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  1. men do you have script when you use item this item give a effect how do you wallking :example item id.11450, you use and this give effect permanent
  2. Could you send me the sources again? It's that I'm trying to modify the server, but I don't have the engine or anything like that and I want to try it
  3. cual es contraseña? what's the password? i download it and need password xd
  4. tfs 0.4 / Me preguntaba si podría ayudarme a compilar attackspeed o fast attack en dragon ball /wodbo server en 8.60

    @Yan Liima@janmix@jhonathan1996image.png.c68b1fc8d0c9b4f3b51f343c6a8c645a.png

  5. você poderia me ajudar no erro da função lua isPlayerGhost lib.lua
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