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Sobre Damiiian

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  1. Hiho i have small question how to remove npc on map i no see "nahlesar" in game yes i try remove file this npc and have this informations on console [Error - Npc::loadFromXML] Failed to load data/npc/Nahlesar.xml: File was not found
  2. unlockedDoors = { } local function isDoorLocked(keyId, position) if keyId == 0 then return false end if unlockedDoors[keyId] then for i = 1, #unlockedDoors[keyId] do if position == unlockedDoors[keyId][i] then return false end end end return true end local function toggleDoorLock(doorItem, locked) local doorId = doorItem:getId() local keyId = doorItem:getActionId() local doorPosition = doorItem:getPosition() if locked then for i = #unlockedDoors[keyId], 1, -1 do if unlockedDoors[keyId][i] == doorPosition then table.remove(unlockedDoors[keyId], i) end
  3. hello all i have problem with Rathleton Door IN GAME Door id its change from 22826 to 22819 IN Game command /i door full work .. ;/ Thanks for help !
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