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Suporte ajuda em colocar block spawn player

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estou querendo colocar block spawn em uma versão 11.00


quero que os monstros não nasce com player na tela


 * @file spawn.cpp
 * The Forgotten Server - a free and open-source MMORPG server emulator
 * Copyright (C) 2019 Mark Samman <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include "otpch.h"

#include "spawn.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "monster.h"
#include "configmanager.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "events.h"

#include "pugicast.h"

extern Events* g_events;
extern ConfigManager g_config;
extern Monsters g_monsters;
extern Game g_game;
extern Events* g_events;

static constexpr int32_t MINSPAWN_INTERVAL = 1000;

bool Spawns::loadFromXml(const std::string& fromFilename)
	if (loaded) {
		return true;

	pugi::xml_document doc;
	pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(fromFilename.c_str());
	if (!result) {
		printXMLError("Error - Spawns::loadFromXml", fromFilename, result);
		return false;

	this->filename = fromFilename;
	loaded = true;

	for (auto spawnNode : doc.child("spawns").children()) {
		Position centerPos(

		int32_t radius;
		pugi::xml_attribute radiusAttribute = spawnNode.attribute("radius");
		if (radiusAttribute) {
			radius = pugi::cast<int32_t>(radiusAttribute.value());
		} else {
			radius = -1;

		spawnList.emplace_front(centerPos, radius);
		Spawn& spawn = spawnList.front();

		for (auto childNode : spawnNode.children()) {
			if (strcasecmp(, "monster") == 0) {
				pugi::xml_attribute nameAttribute = childNode.attribute("name");
				if (!nameAttribute) {

				Direction dir;

				pugi::xml_attribute directionAttribute = childNode.attribute("direction");
				if (directionAttribute) {
					dir = static_cast<Direction>(pugi::cast<uint16_t>(directionAttribute.value()));
				} else {

				Position pos(
					centerPos.x + pugi::cast<uint16_t>(childNode.attribute("x").value()),
					centerPos.y + pugi::cast<uint16_t>(childNode.attribute("y").value()),
				uint32_t interval = pugi::cast<uint32_t>(childNode.attribute("spawntime").value()) * 1000;
				if (interval > MINSPAWN_INTERVAL) {
					spawn.addMonster(nameAttribute.as_string(), pos, dir, interval);
				} else {
					std::cout << "[Warning - Spawns::loadFromXml] " << nameAttribute.as_string() << ' ' << pos << " spawntime can not be less than " << MINSPAWN_INTERVAL / 1000 << " seconds." << std::endl;
			} else if (strcasecmp(, "npc") == 0) {
				pugi::xml_attribute nameAttribute = childNode.attribute("name");
				if (!nameAttribute) {

				Npc* npc = Npc::createNpc(nameAttribute.as_string());
				if (!npc) {

				pugi::xml_attribute directionAttribute = childNode.attribute("direction");
				if (directionAttribute) {

					centerPos.x + pugi::cast<uint16_t>(childNode.attribute("x").value()),
					centerPos.y + pugi::cast<uint16_t>(childNode.attribute("y").value()),
				), radius);
	return true;

void Spawns::startup()
	if (!loaded || isStarted()) {

	for (Npc* npc : npcList) {
		g_game.placeCreature(npc, npc->getMasterPos(), false, true);

	for (Spawn& spawn : spawnList) {

	started = true;

void Spawns::clear()
	for (Spawn& spawn : spawnList) {

	loaded = false;
	started = false;

bool Spawns::isInZone(const Position& centerPos, int32_t radius, const Position& pos)
	if (radius == -1) {
		return true;

	return ((pos.getX() >= centerPos.getX() - radius) && (pos.getX() <= centerPos.getX() + radius) &&
			(pos.getY() >= centerPos.getY() - radius) && (pos.getY() <= centerPos.getY() + radius));

void Spawn::startSpawnCheck()
	if (checkSpawnEvent == 0) {
		checkSpawnEvent = g_scheduler.addEvent(createSchedulerTask(getInterval(), std::bind(&Spawn::checkSpawn, this)));

	for (const auto& it : spawnedMap) {
		Monster* monster = it.second;

bool Spawn::findPlayer(const Position& pos)
	SpectatorHashSet spectators;, pos, false, true);
	for (Creature* spectator : spectators) {
		if (!spectator->getPlayer()->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_IgnoredByMonsters)) {
			return true;
	return false;

bool Spawn::isInSpawnZone(const Position& pos)
	return Spawns::isInZone(centerPos, radius, pos);

bool Spawn::spawnMonster(uint32_t spawnId, MonsterType* mType, const Position& pos, Direction dir, bool startup /*= false*/)
	std::unique_ptr<Monster> monster_ptr(new Monster(mType));
	if (startup) {
		//No need to send out events to the surrounding since there is no one out there to listen!
		if (!g_game.internalPlaceCreature(monster_ptr.get(), pos, true)) {
			return false;
	} else {
		if (!g_game.placeCreature(monster_ptr.get(), pos, false, true)) {
			return false;

	Monster* monster = monster_ptr.release();

	spawnedMap.insert(spawned_pair(spawnId, monster));
	spawnMap[spawnId].lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME();
	g_events->eventMonsterOnSpawn(monster, pos);
	return true;

void Spawn::startup()
	for (const auto& it : spawnMap) {
		uint32_t spawnId = it.first;
		const spawnBlock_t& sb = it.second;
		spawnMonster(spawnId, sb.mType, sb.pos, sb.direction, true);

void Spawn::checkSpawn()
	checkSpawnEvent = 0;


	uint32_t spawnCount = 0;

	for (auto& it : spawnMap) {
		uint32_t spawnId = it.first;
		if (spawnedMap.find(spawnId) != spawnedMap.end()) {

		spawnBlock_t& sb = it.second;
		if (!sb.mType->canSpawn(sb.pos)) {
			sb.lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME();

		if (OTSYS_TIME() >= sb.lastSpawn + sb.interval) {
			if (sb.mType->info.isBlockable && findPlayer(sb.pos)) {
				sb.lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME();

			if (sb.mType->info.isBlockable) {
				spawnMonster(spawnId, sb.mType, sb.pos, sb.direction);
			} else {
				scheduleSpawn(spawnId, sb, 3 * NONBLOCKABLE_SPAWN_INTERVAL);

			if (++spawnCount >= static_cast<uint32_t>(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::RATE_SPAWN))) {

	if (spawnedMap.size() < spawnMap.size()) {
		checkSpawnEvent = g_scheduler.addEvent(createSchedulerTask(getInterval(), std::bind(&Spawn::checkSpawn, this)));

void Spawn::scheduleSpawn(uint32_t spawnId, spawnBlock_t& sb, uint16_t interval)
	if (interval <= 0) {
		spawnMonster(spawnId, sb.mType, sb.pos, sb.direction);
	} else {
		g_game.addMagicEffect(sb.pos, CONST_ME_TELEPORT);
		g_scheduler.addEvent(createSchedulerTask(1400, std::bind(&Spawn::scheduleSpawn, this, spawnId, sb, interval - NONBLOCKABLE_SPAWN_INTERVAL)));

void Spawn::cleanup()
	auto it = spawnedMap.begin();
	while (it != spawnedMap.end()) {
		uint32_t spawnId = it->first;
		Monster* monster = it->second;
		if (monster->isRemoved()) {
			if (spawnId != 0) {
				spawnMap[spawnId].lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME();

			it = spawnedMap.erase(it);
		} else if (!isInSpawnZone(monster->getPosition()) && spawnId != 0) {
			spawnedMap.insert(spawned_pair(0, monster));
			it = spawnedMap.erase(it);
		} else {

bool Spawn::addMonster(const std::string& name, const Position& pos, Direction dir, uint32_t scheduleInterval)
	MonsterType* mType = g_monsters.getMonsterType(name);
	if (!mType) {
		std::cout << "[Spawn::addMonster] Can not find " << name << std::endl;
		return false;

	this->interval = std::min(this->interval, scheduleInterval);

	spawnBlock_t sb;
	sb.mType = mType;
	sb.pos = pos;
	sb.direction = dir;
	sb.interval = scheduleInterval;
	sb.lastSpawn = 0;

	uint32_t spawnId = spawnMap.size() + 1;
	spawnMap[spawnId] = sb;
	return true;

void Spawn::removeMonster(Monster* monster)
	for (auto it = spawnedMap.begin(), end = spawnedMap.end(); it != end; ++it) {
		if (it->second == monster) {

void Spawn::stopEvent()
	if (checkSpawnEvent != 0) {
		checkSpawnEvent = 0;



 * @file spawn.h
 * The Forgotten Server - a free and open-source MMORPG server emulator
 * Copyright (C) 2019 Mark Samman <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#ifndef OT_SRC_SPAWN_H_
#define OT_SRC_SPAWN_H_

#include "tile.h"
#include "position.h"

class Monster;
class MonsterType;
class Npc;

struct spawnBlock_t {
	Position pos;
	MonsterType* mType;
	int64_t lastSpawn;
	uint32_t interval;
	Direction direction;

class Spawn
		Spawn(Position initPos, int32_t initRadius) : centerPos(std::move(initPos)), radius(initRadius) {}

		// non-copyable
		Spawn(const Spawn&) = delete;
		Spawn& operator=(const Spawn&) = delete;

		bool addMonster(const std::string& name, const Position& pos, Direction dir, uint32_t interval);
		void removeMonster(Monster* monster);

		uint32_t getInterval() const {
			return interval;
		void startup();

		void startSpawnCheck();
		void stopEvent();

		bool isInSpawnZone(const Position& pos);
		void cleanup();

		//map of the spawned creatures
		using SpawnedMap = std::multimap<uint32_t, Monster*>;
		using spawned_pair = SpawnedMap::value_type;
		SpawnedMap spawnedMap;

		//map of creatures in the spawn
		std::map<uint32_t, spawnBlock_t> spawnMap;

		Position centerPos;
		int32_t radius;

		uint32_t interval = 60000;
		uint32_t checkSpawnEvent = 0;

		static bool findPlayer(const Position& pos);
		bool spawnMonster(uint32_t spawnId, MonsterType* mType, const Position& pos, Direction dir, bool startup = false);
		void checkSpawn();
		void scheduleSpawn(uint32_t spawnId, spawnBlock_t& sb, uint16_t interval);

class Spawns
		static bool isInZone(const Position& centerPos, int32_t radius, const Position& pos);

		bool loadFromXml(const std::string& filename);
		void startup();
		void clear();

		bool isStarted() const {
			return started;
		std::forward_list<Spawn>& getSpawnList() {
			return spawnList;

		std::forward_list<Npc*> npcList;
		std::forward_list<Spawn> spawnList;
		std::string filename;
		bool loaded = false;
		bool started = false;

static constexpr int32_t NONBLOCKABLE_SPAWN_INTERVAL = 1400;


por favor alguem consegue me ajudar?

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Não resolveu

17 minutos atrás, FeeTads disse:

config.lua > procure por

monsterSpawnWalkback = true
allowBlockSpawn = false

 troque por

monsterSpawnWalkback = false
allowBlockSpawn = true


não resolveu 

bom dia

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Em 03/04/2023 em 09:21, Aragllov disse:

Acrescenta isso em cada monstro:

<flag ignorespawnblock="0" />


nao funciona tb


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@myllenaszDiz que é a versão 11, digamos que seja TFS 1.3 ou 1.4.
Essas versões devem trazer o flag blockable ou ignorespawnblock, da mesma forma verifique a ver.

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  • 2 months later...
Em 01/04/2023 em 19:50, myllenasz disse:

static bool findPlayer(const Position& pos); bool spawnMonster(uint32_t spawnId, MonsterType* mType, const Position& pos, Direction dir, bool startup = false); void checkSpawn(); void scheduleSpawn(uint32_t spawnId, spawnBlock_t& sb, uint16_t interval);

Provavelmente essa linha é responsável por fazer os monstros nascerem na tela do jogador. Eu coloquei como 'false' e os monstros nasceram na tela que eu queria. Então, talvez deva ser colocado como 'true' para que os monstros não nasçam na tela. Não tenho certeza se vai funcionar

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  • Sub-Admin
Em 01/04/2023 em 19:50, myllenasz disse:

Boa noite tudo bem?

estou querendo colocar block spawn em uma versão 11.00


quero que os monstros não nasce com player na tela


 * @file spawn.cpp
 * The Forgotten Server - a free and open-source MMORPG server emulator
 * Copyright (C) 2019 Mark Samman <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include "otpch.h"

#include "spawn.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "monster.h"
#include "configmanager.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "events.h"

#include "pugicast.h"

extern Events* g_events;
extern ConfigManager g_config;
extern Monsters g_monsters;
extern Game g_game;
extern Events* g_events;

static constexpr int32_t MINSPAWN_INTERVAL = 1000;

bool Spawns::loadFromXml(const std::string& fromFilename)
	if (loaded) {
		return true;

	pugi::xml_document doc;
	pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(fromFilename.c_str());
	if (!result) {
		printXMLError("Error - Spawns::loadFromXml", fromFilename, result);
		return false;

	this->filename = fromFilename;
	loaded = true;

	for (auto spawnNode : doc.child("spawns").children()) {
		Position centerPos(

		int32_t radius;
		pugi::xml_attribute radiusAttribute = spawnNode.attribute("radius");
		if (radiusAttribute) {
			radius = pugi::cast<int32_t>(radiusAttribute.value());
		} else {
			radius = -1;

		spawnList.emplace_front(centerPos, radius);
		Spawn& spawn = spawnList.front();

		for (auto childNode : spawnNode.children()) {
			if (strcasecmp(, "monster") == 0) {
				pugi::xml_attribute nameAttribute = childNode.attribute("name");
				if (!nameAttribute) {

				Direction dir;

				pugi::xml_attribute directionAttribute = childNode.attribute("direction");
				if (directionAttribute) {
					dir = static_cast<Direction>(pugi::cast<uint16_t>(directionAttribute.value()));
				} else {

				Position pos(
					centerPos.x + pugi::cast<uint16_t>(childNode.attribute("x").value()),
					centerPos.y + pugi::cast<uint16_t>(childNode.attribute("y").value()),
				uint32_t interval = pugi::cast<uint32_t>(childNode.attribute("spawntime").value()) * 1000;
				if (interval > MINSPAWN_INTERVAL) {
					spawn.addMonster(nameAttribute.as_string(), pos, dir, interval);
				} else {
					std::cout << "[Warning - Spawns::loadFromXml] " << nameAttribute.as_string() << ' ' << pos << " spawntime can not be less than " << MINSPAWN_INTERVAL / 1000 << " seconds." << std::endl;
			} else if (strcasecmp(, "npc") == 0) {
				pugi::xml_attribute nameAttribute = childNode.attribute("name");
				if (!nameAttribute) {

				Npc* npc = Npc::createNpc(nameAttribute.as_string());
				if (!npc) {

				pugi::xml_attribute directionAttribute = childNode.attribute("direction");
				if (directionAttribute) {

					centerPos.x + pugi::cast<uint16_t>(childNode.attribute("x").value()),
					centerPos.y + pugi::cast<uint16_t>(childNode.attribute("y").value()),
				), radius);
	return true;

void Spawns::startup()
	if (!loaded || isStarted()) {

	for (Npc* npc : npcList) {
		g_game.placeCreature(npc, npc->getMasterPos(), false, true);

	for (Spawn& spawn : spawnList) {

	started = true;

void Spawns::clear()
	for (Spawn& spawn : spawnList) {

	loaded = false;
	started = false;

bool Spawns::isInZone(const Position& centerPos, int32_t radius, const Position& pos)
	if (radius == -1) {
		return true;

	return ((pos.getX() >= centerPos.getX() - radius) && (pos.getX() <= centerPos.getX() + radius) &&
			(pos.getY() >= centerPos.getY() - radius) && (pos.getY() <= centerPos.getY() + radius));

void Spawn::startSpawnCheck()
	if (checkSpawnEvent == 0) {
		checkSpawnEvent = g_scheduler.addEvent(createSchedulerTask(getInterval(), std::bind(&Spawn::checkSpawn, this)));

	for (const auto& it : spawnedMap) {
		Monster* monster = it.second;

bool Spawn::findPlayer(const Position& pos)
	SpectatorHashSet spectators;, pos, false, true);
	for (Creature* spectator : spectators) {
		if (!spectator->getPlayer()->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_IgnoredByMonsters)) {
			return true;
	return false;

bool Spawn::isInSpawnZone(const Position& pos)
	return Spawns::isInZone(centerPos, radius, pos);

bool Spawn::spawnMonster(uint32_t spawnId, MonsterType* mType, const Position& pos, Direction dir, bool startup /*= false*/)
	std::unique_ptr<Monster> monster_ptr(new Monster(mType));
	if (startup) {
		//No need to send out events to the surrounding since there is no one out there to listen!
		if (!g_game.internalPlaceCreature(monster_ptr.get(), pos, true)) {
			return false;
	} else {
		if (!g_game.placeCreature(monster_ptr.get(), pos, false, true)) {
			return false;

	Monster* monster = monster_ptr.release();

	spawnedMap.insert(spawned_pair(spawnId, monster));
	spawnMap[spawnId].lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME();
	g_events->eventMonsterOnSpawn(monster, pos);
	return true;

void Spawn::startup()
	for (const auto& it : spawnMap) {
		uint32_t spawnId = it.first;
		const spawnBlock_t& sb = it.second;
		spawnMonster(spawnId, sb.mType, sb.pos, sb.direction, true);

void Spawn::checkSpawn()
	checkSpawnEvent = 0;


	uint32_t spawnCount = 0;

	for (auto& it : spawnMap) {
		uint32_t spawnId = it.first;
		if (spawnedMap.find(spawnId) != spawnedMap.end()) {

		spawnBlock_t& sb = it.second;
		if (!sb.mType->canSpawn(sb.pos)) {
			sb.lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME();

		if (OTSYS_TIME() >= sb.lastSpawn + sb.interval) {
			if (sb.mType->info.isBlockable && findPlayer(sb.pos)) {
				sb.lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME();

			if (sb.mType->info.isBlockable) {
				spawnMonster(spawnId, sb.mType, sb.pos, sb.direction);
			} else {
				scheduleSpawn(spawnId, sb, 3 * NONBLOCKABLE_SPAWN_INTERVAL);

			if (++spawnCount >= static_cast<uint32_t>(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::RATE_SPAWN))) {

	if (spawnedMap.size() < spawnMap.size()) {
		checkSpawnEvent = g_scheduler.addEvent(createSchedulerTask(getInterval(), std::bind(&Spawn::checkSpawn, this)));

void Spawn::scheduleSpawn(uint32_t spawnId, spawnBlock_t& sb, uint16_t interval)
	if (interval <= 0) {
		spawnMonster(spawnId, sb.mType, sb.pos, sb.direction);
	} else {
		g_game.addMagicEffect(sb.pos, CONST_ME_TELEPORT);
		g_scheduler.addEvent(createSchedulerTask(1400, std::bind(&Spawn::scheduleSpawn, this, spawnId, sb, interval - NONBLOCKABLE_SPAWN_INTERVAL)));

void Spawn::cleanup()
	auto it = spawnedMap.begin();
	while (it != spawnedMap.end()) {
		uint32_t spawnId = it->first;
		Monster* monster = it->second;
		if (monster->isRemoved()) {
			if (spawnId != 0) {
				spawnMap[spawnId].lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME();

			it = spawnedMap.erase(it);
		} else if (!isInSpawnZone(monster->getPosition()) && spawnId != 0) {
			spawnedMap.insert(spawned_pair(0, monster));
			it = spawnedMap.erase(it);
		} else {

bool Spawn::addMonster(const std::string& name, const Position& pos, Direction dir, uint32_t scheduleInterval)
	MonsterType* mType = g_monsters.getMonsterType(name);
	if (!mType) {
		std::cout << "[Spawn::addMonster] Can not find " << name << std::endl;
		return false;

	this->interval = std::min(this->interval, scheduleInterval);

	spawnBlock_t sb;
	sb.mType = mType;
	sb.pos = pos;
	sb.direction = dir;
	sb.interval = scheduleInterval;
	sb.lastSpawn = 0;

	uint32_t spawnId = spawnMap.size() + 1;
	spawnMap[spawnId] = sb;
	return true;

void Spawn::removeMonster(Monster* monster)
	for (auto it = spawnedMap.begin(), end = spawnedMap.end(); it != end; ++it) {
		if (it->second == monster) {

void Spawn::stopEvent()
	if (checkSpawnEvent != 0) {
		checkSpawnEvent = 0;



 * @file spawn.h
 * The Forgotten Server - a free and open-source MMORPG server emulator
 * Copyright (C) 2019 Mark Samman <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#ifndef OT_SRC_SPAWN_H_
#define OT_SRC_SPAWN_H_

#include "tile.h"
#include "position.h"

class Monster;
class MonsterType;
class Npc;

struct spawnBlock_t {
	Position pos;
	MonsterType* mType;
	int64_t lastSpawn;
	uint32_t interval;
	Direction direction;

class Spawn
		Spawn(Position initPos, int32_t initRadius) : centerPos(std::move(initPos)), radius(initRadius) {}

		// non-copyable
		Spawn(const Spawn&) = delete;
		Spawn& operator=(const Spawn&) = delete;

		bool addMonster(const std::string& name, const Position& pos, Direction dir, uint32_t interval);
		void removeMonster(Monster* monster);

		uint32_t getInterval() const {
			return interval;
		void startup();

		void startSpawnCheck();
		void stopEvent();

		bool isInSpawnZone(const Position& pos);
		void cleanup();

		//map of the spawned creatures
		using SpawnedMap = std::multimap<uint32_t, Monster*>;
		using spawned_pair = SpawnedMap::value_type;
		SpawnedMap spawnedMap;

		//map of creatures in the spawn
		std::map<uint32_t, spawnBlock_t> spawnMap;

		Position centerPos;
		int32_t radius;

		uint32_t interval = 60000;
		uint32_t checkSpawnEvent = 0;

		static bool findPlayer(const Position& pos);
		bool spawnMonster(uint32_t spawnId, MonsterType* mType, const Position& pos, Direction dir, bool startup = false);
		void checkSpawn();
		void scheduleSpawn(uint32_t spawnId, spawnBlock_t& sb, uint16_t interval);

class Spawns
		static bool isInZone(const Position& centerPos, int32_t radius, const Position& pos);

		bool loadFromXml(const std::string& filename);
		void startup();
		void clear();

		bool isStarted() const {
			return started;
		std::forward_list<Spawn>& getSpawnList() {
			return spawnList;

		std::forward_list<Npc*> npcList;
		std::forward_list<Spawn> spawnList;
		std::string filename;
		bool loaded = false;
		bool started = false;

static constexpr int32_t NONBLOCKABLE_SPAWN_INTERVAL = 1400;


por favor alguem consegue me ajudar?

Troque e adicione oque não tem em Spawn.cpp


bool Spawn::findPlayer(const Position& pos)
    SpectatorHashSet spectators;, pos, false, true);
    for (Creature* spectator : spectators) {
        if (!spectator->getPlayer()->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_IgnoredByMonsters)) {
            return true;
    return false;

void Spawn::checkSpawn()
    checkSpawnEvent = 0;


    uint32_t spawnCount = 0;

    for (auto& it : spawnMap) {
        uint32_t spawnId = it.first;
        if (spawnedMap.find(spawnId) != spawnedMap.end()) {

        spawnBlock_t& sb = it.second;
        if (!sb.mType->canSpawn(sb.pos)) {
            sb.lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME();

        if (OTSYS_TIME() >= sb.lastSpawn + sb.interval) {
            if (sb.mType->info.isBlockable && findPlayer(sb.pos)) {
                sb.lastSpawn = OTSYS_TIME();

            if (sb.mType->info.isBlockable) {
                spawnMonster(spawnId, sb.mType, sb.pos, sb.direction);
            } else {
                scheduleSpawn(spawnId, sb, 3 * NONBLOCKABLE_SPAWN_INTERVAL);

            if (++spawnCount >= static_cast<uint32_t>(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::RATE_SPAWN))) {

    if (spawnedMap.size() < spawnMap.size()) {
        checkSpawnEvent = g_scheduler.addEvent(createSchedulerTask(getInterval(), std::bind(&Spawn::checkSpawn, this)));



Eu sou um entusiasta da programação apaixonado por ajudar a comunidade open source a crescer. Sempre em busca de novos desafios e oportunidades para contribuir com meu código.  #OpenSource #Programação #Contribuição


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