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(Resolvido)Derivado [Pedido] Usar x item em um monstro e ganhar outfit

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Ola pessoal queria pedir a ajuda de vocês com um script de action que quando o player usa o item por exemplo em um dragon ele ganha uma determinada outfit com addon 1 e 2 e a criatura e o item era removido alguem poderia me ajudar ? uso tfs 1.3.

no caso seria essa outfit do meu xml <outfit type="1" looktype="1210" name="Golden" premium="no" unlocked="no" enabled="yes" />



Qual servidor ou website você utiliza como base? 

8.6 tfs 1.3


Qual o motivo deste tópico? 

Action, Outfit


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Editado por felippetattoo (veja o histórico de edições)
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dessa forma poderá usar mais outfit caso queira, testa ae 


local cfg = {
	{name = "Outfit Dragon", mob = "bug", outfit_male = 367, outfit_female = 366, addon = "1"}, -- name = nome da outfit, mob = nome do monstro
	{name = "Outfit Lord", mob = "dragon lord", outfit_male = 367, outfit_female = 366, addon = "2"}, -- outfit_male = lookType da outfit de homem, outfit_female = lookType da outfit de mulher
	{name = "Outfit Frost", mob = "dragon frost", outfit_male = 367, outfit_female = 366, addon = "3"}, -- addon = (1 = somendo addon 1) (2 = somente addon 2) (3 = todos addons)
function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPositio)
	local monster = Monster(target)
	if monster then
		for i, _ in pairs(cfg) do
			if (_.mob:lower() == monster:getName():lower()) then
			local lookType = player:getSex() % 2 and _.outfit_male or _.outfit_female
				if not player:hasOutfit(lookType, _.addon) then
					player:addOutfitAddon(lookType, _.addon)
					player:sendTextMessage(22, "Voce ganhou a ".. ..". Parabens")
					return true
				player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, "Voce ja tem essa outfit")
				return false
		player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, "Esse monstro nao e valido")
		return false
	player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, "Isso nao e possivel")
	return false


Discord: Naze#3578


Ter Linux Dentro de Windows com Acesso 'localhost' para testes e +

AutoLoot Otimizado Direto na Source (tfs 0.4/otx)


// Pirataria é crime, original é roubo, compartilhar é legal.



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@Naze brother nao tenho palavras pra descrever o quão agradecido estou vlw msm de coraçao precisava muito desse script funcionou 100%

11 horas atrás, Naze disse:

dessa forma poderá usar

11 horas atrás, Naze disse:

dessa forma poderá usar mais outfit caso queira, testa ae 


local cfg = {
	{name = "Outfit Dragon", mob = "bug", outfit_male = 367, outfit_female = 366, addon = "1"}, -- name = nome da outfit, mob = nome do monstro
	{name = "Outfit Lord", mob = "dragon lord", outfit_male = 367, outfit_female = 366, addon = "2"}, -- outfit_male = lookType da outfit de homem, outfit_female = lookType da outfit de mulher
	{name = "Outfit Frost", mob = "dragon frost", outfit_male = 367, outfit_female = 366, addon = "3"}, -- addon = (1 = somendo addon 1) (2 = somente addon 2) (3 = todos addons)
function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPositio)
	local monster = Monster(target)
	if monster then
		for i, _ in pairs(cfg) do
			if (_.mob:lower() == monster:getName():lower()) then
			local lookType = player:getSex() % 2 and _.outfit_male or _.outfit_female
				if not player:hasOutfit(lookType, _.addon) then
					player:addOutfitAddon(lookType, _.addon)
					player:sendTextMessage(22, "Voce ganhou a ".. ..". Parabens")
					return true
				player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, "Voce ja tem essa outfit")
				return false
		player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, "Esse monstro nao e valido")
		return false
	player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, "Isso nao e possivel")
	return false



11 horas atrás, Naze disse:

dessa forma poderá usar mais outfit caso queira, testa ae 


local cfg = {
	{name = "Outfit Dragon", mob = "bug", outfit_male = 367, outfit_female = 366, addon = "1"}, -- name = nome da outfit, mob = nome do monstro
	{name = "Outfit Lord", mob = "dragon lord", outfit_male = 367, outfit_female = 366, addon = "2"}, -- outfit_male = lookType da outfit de homem, outfit_female = lookType da outfit de mulher
	{name = "Outfit Frost", mob = "dragon frost", outfit_male = 367, outfit_female = 366, addon = "3"}, -- addon = (1 = somendo addon 1) (2 = somente addon 2) (3 = todos addons)
function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPositio)
	local monster = Monster(target)
	if monster then
		for i, _ in pairs(cfg) do
			if (_.mob:lower() == monster:getName():lower()) then
			local lookType = player:getSex() % 2 and _.outfit_male or _.outfit_female
				if not player:hasOutfit(lookType, _.addon) then
					player:addOutfitAddon(lookType, _.addon)
					player:sendTextMessage(22, "Voce ganhou a ".. ..". Parabens")
					return true
				player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, "Voce ja tem essa outfit")
				return false
		player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, "Esse monstro nao e valido")
		return false
	player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, "Isso nao e possivel")
	return false


mais outfit caso queira, testa ae 


local cfg = {
	{name = "Outfit Dragon", mob = "bug", outfit_male = 367, outfit_female = 366, addon = "1"}, -- name = nome da outfit, mob = nome do monstro
	{name = "Outfit Lord", mob = "dragon lord", outfit_male = 367, outfit_female = 366, addon = "2"}, -- outfit_male = lookType da outfit de homem, outfit_female = lookType da outfit de mulher
	{name = "Outfit Frost", mob = "dragon frost", outfit_male = 367, outfit_female = 366, addon = "3"}, -- addon = (1 = somendo addon 1) (2 = somente addon 2) (3 = todos addons)
function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPositio)
	local monster = Monster(target)
	if monster then
		for i, _ in pairs(cfg) do
			if (_.mob:lower() == monster:getName():lower()) then
			local lookType = player:getSex() % 2 and _.outfit_male or _.outfit_female
				if not player:hasOutfit(lookType, _.addon) then
					player:addOutfitAddon(lookType, _.addon)
					player:sendTextMessage(22, "Voce ganhou a ".. ..". Parabens")
					return true
				player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, "Voce ja tem essa outfit")
				return false
		player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, "Esse monstro nao e valido")
		return false
	player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, "Isso nao e possivel")
	return false



@Naze brother e se eu fosse colocar pra usar o item em outro item e ganhar a outfit ficaria muito dificil para modificar ?

queria colocar tambem alguns tipo vc usa o item em determinada estatua e ganha a outfit tambem .

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Em 02/11/2020 em 17:57, Felippe Reine014 disse:

@Naze brother nao tenho palavras pra descrever o quão agradecido estou vlw msm de coraçao precisava muito desse script funcionou 100%


@Naze brother e se eu fosse colocar pra usar o item em outro item e ganhar a outfit ficaria muito dificil para modificar ?

queria colocar tambem alguns tipo vc usa o item em determinada estatua e ganha a outfit tambem .


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Assim que tiver tempo ajeito pra tu


Discord: Naze#3578


Ter Linux Dentro de Windows com Acesso 'localhost' para testes e +

AutoLoot Otimizado Direto na Source (tfs 0.4/otx)


// Pirataria é crime, original é roubo, compartilhar é legal.



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@Naze  brother se pudesse modificar esse script aqui ja me ajudaria em tudo que precisava no caso em vez de ganhar montaria ganhar a outfit com addon 1 e 2 

queria modificar usando esse script de baixo




local config = {
    [5907] = {NAME = 'Bear', ID = 3, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 20, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The bear ran away.'}, {2, 'Oh no! The slingshot broke.'}, {3, 'The bear is trying to hit you with its claws.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the war bear.', ACHIEV = "Bearbaiting"},
    [13295] = {NAME = 'Black Sheep', ID = 4, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 25, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The black sheep ran away.'}, {2, 'Oh no! The reins were torn.'}, {3, 'The black sheep is trying to run away.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the sheep.', ACHIEV = "Little Ball of Wool"},
    [13247]    = {NAME = 'Boar', ID = 10, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER,    CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The boar has run away'}, {3, 'The boar attacks you.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the boar.', ACHIEV = "Pig-Headed"},
    [13305]    = {NAME = 'Crustacea Gigantica', ID = 7, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The crustacea has run away.'}, {2, 'The crustacea ate the shrimp.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the crustacea.', ACHIEV = "Fried Shrimp"},
    [13536] = {NAME = 'Crystal Wolf', ID = 16, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The wolf has run away.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the wolf.', ACHIEV = "The Right Tone"},
    [13537]    = {NAME = 'Donkey', ID = 13, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = {    {1, 'The donkey transformation suddenly wears off.'}, {2,  'Heeee-haaa-haaa-haaw!'}, {3, 'You did not manage to feed the donkey enough apple slices.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'Heeee-haaaaw!', ACHIEV = "Loyal Lad"},
    [18449] = {NAME = 'Dragonling', ID = 31, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 30, FAIL_MSG = { {1, "The dragonling got scared and ran away."}, {2, "The dragonling is trying to nibble."} }, SUCCESS_MSG = "You tamed a dragonling.", ACHIEV = "Dragon Mimicry"},
    [13294]    = {NAME = 'Draptor', ID = 6, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The draptor has run away.'}, {3, 'The draptor has fled.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the draptor.', ACHIEV = "Scales and Tail"},
    [13535]    = {NAME = 'Dromedary',  ID = 20, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'Dromedary has run away.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the dromedary.', ACHIEV = "Fata Morgana"},
    [13539]    = {NAME = 'Enraged White Deer', ID = 18, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {2, 'The cone broke.'}, {3, 'The deer has fled in fear.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the white deer.', ACHIEV = "Friend of Elves"},
    [32491]    = {NAME = 'Flying Book',  ID = 126, BREAK = false, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 20, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'Flying Book has run away.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have converted your library ticket and receive permission to ride a flying book.', ACHIEV = "Bibliomaniac"},
    [21452] = {NAME = 'Gravedigger', ID = 39, BREAK = false, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {1, "The gravedigger got scared and ran away."}, {3, "The gravedigger is trying to nibble."} }, SUCCESS_MSG = "You tamed the hellgrip.", ACHIEV = "Blacknailed"},
    [36411]    = {NAME = 'Gryphon',  ID = 144, BREAK = false, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 30, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'Gryphon has run away.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the gryphon.', ACHIEV = "Gryphon Rider"},
    [34809]    = {NAME = 'Hibernal Moth', ID = 131, BREAK = false,    TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 20, FAIL_MSG = { {2, 'The hibernal moth is not interested in your lantern and flies away.'}, {4, 'The hibernal moth is not interested in your lantern and flies away.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed a hibernal moth.', ACHIEV = "Moth Whisperer"},
    [13292]    = {NAME = 'inoperative tin lizzard', ID = 8, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_ITEM, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {2, 'The key broke inside.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You wind up the tin lizzard.', ACHIEV = "Knock on Wood"},
    [13938]    = {NAME = 'inoperative uniwheel', ID = 15, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_ITEM, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {3, 'The oil have no effect.'}, {2, 'Splosh!'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'The strange wheel seems to vibrate and slowly starts turning continuously.', ACHIEV = "Stuntman"},
    [18447]    = {NAME = 'Ironblight', ID = 29, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 30, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The ironblight managed to run away.'}, {2, 'Oh no! The magnet lost its power!'}, {3, 'The ironblight is fighting against the magnetic force.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You tamed the ironblight.', ACHIEV = "Magnetised"},
    [34808]    = {NAME = 'Lacewing Moth', ID = 130, BREAK = false, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 20, FAIL_MSG = { {2, 'The lacewing moth is not interested in your lantern and flies away.'}, {4, 'The lacewing moth is not interested in your lantern and flies away.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed a lancewing moth.', ACHIEV = "Lacewing Catcher"},
    [15546]    = {NAME = 'Ladybug', ID = 27, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 30,    FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The ladybug got scared and ran away.'}, {3, 'The ladybug is trying to nibble.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You tame a lady bug.', ACHIEV = "Lovely Dots"},
    [18448]    = {NAME = 'Magma Crawler', ID = 30, BREAK = true,    TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 30, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The magma crawler refused to drink wine and vanishes into thin air.'}, {2, 'Argh! The magma crawler pushed you and you spilled the glow wine!'}, {3, 'The magma crawler is smelling the glow wine suspiciously.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'The magma crawler will accompany you as a friend from now on.', ACHIEV = "Way to Hell"},
    [15545]    = {NAME = 'Manta Ray', ID = 28, BREAK = true,    TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 30, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The manta ray fled.'}, {3, 'The manta ray is trying to escape.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the manta ray.', ACHIEV = "Beneath the Sea"},
    [13293]    = {NAME = 'Midnight Panther', ID = 5, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 20, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The panther has escaped.'}, {2, 'The whip broke.'} },SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the panther.', ACHIEV = "Starless Night"},
    [18516]    = {NAME = 'Modified Gnarlhound', ID = 32, BREAK = false, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 100, FAIL_MSG = { }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You now own a modified gnarlhound.', ACHIEV = "Mind the Dog!"},
    [30840]    = {NAME = 'Mole', ID = 119, BREAK = true,    TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 30, FAIL_MSG = { {2, 'The Mole is a bit capricious. Maybe I should leave it alone.'}, {4, 'The Mole is a bit capricious. Maybe I should leave it alone.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You tamed the mole.', ACHIEV = "Up the Molehill"},
    [23810]    = {NAME = 'Noble Lion', ID = 40, BREAK = false, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 30, FAIL_MSG = { {2, 'The lion got scared and ran away.'}, {4, 'The lion is trying to nibble.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You tamed the lion.', ACHIEV = "Lion King"},    
    [13538]    = {NAME = 'Panda', ID = 19, BREAK = true,    TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {4, 'Panda the leaves and ran away.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the panda.', ACHIEV = "Chequered Teddy"},
    [13498]    = {NAME = 'Sandstone Scorpion', ID = 21, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The scorpion has vanished.'}, {2, 'Scorpion broken the sceptre.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the scorpion.', ACHIEV = "Golden Sands"},
    [22608]    = {NAME = 'Shock Head', ID = 42, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 30, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The shock head ran away.'}, {3, 'The shock head is growling at you.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You tamed the shock head.', ACHIEV = "Personal Nightmare"},
    [27628]    = {NAME = 'Stone Rhino', ID = 106, BREAK = false, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 30, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The stone rhino ran away.'}, {3, 'The stone rhino is growling at you.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You tamed the stone rhino.', ACHIEV = "Rhino Rider"},
    [13508]    = {NAME = 'Slug', ID = 14, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The slug has run away.'}, {3, 'The drug had no effect.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the slug.', ACHIEV = "Slugging Around"},
    [13298]    = {NAME = 'Terror Bird', ID = 2, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 15, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The bird ran away.'}, {3, 'The terror bird is pecking you.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the bird.', ACHIEV = "Pecking Order"},
    [13291]    = {NAME = 'Undead Cavebear', ID = 12, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The undead bear has run away.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the skeleton.', ACHIEV = "Out of the Stone Age"},
    [13307]    = {NAME = 'Wailing Widow', ID = 1, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER,    CHANCE = 40, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The widow has run away.'}, {2, 'The widow has eaten the sweet bait.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the widow.', ACHIEV = "Spin-Off"},
    [23557]    = {NAME = 'Walker', ID = 43, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 30, FAIL_MSG = { {2, 'This walker is incompatible with your control unit.'}, {4, 'This walker is incompatible with your control unit.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You tamed the walker.', ACHIEV = "Gear Up"},
    [20138]    = {NAME = 'Water Buffalo', ID = 35, BREAK = true,    TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 30, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The water buffalo got scared and ran away.'}, {3, 'The water buffalo is trying to nibble.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You tamed a water buffalo.', ACHIEV = "Swamp Beast"},
    [13939]    = {NAME = 'Wild Horse', ID = 17, BREAK = true, TYPE = TYPE_MONSTER, CHANCE = 15, FAIL_MSG = { {1, 'The horse runs away.'}, {2, 'The horse ate the oats.'} }, SUCCESS_MSG = 'You have tamed the horse.', ACHIEV = "Lucky Horseshoe"}

local function doFailAction(cid, mount, pos, item, itemEx, loseItem)
    local action, effect = mount.FAIL_MSG[math.random(#mount.FAIL_MSG)], CONST_ME_POFF
    if(action[1] == ACTION_RUN) then
    elseif(action[1] == ACTION_BREAK) then
        effect = CONST_ME_BLOCKHIT
        if loseItem then
    elseif(action[1] == ACTION_ALL) then
        if loseItem then
    Player(cid):say(action[2], TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY)
    return action

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
    local player = Player(cid)
    local targetMonster = Monster(itemEx.uid)
    local targetNpc = Npc(itemEx.uid)
    local targetItem = Item(itemEx.uid)
    local mount = config[item.itemid]
    if mount == nil or player:hasMount(mount.ID) then
        return false

    local rand = math.random(100)
    --Monster Mount
    if targetMonster ~= nil and mount.TYPE == TYPE_MONSTER then
        if Creature(itemEx.uid):getMaster() then
            player:say('You can\'t tame a summon!', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY)
            return true

        if mount.NAME == targetMonster:getName() then
            if rand > mount.CHANCE then
                doFailAction(cid, mount, toPosition, item, itemEx, mount.BREAK)
                return true
            if mount.ACHIEV then
            player:addAchievement("Natural Born Cowboy")
            player:say(mount.SUCCESS_MSG, TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY)
            return true
    --NPC Mount
    elseif targetNpc ~= nil and mount.TYPE == TYPE_NPC then
        if mount.NAME == targetNpc:getName() then
            if rand > mount.CHANCE then
                doFailAction(cid, mount, toPosition, item, itemEx, mount.BREAK)
                return true
            if mount.ACHIEV then
            player:addAchievement("Natural Born Cowboy")
            player:say(mount.SUCCESS_MSG, TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY)
            return true
    --Item Mount
    elseif targetItem ~= nil and mount.TYPE == TYPE_ITEM then
        if mount.NAME == targetItem:getName() then
            if rand > mount.CHANCE then
                doFailAction(cid, mount, toPosition, item, itemEx, mount.BREAK)
                return true
            if mount.ACHIEV then
            player:addAchievement("Natural Born Cowboy")
            player:say(mount.SUCCESS_MSG, TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY)
            return true
    --Action Mount
    elseif itemEx.actionid > 0 and mount.TYPE == TYPE_ACTION then
        if(mount.NAME == itemEx.actionid) then
            if rand > mount.CHANCE then
                doFailAction(cid, mount, toPosition, item, itemEx, mount.BREAK)
                return true
            if mount.ACHIEV then
            player:addAchievement("Natural Born Cowboy")
            player:say(mount.SUCCESS_MSG, TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY)
            return true
    --Unique Mount
    elseif itemEx.uid <= 65535 and mount.TYPE == TYPE_UNIQUE then
        if mount.NAME == itemEx.uid then
            if rand > mount.CHANCE then
                doFailAction(cid, mount, toPosition, item, itemEx, mount.BREAK)
                return true
            if mount.ACHIEV then
            player:addAchievement("Natural Born Cowboy")
            player:say(mount.SUCCESS_MSG, TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY)
            return true
    return false

Editado por Felippe Reine014 (veja o histórico de edições)
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