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olá galera , estou aqui para perdir ajuda em um script

se refere ao meu castle 24 horas,

quando as torres do castle morrem

o servidor da um freeze de  15 segundos eretorna esse erro :



[9/2/2017 15:27:8] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] 
[9/2/2017 15:27:8] In a timer event called from: 
[9/2/2017 15:27:9] domodlib('Loot_func')
[9/2/2017 15:27:9] function onKill(cid, target, lastHit) 
[9/2/2017 15:27:9] 	if isPlayer(cid) and isMonster(target) and not isInArray(info.BlockMonsters, getCreatureName(target):lower()) then
[9/2/2017 15:27:9] 		addEvent(corpseRetireItems, 0, cid ,getThingPos(target))
[9/2/2017 15:27:9] 	end
[9/2/2017 15:27:9] 	return true
[9/2/2017 15:27:10] end:onKill
[9/2/2017 15:27:10] Description: 
[9/2/2017 15:27:10] [string "info = {..."]:152: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[9/2/2017 15:27:10] stack traceback:
[9/2/2017 15:27:11] 	[C]: in function 'pairs'
[9/2/2017 15:27:11] 	[string "info = {..."]:152: in function <[string "info = {..."]:141>



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tem certeza? só esses dois? então qualquer coisa adc os monstro la na config..


o MODS do auto loot use assim:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<mod name="Loot System" version="1.0" author="Vodkart And Mkalo" contact="" enabled="yes">
<config name="Loot_func"><![CDATA[

info = {
	AutomaticDeposit = true,
	BlockMonsters = {"crystal protect","castle protect"},
	BlockItemsList = {2123,2515},
	Max_Slots = {free = 2, premium = 5},
	Storages = {27000,28001,28002}
function setPlayerStorageTable(cid, storage, tab)
	local tabstr = "&"
	for i,x in pairs(tab) do
		tabstr = tabstr .. i .. "," .. x .. ";"
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage, tabstr:sub(1, #tabstr-1))
function getPlayerStorageTable(cid, storage)
	local tabstr = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage)
	local tab = {}
	if type(tabstr) ~= "string" then
		return {}
	if tabstr:sub(1,1) ~= "&" then
		return {}
	local tabstr = tabstr:sub(2, #tabstr)
	local a = string.explode(tabstr, ";")
	for i,x in pairs(a) do
		local b = string.explode(x, ",")
		tab[tonumber(b[1]) or b[1]] = tonumber(b[2]) or b[2]
	return tab
function isInTable(cid, item)
	for _,i in pairs(getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]))do
		if tonumber(i) == tonumber(item) then
			return true
	return false
function addItemTable(cid, item)
	local x = {}
	for i = 1,#getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]) do
		table.insert(x,getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1])[i])
	if x ~= 0 then
		setPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1], x)
		setPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1], {item})
function removeItemTable(cid, item)
	local x = {}
	for i = 1,#getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]) do
		table.insert(x,getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1])[i])
	for i,v in ipairs(x) do
		if tonumber(v) == tonumber(item) then
	return setPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1], x)
function ShowItemsTabble(cid)
	local n,str = 0,"[+] Auto Loot Commands [+]\n\n!autoloot item name --> To add ou Remove item from list.\n!autoloot money --> To collect gold automatically.\n!autoloot clear --> To clear the list.\n!autoloot on/off --> To enable or disable the collecting of items in the system.\n\n[+] Auto Loot Info [+]\n\nSystem: "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) <= 0 and "Activated" or "Disabled")..".\nGold Collecting: "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) > 0 and "Activated" or "Disabled")..".\nBalance Total: ["..getPlayerBalance(cid).."] gp's.\nMaximum Slots: ["..#getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]).."/"..(isPremium(cid) and info.Max_Slots.premium or"]\n\n[+] Auto Loot Slots [+]\n\n"
	for i = 1,#getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]) do
		n = n + 1
		str = str.."Slot "..n.." - "..getItemNameById(getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1])[i]).."\n"
	return doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, str)
function getContainerItems(containeruid)
	local items = {}
	local containers = {}
	if type(getContainerSize(containeruid)) ~= "number" then
		return false
	for slot = 0, getContainerSize(containeruid)-1 do
		local item = getContainerItem(containeruid, slot)
		if item.itemid == 0 then
		if isContainer(item.uid) then
			table.insert(containers, item.uid)
		table.insert(items, item)
	if #containers > 0 then
		for i,x in ipairs(getContainerItems(containers[1])) do
			table.insert(items, x)
		table.remove(containers, 1)
	return items
function getItemsInContainerById(container, itemid) -- Function By Kydrai
	local items = {}
	if isContainer(container) and getContainerSize(container) > 0 then
		for slot=0, (getContainerSize(container)-1) do
			local item = getContainerItem(container, slot)
			if isContainer(item.uid) then
				local itemsbag = getItemsInContainerById(item.uid, itemid)
				for i=0, #itemsbag do
					table.insert(items, itemsbag[i])
				if itemid == item.itemid then
					table.insert(items, item.uid)
	return items
function doPlayerAddItemStacking(cid, itemid, amount) -- revisado
	local item, _G = getItemsInContainerById(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 3).uid, itemid), 0
	if #item > 0 then
		for _ ,x in pairs(item) do
			local ret = getThing(x)
			if ret.type < 100 then
				doTransformItem(ret.uid, itemid, ret.type+amount) 
				if ret.type+amount > 100 then
					doPlayerAddItem(cid, itemid, ret.type+amount-100)
				_G = _G+1
		if _G == #item then
			doPlayerAddItem(cid, itemid, amount)
		return doPlayerAddItem(cid, itemid, amount)
function AutomaticDeposit(cid,item,n)
	local deposit = item == tonumber(2160) and (n*10000) or tonumber(item) == 2152 and (n*100) or (n*1)
	return doPlayerDepositMoney(cid, deposit)
function corpseRetireItems(cid, pos)
	local check = false
	for i = 0, 255 do
		pos.stackpos = i
		tile = getTileThingByPos(pos)
		if tile.uid > 0 and isCorpse(tile.uid) then
			check = true break
	if check == true then
		local items = getContainerItems(tile.uid)
		for i,x in pairs(items) do
			if isInArray(getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]), tonumber(x.itemid)) or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) > 0 and isInArray({2148,2152,2160},tonumber(x.itemid)) then
				if isItemStackable(x.itemid) then
					doPlayerAddItemStacking(cid, x.itemid, x.type)
					if info.AutomaticDeposit == true and isInArray({2148,2152,2160}, tonumber(x.itemid)) then
					doPlayerAddItem(cid, x.itemid)
<event type="login" name="LootLogin" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onLogin(cid)
	registerCreatureEvent(cid, "LootEventKIll")
	if isPremium(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 27001) <= 0 then
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 27001, 1)
	elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 27001) > 0 and not isPremium(cid) then
		doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "[Auto Loot] You premium is Over, Start a new list!")
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 27001, -1)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[1], -1)
	return true
<event type="kill" name="LootEventKIll" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onKill(cid, target, lastHit) 
	if isPlayer(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) <= 0 and isMonster(target) and not isInArray(info.BlockMonsters, getCreatureName(target):lower()) then
		addEvent(corpseRetireItems, 0, cid ,getThingPos(target))
	return true
<talkaction words="!autoloot;/autoloot" event="buffer"><![CDATA[
local param, slots = param:lower(), isPremium(cid) and info.Max_Slots.premium or
if not param or param == "" then
	ShowItemsTabble(cid) return true
elseif tonumber(param) then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "enter commands: !autoloot item name [+] !autoloot clean [+] !autoloot money [+] !autoloot on/off") return true
elseif isInArray({"clean","limpar", "clear"}, param) then
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[1], -1)
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] Your list has been cleaned.") return true
elseif isInArray({"start","stop","on","off"}, param) then
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) <= 0 and 1 or 0)
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) > 0 and "Stopped" or "Started")..".") return true
elseif isInArray({"money","gold","gps","dinheiro"}, param) then
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) <= 0 and 1 or 0)
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] Gold Colleting "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) > 0 and "Activated" or "disabled")..".") return true
local item = getItemIdByName(param, false)
if not item then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This item does not exist.") return true
local var = isInTable(cid, item)
if isInArray({2148,2152,2160},item) then 
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Enter !autoloot money to add money in your list!") return true	
elseif isInArray(info.BlockItemsList, item) then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can not add this item in the list!") return true
elseif not var and #getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]) >= slots then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "max "..slots.." from auto loot") return true
if not var then
	addItemTable(cid, item)
	removeItemTable(cid, item)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,not var and "you added the item "..param.." in the list" or "you removed the item "..param.." from the list")
return true]]></talkaction>


Editado por Vodkart (veja o histórico de edições)


[*Ninguém será digno do sucesso se não usar suas derrotas para conquistá-lo.*]




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@Vodkarta parte de pegar gold ele pega agora, mais n pega platinum nem crystal

e também quando vou tentar adicionar 1 loot escrevendo

exemplo: !autoloot royal helmet


ele da esse retorno abaixo :


[10/2/2017 1:4:12] [Error - TalkAction Interface] 
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] local cid = 268476723
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] local words = "!autoloot"
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] local param = "add royal helmet"
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] local channel = 65534
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] domodlib('Loot_func')
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] local param, slots = param:lower(), isPremium(cid) and info.Max_Slots.premium or
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] if not param or param == "" then
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	ShowItemsTabble(cid) return true
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] elseif tonumber(param) then
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "enter commands: !autoloot item name [+] !autoloot clean [+] !autoloot money [+] !autoloot on/off") return true
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] elseif isInArray({"clean","limpar", "clear"}, param) then
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[1], -1)
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] Your list has been cleaned.") return true
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] elseif isInArray({"start","stop","on","off"}, param) then
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) <= 0 and 1 or 0)
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) > 0 and "Stopped" or "Started")..".") return true
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] elseif isInArray({"money","gold","gps","dinheiro"}, param) then
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) <= 0 and 1 or 0)
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] Gold Colleting "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) > 0 and "Activated" or "disabled")..".") return true
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] end
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] local item = getItemIdByName(param, false)
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] if not item then
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This item does not exist.") return true
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] end
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] local var = isInTable(cid, item)
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] if isInArray({2148,2152,2160},item) then 
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Enter !autoloot money to add money in your list!") return true	
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] elseif isInArray(info.BlockItemsList, item) then
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can not add this item in the list!") return true
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] elseif not var and #getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]) >= slots then
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "max "..slots.." from auto loot") return true
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] end
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] if not var then
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	addItemTable(cid, item)
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] else
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] 	removeItemTable(cid, item)
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] end
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,not var and "you added the item "..param.." in the list" or "you removed the item "..param.." from the list")
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] return true
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] Description: 
[10/2/2017 1:4:12] (luaGetItemIdByName) Item not found



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você usou


!autoloot add param(item)



o certo é


!autoloot ITEM NAME



!autoloot talon


!autoloot mastermind shield


!autoloot royal helmet


esse comando tanto adiciona como remove.


e para pegar gold vc usa:


!autoloot money -- ativa a coleta de gold(crystal coin, gold coin e platinum coin)



se mesmo assim não der, você testa desse jeito:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<mod name="Loot System" version="1.0" author="Vodkart And Mkalo" contact="" enabled="yes">
<config name="Loot_func"><![CDATA[

info = {
    AutomaticDeposit = true,
    BlockMonsters = {"crystal protect","castle protect"},
    BlockItemsList = {2123,2515},
    Max_Slots = {free = 2, premium = 5},
    Storages = {27000,28001,28002}
function setPlayerStorageTable(cid, storage, tab)
    local tabstr = "&"
    for i,x in pairs(tab) do
        tabstr = tabstr .. i .. "," .. x .. ";"
    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage, tabstr:sub(1, #tabstr-1))
function getPlayerStorageTable(cid, storage)
    local tabstr = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage)
    local tab = {}
    if type(tabstr) ~= "string" then
        return {}
    if tabstr:sub(1,1) ~= "&" then
        return {}
    local tabstr = tabstr:sub(2, #tabstr)
    local a = string.explode(tabstr, ";")
    for i,x in pairs(a) do
        local b = string.explode(x, ",")
        tab[tonumber(b[1]) or b[1]] = tonumber(b[2]) or b[2]
    return tab
function isInTable(cid, item)
    for _,i in pairs(getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]))do
        if tonumber(i) == tonumber(item) then
            return true
    return false
function addItemTable(cid, item)
    local x = {}
    for i = 1,#getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]) do
        table.insert(x,getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1])[i])
    if x ~= 0 then
        setPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1], x)
        setPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1], {item})
function removeItemTable(cid, item)
    local x = {}
    for i = 1,#getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]) do
        table.insert(x,getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1])[i])
    for i,v in ipairs(x) do
        if tonumber(v) == tonumber(item) then
    return setPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1], x)
function ShowItemsTabble(cid)
    local n,str = 0,"[+] Auto Loot Commands [+]\n\n!autoloot item name --> To add ou Remove item from list.\n!autoloot money --> To collect gold automatically.\n!autoloot clear --> To clear the list.\n!autoloot on/off --> To enable or disable the collecting of items in the system.\n\n[+] Auto Loot Info [+]\n\nSystem: "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) <= 0 and "Activated" or "Disabled")..".\nGold Collecting: "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) > 0 and "Activated" or "Disabled")..".\nBalance Total: ["..getPlayerBalance(cid).."] gp's.\nMaximum Slots: ["..#getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]).."/"..(isPremium(cid) and info.Max_Slots.premium or"]\n\n[+] Auto Loot Slots [+]\n\n"
    for i = 1,#getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]) do
        n = n + 1
        str = str.."Slot "..n.." - "..getItemNameById(getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1])[i]).."\n"
    return doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, str)
function getContainerItems(containeruid)
    local items = {}
    local containers = {}
    if type(getContainerSize(containeruid)) ~= "number" then
        return false
    for slot = 0, getContainerSize(containeruid)-1 do
        local item = getContainerItem(containeruid, slot)
        if item.itemid == 0 then
        if isContainer(item.uid) then
            table.insert(containers, item.uid)
        table.insert(items, item)
    if #containers > 0 then
        for i,x in ipairs(getContainerItems(containers[1])) do
            table.insert(items, x)
        table.remove(containers, 1)
    return items
function getItemsInContainerById(container, itemid) -- Function By Kydrai
    local items = {}
    if isContainer(container) and getContainerSize(container) > 0 then
        for slot=0, (getContainerSize(container)-1) do
            local item = getContainerItem(container, slot)
            if isContainer(item.uid) then
                local itemsbag = getItemsInContainerById(item.uid, itemid)
                for i=0, #itemsbag do
                    table.insert(items, itemsbag[i])
                if itemid == item.itemid then
                    table.insert(items, item.uid)
    return items
function doPlayerAddItemStacking(cid, itemid, amount) -- revisado
    local item, _G = getItemsInContainerById(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 3).uid, itemid), 0
    if #item > 0 then
        for _ ,x in pairs(item) do
            local ret = getThing(x)
            if ret.type < 100 then
                doTransformItem(ret.uid, itemid, ret.type+amount) 
                if ret.type+amount > 100 then
                    doPlayerAddItem(cid, itemid, ret.type+amount-100)
                _G = _G+1
        if _G == #item then
            doPlayerAddItem(cid, itemid, amount)
        return doPlayerAddItem(cid, itemid, amount)
function AutomaticDeposit(cid,item,n)
    local deposit = item == tonumber(2160) and (n*10000) or tonumber(item) == 2152 and (n*100) or (n*1)
    return doPlayerDepositMoney(cid, deposit)
function corpseRetireItems(cid, pos)
    local check = false
    for i = 0, 255 do
        pos.stackpos = i
        tile = getTileThingByPos(pos)
        if tile.uid > 0 and isCorpse(tile.uid) then
            check = true break
    if check == true then
        local items = getContainerItems(tile.uid)
        for i,x in pairs(items) do
            if isInArray(getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]), tonumber(x.itemid)) or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) > 0 and isInArray({2148,2152,2160},tonumber(x.itemid)) then
                if isItemStackable(x.itemid) then
                    doPlayerAddItemStacking(cid, x.itemid, x.type)
                    if info.AutomaticDeposit == true and isInArray({2148,2152,2160}, tonumber(x.itemid)) then
                    doPlayerAddItem(cid, x.itemid)
function ExistItemByName(name) -- by vodka
    local items ="data/items/items.xml", "r"):read("*all")
    local get = items:match('name="' .. name ..'"')
    if get == nil or get == "" then
        return false
    return true
<event type="login" name="LootLogin" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onLogin(cid)
    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "LootEventKIll")
    if isPremium(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 27001) <= 0 then
        setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 27001, 1)
    elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 27001) > 0 and not isPremium(cid) then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "[Auto Loot] You premium is Over, Start a new list!")
        setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 27001, -1)
        setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[1], -1)
    return true
<event type="kill" name="LootEventKIll" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onKill(cid, target, lastHit) 
    if isPlayer(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) <= 0 and isMonster(target) and not isInArray(info.BlockMonsters, getCreatureName(target):lower()) then
        addEvent(corpseRetireItems, 0, cid ,getThingPos(target))
    return true
<talkaction words="!autoloot;/autoloot" event="buffer"><![CDATA[
local param, slots = param:lower(), isPremium(cid) and info.Max_Slots.premium or
if not param or param == "" then
    ShowItemsTabble(cid) return true
elseif tonumber(param) then
    doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "enter commands: !autoloot item name [+] !autoloot clean [+] !autoloot money [+] !autoloot on/off") return true
elseif isInArray({"clean","limpar", "clear"}, param) then
    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[1], -1)
    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] Your list has been cleaned.") return true
elseif isInArray({"start","stop","on","off"}, param) then
    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) <= 0 and 1 or 0)
    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) > 0 and "Stopped" or "Started")..".") return true
elseif isInArray({"money","gold","gps","dinheiro"}, param) then
    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) <= 0 and 1 or 0)
    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] Gold Colleting "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) > 0 and "Activated" or "disabled")..".") return true
local item = ExistItemByName(tostring(param))
if not item then
    doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This item does not exist.") return true
local item = getItemIdByName(tostring(param))
local var = isInTable(cid, item)
if isInArray({2148,2152,2160},item) then 
    doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Enter !autoloot money to add money in your list!") return true    
elseif isInArray(info.BlockItemsList, item) then
    doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can not add this item in the list!") return true
elseif not var and #getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]) >= slots then
    doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "max "..slots.." from auto loot") return true
if not var then
    addItemTable(cid, item)
    removeItemTable(cid, item)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,not var and "you added the item "..param.." in the list" or "you removed the item "..param.." from the list")
return true]]></talkaction>


8 horas atrás, Sekk disse:

Desculpa gente, mas o que o autoloot tem a ver com o titulo? o titulo é sobre o castle, o erro é do autoloot e o script tbm? wtf


é que qndo destroi as torres acontece alguma coisa que o autoloot não identifica o corpse e não retira nada... Tem que bloquear os monstros na lista.


[*Ninguém será digno do sucesso se não usar suas derrotas para conquistá-lo.*]




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fiz do jeito que você falou e teve o mesmo retorno,

vou testar o outro !!!



[10/2/2017 13:50:37] [Error - TalkAction Interface] 
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] local cid = 268476821
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] local words = "!autoloot"
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] local param = "royal helmet"
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] local channel = 65534
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] domodlib('Loot_func')
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] local param, slots = param:lower(), isPremium(cid) and info.Max_Slots.premium or
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] if not param or param == "" then
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	ShowItemsTabble(cid) return true
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] elseif tonumber(param) then
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "enter commands: !autoloot item name [+] !autoloot clean [+] !autoloot money [+] !autoloot on/off") return true
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] elseif isInArray({"clean","limpar", "clear"}, param) then
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[1], -1)
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] Your list has been cleaned.") return true
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] elseif isInArray({"start","stop","on","off"}, param) then
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) <= 0 and 1 or 0)
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) > 0 and "Stopped" or "Started")..".") return true
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] elseif isInArray({"money","gold","gps","dinheiro"}, param) then
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) <= 0 and 1 or 0)
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] Gold Colleting "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) > 0 and "Activated" or "disabled")..".") return true
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] end
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] local item = getItemIdByName(param, false)
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] if not item then
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This item does not exist.") return true
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] end
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] local var = isInTable(cid, item)
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] if isInArray({2148,2152,2160},item) then 
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Enter !autoloot money to add money in your list!") return true	
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] elseif isInArray(info.BlockItemsList, item) then
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can not add this item in the list!") return true
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] elseif not var and #getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]) >= slots then
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "max "..slots.." from auto loot") return true
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] end
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] if not var then
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	addItemTable(cid, item)
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] else
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] 	removeItemTable(cid, item)
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] end
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,not var and "you added the item "..param.." in the list" or "you removed the item "..param.." from the list")
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] return true
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] Description: 
[10/2/2017 13:50:38] (luaGetItemIdByName) Item not found



AEEE @vodkart , agora deu certo resolveu o problem do retorno do castelo, e tbm pegou os loot's, só tem 1 problema !!



Editado por Micheel15 (veja o histórico de edições)
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usa o script que te passei ai em cima, está com uma função extra, está dando erro na função de pegar o itemID, usa essa ai que postei por último '-' dps da !autoloot clear e usa


!autoloot money


[*Ninguém será digno do sucesso se não usar suas derrotas para conquistá-lo.*]




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2 horas atrás, Micheel15 disse:

então eu usei ele, mais tipo ele pega só os gold coins, os platinum e crystal coin, ele não pega !!!


não teria como isso acontecer, vc mudou o id do crystal coin e do platinum coin no serve? 


2148 = gold coin

2152 = platinum coin

2160 = crystal coin


[*Ninguém será digno do sucesso se não usar suas derrotas para conquistá-lo.*]




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16 horas atrás, Sekk disse:

Desculpa gente, mas o que o autoloot tem a ver com o titulo? o titulo é sobre o castle, o erro é do autoloot e o script tbm? wtf

Se você reparar o erro foi ocasionado pelo autoloot nas torres.

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não pior que eu não mudei @Vodkart

os golds são os ID's originais

mais não está pegando só Platinum, e Crystal


Editado por Micheel15 (veja o histórico de edições)
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