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    • Por amoxicilina
      Olá Kings, venho aqui trazer uma TalkAction pra você comprar premium account, sei que pode ser algo meio inútil por existir a store.
      Então vamos script:
    • Por Rodrigo Querobim
      Olá gostaria de um script para quando o player usa-se comando !reward ele poderia selecionar qual varinha de treinamento ele queria e apenas 1 por player.

      OBS: Consegui esse script mas não está do jeito que estou tentando fazer, e o script esta dando varinha infinitamente toda vez que usa o comando "!wand".
      local dailyWand = TalkAction("!wand")   function dailyWand.onSay(player, words, param)     local storage = 556655001     local getStor, osTime = player:getStorageValue(storage), os.time()     if ((osTime <= getStor) or (getStor == -1)) then         player:addItem(28557, 500)         player:setStorageValue(storage, osTime + (60 * 60 * 24))     else         player:sendCancel("You can only use this command once every 24 hours.")     end       return false end   dailyWand:register()
    • Por CaduGTX
      Olá, eu e um amigo fizemos esse script para limpar as casas automaticamente, era um script pessoal mas resolvi postar.
      O Script foi feito em revscript, se for usar da forma antiga, terá que adaptar.

      Basta adicionar um arquivo lua na sua pasta de talkactions:
      local function doCheckHouses() local registros = db.storeQuery( "SELECT `houses`.`owner`, `houses`.`id` FROM `houses`,`players` WHERE `houses`.`owner` != 0 AND `houses`.`owner` = `players`.`id`;") if registros ~= false then local count = 0 repeat count = count + 1 local owner = result.getNumber(registros, "owner") local houseId = result.getNumber(registros, "id") local house = House(houseId) if house and (owner > 0) then print(house:getName()) house:setOwnerGuid(0) end until not end print('Houses Cleaned') return true end local limparhouse = TalkAction("/limparhouse") function limparhouse.onSay(player, words, param) if not player:getGroup():getAccess() or player:getAccountType() < ACCOUNT_TYPE_GOD then player:sendCancelMessage("Only admins can use this command.") return true end addEvent(doCheckHouses, 10 * 1000) player:sendCancelMessage("Cleaning houses.") return true end limparhouse:separator(" ") limparhouse:register()  
      Para usar é bem simples, basta usar o comando /limparhouse, e dentro de alguns instantes todas as casas serão limpas.

    • Por Tricoder
      ______________________________________________ COMANDOS
      !autoloot add, itemId ou name -- Adicionando um item na lista !autoloot remove, itemId or name -- Remover um item da lista !autoloot show -- Mostrar a lista do autoLoot !autoloot clear -- Limpar a lista do autoLoot ______________________________________________ SCRIPT data/global.lua
      -- AutoLoot config AUTO_LOOT_MAX_ITEMS = 5 -- Reserved storage AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START = 10000 AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_END = AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START + AUTO_LOOT_MAX_ITEMS -- AutoLoot config end talkactions/talkactions.xml
      <talkaction words="!autoloot" separator=" " script="autoloot.lua"/> talkactions/scripts/autoloot.lua
      function onSay(player, words, param) local split = param:split(",") local action = split[1] if action == "add" then local item = split[2]:gsub("%s+", "", 1) local itemType = ItemType(item) if itemType:getId() == 0 then itemType = ItemType(tonumber(item)) if itemType:getId() == 0 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "There is no item with that id or name.") return false end end local itemName = tonumber(split[2]) and itemType:getName() or item local size = 0 for i = AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START, AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_END do local storage = player:getStorageValue(i) if size == AUTO_LOOT_MAX_ITEMS then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The list is full, please remove from the list to make some room.") break end if storage == itemType:getId() then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, itemName .." is already in the list.") break end if storage <= 0 then player:setStorageValue(i, itemType:getId()) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, itemName .." has been added to the list.") break end size = size + 1 end elseif action == "remove" then local item = split[2]:gsub("%s+", "", 1) local itemType = ItemType(item) if itemType:getId() == 0 then itemType = ItemType(tonumber(item)) if itemType:getId() == 0 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "There is no item with that id or name.") return false end end local itemName = tonumber(split[2]) and itemType:getName() or item for i = AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START, AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_END do if player:getStorageValue(i) == itemType:getId() then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, itemName .." has been removed from the list.") player:setStorageValue(i, 0) return false end end player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, itemName .." was not founded in the list.") elseif action == "show" then local text = "-- Auto Loot List --\n" local count = 1 for i = AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START, AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_END do local storage = player:getStorageValue(i) if storage > 0 then text = string.format("%s%d. %s\n", text, count, ItemType(storage):getName()) count = count + 1 end end if text == "" then text = "Empty" end player:showTextDialog(1950, text, false) elseif action == "clear" then for i = AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START, AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_END do player:setStorageValue(i, 0) end player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The autoloot list has been cleared.") else player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Use the commands: !autoloot {add, remove, show, clear}") end return false end creaturescripts/creaturescripts.xml
      <event type="kill" name="AutoLoot" script="autoloot.lua" /> creaturescripts/scripts/autoloot.lua
      local function scanContainer(cid, position) local player = Player(cid) if not player then return end local corpse = Tile(position):getTopDownItem() if not corpse then return end if corpse:getType():isCorpse() and corpse:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_CORPSEOWNER) == cid then for i = corpse:getSize() - 1, 0, -1 do local containerItem = corpse:getItem(i) if containerItem then for i = AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START, AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_END do if player:getStorageValue(i) == containerItem:getId() then containerItem:moveTo(player) end end end end end end function onKill(player, target) if not target:isMonster() then return true end addEvent(scanContainer, 100, player:getId(), target:getPosition()) return true end creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua
      player:registerEvent("AutoLoot") ______________________________________________ CRÉDITOS
    • Por Hyago Silva
      Estou com erro no talkaction bless, quando eu uso !bless aparece na bio:
      2020-08-05 03:43:37 -  Lua Script Error: [Scripts Interface]
      2020-08-05 03:43:37 -  /home/hyago/otserv/data/scripts/talkactions/player/bless.lua:callback
      2020-08-05 03:43:37 -  ...e/hyago/otserv/data/scripts/talkactions/player/bless.lua:4: attempt to index global 'Blessings' (a nil value)
      2020-08-05 03:43:37 -  stack traceback:
      2020-08-05 03:43:37 -   [C]: in function '__index'
      2020-08-05 03:43:37 -   ...e/hyago/otserv/data/scripts/talkactions/player/bless.lua:4: in function <...e/hyago/otserv/data/scripts/talkactions/player/bless.lua:3>
      esse é o script da bless.lua
      Alguem pode me ajudar?
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