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8.5x - 8.7x TFS 1.5 {8.6} Nekiro Downgrade com montarias e modal window apenas para OTClient.

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Galera, atualizei a source. Sobre os erros que estavam ocorrendo, era o opcode 201. Sabe por quê? Eu tentei habilitar o opcode para ter uma store, mas não funcionou. Resolvi remover todos os códigos e agora não está mais dando erros de opcode 201 e tudo mais. Em breve, vou postar a store customizada, aquela das prints que vocês viram. Vou ter que organizar para cada site compatível, como Gesior, Znote, e outros. Depois posto aqui para vocês baixarem e testarem.

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Para aqueles que estão interessados em adotar a base do Nekiro, gostaria de anunciar que as montarias e a modal widow agora estão disponíveis. Se você deseja implementar sistemas como o de crafting co

Caso alguém tenha interesse na dll, é só entrar em contato por aqui mesmo ou pelo meu discord: sharingan.exe

@doukxxt   Desculpa pela demora. Os últimos dias foram corridos. Decidi compartilhar isso com vocês   Abra o diretório otc/data/layouts/retro/styles/40-inventory.otui e procure por

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Em 31/01/2024 em 20:46, Mateus Robeerto disse:

O gringo não para de me pedir todos os dias... não tive paciência e resolvi fazer uns scripts + module store e enviei para ele. Ele ficou muito feliz por ter essa store custom.. Ele também usa TFS 1.5 e 8.6. Veja como a store ficou... Se você estiver interessado, posso separar e organizar certinho de acordo com o Znote e Gesior... Depois posto aqui xD

Nesse módulo, não é necessário lidar com opcodes... é apenas o script diretamente, simples... muito prático e ágil.







Desculpa pela demora. Os últimos dias foram corridos. Decidi compartilhar isso com vocês


Abra o diretório otc/data/layouts/retro/styles/40-inventory.otui e procure por essa linha.


        id: conditionPanel
          type: horizontalBox
        height: 22
        padding: 2 slot8.bottom
        anchors.left: slot6.left
        anchors.right: slot5.right
        margin-top: 4
        border-width: 1
        border-color: #00000077
        background-color: #ffffff22

Adicione abaixo disso.

        size: 0 20 prev.bottom
        anchors.left: parent.left
        anchors.right: parent.right
        margin-left: 6
        margin-top: 4
        margin-right: 6
        @onClick: modules.store_module.toggle()

Agora, sobre como comprar itens por pontos, vou postar dois tutoriais para Gesior e Znote.



Este script serve para trocar itens por pontos. Vou dar um exemplo com a Magic Sword.



local StoreCustom = TalkAction("!shopMagic Sword")

function StoreCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    local pointsToDeduct = 10

    removePoints(player, pointsToDeduct)

    local newItemID = 2401 -- Replace with the ID of the item the player will receive
    local newItemCount = 1 -- Quantity of the new item to be added to the player's inventory
    player:addItem(newItemID, newItemCount)
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have successfully purchased a new item in exchange for" .. pointsToDeduct .. " premium points.")
    return false

function removePoints(player, amount)
    local accountId = player:getAccountId()
    local query = "UPDATE `accounts` SET `premium_points` = `premium_points` - " .. amount .. " WHERE `id` = " .. accountId

StoreCustom:separator(" ")

Para saber quantos pontos você tem, digite !points.

local talkaction = TalkAction("!points")

function Player.getPremiumPoints(self)
    local query = db.storeQuery("SELECT `premium_points` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = " .. self:getAccountId())
    if not query then
        return false

    local value = result.getNumber(query, "premium_points")
    return value

function talkaction.onSay(player, words, param, type)
    if words:lower() == "!points" then
        local points = player:getPremiumPoints() 

        if points > 0 then
            local message = "Your premium points balance is: " .. points
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You don't have premium points.")

        return false
    return true

talkaction:separator(" ")

Para comprar outfits ou addons.

local outfitsCustom = TalkAction("!shopMage", "!shopCitizen", "!shopHunter", "!shopKnight", "!shopNoblewoman", "!shopNobleman", "!shopSummoner", "!shopWarrior", "!shopBarbarian", "!shopDruid", "!shopWizard", "!shopOriental", "!shopPirate", "!shopAssassin", "!shopBeggar", "!shopShaman", "!shopNorsewoman", "!shopNorseman", "!shopNightmare", "!shopJester", "!shopBrotherhood", "!shopDemon Hunter", "!shopYalaharian", "!shopNewly Wed", "!shopWarmaster", "!shopWayfarer", "!shopRetro Warrior", "!shopRetro Citizen", "!shopRetro Hunter", "!shopRetro Knight", "!shopRetro Mage", "!shopRetro Noblewoman", "!shopRetro Nobleman", "!shopRetro Summoner")

function outfitsCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    if words == "/shop" then
        return false
    if words == "!shopMage" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 138 or 130 -- Mage outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Mage outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Mage outfit!")
    elseif words == "!shopCitizen" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 136 or 128 -- Citizen outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add Citizen outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Citizen outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Citizen outfit!")
    elseif words == "!shopHunter" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 137 or 129 -- Hunter outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add Hunter outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Hunter outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Hunter outfit!")
	elseif words == "!shopKnight" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 139 or 131 -- Knight outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add Knight outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Knight outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Knight outfit!")
    -- Add more commands and messages as necessary

    return false

outfitsCustom:separator(" ")

Para comprar uma montaria.

local shopsCustom = TalkAction("!shopMidnight Panther", "!shopWidow Queen", "!shopRacing Bird", "!shopWar Bear", "!shopBlack Sheep", "!shopDraptor", "!shopTitanica", "!shopTin Lizzard", "!shopBlazebringer", "!shopRapid Boar", "!shopStampor", "!shopUndead Cavebear", "!shopDonkey", "!shopTiger Slug", "!shopUniwheel", "!shopCrystal Wolf", "!shopWar Horse", "!shopKingly Deer", "!shopTamed Panda", "!shopDromedary", "!shopScorpion King", "!shopDarkbrown Rented Horse", "!shopArmoured War Horse", "!shopShadow Draptor", "!shopGrey Rented Horse", "!shopBrown Rented Horse", "!shopLady Bug", "!shopManta Ray", "!shopIronblight", "!shopMagma Crawler", "!shopDragonling", "!shopGnarlhound", "!shopCrimson Ray", "!shopSteelbeak", "!shopWater Buffalo", "!shopTombstinger", "!shopPlatesaurian", "!shopUrsagrodon", "!shopThe Hellgrip", "!shopNoble Lion", "!shopDesert King", "!shopShock Head", "!shopWalker", "!shopAzudocus", "!shopCarpacosaurus", "!shopDeath Crawler", "!shopFlamesteed", "!shopJade Lion", "!shopJade Pincer", "!shopNethersteed", "!shopTempest", "!shopWinter King", "!shopDoombringer", "!shopWoodland Prince", "!shopHailstorm Fury", "!shopSiegebreaker", "!shopPoisonbane", "!shopBlackpelt", "!shopGolden Dragonfly", "!shopSteel Bee", "!shopCopper Fly", "!shopTundra Rambler", "!shopHighland Yak", "!shopGlacier Vagabond", "!shopShadow Hart", "!shopBlack Stag", "!shopEmperor Deer", "!shopFlying Divan", "!shopMagic Carpet", "!shopFloating Kashmir", "!shopRingtail Waccoon", "!shopNight Waccoon", "!shopEmerald Waccoon", "!shopFlitterkatzen", "!shopVenompaw", "!shopBatcat", "!shopSea Devil", "!shopCoralripper", "!shopPlumfish", "!shopGorongra", "!shopNoctungra", "!shopSilverneck", "!shopSlagsnare", "!shopNightstinger", "!shopRazorcreep", "!shopRift Runner", "!shopNightdweller", "!shopFrostflare", "!shopCinderhoof", "!shopMouldpincer", "!shopBloodcurl", "!shopLeafscuttler", "!shopSparkion", "!shopSwamp Snapper", "!shopMould Shell", "!shopReed Lurker", "!shopNeon Sparkid", "!shopVortexion", "!shopIvory Fang", "!shopShadow Claw", "!shopSnow Pelt", "!shopJackalope", "!shopDreadhare", "!shopWolpertinger", "!shopStone Rhino", "!shopGold Sphinx", "!shopEmerald Sphinx", "!shopShadow Sphinx", "!shopJungle Saurian", "!shopEmber Saurian", "!shopLagoon Saurian", "!shopBlazing Unicorn", "!shopArctic Unicorn", "!shopPrismatic unicorn", "!shopCranium Spider", "!shopCave Tarantula", "!shopGloom Widow", "!shopMole", "!shopMarsh Toad", "!shopSanguine Frog", "!shopToxic Toad", "!shopEbony Tiger", "!shopFeral Tiger", "!shopJungle Tiger", "!shopFleeting Knowledge", "!shopTawny Owl", "!shopSnowy Owl", "!shopBoreal Owl", "!shopLacewing Moth", "!shopHibernal Moth", "!shopCold Percht Sleigh", "!shopBright Percht Sleigh", "!shopDark Percht Sleigh", "!shopFestive Snowman", "!shopMuffled Snowman", "!shopCaped Snowman", "!shopRabbit Rickshaw", "!shopBunny Dray", "!shopCony Cart", "!shopRiver Crocovile", "!shopSwamp Crocovile", "!shopNightmarish Crocovile", "!shopGryphon", "!shopJousting Eagle", "!shopCerberus Champion", "!shopCold Percht Sleigh Variant", "!shopBright Percht Sleigh Variant", "!shopDark Percht Sleigh Variant", "!shopCold Percht Sleigh Final", "!shopBright Percht Sleigh Final", "!shopDark Percht Sleigh Final", "!shopBattle Badger", "!shopEther Badger", "!shopZaoan Badger", "!shopBlue Rolling Barrel", "!shopRed Rolling Barrel", "!shopGreen Rolling Barrel", "!shopFloating Sage", "!shopFloating Scholar", "!shopFloating Augur", "!shopHaze", "!shopAntelope", "!shopSnow Strider", "!shopDusk Pryer", "!shopDawn Strayer", "!shopSpectral Horse", "!shopSavanna Ostrich", "!shopCoral Rhea", "!shopEventide Nandu", "!shopVoracious Hyaena", "!shopCunning Hyaena", "!shopScruffy Hyaena", "!shopWhite Lion", "!shopKrakoloss", "!shopMerry Mammoth", "!shopHoliday Mammoth", "!shopFestive Mammoth", "!shopVoid Watcher", "!shopRune Watcher", "!shopRift Watcher", "!shopPhant", "!shopShellodon", "!shopSingeing Steed", "!shopHyacinth", "!shopPeony", "!shopDandelion", "!shopRustwurm", "!shopBogwurm", "!shopGloomwurm", "!shopEmerald Raven", "!shopMystic Raven", "!shopRadiant Raven", "!shopGloothomotive", "!shopTopaz Shrine", "!shopJade Shrine", "!shopObsidian Shrine", "!shopPoppy Ibex", "!shopMint Ibex", "!shopCinnamon Ibex")

function shopsCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    if words == "/shop" then
        return false
    if words == "!shopMidnight Panther" then
        local shopId = 1 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) -- 
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Midnight Panther for " .. shopCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Midnight Panther!")
    elseif words == "!shopWidow Queen" then
        local shopId = 2 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) --
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Widow Queen for " .. shopCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Widow Queen!")
    elseif words == "!shopRacing Bird" then
        local shopId = 3 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) -- 
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Racing Bird for " .. shopCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Racing Bird!")
    elseif words == "!shopWar Bear" then
        local shopId = 4 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) -- 
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the War Bear for " .. shopCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the War Bear!")

shopsCustom:separator(" ")

Clique no item para ganhar pontos e poder comprar na store!

local premiumPointsAction = Action()

local function doPlayerAddPremiumPoints(player, count)
    local accountId = player:getAccountId()
    db.query('UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points +' .. count .. ' WHERE id = ' .. db.escapeString(accountId))

function premiumPointsAction.onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition)
    doPlayerAddPremiumPoints(player, 100)
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have received 100 store point(s) in your account.")
    return true




magic sword.

local StoreCustom = TalkAction("!shopteste")

function StoreCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    local pointsToDeduct = 10 -- Replace with the number of points to be deducted

    removePoints(player, pointsToDeduct)

    local newItemID = 2401 -- Replace with the ID of the item the player will receive
    local newItemCount = 1 -- Quantity of the new item to be added to the player's inventory
    player:addItem(newItemID, newItemCount)
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have successfully purchased a new item in exchange for " .. pointsToDeduct .. " premium points.")
    return false

function removePoints(player, amount)
    local accountId = player:getAccountId()
    local query = "UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `points` = `points` - " .. amount .. " WHERE `id` = " .. accountId

StoreCustom:separator(" ")


local StoreCustom = TalkAction("!shopteste")

function StoreCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    local pointsToDeduct = 10 -- Replace with the number of points to be deducted

    removePoints(player, pointsToDeduct)

    local newItemID = 2401 -- Replace with the ID of the item the player will receive
    local newItemCount = 1 -- Quantity of the new item to be added to the player's inventory
    player:addItem(newItemID, newItemCount)
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have successfully purchased a new item in exchange for " .. pointsToDeduct .. " premium points.")
    return false

function removePoints(player, amount)
    local accountId = player:getAccountId()
    local query = "UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `points` = `points` - " .. amount .. " WHERE `id` = " .. accountId

StoreCustom:separator(" ")

outfits ou addons.

local outfitsCustom = TalkAction("!shopMage", "!shopCitizen", "!shopHunter", "!shopKnight", "!shopNoblewoman", "!shopNobleman", "!shopSummoner", "!shopWarrior", "!shopBarbarian", "!shopDruid", "!shopWizard", "!shopOriental", "!shopPirate", "!shopAssassin", "!shopBeggar", "!shopShaman", "!shopNorsewoman", "!shopNorseman", "!shopNightmare", "!shopJester", "!shopBrotherhood", "!shopDemon Hunter", "!shopYalaharian", "!shopNewly Wed", "!shopWarmaster", "!shopWayfarer", "!shopRetro Warrior", "!shopRetro Citizen", "!shopRetro Hunter", "!shopRetro Knight", "!shopRetro Mage", "!shopRetro Noblewoman", "!shopRetro Nobleman", "!shopRetro Summoner")

function outfitsCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    if words == "/shop" then
        return false
    if words == "!shopMage" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 138 or 130 -- Mage outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Mage outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Mage outfit!")
    elseif words == "!shopCitizen" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 136 or 128 -- Citizen outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add Citizen outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Citizen outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Citizen outfit!")
    elseif words == "!shopHunter" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 137 or 129 -- Hunter outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add Hunter outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Hunter outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Hunter outfit!")
	elseif words == "!shopKnight" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 139 or 131 -- Knight outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add Knight outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Knight outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Knight outfit!")
		elseif words == "!shopNoblewoman" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 140 or 132 --  outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Noblewoman outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Noblewoman outfit!")
    -- Add more commands and messages as necessary

    return false

outfitsCustom:separator(" ")


local shopsCustom = TalkAction("!shopMidnight Panther", "!shopWidow Queen", "!shopRacing Bird", "!shopWar Bear", "!shopBlack Sheep", "!shopDraptor", "!shopTitanica", "!shopTin Lizzard", "!shopBlazebringer", "!shopRapid Boar", "!shopStampor", "!shopUndead Cavebear", "!shopDonkey", "!shopTiger Slug", "!shopUniwheel", "!shopCrystal Wolf", "!shopWar Horse", "!shopKingly Deer", "!shopTamed Panda", "!shopDromedary", "!shopScorpion King", "!shopDarkbrown Rented Horse", "!shopArmoured War Horse", "!shopShadow Draptor", "!shopGrey Rented Horse", "!shopBrown Rented Horse", "!shopLady Bug", "!shopManta Ray", "!shopIronblight", "!shopMagma Crawler", "!shopDragonling", "!shopGnarlhound", "!shopCrimson Ray", "!shopSteelbeak", "!shopWater Buffalo", "!shopTombstinger", "!shopPlatesaurian", "!shopUrsagrodon", "!shopThe Hellgrip", "!shopNoble Lion", "!shopDesert King", "!shopShock Head", "!shopWalker", "!shopAzudocus", "!shopCarpacosaurus", "!shopDeath Crawler", "!shopFlamesteed", "!shopJade Lion", "!shopJade Pincer", "!shopNethersteed", "!shopTempest", "!shopWinter King", "!shopDoombringer", "!shopWoodland Prince", "!shopHailstorm Fury", "!shopSiegebreaker", "!shopPoisonbane", "!shopBlackpelt", "!shopGolden Dragonfly", "!shopSteel Bee", "!shopCopper Fly", "!shopTundra Rambler", "!shopHighland Yak", "!shopGlacier Vagabond", "!shopShadow Hart", "!shopBlack Stag", "!shopEmperor Deer", "!shopFlying Divan", "!shopMagic Carpet", "!shopFloating Kashmir", "!shopRingtail Waccoon", "!shopNight Waccoon", "!shopEmerald Waccoon", "!shopFlitterkatzen", "!shopVenompaw", "!shopBatcat", "!shopSea Devil", "!shopCoralripper", "!shopPlumfish", "!shopGorongra", "!shopNoctungra", "!shopSilverneck", "!shopSlagsnare", "!shopNightstinger", "!shopRazorcreep", "!shopRift Runner", "!shopNightdweller", "!shopFrostflare", "!shopCinderhoof", "!shopMouldpincer", "!shopBloodcurl", "!shopLeafscuttler", "!shopSparkion", "!shopSwamp Snapper", "!shopMould Shell", "!shopReed Lurker", "!shopNeon Sparkid", "!shopVortexion", "!shopIvory Fang", "!shopShadow Claw", "!shopSnow Pelt", "!shopJackalope", "!shopDreadhare", "!shopWolpertinger", "!shopStone Rhino", "!shopGold Sphinx", "!shopEmerald Sphinx", "!shopShadow Sphinx", "!shopJungle Saurian", "!shopEmber Saurian", "!shopLagoon Saurian", "!shopBlazing Unicorn", "!shopArctic Unicorn", "!shopPrismatic unicorn", "!shopCranium Spider", "!shopCave Tarantula", "!shopGloom Widow", "!shopMole", "!shopMarsh Toad", "!shopSanguine Frog", "!shopToxic Toad", "!shopEbony Tiger", "!shopFeral Tiger", "!shopJungle Tiger", "!shopFleeting Knowledge", "!shopTawny Owl", "!shopSnowy Owl", "!shopBoreal Owl", "!shopLacewing Moth", "!shopHibernal Moth", "!shopCold Percht Sleigh", "!shopBright Percht Sleigh", "!shopDark Percht Sleigh", "!shopFestive Snowman", "!shopMuffled Snowman", "!shopCaped Snowman", "!shopRabbit Rickshaw", "!shopBunny Dray", "!shopCony Cart", "!shopRiver Crocovile", "!shopSwamp Crocovile", "!shopNightmarish Crocovile", "!shopGryphon", "!shopJousting Eagle", "!shopCerberus Champion", "!shopCold Percht Sleigh Variant", "!shopBright Percht Sleigh Variant", "!shopDark Percht Sleigh Variant", "!shopCold Percht Sleigh Final", "!shopBright Percht Sleigh Final", "!shopDark Percht Sleigh Final", "!shopBattle Badger", "!shopEther Badger", "!shopZaoan Badger", "!shopBlue Rolling Barrel", "!shopRed Rolling Barrel", "!shopGreen Rolling Barrel", "!shopFloating Sage", "!shopFloating Scholar", "!shopFloating Augur", "!shopHaze", "!shopAntelope", "!shopSnow Strider", "!shopDusk Pryer", "!shopDawn Strayer", "!shopSpectral Horse", "!shopSavanna Ostrich", "!shopCoral Rhea", "!shopEventide Nandu", "!shopVoracious Hyaena", "!shopCunning Hyaena", "!shopScruffy Hyaena", "!shopWhite Lion", "!shopKrakoloss", "!shopMerry Mammoth", "!shopHoliday Mammoth", "!shopFestive Mammoth", "!shopVoid Watcher", "!shopRune Watcher", "!shopRift Watcher", "!shopPhant", "!shopShellodon", "!shopSingeing Steed", "!shopHyacinth", "!shopPeony", "!shopDandelion", "!shopRustwurm", "!shopBogwurm", "!shopGloomwurm", "!shopEmerald Raven", "!shopMystic Raven", "!shopRadiant Raven", "!shopGloothomotive", "!shopTopaz Shrine", "!shopJade Shrine", "!shopObsidian Shrine", "!shopPoppy Ibex", "!shopMint Ibex", "!shopCinnamon Ibex")

function shopsCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    if words == "/shop" then
        return false
    if words == "!shopMidnight Panther" then
        local shopId = 1 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) -- 
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Midnight Panther for " .. shopCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Midnight Panther!")
    elseif words == "!shopWidow Queen" then
        local shopId = 2 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) --
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Widow Queen for " .. shopCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Widow Queen!")
    elseif words == "!shopRacing Bird" then
        local shopId = 3 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) -- 
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Racing Bird for " .. shopCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Racing Bird!")
    elseif words == "!shopWar Bear" then
        local shopId = 4 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) -- 
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the War Bear for " .. shopCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the War Bear!")

shopsCustom:separator(" ")

Clique no item para ganhar pontos e poder comprar na store.

local premiumPointsAction = Action()

local function doPlayerAddPremiumPoints(player, count)
    local accountId = player:getAccountId()
    db.query('UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points +' .. count .. ' WHERE account_id = ' .. db.escapeString(accountId))

function premiumPointsAction.onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition)
    doPlayerAddPremiumPoints(player, 100)
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have received 100 store point(s) in your account.")
    return true


É só baixar o module e colocar no seu OTClient... Pronto! Espero que tenha gostado!


Editado por Mateus Robeerto (veja o histórico de edições)
Link para o post
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7 horas atrás, Mateus Robeerto disse:



Desculpa pela demora. Os últimos dias foram corridos. Decidi compartilhar isso com vocês


Abra o diretório otc/data/layouts/retro/styles/40-inventory.otui e procure por essa linha.


        id: conditionPanel
          type: horizontalBox
        height: 22
        padding: 2 slot8.bottom
        anchors.left: slot6.left
        anchors.right: slot5.right
        margin-top: 4
        border-width: 1
        border-color: #00000077
        background-color: #ffffff22

Adicione abaixo disso.

        size: 0 20 prev.bottom
        anchors.left: parent.left
        anchors.right: parent.right
        margin-left: 6
        margin-top: 4
        margin-right: 6
        @onClick: modules.store_module.toggle()

Agora, sobre como comprar itens por pontos, vou postar dois tutoriais para Gesior e Znote.



Este script serve para trocar itens por pontos. Vou dar um exemplo com a Magic Sword.



local StoreCustom = TalkAction("!shopMagic Sword")

function StoreCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    local pointsToDeduct = 10

    removePoints(player, pointsToDeduct)

    local newItemID = 2401 -- Replace with the ID of the item the player will receive
    local newItemCount = 1 -- Quantity of the new item to be added to the player's inventory
    player:addItem(newItemID, newItemCount)
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have successfully purchased a new item in exchange for" .. pointsToDeduct .. " premium points.")
    return false

function removePoints(player, amount)
    local accountId = player:getAccountId()
    local query = "UPDATE `accounts` SET `premium_points` = `premium_points` - " .. amount .. " WHERE `id` = " .. accountId

StoreCustom:separator(" ")

Para saber quantos pontos você tem, digite !points.

local talkaction = TalkAction("!points")

function Player.getPremiumPoints(self)
    local query = db.storeQuery("SELECT `premium_points` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = " .. self:getAccountId())
    if not query then
        return false

    local value = result.getNumber(query, "premium_points")
    return value

function talkaction.onSay(player, words, param, type)
    if words:lower() == "!points" then
        local points = player:getPremiumPoints() 

        if points > 0 then
            local message = "Your premium points balance is: " .. points
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You don't have premium points.")

        return false
    return true

talkaction:separator(" ")

Para comprar outfits ou addons.

local outfitsCustom = TalkAction("!shopMage", "!shopCitizen", "!shopHunter", "!shopKnight", "!shopNoblewoman", "!shopNobleman", "!shopSummoner", "!shopWarrior", "!shopBarbarian", "!shopDruid", "!shopWizard", "!shopOriental", "!shopPirate", "!shopAssassin", "!shopBeggar", "!shopShaman", "!shopNorsewoman", "!shopNorseman", "!shopNightmare", "!shopJester", "!shopBrotherhood", "!shopDemon Hunter", "!shopYalaharian", "!shopNewly Wed", "!shopWarmaster", "!shopWayfarer", "!shopRetro Warrior", "!shopRetro Citizen", "!shopRetro Hunter", "!shopRetro Knight", "!shopRetro Mage", "!shopRetro Noblewoman", "!shopRetro Nobleman", "!shopRetro Summoner")

function outfitsCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    if words == "/shop" then
        return false
    if words == "!shopMage" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 138 or 130 -- Mage outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Mage outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Mage outfit!")
    elseif words == "!shopCitizen" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 136 or 128 -- Citizen outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add Citizen outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Citizen outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Citizen outfit!")
    elseif words == "!shopHunter" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 137 or 129 -- Hunter outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add Hunter outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Hunter outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Hunter outfit!")
	elseif words == "!shopKnight" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 139 or 131 -- Knight outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add Knight outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Knight outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Knight outfit!")
    -- Add more commands and messages as necessary

    return false

outfitsCustom:separator(" ")

Para comprar uma montaria.

local shopsCustom = TalkAction("!shopMidnight Panther", "!shopWidow Queen", "!shopRacing Bird", "!shopWar Bear", "!shopBlack Sheep", "!shopDraptor", "!shopTitanica", "!shopTin Lizzard", "!shopBlazebringer", "!shopRapid Boar", "!shopStampor", "!shopUndead Cavebear", "!shopDonkey", "!shopTiger Slug", "!shopUniwheel", "!shopCrystal Wolf", "!shopWar Horse", "!shopKingly Deer", "!shopTamed Panda", "!shopDromedary", "!shopScorpion King", "!shopDarkbrown Rented Horse", "!shopArmoured War Horse", "!shopShadow Draptor", "!shopGrey Rented Horse", "!shopBrown Rented Horse", "!shopLady Bug", "!shopManta Ray", "!shopIronblight", "!shopMagma Crawler", "!shopDragonling", "!shopGnarlhound", "!shopCrimson Ray", "!shopSteelbeak", "!shopWater Buffalo", "!shopTombstinger", "!shopPlatesaurian", "!shopUrsagrodon", "!shopThe Hellgrip", "!shopNoble Lion", "!shopDesert King", "!shopShock Head", "!shopWalker", "!shopAzudocus", "!shopCarpacosaurus", "!shopDeath Crawler", "!shopFlamesteed", "!shopJade Lion", "!shopJade Pincer", "!shopNethersteed", "!shopTempest", "!shopWinter King", "!shopDoombringer", "!shopWoodland Prince", "!shopHailstorm Fury", "!shopSiegebreaker", "!shopPoisonbane", "!shopBlackpelt", "!shopGolden Dragonfly", "!shopSteel Bee", "!shopCopper Fly", "!shopTundra Rambler", "!shopHighland Yak", "!shopGlacier Vagabond", "!shopShadow Hart", "!shopBlack Stag", "!shopEmperor Deer", "!shopFlying Divan", "!shopMagic Carpet", "!shopFloating Kashmir", "!shopRingtail Waccoon", "!shopNight Waccoon", "!shopEmerald Waccoon", "!shopFlitterkatzen", "!shopVenompaw", "!shopBatcat", "!shopSea Devil", "!shopCoralripper", "!shopPlumfish", "!shopGorongra", "!shopNoctungra", "!shopSilverneck", "!shopSlagsnare", "!shopNightstinger", "!shopRazorcreep", "!shopRift Runner", "!shopNightdweller", "!shopFrostflare", "!shopCinderhoof", "!shopMouldpincer", "!shopBloodcurl", "!shopLeafscuttler", "!shopSparkion", "!shopSwamp Snapper", "!shopMould Shell", "!shopReed Lurker", "!shopNeon Sparkid", "!shopVortexion", "!shopIvory Fang", "!shopShadow Claw", "!shopSnow Pelt", "!shopJackalope", "!shopDreadhare", "!shopWolpertinger", "!shopStone Rhino", "!shopGold Sphinx", "!shopEmerald Sphinx", "!shopShadow Sphinx", "!shopJungle Saurian", "!shopEmber Saurian", "!shopLagoon Saurian", "!shopBlazing Unicorn", "!shopArctic Unicorn", "!shopPrismatic unicorn", "!shopCranium Spider", "!shopCave Tarantula", "!shopGloom Widow", "!shopMole", "!shopMarsh Toad", "!shopSanguine Frog", "!shopToxic Toad", "!shopEbony Tiger", "!shopFeral Tiger", "!shopJungle Tiger", "!shopFleeting Knowledge", "!shopTawny Owl", "!shopSnowy Owl", "!shopBoreal Owl", "!shopLacewing Moth", "!shopHibernal Moth", "!shopCold Percht Sleigh", "!shopBright Percht Sleigh", "!shopDark Percht Sleigh", "!shopFestive Snowman", "!shopMuffled Snowman", "!shopCaped Snowman", "!shopRabbit Rickshaw", "!shopBunny Dray", "!shopCony Cart", "!shopRiver Crocovile", "!shopSwamp Crocovile", "!shopNightmarish Crocovile", "!shopGryphon", "!shopJousting Eagle", "!shopCerberus Champion", "!shopCold Percht Sleigh Variant", "!shopBright Percht Sleigh Variant", "!shopDark Percht Sleigh Variant", "!shopCold Percht Sleigh Final", "!shopBright Percht Sleigh Final", "!shopDark Percht Sleigh Final", "!shopBattle Badger", "!shopEther Badger", "!shopZaoan Badger", "!shopBlue Rolling Barrel", "!shopRed Rolling Barrel", "!shopGreen Rolling Barrel", "!shopFloating Sage", "!shopFloating Scholar", "!shopFloating Augur", "!shopHaze", "!shopAntelope", "!shopSnow Strider", "!shopDusk Pryer", "!shopDawn Strayer", "!shopSpectral Horse", "!shopSavanna Ostrich", "!shopCoral Rhea", "!shopEventide Nandu", "!shopVoracious Hyaena", "!shopCunning Hyaena", "!shopScruffy Hyaena", "!shopWhite Lion", "!shopKrakoloss", "!shopMerry Mammoth", "!shopHoliday Mammoth", "!shopFestive Mammoth", "!shopVoid Watcher", "!shopRune Watcher", "!shopRift Watcher", "!shopPhant", "!shopShellodon", "!shopSingeing Steed", "!shopHyacinth", "!shopPeony", "!shopDandelion", "!shopRustwurm", "!shopBogwurm", "!shopGloomwurm", "!shopEmerald Raven", "!shopMystic Raven", "!shopRadiant Raven", "!shopGloothomotive", "!shopTopaz Shrine", "!shopJade Shrine", "!shopObsidian Shrine", "!shopPoppy Ibex", "!shopMint Ibex", "!shopCinnamon Ibex")

function shopsCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    if words == "/shop" then
        return false
    if words == "!shopMidnight Panther" then
        local shopId = 1 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) -- 
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Midnight Panther for " .. shopCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Midnight Panther!")
    elseif words == "!shopWidow Queen" then
        local shopId = 2 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) --
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Widow Queen for " .. shopCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Widow Queen!")
    elseif words == "!shopRacing Bird" then
        local shopId = 3 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) -- 
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Racing Bird for " .. shopCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Racing Bird!")
    elseif words == "!shopWar Bear" then
        local shopId = 4 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in premium_points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) -- 
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the War Bear for " .. shopCost .. " premium_points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the War Bear!")

shopsCustom:separator(" ")

Clique no item para ganhar pontos e poder comprar na store!

local premiumPointsAction = Action()

local function doPlayerAddPremiumPoints(player, count)
    local accountId = player:getAccountId()
    db.query('UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points +' .. count .. ' WHERE id = ' .. db.escapeString(accountId))

function premiumPointsAction.onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition)
    doPlayerAddPremiumPoints(player, 100)
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have received 100 store point(s) in your account.")
    return true




magic sword.

local StoreCustom = TalkAction("!shopteste")

function StoreCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    local pointsToDeduct = 10 -- Replace with the number of points to be deducted

    removePoints(player, pointsToDeduct)

    local newItemID = 2401 -- Replace with the ID of the item the player will receive
    local newItemCount = 1 -- Quantity of the new item to be added to the player's inventory
    player:addItem(newItemID, newItemCount)
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have successfully purchased a new item in exchange for " .. pointsToDeduct .. " premium points.")
    return false

function removePoints(player, amount)
    local accountId = player:getAccountId()
    local query = "UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `points` = `points` - " .. amount .. " WHERE `id` = " .. accountId

StoreCustom:separator(" ")


local StoreCustom = TalkAction("!shopteste")

function StoreCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    local pointsToDeduct = 10 -- Replace with the number of points to be deducted

    removePoints(player, pointsToDeduct)

    local newItemID = 2401 -- Replace with the ID of the item the player will receive
    local newItemCount = 1 -- Quantity of the new item to be added to the player's inventory
    player:addItem(newItemID, newItemCount)
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have successfully purchased a new item in exchange for " .. pointsToDeduct .. " premium points.")
    return false

function removePoints(player, amount)
    local accountId = player:getAccountId()
    local query = "UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `points` = `points` - " .. amount .. " WHERE `id` = " .. accountId

StoreCustom:separator(" ")

outfits ou addons.

local outfitsCustom = TalkAction("!shopMage", "!shopCitizen", "!shopHunter", "!shopKnight", "!shopNoblewoman", "!shopNobleman", "!shopSummoner", "!shopWarrior", "!shopBarbarian", "!shopDruid", "!shopWizard", "!shopOriental", "!shopPirate", "!shopAssassin", "!shopBeggar", "!shopShaman", "!shopNorsewoman", "!shopNorseman", "!shopNightmare", "!shopJester", "!shopBrotherhood", "!shopDemon Hunter", "!shopYalaharian", "!shopNewly Wed", "!shopWarmaster", "!shopWayfarer", "!shopRetro Warrior", "!shopRetro Citizen", "!shopRetro Hunter", "!shopRetro Knight", "!shopRetro Mage", "!shopRetro Noblewoman", "!shopRetro Nobleman", "!shopRetro Summoner")

function outfitsCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    if words == "/shop" then
        return false
    if words == "!shopMage" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 138 or 130 -- Mage outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Mage outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Mage outfit!")
    elseif words == "!shopCitizen" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 136 or 128 -- Citizen outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add Citizen outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Citizen outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Citizen outfit!")
    elseif words == "!shopHunter" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 137 or 129 -- Hunter outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add Hunter outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Hunter outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Hunter outfit!")
	elseif words == "!shopKnight" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 139 or 131 -- Knight outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add Knight outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Knight outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Knight outfit!")
		elseif words == "!shopNoblewoman" then
        local outfitId = (player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) and 140 or 132 --  outfit ID
        local outfitCost = 50 -- Cost in points to acquire the outfit
        if not player:hasOutfit(outfitId) or not player:hasOutfit(outfitId, 3) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. outfitCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addOutfitAddon(outfitId, 3) -- Add outfit / addons
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Noblewoman outfit addons for " .. outfitCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Noblewoman outfit!")
    -- Add more commands and messages as necessary

    return false

outfitsCustom:separator(" ")


local shopsCustom = TalkAction("!shopMidnight Panther", "!shopWidow Queen", "!shopRacing Bird", "!shopWar Bear", "!shopBlack Sheep", "!shopDraptor", "!shopTitanica", "!shopTin Lizzard", "!shopBlazebringer", "!shopRapid Boar", "!shopStampor", "!shopUndead Cavebear", "!shopDonkey", "!shopTiger Slug", "!shopUniwheel", "!shopCrystal Wolf", "!shopWar Horse", "!shopKingly Deer", "!shopTamed Panda", "!shopDromedary", "!shopScorpion King", "!shopDarkbrown Rented Horse", "!shopArmoured War Horse", "!shopShadow Draptor", "!shopGrey Rented Horse", "!shopBrown Rented Horse", "!shopLady Bug", "!shopManta Ray", "!shopIronblight", "!shopMagma Crawler", "!shopDragonling", "!shopGnarlhound", "!shopCrimson Ray", "!shopSteelbeak", "!shopWater Buffalo", "!shopTombstinger", "!shopPlatesaurian", "!shopUrsagrodon", "!shopThe Hellgrip", "!shopNoble Lion", "!shopDesert King", "!shopShock Head", "!shopWalker", "!shopAzudocus", "!shopCarpacosaurus", "!shopDeath Crawler", "!shopFlamesteed", "!shopJade Lion", "!shopJade Pincer", "!shopNethersteed", "!shopTempest", "!shopWinter King", "!shopDoombringer", "!shopWoodland Prince", "!shopHailstorm Fury", "!shopSiegebreaker", "!shopPoisonbane", "!shopBlackpelt", "!shopGolden Dragonfly", "!shopSteel Bee", "!shopCopper Fly", "!shopTundra Rambler", "!shopHighland Yak", "!shopGlacier Vagabond", "!shopShadow Hart", "!shopBlack Stag", "!shopEmperor Deer", "!shopFlying Divan", "!shopMagic Carpet", "!shopFloating Kashmir", "!shopRingtail Waccoon", "!shopNight Waccoon", "!shopEmerald Waccoon", "!shopFlitterkatzen", "!shopVenompaw", "!shopBatcat", "!shopSea Devil", "!shopCoralripper", "!shopPlumfish", "!shopGorongra", "!shopNoctungra", "!shopSilverneck", "!shopSlagsnare", "!shopNightstinger", "!shopRazorcreep", "!shopRift Runner", "!shopNightdweller", "!shopFrostflare", "!shopCinderhoof", "!shopMouldpincer", "!shopBloodcurl", "!shopLeafscuttler", "!shopSparkion", "!shopSwamp Snapper", "!shopMould Shell", "!shopReed Lurker", "!shopNeon Sparkid", "!shopVortexion", "!shopIvory Fang", "!shopShadow Claw", "!shopSnow Pelt", "!shopJackalope", "!shopDreadhare", "!shopWolpertinger", "!shopStone Rhino", "!shopGold Sphinx", "!shopEmerald Sphinx", "!shopShadow Sphinx", "!shopJungle Saurian", "!shopEmber Saurian", "!shopLagoon Saurian", "!shopBlazing Unicorn", "!shopArctic Unicorn", "!shopPrismatic unicorn", "!shopCranium Spider", "!shopCave Tarantula", "!shopGloom Widow", "!shopMole", "!shopMarsh Toad", "!shopSanguine Frog", "!shopToxic Toad", "!shopEbony Tiger", "!shopFeral Tiger", "!shopJungle Tiger", "!shopFleeting Knowledge", "!shopTawny Owl", "!shopSnowy Owl", "!shopBoreal Owl", "!shopLacewing Moth", "!shopHibernal Moth", "!shopCold Percht Sleigh", "!shopBright Percht Sleigh", "!shopDark Percht Sleigh", "!shopFestive Snowman", "!shopMuffled Snowman", "!shopCaped Snowman", "!shopRabbit Rickshaw", "!shopBunny Dray", "!shopCony Cart", "!shopRiver Crocovile", "!shopSwamp Crocovile", "!shopNightmarish Crocovile", "!shopGryphon", "!shopJousting Eagle", "!shopCerberus Champion", "!shopCold Percht Sleigh Variant", "!shopBright Percht Sleigh Variant", "!shopDark Percht Sleigh Variant", "!shopCold Percht Sleigh Final", "!shopBright Percht Sleigh Final", "!shopDark Percht Sleigh Final", "!shopBattle Badger", "!shopEther Badger", "!shopZaoan Badger", "!shopBlue Rolling Barrel", "!shopRed Rolling Barrel", "!shopGreen Rolling Barrel", "!shopFloating Sage", "!shopFloating Scholar", "!shopFloating Augur", "!shopHaze", "!shopAntelope", "!shopSnow Strider", "!shopDusk Pryer", "!shopDawn Strayer", "!shopSpectral Horse", "!shopSavanna Ostrich", "!shopCoral Rhea", "!shopEventide Nandu", "!shopVoracious Hyaena", "!shopCunning Hyaena", "!shopScruffy Hyaena", "!shopWhite Lion", "!shopKrakoloss", "!shopMerry Mammoth", "!shopHoliday Mammoth", "!shopFestive Mammoth", "!shopVoid Watcher", "!shopRune Watcher", "!shopRift Watcher", "!shopPhant", "!shopShellodon", "!shopSingeing Steed", "!shopHyacinth", "!shopPeony", "!shopDandelion", "!shopRustwurm", "!shopBogwurm", "!shopGloomwurm", "!shopEmerald Raven", "!shopMystic Raven", "!shopRadiant Raven", "!shopGloothomotive", "!shopTopaz Shrine", "!shopJade Shrine", "!shopObsidian Shrine", "!shopPoppy Ibex", "!shopMint Ibex", "!shopCinnamon Ibex")

function shopsCustom.onSay(player, words, param)
    if words == "/shop" then
        return false
    if words == "!shopMidnight Panther" then
        local shopId = 1 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) -- 
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Midnight Panther for " .. shopCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Midnight Panther!")
    elseif words == "!shopWidow Queen" then
        local shopId = 2 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) --
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Widow Queen for " .. shopCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Widow Queen!")
    elseif words == "!shopRacing Bird" then
        local shopId = 3 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) -- 
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the Racing Bird for " .. shopCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the Racing Bird!")
    elseif words == "!shopWar Bear" then
        local shopId = 4 -- Mount ID
        local shopCost = 20 -- Cost in points to acquire the shop
        if not player:hasMount(shopId) then
            db.query("UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points - " .. shopCost .. " WHERE account_id = " .. player:getAccountId())
            player:addMount(shopId) -- 
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You acquired the War Bear for " .. shopCost .. " points!")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You already have the War Bear!")

shopsCustom:separator(" ")

Clique no item para ganhar pontos e poder comprar na store.

local premiumPointsAction = Action()

local function doPlayerAddPremiumPoints(player, count)
    local accountId = player:getAccountId()
    db.query('UPDATE znote_accounts SET points = points +' .. count .. ' WHERE account_id = ' .. db.escapeString(accountId))

function premiumPointsAction.onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition)
    doPlayerAddPremiumPoints(player, 100)
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have received 100 store point(s) in your account.")
    return true


É só baixar o module e colocar no seu OTClient... Pronto! Espero que tenha gostado!


muito obrigado mano,vc vai ajudar muita gente com esse tutorial :)


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Em 23/02/2024 em 21:23, doukxxt disse:


Postei sem querer. Agora, sim, está usando o comando !pontos para saber quantos pontos você tem, apenas para o Znote.


local talkaction = TalkAction("!points")

function Player.getZnotePoints(self)
    local query = db.storeQuery("SELECT `points` FROM `znote_accounts` WHERE `id` = " .. self:getAccountId())
    if not query then
        return 0

    local value = result.getNumber(query, "points")
    return value or 0

function talkaction.onSay(player, words, param, type)
    if words:lower() == "!points" then
        local points = player:getZnotePoints()

       if points > 0 then
            local message = "Your premium points balance is: " .. points
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You don't have premium points.")

        return false
    return true

talkaction:separator(" ")


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41 minutos atrás, SHARINGAN.exe disse:

Tem shop pro old client 8.60 tb

Que legal, curti! Você poderia me mostrar como funciona a modal window e a montaria para eu ver, mesmo que seja através de vídeo?

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  • Erimyth pinned this tópico
  • 3 weeks later...

@doukxxt Você precisa abrir o arquivo do OTC com o Visual Studio Code para editar, não com o notepadd ou o editor de texto padrão do Windows. O Visual Studio Code ou o Sublime Text são ideais, sem erros

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14 horas atrás, Mateus Robeerto disse:

@doukxxt Você precisa abrir o arquivo do OTC com o Visual Studio Code para editar, não com o notepadd ou o editor de texto padrão do Windows. O Visual Studio Code ou o Sublime Text são ideais, sem erros

continua o msm erro


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  • 1 month later...

Como faço para abrir o items.otb no editor, não sei se o que estou usando que é o problema, mas baixei as sprite 13x to 8.60 que esta no link:

Em preferences eu busco essa pasta mostrada a cima:



Quando abro o items.otb da esse erro:


>> OTB version 20.
>> PluginTwo: Error while parsing, unknown flag 0x46 at id 101.
>> Failed to load dat.
>> Loading client files.
>> Client version 860.


O items.otb veio no link tbm junto da spr e dat

Editado por 6676220
Resolvido, era o flag extended mesmo vlw (veja o histórico de edições)
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Abrimos normalmente aqui, mas você marcou o SPR como estendido? Segue a imagem.



Recomendo usar os arquivos items.otb e XML, pois são mais recentes e corrigem as coisas aqui. Basta baixar e ser feliz.

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resolvi o b.o. do item editor e já esta funcionando as novas sprites no OT mas agora não consigo abrir o RME para editar


eu só peguei esses arquivos e joguei aqui dentro dessa pata substituindo:




mas quando vou abrir o mapa do OT fica nisso:


E não vai, para de funcionar, o que poderia ser?

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Acredito que seu RME Editor está desatualizado. É melhor baixar a versão mais recente, pois ela abriu o mapa normalmente, sem problemas

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Opa, primeiro vlw por responder, baixei o editor que me passou e baixei as DLL, joguei as DLL dentro da pasta e assim consegui abrir ele, porém ainda continuo com problema:


só ocorre ao jogar o .dat e .spr que peguei do seu post, o servidor abre, consigo ver os itens novos e tudo, só abris o editor come essas sprites que esta sendo o b.o.

se eu jogo só o otb ele abre mas ai não aparece as imagens:





mas assim que jogo esse .dat e .spr que baixe do post:




a pasta 860 do Editor esta assim:




seria pedir demais me enviar essa pasta completa para testar? Desde já muito obrigado

Editado por 6676220
Resolvido, faltava o arquivo otfi marcado com extended no RME (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • 4 weeks later...
14 horas atrás, KrzychuKurwy disse:

But @Mateus Robeerto how to fix that?

Call me on Discord, I'll guide you on how to compile the source code. The other items.xml have already been fixed, so I can send them to you




Editado por Mateus Robeerto (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Qual OTClient eu uso? To usando uma versão aqui do fórum que é o "OTClient_Personal" que é uma mistura de vários OTClient, porém se eu tento logar da aquele erro de Tibia.dat, alguém sabe resolver?



Edit 1: Testei também com o que é um dos OTClient mais atualizados, se não for o mais e também da erro de dat. ='(

Editado por pecci96
edit1 (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • Sub-Admin
Em 11/06/2024 em 16:04, pecci96 disse:

Qual OTClient eu uso? To usando uma versão aqui do fórum que é o "OTClient_Personal" que é uma mistura de vários OTClient, porém se eu tento logar da aquele erro de Tibia.dat, alguém sabe resolver?



Edit 1: Testei também com o que é um dos OTClient mais atualizados, se não for o mais e também da erro de dat. ='(

compilar a versão do cliente para versão 8.60 v2 ou 8.60 v1 por isso... se ainda n funcionar, compile no modo estendido ou visse versa.



Eu sou um entusiasta da programação apaixonado por ajudar a comunidade open source a crescer. Sempre em busca de novos desafios e oportunidades para contribuir com meu código.  #OpenSource #Programação #Contribuição


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Em 11/06/2024 em 16:04, pecci96 disse:

Qual OTClient eu uso

Eu recomendo que você baixe o otclient da Academy, é bem melhor do que o Kondra. Eu sei que o otclient da Mehah é mais atualizado sim. Tente seguir o que o L3K0T disse. Se não funcionar, vou me empenhar para resolver o caso e fazer com que funcione tanto o otclient da Academy quanto o da Mehah.

9 horas atrás, Mateus Robeerto disse:

Eu recomendo que você baixe o otclient da Academy, é bem melhor do que o Kondra. Eu sei que o otclient da Mehah é mais atualizado sim. Tente seguir o que o L3K0T disse. Se não funcionar, vou me empenhar para resolver o caso e fazer com que funcione tanto o otclient da Academy quanto o da Mehah.

Desista da minha base TFS que tem montaria e modal widow... e baixe a base da Sarah, muito melhor e mais atualizada. Ela possui montaria e suporta opcode através do config.lua do servidor para ativar a montaria, entre outras coisas. Vale a pena experimentar a base da Sarah!

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  • 3 months later...
Em 07/10/2023 em 22:04, Mateus Robeerto disse:

Para aqueles que estão interessados em adotar a base do Nekiro, gostaria de anunciar que as montarias e a modal widow agora estão disponíveis. Se você deseja implementar sistemas como o de crafting com modal e outros recursos, sinta-se à vontade para fazer o download e testar.

É importante observar que o Nekiro não incluiu mapas nesta versão. Portanto, será necessário migrar seus próprios mapas para o TFS 1.5 8.6. Alternativamente, você pode considerar utilizar a base do Luciano, conhecida como STYLLER OT. Após realizar testes, posso confirmar que essa é uma opção bastante interessante. Esta versão já está completa, permitindo que você utilize seus próprios mapas sem dificuldades significativas.

Além disso, estou disponibilizando os sprites no formato 13x para a versão 8.6, juntamente com os arquivos items.otb e XML. Quanto à correção de eventuais erros, isso fica a seu critério, mas gostaria de ressaltar que não é uma tarefa difícil de realizar.


É com satisfação que compartilho que a source está agora disponível para acesso público. Caso você deseje, pode realizar atualizações através dos commits. Estou preparando uma lista abrangente de atualizações necessárias, pois há muitas modificações a serem feitas.

Para acessar a source, por favor, clique no link abaixo:


Dentro da SRC que implementei, você encontrará os seguintes recursos:

Sistema de Montaria: Agora você pode adicionar essa funcionalidade ao seu servidor.

Modal Window: Esta é uma janela modal, proporcionando uma experiência mais interativa para os jogadores.


Custom Attributes(Boost e Relfect::


Além disso, gostaria de compartilhar três repositórios no GitHub que podem ser valiosos para você. Três deles são mantidos pelos usuários @Movie e @ralke23 e a Sarah (MillhioreBT). Esses repositórios contêm recursos e scripts úteis que podem aprimorar a experiência do seu servidor. Sinta-se à vontade para explorar e utilizar esses recursos conforme necessário.


Para os interessados nos sprites 13x para a versão 8.6, estou disponibilizando o link para download abaixo:


Recomendo também o uso do ObjectBuilder_0_5_5-dev para facilitar o processo:


Para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades na compilação do executável, estou disponibilizando um arquivo para download que pode ajudar:



Quanto à ativação do sistema de montarias via OTClient, basta acessar o arquivo game_features/features.lua e localizar a linha: 'if(version >= 860) then!' e adicionar abaixo 'g_game.enableFeature(GamePlayerMounts)'.


É necessário baixar ambos os arquivos, mounts.xml e outfits.xml, para que o OtClient funcione corretamente. Sem esses arquivos, o cliente pode apresentar bugs ou até mesmo crashar sozinho. É obrigatório o uso desses arquivos. Basta fazer o download e colocá-los na base do Luciano. Basta ir até a pasta data/xml e inserir os arquivos lá. Se você estiver usando seu próprio mapa, os arquivos são igualmente necessários, independentemente de suas preferências.

outfits.xml 20.13 kB · 142 downloads

mounts.xml 15.55 kB · 136 downloads


ATENÇÃO: Sobre a base do Luciano ou do Nekiro downgrade que você baixou (schemas.sql), ela está totalmente limpa, sem implementações adicionais. Cabe a você implementar por conta própria. Por exemplo, se você for usar o Znote, ele solicitará o esquema e as colunas necessárias. Isso não são erros, são apenas avisos. Você deve procurar pelas colunas necessárias e inseri-las para que funcione corretamente. Isso não é difícil de fazer.



Antes de prosseguir com o download, sugiro que realize uma verificação de vírus nos arquivos. Seguem os links para o scan:


Scan da SRC

Scan das DLLs e Executável


IMPORTANTE: Por favor, note que a funcionalidade de montaria e janela modal não está disponível para versão old do client (CipSoft). Infelizmente, não estou oferecendo suporte para essas versões no momento. No entanto, é possível adquirir uma DLL especial que pode ser injetada no client old (CipSoft) para habilitar essas funcionalidades. Caso esteja interessado, conheço um vendedor confiável que oferece essa DLL. Para mais informações, por favor, entre em contato através do Discord: Sharingan.

como abrir o mapa usando o rme? tentei usando várias maneiras e nenhuma corresponde

aka aka



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      Vi que muitas pessoas estão reclamando e que não funciona, bugs, erros no console, etc. Então, resolvi baixar a base do Thunder feita por MovieBr, atualizei do TFS 1.3 para o TFS 1.5 e corrigi cerca de 80% dos problemas. No entanto, ainda não consigo encontrar alguns bugs. Quem encontrar os bugs pode me relatar pelo Discord: 82mateusroberto. Dependendo do meu dia, pode levar alguns dias para eu responder e corrigir ou não. Acredito que vocês conseguem corrigir os erros, apenas precisam aprender a consertá-los. Não é difícil. Aproveitem para usar como base do seu mapa ou mesmo do projeto Thunder futuramente! Seguem as imagens que mostram a implementação de montaria e modal widow.
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    • Por luanluciano93
      STYLLER OT - 2023 - TFS 1.5 (8.60)
      Olá pessoal, hoje venho apresentar meu projeto open para vocês. Sou muito fã do mapa STYLLER, sempre em horas vagas procurava joga-lo, para quem não conhece: é um servidor estilo baiak com mais RPG, e como tenho me interessado pelas engines 1.X, resolvi criar um projeto de servidor Styller usando o TFS 1.5 para versão 8.60. O projeto está sendo desenvolvido no github (projeto github) onde posto atualizações diárias (changelog). Vocês podem postar dúvidas, erros/bugs, dicas e qualquer outra coisa aqui no tópico ou criar um issue no github. Lembre-se de dar FOLLOW no projeto no github e SEGUIR o projeto aqui no fórum para acompanhar as atualizações.
      Informações do Servidor e Sistemas:
      Versão: 8.60 Engine: TFS 1.5 MillhioreBT Downgrade - Branch: main (Nov 11, 2023, 104 commits) Informações. Atualizações. Server Info:
      Dúvidas, erros, dicas e contribuições:
      Caso tenha dúvidas, ou queira resolver algum bug/erro, dar dicas para o projeto, ou também ajudar em sua construção, crie um issue / pull requests pelo github ou use esse tópico.
      Website compatível:
      ZnoteACC - ranch: v2 (Jul 10, 2022, 613 commits) Créditos:
      luanluciano93 GOD Bon (mapa yourots) MillhioreBT, Nekiro e TFS team (pela engine do servidor) leoloko12 (mapa styller) outros Download:
      Todos os arquivos, libs e executável (para windows) estão no repositório do projeto no github (que é onde eu atualizo constantemente), basta fazer o download lá e juntar com a primeira parte.
      Clique em CODE e depois Download ZIP


    • Por Glacial
      Boa noite galera!
      Meu nome é Gustavo/Glacial, gostaria de compartilhar meu mapa projeto Old City (8.60)
      Espero que curtam e podem baixar pra colocar no ot de vocês!
      Atualização Old City (8.60) versão 1.0:
      - Depot + Templo + Lojas (NPCs a gosto) + Teleports (para customizar) tudo em uma mesma casa central.
      - Houses em volta da cidade.
      - 4 saídas N, S, L e Oeste.
      - Cidade estilizada com bancos, postes de luz, e bancos.

      Atualização Old City (8.60) versão 2.0:
      - 4 Novos Mapas de Hunt/Quest ao Norte (Montanhas) Sul (Jungle) Leste (Vulcão) e Oeste (Gelo) da Old City. 
      >>> Download Mapas: <<<
      Scan VirusTotal:

      Old City (8.60) versão 1.0 Virus Total:
      Old City (8.60) versão 2.0 Virus Total:
      - Mapas Anteriores:
      Glacial City (10.98) versão 1.0 Virus Total:
      Glacial City (10.98) versão 2.0 Virus Total:


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