo. Atualiza as libs : apt-get install autoconf libboost-all-dev libgmp-dev liblua5.1-0 liblua5.1-0-dev liblua50 liblua50-dev liblualib50 liblualib50-dev lua50 lua5.1 libxml2-dev libxml++2.6-dev libmysql++-dev libsqlite0-dev libsqlite3-dev
  8. ok problem solved thanks to colleague @Moxilero (plus for help) Now the problem is to update the client anyone something ?
  9. Can you ask for compatible rme and items. Otb nothing wants to load anyone from what I see posts. In the item editor that shows that there is an inappropriate version of the client for this otb and the server the same.. @ZenohXX
  10. posso obter um editor de mapa para este servidor? @ZenohXX
  11. editor de mapa rme também você pode perguntar?>
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