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Vish cara fiz tudo certinho 3x para confirmar so que aqui aparece isso quando dou !pvshop on

05:48 You're near a npc.

e quando deslogo nao aparece nenhum npc 0.o'

Como a mensagem informa, você não pode ligar o PVShop próximo a um NPC.

-"Supra Omnes Lux Lucis"

- Acima de todos brilha a Luz -


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  • 1 month later...

tem como em vez de ser um npc, ser algum item com action que ativa o trade?

Editado por pablobion (veja o histórico de edições)



Não abandone seu tópico, quando você tiver a dúvida resolvida sozinho tente ensinar aos outros como resolve-la (você pode não ser o único com o problema) e quando ela for resolvida por outra pessoa não se esqueça de marcar como melhor resposta e deixar o gostei.

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Editado por pablobion
double post sorry (veja o histórico de edições)



Não abandone seu tópico, quando você tiver a dúvida resolvida sozinho tente ensinar aos outros como resolve-la (você pode não ser o único com o problema) e quando ela for resolvida por outra pessoa não se esqueça de marcar como melhor resposta e deixar o gostei.

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  • 2 months later...

Creio que dê sim, se puder postar em spoiler o código aqui para eu não precisar baixar, poderia analisar pra você.


Boa sorte.

Gosta do meu trabalho?

Curta e siga a página do meu projeto de 2016 e 2017 (Lab Z Games) que trará vários servidores OTServs.


Adriano Swatt'


Para ver meus tutoriais acesse meu perfil.



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  • 1 month later...

max, seria interessante numa proxima versão a opção de poder tanto vender como COMPRAR item de alguem. ex: escolher tal item, ai se alguem tiver e tiver no comercio vender o item pro shop :D.

se alguem souber como fazer isso por favor me ajude :D



Não abandone seu tópico, quando você tiver a dúvida resolvida sozinho tente ensinar aos outros como resolve-la (você pode não ser o único com o problema) e quando ela for resolvida por outra pessoa não se esqueça de marcar como melhor resposta e deixar o gostei.

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Seria legal se tivesse a opção de vender por gold e por premium points. Muito bom esse MOD uso há um bom tempo já


Te Ajudei? Rep + e ficamos Quits


Precisando de ajuda?

discord.png.1ecd188791d0141f74d99db371a2e0a4.png.890d5a38d7bcde75543c72b624a65de1.pngDiscord: Yan Liima #3702

Programador Júnior de LUA, PHP e JavaScript

Juntos somos lendas, separados somos Mitos!


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  • 2 months later...

O meu aqui está dando o seguinte erro.

[Error - TalkAction Interface]
mods/scripts/Private Shop/Talkaction.lua:onSay
mods/scripts/Private Shop/Talkaction.lua:13: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'pairs'
        mods/scripts/Private Shop/Talkaction.lua:13: in function 'tabletama'
        mods/scripts/Private Shop/Talkaction.lua:94: in function <mods/scripts/Private Shop/Talkaction.lua:22>


Tenho que executar algo na db para ele funcionar corretamente?

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  • 8 months later...

O meu funcionou alguma a maior parte, mas quando digita !pvshop list ou !pv help da dbug, alguém pode me ajudar? não há erros na distro

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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 years later...
32 minutos atrás, leo18dff disse:

Alguem ainda tem este sistema?


Não sei se está completo maaaas...


Diretório: Mods/Private Shop Item.xml:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
<mod name = "Private Shop Item" author = "MaXwEllDeN" contact = "[email protected]" version = "1.0" enabled = "no">
	<event type = "login" name = "PvShop" event = "script" value = "Private Shop/Creaturescripts.lua"/>
	<event type = "logout" name = "PvShopLOGOUT" event = "script" value = "Private Shop/Creaturescripts.lua"/>
	<event type = "preparedeath" name = "PvShopDEATH" event = "script" value = "Private Shop/Creaturescripts.lua"/>
	<talkaction words = "!pvshop" event = "script" value = "Private Shop/Talkaction.lua"/>	


Diretório: Mods/Private Shop/Creaturescripts.lua:

-- ########################################################
-- #####        Name: Private Shop System             #####
-- #####        Version: 2.0                          #####
-- ########################################################
-- #####  Developed by Maxwell Alcantara[MaXwEllDeN]  #####
-- #####  Contact: [email protected]               #####
-- #####           [email protected]             #####
-- ########################################################

function onLogin(cid)
	if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 75431) > 0) then
		local playerguid = getPlayerGUIDByName(getCreatureName(cid))
		local ddec = 0

		for a, b in pairs(getPlayerShopLucro(playerguid)) do
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You sold ".. b[1] .. "x ".. getItemNameById(a) .. getPrefix(b[1]) ..".")
			if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21147) < 0) then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21147, 0)

			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21147, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21147) + b[2])

		if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21147) > 0) then
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Total Gain: ".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21147) .. " gold coin" .. getPrefix(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21147)) .. ".")
			doPlayerAddMoney(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21147))
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21147, -1)

		setPlayerShopLucro(playerguid, "{}")
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 75431, -1)
		doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Private Shop disabled.")

	registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PvShopLOGOUT")
	registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PvShopDEATH")
	return true

function onLogout(cid)
	if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 75431) > 0) then
		addEvent(createNPCShop, 1, getCreatureName(cid), getCreatureOutfit(cid), getPlayerGUIDByName(getCreatureName(cid)), getThingPos(cid), getCreatureLookDir(cid))

	return true

local function aol(cid)
	if (getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE).itemid) and (getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE).itemid == 2173) then
		return true
	return false
function onPrepareDeath(cid, deathList)

	if (not getPlayerBlessing(cid, 33)) and (not aol(cid)) then
		setPlayerShopItens(getPlayerGUIDByName(getCreatureName(cid)), "{}")
	return true


Diretório: Mods/Private Shop/Talkaction.lua:

-- ########################################################
-- #####        Name: Private Shop System             #####
-- #####        Version: 2.0                          #####
-- ########################################################
-- #####  Developed by Maxwell Alcantara[MaXwEllDeN]  #####
-- #####  Contact: [email protected]               #####
-- #####           [email protected]             #####
-- ########################################################

-- bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
-- local tb = {}
-- local function tabletama(tb)
	-- local tam = 0
	-- for i, v in pairs(tb) do
		-- tam = tam + 1
	-- end
	-- return tam
-- end

local funcs = {"on", "off", "add", "remove", "list", "help", "list"}
function onSay(cid, words, param)	
	local param = param:lower()
	local params = string.explode(param, ",")
	local param = params[1]
	local configs = _PV_SHOP_CONFIG
	if (configs.premmy) and not(isPremium(cid)) then
		return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You must have a premium account to use this system.")
	if (getPlayerLevel(cid) < configs.level) then
		return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You must be at least level " .. configs.level .. " to use this system.")
	if not(isInArray(funcs, param)) then
		return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You typed a invalid option, to see help window type ".. words .. " help.")
	if (param == "on") then
		if (getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT)) then
			return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You can't activate the system with your pz locked.")
		local pos = getThingPos(cid)
		local pos1 = {x = pos.x-5, y = pos.y-5, z = pos.z}
		local pos2 = {x = pos.x+5, y = pos.y+5, z = pos.z}
		local uids = getUidsInArea(pos1, pos2)
		for _, b in pairs(uids) do
			if (not(isPlayer(b)) and not (isMonster(b))) then
				return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You're near a npc.")
		local pikznelis = 0
		for _, a in pairs(getPlayerShopItens(getPlayerGUIDByName(getCreatureName(cid)))) do
			pikznelis = 1
		if (pikznelis == 0) then
			return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You must add a item to your shop before ative it.")
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 75431, 1)
		addEvent(doRemoveCreature, 1, cid)
	elseif (param == "add") then
		if not(params[4]) then
			return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You typed a invalid option, to see help window type ".. words .. " help.")
		local item	
		if type(errors) == "function" then
			item = getItemIdByName(params[2])
			item = getItemIdByName(params[2], false)
		if not (item) then
			return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, params[2] .." isn't a valid item.")
		-- if (tabletama(getPlayerShopItens(getPlayerGUIDByName(getCreatureName(cid)))) >= configs.maxitens) then
			-- return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You can't have more than ".. configs.maxitens.." types of items in your Private Shop.")
		-- end
		if (isInArray(configs.notadd, item)) then
			return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You can't add " .. params[2] .. " to Private Shop.")
		if not(tonumber(params[3])) or (tonumber(params[3]) < 1) then
			return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, params[3] .. " isn't a valid quanty.")
		if (getPlayerItemCount(cid, item) < tonumber(params[3])) then
			return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You haven't ".. params[3] .." " .. params[2] .."(s).")
		doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You added with successful ".. params[3] .. " ".. params[2] .."(s) to your Private Shop.")
		doAddItemForPlayerShop(getPlayerGUIDByName(getCreatureName(cid)), item, params[3], params[4])
		doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, item, tonumber(params[3]))
	elseif (param == "list") then
		local itens = getPlayerShopItens(getPlayerGUIDByName(getCreatureName(cid)))
		local msgiteins = "Items in your Private Shop:\n"
		for a, b in pairs(itens) do
			msgiteins = msgiteins .. "\n".. b[1] .. " " .. getItemNameById(a) .. getPrefix(b[1]) .. " - ".. b[2] .. " Gold Coins"
		local msgiteins = msgiteins .. "\nX-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X"
			doShowTextDialog(cid, 2160, msgiteins)
	elseif (param == "remove") then
		if not(params[3]) then
			return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You typed a invalid option, to see help window type ".. words .. " help.")
		if not(tonumber(params[3])) or (tonumber(params[3]) < 1) then
			return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, params[3] .. " isn't a valid quanty.")
		local item = getItemIdByName(params[2])
		if not (item) then
			return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, params[2] .." isn't a item.")
		local shopt = getPlayerShopItens(getPlayerGUIDByName(getCreatureName(cid)))
		if not(shopt[item]) or (tonumber(shopt[item][1]) < tonumber(params[3])) then
			return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You haven't ".. params[3] .." " .. params[2] .."(s) in Private Shop.")
		doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You removed with successful ".. params[3] .. " ".. params[2] .."(s) from your Private Shop.")
		doRemoveItemFromPlayerShop(getPlayerGUIDByName(getCreatureName(cid)), item, params[3])
		doPlayerAddItem(cid, item, tonumber(params[3]))
	elseif (param == "help") then
		local msg = "Private Shop System Help: \n \n * add - is used to add a item to your Private Shop. \n"
		local msg = msg .."     Usage Example: " .. words .. " add, item, quanty, price by unit"
		local msg = msg .."\n" .. words .. " add, demon armor, 1, 60000\n"
		local msg = msg .."\n * remove - is used to remove a item from your Private Shop. \n"
		local msg = msg .."     Usage Example: " .. words .. " remove, item, quanty"
		local msg = msg .."\n" .. words .. " remove, demon armor, 5\n"
		local msg = msg .."\n * on - is used to active your Private Shop\n"
		local msg = msg .. "\n * list - displays in screen a window containing all items that you have in your Private Shop."
		doShowTextDialog(cid, 2160, msg)
   return true


Diretório: data/lib/Private Shop LIB:

-- ########################################################
-- #####        Name: Private Shop System             #####
-- #####        Version: 2.0                          #####
-- ########################################################
-- #####  Developed by Maxwell Alcantara[MaXwEllDeN]  #####
-- #####  Contact: [email protected]               #####
-- #####           [email protected]             #####
-- ########################################################

   premmy = false,
   level = 1,
   maxitens = 10,
   notadd = {2160, 2152, 2148},
   prefix_shop = true, -- Prefixo [Shop] antes do nome do player?

function fileExist(file)
	return (, "r")) and true or false

function getUidsInArea(ext1, ext2)
	local uids = {}
	for a = 0, ext2.x-ext1.x do
		for b = 0, ext2.y-ext1.y do
			for c = 1, 255 do
				local pos = {x = ext1.x+a, y = ext1.y+b, z = ext1.z, stackpos = c}
				local cid = getTopCreature(pos).uid
				if (isCreature(cid)) then
					table.insert(uids, cid)
   return uids

function printTableM(aff)
	local s = "{"
	for a, b in pairs(aff) do
		local index = "[".. a .. "]"
		if (type(a) == "string") then
			index = '["'.. a ..'"]'
		if (type(b) == "table") then
			value = printTableM(b)
		elseif (type(b) == "string") then
			value = '"'.. b .. '"'
			value = b
		s = s .. index .. " = " .. value .. ", "
	s = "{" .. s:sub(2, #s)
	return (#s < 3) and "{}" or (s:sub(1, #s-2) .. "}")

function deleteNPCFile(name)
	return os.remove ("data/npc/ZSHOP - ".. name ..".xml")

function createNPCFile(name, looktype)
	if (fileExist("data/npc/ZSHOP - ".. name .. ".xml")) then
		local fili ="data/npc/ZSHOP - ".. name .. ".xml", "w+")
	local fili ="data/npc/ZSHOP - ".. name .. ".xml", "a+")
	local nam = _PV_SHOP_CONFIG.prefix_shop and "[Shop] " or ""
	local example = [[<?xml version = "1.0" ?>
	<npc name = "%s" script = "Private Shop.lua" floorchange = "0" speed= "0" walkable = "true">
		<health now = "150" max = "150"/>
		<look type = "%d" head = "%d" body = "%d" legs = "%d" feet = "%d" addons = "%d" %s/>
	local mount = looktype.lookMount and "mount = \"".. looktype.lookMount .. "\"" or ""
	fili:write(example:format(nam .. name, looktype.lookType, looktype.lookHead, looktype.lookBody, looktype.lookLegs, looktype.lookFeet, looktype.lookAddons, mount))

function createNPCShop(name, outfit, playerguid, pos, dir)
	createNPCFile(name, outfit)
	local mons = doCreateNpc("ZSHOP - ".. name, pos)
	doCreatureSetLookDir(mons, dir)
	setPlayerShopLucro(playerguid, "{}")
	setPlayerStorageValue(mons, 277531, "{x = ".. pos.x ..", y = ".. pos.y ..", z = ".. pos.z .."}")

function getValueFromString(str)
   return loadstring("return ".. str)()

function doRemoveItemFromPlayerShop(playerguid, itemid, quant)
   local shop = getPlayerShopItens(playerguid)
   local newshop = {}
   for a, b in pairs(shop) do
      if (a == itemid) then
         if (b[1]-quant > 0) then
            newshop[a] = {b[1]-quant, b[2]}
         newshop[a] = {b[1], b[2]}
   return (setPlayerShopItens(playerguid, printTableM(newshop))) and true or false

function doAddItemForPlayerShop(playerguid, itemid, quant, money)
	local shop = getPlayerShopItens(playerguid)
	local newshop = {}
	dd = 0
	for a, b in pairs(shop) do
		dd = 1
		if (a == itemid) then
			newshop[a] = {b[1]+quant, money}
			newshop[a] = {b[1], b[2]}
	if not(newshop[itemid]) then
		newshop[itemid] = {quant, money}
	elseif (dd == 0) then
		newshop[itemid] = {quant, money}
   return (setPlayerShopItens(playerguid, printTableM(newshop))) and true or false

function installSHOPSystem()
	if not(INSTALLED) then
		if not (db.getResult("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD COLUMN `shopitens` VARCHAR( 255 )  NOT NULL DEFAULT '''{}''';")) then
			error("###@!#!@$#!#@ FALHA CR�TICA AO INSTALAR O PRIVATE SHOP SYSTEM!\n     N�o foi poss�vel criar a coluna: players.shopitens")
		print("              Instala��o Shop System: Coluna players.shopitens criada com sucesso")      
	if not(db.getResult("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD COLUMN `shoplucro` VARCHAR( 255 )  NOT NULL DEFAULT '''{}''';")) then
		error("###@!#!@$#!#@ FALHA CR�TICA AO INSTALAR O PRIVATE SHOP SYSTEM!\n     N�o foi poss�vel criar a coluna: players.shoplucro")
		print("              Instala��o Shop System: Coluna players.shoplucro criada com sucesso.")      

function getPlayerShopItens(playerguid)
	local get = db.getResult("SELECT `shopitens` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = '".. playerguid.."';")
	local resultado = get:getDataString('shopitens')
	return (resultado) and loadstring("return " .. (resultado:sub(2, #resultado-1)))() or nil

function getPlayerShopLucro(playerguid)
	local get = db.getResult("SELECT `shoplucro` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = '".. playerguid.."';")
	local resultado = get:getDataString('shoplucro')
	return (resultado) and loadstring("return " .. (resultado:sub(2, #resultado-1)))() or nil

function getPrefix(val)
	if (type("val") ~= number) then
		return ""
	return (val > 1) and "s" or ""

function valid(f, val)
	return function(...)
		if val then
			return f(...)

function doShopAddLucro(playerguid, itemid, money)
	local shop = getPlayerShopLucro(playerguid)
	local newshop = {}
	c = 0
	for a, b in pairs(shop) do
		c = 1
		if (a == itemid) then
			newshop[a] = {b[1]+1, b[2]+money}
			newshop[a] = {b[1], b[2]}
	if not(newshop[itemid]) then
		newshop[itemid] = {1, money}
	elseif (c == 0) then
		newshop[itemid] = {1, money}
	return (setPlayerShopLucro(playerguid, printTableM(newshop))) and true or false

function setPlayerShopItens(playerguid, shop)
	return (db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `shopitens` = '''".. shop .."''' WHERE `id` = '".. playerguid .."';")) and true or false

function setPlayerShopLucro(playerguid, shop)
	return (db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `shoplucro` = '''".. shop .."''' WHERE `id` = '".. playerguid .."';")) and true or false

local file ="PrivateShopInstall.lua", "r")
local t = loadstring("return ".. file:read("*all"))() file:close()
if not(t) then
	local file ="PrivateShopInstall.lua", "w+") file:write("true") file:close()



Boa sorte.

Gosta do meu trabalho?

Curta e siga a página do meu projeto de 2016 e 2017 (Lab Z Games) que trará vários servidores OTServs.


Adriano Swatt'


Para ver meus tutoriais acesse meu perfil.



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14 minutos atrás, leo18dff disse:

Eu achei o download fiz exatamente igual pediu, mais ao rodar o ot ele da alguns erros e não faz instalação. estou usando em otx2, mas mesmo assim obrigado por postar, vou seguir tentando.

Se quiser postar o erro para que alguém tenha um "norte" para te ajudar.


Boa sorte.

Gosta do meu trabalho?

Curta e siga a página do meu projeto de 2016 e 2017 (Lab Z Games) que trará vários servidores OTServs.


Adriano Swatt'


Para ver meus tutoriais acesse meu perfil.



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Após inserir os arquivos ele da no terminal



Pesquisando na linha 205 por file temos:

Dentro da pasta lib temos:

OTx 2 ultima atualização.


Editado por leo18dff (veja o histórico de edições)
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23 minutos atrás, leo18dff disse:

Após inserir os arquivos ele da no terminal



Pesquisando na linha 205 por file temos:

Dentro da pasta lib temos:

OTx 2 ultima atualização.


O PrivateShoInstall.lua fica na mesma pasta do Executável do servidor, se não me engano.


E dentro dele só fica um true ou false.

Gosta do meu trabalho?

Curta e siga a página do meu projeto de 2016 e 2017 (Lab Z Games) que trará vários servidores OTServs.


Adriano Swatt'


Para ver meus tutoriais acesse meu perfil.



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Ja tive um grande avanço obrigado @Adriano SwaTT.

Vou postar o modulo completo aqui caso alguem queira.

PS: Não tive nenhum erro na distro mais. Estou tentando ver como funciona agora atráves dos comandos !pvshop etc

Se eu conseguir fazer funcionar corretamente eu volto aqui obrigado.


Private Shop System[MaXwEllDeN].tar.gz

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      entrou na arena e o numero de players restantes para o evento ser iniciado.
      Apos o evento ser iniciado um zombie e sumonado a cada 20 segundos, o player que for infectado e teleportado para o templo vence o ultimo player restante na arena.
      Ao terminar o evento e anuciado por broadcast o nome do player vencedor tempo q durou na arena e por quantos zombies ele sobreviveu, entrega de premio automatica, premio configuravel.
      Garantia de funcionabilidade perfeita em TFS 0.4 se configurado corretamente, não testado em outras versões de distros.
      Creditos: Me .. não criei mais montei peguei de varios servers/topicos e corigi os varios bugs de distro colocaria os creditos de onde peguei a maioria do script mais foi de um server sem creditos q nem era pra ter sido postado.
      Enfim Vamos ao Evento !
      Primeiro vou estar postando a pagina classica do Zombie event no Gesior que seria a parte PHP para informar os players sobre o evento.
      Pagina PHP + Tutorial de como implementar ela no seu site.
      Agora alguns mapas para o zombie event:
      Então Agora vamos ao script !
      data\creaturescripts\scripts\zombie – A pasta ‘zombie’ deve ser criada no diretorio citado.
        function loseOnZombieArena(cid) kickPlayerFromZombiesArea(cid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "BOOM! You are dead.") local players = getZombiesEventPlayers() if(#players <= 1) then local winner = players[1] if(winner) then doPlayerAddItem(winner, 2157, 5, true) doPlayerAddItem(winner, 6119, 1, true) doPlayerSendTextMessage(winner, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You won zombies arena event.") doBroadcastMessage("After " .. os.time() - getPlayerZombiesEventStatus(winner) .. " seconds of fight " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. " won Zombie Arena Event in game versus " .. getStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED) .. " zombies!") kickPlayerFromZombiesArea(winner) else doBroadcastMessage("Zombie arena event finished! No one win?!?!?! WTF!") end doSetStorage(ZE_STATUS, 0) doSetStorage(ZE_PLAYERS_NUMBER, ZE_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS) doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_TO_SPAWN, 0) doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED, 0) local width = (math.max(ZE_spawnFromPosition.x, ZE_spawnToPosition.x) - math.min(ZE_spawnFromPosition.x, ZE_spawnToPosition.x)) / 2 + 1 local height = (math.max(ZE_spawnFromPosition.y, ZE_spawnToPosition.y) - math.min(ZE_spawnFromPosition.y, ZE_spawnToPosition.y)) / 2 + 1 local centerPos = {x=math.min(ZE_spawnFromPosition.x, ZE_spawnToPosition.x)+width,y=math.min(ZE_spawnFromPosition.y, ZE_spawnToPosition.y)+height,z=ZE_spawnFromPosition.z} for z = math.min(ZE_spawnFromPosition.z, ZE_spawnToPosition.z), math.max(ZE_spawnFromPosition.z, ZE_spawnToPosition.z) do centerPos.z = z for i, uid in pairs(getSpectators(centerPos, width, height, false)) do if(isMonster(uid)) then doRemoveCreature(uid) end end end end end function onStatsChange(target, cid, changetype, combat, value) if((cid and isMonster(cid) and getCreatureName(cid) == "Zombie Event") or (isInRange(getThingPosition(target), ZE_spawnFromPosition, ZE_spawnToPosition) and changetype == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS and math.abs(value) >= getCreatureHealth(target))) then doCreatureAddHealth(target, getCreatureMaxHealth(target)) loseOnZombieArena(target) return false end return true end \data\creaturescripts\scripts\Zombie\ondeath.lua
        function onDeath(cid) setZombiesToSpawnCount(getZombiesToSpawnCount() + 2) doCreatureSay(cid, "I'll be back!", 19) return true end \data\creaturescripts\scripts\Zombie\onthink.lua
        function onThink(cid) local target = getCreatureTarget(cid) if(target ~= 0 and not isPlayer(target)) then doRemoveCreature(target) end return true end \data\globalevents\scripts\zombie\ onstartup.lua
        function onstartup() db.executeQuery("UPDATE `player_storage` SET `value` = 0 WHERE `key` = " .. ZE_isOnZombieArea .. ";") doSetStorage(ZE_STATUS, 0) doSetStorage(ZE_PLAYERS_NUMBER, ZE_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS) doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_TO_SPAWN, 0) doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED, 0) addZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() return true end \data\globalevents\scripts\zombie\onthink.lua
        function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval) if(getStorage(ZE_STATUS) == 2) then setZombiesToSpawnCount(getZombiesToSpawnCount()+1) local players = getZombiesEventPlayers() for i=1, getZombiesToSpawnCount() * 2 do if(getZombiesToSpawnCount() > 0 and spawnNewZombie()) then setZombiesToSpawnCount(getZombiesToSpawnCount()-1) end end end return true end \data\lib\zombie_event.lua
        -- CONFIG ZE_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS = 20 ZE_ACCESS_TO_IGNORE_ARENA = 4 -- POSITIONS ZE_blockEnterItemPosition = {x=32341, y=32213, z=7} -- onde nasce o teleport? ZE_enterPosition = {x=32154, y=32578, z=7} -- onde os players nascem dentro da arena zombie? ZE_kickPosition = {x=32368, y=32241, z=7} -- quando morre vai para onde? ZE_spawnFromPosition = {x=32140,y=32566,z=7} -- para sumonar zombie (de) ZE_spawnToPosition = {x=32168,y=32590,z=7} -- para sumonar zombie (ate) -- ITEM IDS --ZE_blockEnterItemID = 2700 ZE_blockEnterItemID = 1387 -- STORAGES -- - player ZE_isOnZombieArea = 34370 -- - global ZE_STATUS = 34370 -- =< 0 - off, 1 - waiting for players, 2 - is running ZE_PLAYERS_NUMBER = 34371 ZE_ZOMBIES_TO_SPAWN = 34372 ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED = 34373 -- FUNCTION function setZombiesEventPlayersLimit(value) doSetStorage(ZE_PLAYERS_NUMBER, value) end function getZombiesEventPlayersLimit() return getStorage(ZE_PLAYERS_NUMBER) end function addPlayerToZombiesArea(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) doTeleportThing(cid, ZE_enterPosition, true) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) if(getPlayerAccess(cid) < ZE_ACCESS_TO_IGNORE_ARENA) then setPlayerZombiesEventStatus(cid, os.time()) end end function kickPlayerFromZombiesArea(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) doTeleportThing(cid, ZE_kickPosition, true) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) setPlayerZombiesEventStatus(cid, 0) end function getPlayerZombiesEventStatus(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, ZE_isOnZombieArea) end function setPlayerZombiesEventStatus(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, ZE_isOnZombieArea, value) end function getZombiesEventPlayers() local players = {} for i, cid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if(getPlayerZombiesEventStatus(cid) > 0) then table.insert(players, cid) end end return players end function getZombiesCount() return getStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED) end function addZombiesCount() doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED, getStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED)+1) end function resetZombiesCount() doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED, 0) end function getZombiesToSpawnCount() return getStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_TO_SPAWN) end function setZombiesToSpawnCount(count) doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_TO_SPAWN, count) end function addZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() -- remove tp -- remove o TP local item = getTileItemById(ZE_blockEnterItemPosition, ZE_blockEnterItemID) if(item.uid ~= 0) then doRemoveItem(item.uid) end --doRemoveItem(getThingFromPos(Castle.desde).uid) --[[ if(getTileItemById(ZE_blockEnterItemPosition, ZE_blockEnterItemID).uid == 0) then doCreateItem(ZE_blockEnterItemID, 1, ZE_blockEnterItemPosition) end ]]-- end function removeZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() -- add tp if(getTileItemById(ZE_blockEnterItemPosition, ZE_blockEnterItemID).uid == 0) then --doCreateItem(ZE_blockEnterItemID, 1, ZE_blockEnterItemPosition) local tp = doCreateTeleport(ZE_blockEnterItemID, ZE_enterPosition, ZE_blockEnterItemPosition) doItemSetAttribute(tp, "aid", "5555") end --[[ local item = getTileItemById(ZE_blockEnterItemPosition, ZE_blockEnterItemID) if(item.uid ~= 0) then doRemoveItem(item.uid) end ]]-- end function spawnNewZombie() local posx = {} local posy = {} local posz = {} local pir = {} for i=1, 5 do local posx_tmp = math.random(ZE_spawnFromPosition.x ,ZE_spawnToPosition.x) local posy_tmp = math.random(ZE_spawnFromPosition.y ,ZE_spawnToPosition.y) local posz_tmp = math.random(ZE_spawnFromPosition.z ,ZE_spawnToPosition.z) local pir_tmp = 0 local spec = getSpectators({x=posx_tmp, y=posy_tmp, z=posz_tmp}, 3, 3, false) if(spec and #spec > 0) then for z, pid in pairs(spec) do if(isPlayer(pid)) then pir_tmp = pir_tmp + 1 end end end posx[i] = posx_tmp posy[i] = posy_tmp posz[i] = posz_tmp pir[i] = pir_tmp end local lowest_i = 1 for i=2, 5 do if(pir[i] < pir[lowest_i]) then lowest_i = i end end local ret = doCreateMonster("Zombie Event", {x=posx[lowest_i], y=posy[lowest_i], z=posz[lowest_i]}, false) if type(ret) == "number" then addZombiesCount() setGlobalStorageValue(201201051801, ret) end return type(ret) == "number" end \data\movements\scripts\zombie\ onenter.lua
        function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor) if(not isPlayer(cid)) then return true end if(getPlayerAccess(cid) >= ZE_ACCESS_TO_IGNORE_ARENA) then addPlayerToZombiesArea(cid) elseif(#getZombiesEventPlayers() < getZombiesEventPlayersLimit() and getStorage(ZE_STATUS) == 1) then addPlayerToZombiesArea(cid) local players_on_arena_count = #getZombiesEventPlayers() if(players_on_arena_count == getZombiesEventPlayersLimit()) then addZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() -- removeTP doSetStorage(ZE_STATUS, 2) doBroadcastMessage("Zombie Arena Event started.") else doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(cid) .. " has entered a Zombie Arena. We still need " .. getZombiesEventPlayersLimit() - players_on_arena_count .. " players.") end else doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true) addZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() end return true end \data\talkactions\scripts\zombie\ onsay.lua
        function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(getStorage(ZE_STATUS) ~= 2) then local players_on_arena_count = #getZombiesEventPlayers() if(param == 'force') then if(players_on_arena_count > 0) then setZombiesEventPlayersLimit(players_on_arena_count ) addZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() doSetStorage(ZE_STATUS, 2) doBroadcastMessage("Zombie Arena Event started.") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Zombies event started.") else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Cannot start Zombies event. There is no players on arena.") end else if(param ~= '' and tonumber(param) > 0) then setZombiesEventPlayersLimit(tonumber(param)) end removeZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() doSetStorage(ZE_STATUS, 1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Event started.") doPlayerBroadcastMessage(cid, "Zombie Arena Event teleport is opened. We are waiting for " .. getZombiesEventPlayersLimit() - players_on_arena_count .. " players to start.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Zombies event is already running.") end return true end data\monster\zombie_event.xml
        <monster name="Zombie Event" nameDescription="an event zombie" race="undead" experience="480" speed="170" manacost="0"> <health now="20000" max="20000"/> <look type="311" corpse="9875"/> <targetchange interval="5000" chance="50"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="0"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="1"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag staticattack="90"/> <flag runonhealth="0"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="1000" min="-1500" max="-2350"/> </attacks> <defenses armor="0" defense="0"/> <immunities> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> <immunity fire="1"/> <immunity energy="1"/> <immunity poison="1"/> </immunities> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="You wont last long!"/> <voice sentence="Mmmmh.. braains!"/> </voices> <script> <event name="ZombieThink"/> <event name="ZombieDeath"/> </script> <loot> </loot> </monster> Agora as Tags nos xml’s . /data/creaturescripts/creaturescripts.xml
        <event type="think" name="ZombieThink" event="script" value="zombie/onthink.lua"/> <event type="statschange" name="ZombieAttack" event="script" value="zombie/onattack.lua"/> <event type="death" name="ZombieDeath" event="script" value="zombie/ondeath.lua"/> /data/globalevents/globalevents.xml
        <globalevent name="ZombieGlobalThink" interval="5000" event="script" value="zombie/onthink.lua"/> <globalevent name="ZombieGlobalStartup" type="start" event="script" value="zombie/onstartup.lua"/> /data/movements/movements.xml
        <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="5555" event="script" value="zombie/onenter.lua"/> /data/talkactions/talkactions.xml
        <talkaction log="yes" words="/zombiestart" access="4" event="script" value="zombie/onsay.lua"/> /data/monster/monsters.xml
        <monster name="Zombie Event" file="zombie_event.xml"/> Script Terminado ! Next: Tutorial de como configurar o zombie event ! Estarei postando apenas as partes q podem ou devem ser editadas em cada script. data\creaturescripts\scripts\zombiez\onattack.lua
      Next: \data\lib\zombie_event.lua
      Então galera eh isso ai .-. meu primeiro post não mim crucifiquem k Duvidas, reclamações elogios chigamentos u.u só comentar como dizia o mestre o topico ta explicado nos minimos detalhes e ''de forma bem entendida'' (entendedoresentenderam) então eh isso vlw ai a todos q mim ajudaram nisso e nem sabem ?
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